Divinity Of The Lost Elements

Chapter 6 part II

Note: Bold=🐺 speaking out loud.

Italics bold= 🐺 thinking 💭

Selah POV

So far I am not a big fan of this world.

All I can remember is that unbearable pain.

My thoughts keep going back to Azul. The resemblance is uncanny, could this be Azul? I’m still in disbelief. I got out of bed and decided to take this opportunity to look around and get a sense of who he was.

Azul’s home is located on a different land. All lands here seem to levitate, which makes me wonder what’s beneath and why are we so high up.

Where other lands stay still, his slowly aloft based on the currency of the wind. Moving elsewhere, more exclusive and away from the main lands of cities.

How do people even transport, do they teleport like Azul did?

Azul’s house reveals an expansive skyscape perspective to its facade, and a stylish garden with an outdoor living area set facing the entire place. Just one house in this land, completely different from the others that I saw afar as we passed them by.

Lengthy runs of pass doors fold back to allow the dashing interior to become part of the stunning exterior surroundings. Main living areas and sleeping quarters are divided by sculptural wooden panelling.

Throughout the house in its entirety, effectuating a seamless space that is cohesive in colour and mood. It’s an exposed, boundary-free home. Which makes such much sense, since he is the only resident’s house living here.

Similar to Silas’ but for completely different reasons I assume.

Silas is an alpha, he has his privacy but to a certain extent. That privacy will be rewarded once he has his own family. Whereas Azul who is not an alpha, seems to completely enjoy being away from anything and anyone.

My thoughts wander as I walk outside to the large sundeck into the soft light. Feeling the cooling hum of the evening.

Who is he really and why does he have Silas scent?

I turned around and took in a sharp breath.

A sex God on two legs.

This sudden pull of attraction is stronger than I had with my mate.

Mate! To think I even have one, Here! A useless one too. Gods!

From afar I see his eyes glow gold, and his thick jet-black hair frames his tanned skin face so perfectly.

An instant flash of how soft his olive skin felt when….

Gods! What I am thinking?

My eyes follow down his face to his plump perfect lips. He is bare chest, only wearing his gray sweatpants that sagged low enough to see his sculpted v-shape cut abs. I quickly look back to the outdoor scenery in embarrassment. Sure he’s attractive, but this is my friend… Well, a person who looks like my friend and I have a mate here.

“Enjoying the view?” He asks, now close behind me.

My heart flutters from the sound of his voice.

“Yeah.. yeah umm you’ve been asleep for some time.”

I made the mistake of looking up at him. His eyes were already fixed on me. "I never slept, Sora.”

My mouth dropped, why is it that when he says that name I immediately accept it?

As if it’s the only name I ever wanted him to call me by.

He gathers the strands of my braids that are in front of me and puts them behind my ear. I feel the softness of skin against mine as he cups the right side of my face with his hand. His eyes do not budge. They just stayed fixated on me the entire time.

Petrified from this one touch. I am spellbound by his deep captivating evergreen eyes of his.

I felt connected with just one glance. His grin made my body rush with excitement.

This had to be his magic.

I had to ask, “Who are you and why am I here?”

A sudden gust of wind channelled around us, taking me by surprise.

“You ask the wrong question once again, Sora,” he replies softly.

The wind-eddied swirled and ambient- lighting us to its black hole. The black hole opens to this mystical place where the haze floats over like smoke from a doused fire. Far above is an inky black sky. Ahead not far from where we stand is a circle of five different exquisite structures of giant werewolf statues.

He begins to walk and I follow. The moment we entered the circle; the once lifeless statues began to move in motion and that status lit up in different colours.

“This land was once called The Divinity of Elementas. Both the sun and the moon were one but that was destroyed once the sins took the guardians. What’s left of this land are the statues that cannot be destroyed unless an elementa is dead. It would’ve been possible if I wasn’t around.”

He points at the first werewolf, where moving water surrounds him. The water lit up in bright ocean blue before turning ice-like.

“Guardian Elementa Wolf of Water and Ice. Cool, calm and collected but can easily turn into a cold-hearted beast if tested. He is a calm soul and is the most powerful healer of all elementas. He is the only elementa who can heal all and mean all werewolves and human beings.”

We proceed to the next one, this wolf illuminates in green. Its tail is a single strong branch and its paws are like the texture of a trunk tree. Living vegetation grew on its fur.

“Guardian Elementa Wolf of Land. Stubborn, firm and very hard to manipulate. This guardian harnesses the powers to influence anything on land, few experience earth elementa can influence metal and sand. She can do it all. She is crucial to the existence of our being, wherever she stands is where life grows. She guards the living of the land. The land is slowly dying because she is no longer with us or should I say will soon no longer be with us. ”

The next werewolf is transparent, and ghost-like.

“Guardian Elementa of Air is the only one that has not yet been captured. There are two.”

He pauses and gives me a piercing stare, “One holds the power of an air elementa, while the other is given another divine power.”

“Who would that be, and why is this important for me to know?”

“You have no idea?”

I sign with annoyance.

Ok, like that helps.

“He is known to be carefree, invisible roaming the skies. He rules the skies, hence why we can only live up in the skies and not on land anymore.”

“Why?” I ask.

"I told you, because the guardian that guards the living of land is asleep. We are vulnerable without her. Sins now rule the land.”

The next werewolf was engulfed in flames. I stopped and took a good look at this werewolf. Flashback surfaces as I remember this wolf in my dreams and his words echoing on repeat, “It is not you. You have never been you.”

What did he mean by that?

“Let me guess, you had a longer interaction with him than the others?” He asks.

I nodded my head up and down.

“The will of fire can be intimidating. Symbolizes destruction and pain. However, it can also symbolize creation, light, and purification. It all depends on how one uses it or how the will of fire chooses to use you.”

I suddenly remember how that wolf told me that I had the will of fire.

“I’m confused. Chooses to use me, how does that work?”

He smirks, “His name is Cináed- Kia Zul. Guardian Elementa of Fire. Fiercely impatient, fielded by his raw energy. Can sense all energy from all elements, whether it’s your emotions, health, or powers. They are best at that.”

The status is distinctive from the rest. This one has two wolves interlocking, one is bright gold while the other is midnight black. I didn’t miss the fact that the midnight black had emerald eyes that slowly began to turn black.

Both wolves have wings that match their furs, differentiating themselves from the rest of the statuses displayed.

The gold looks a lot like the wolf I have seen in my flashback when I was screaming in pain. The last time I saw this wolf she looked unhealthy, some of the wings’ feathers had fallen. This one looks very mighty with wings that look like they could fan the still air with no effort.

I could feel Azul’s eyes on me this time as we stood in silence.

He came closer to me, “Guardians of all Elementas. They control time and space. One can not exist without the other. Two in one balances the order of all elementas. They serve as the boundary of existence, separating different universes, timelines, and realities. Keeping them flowing properly. When one has been away for too long, the continuum of time will freeze. Both must exist, both powers must be awakened. Otherwise one will live in a repetitive time loop. The midnight black wolf lives amongst the Cosmos while the gold wolf lives amongst the Sands of Time.”

“Sooo what does this have to-...”

I took a step back, away from him.

I’m starting to feel like Azul has two sides, like a switch he can turn on and off. His bright emerald green eyes went dark. Through those eyes I see a soul divide, one part is brighter than any star of the night sky and the other felt as if he could swallow you up in nothingness.

Why did I follow him so willingly?

If only I had my wolf with me I would’ve sensed this way before.. His energy is unsettling now. “I… I just wanted to go home.”

“Home?” He tilts his head to the side, “This is your home.”

I continue to take steps back as he takes steps forward.

A sudden voice resonated, “Gold was made into a thread and Gold has created a wolf from time and space. Bless it be for them to be born and restore the peaceful age.”

My surroundings began to blur at a sudden rhythm of blood began to throb in my temple. The unrelenting mister in my skull chews through sharply as everything continues to spin. Azul’s figure disappears before me. I couldn’t take this pain any longer.

I look up to the dark sky and scream with all the anguish of the world, “AAAAHHHHHHH.”

Unexpectedly, thunder began to rumble through the dark skies. The excruciating pain has travelled down to my body.

Is this all Azul’s doing?

A weird numb feeling starts to take over. I’m on my knees now, alone in the midst of darkness aggressively fighting as much as I can in an attempt to gain control over my body.

In this vulnerable state, the very last thing I need is to see a wolf with tremendous speed running towards me. Squirting my eyes and blinking like a camera trying to focus on a set image, I notice that there are now two wolves. One is small with mesmerizing charcoal fur that looks a lot like my wolf that I would shift to, while the other glimmers in bright gold like her fur.

As they got closer, the charcoal wolf became transparent, colliding together and becoming bigger till she was a large gold wolf. As she got closer my pain was hidden by the fondness of her beauty, I’ve never seen a wolf so vibrant like her.

It is not you. You have never been you.”

The words haunt my thoughts as I continue to watch the golden wolf gracefully run to me.

She stops in front of me. A smile tugs my lips as I look up at the large majestic creature standing before me. Her wings were a wonderful blend of gold speckled with white. She stretches them high and might, exposing the colours of the softest sunset, beseeching all to come and seek the warmth of her glow. Tentatively, I reach out with my right hand and touch her fur. A blast of icy energy surges into my hand and races up my arms, burning my veins like liquid fire.

I fell back with a wild cry, every part of my body seared with pain.

Here I am once again. Pain. Everything is in pain.

I look up at the golden wolf helplessly reaching, for what I did not know. She glares at me with a worrisome look. A tear escapes her eye falls right into my eye and swiftly disappears. Warmth seeped back into my limbs, leaving them tingling. I start to shiver uncontrollably, I look at the sky where the night laid down a blanket of darkness, and a bolt of sudden lightning cracks the sky sending multiple heaven lights around me.

“Sora, the guardian elements of all elements. It is time.” My ear rumbles from her excessively loud voice.

The bolt of lightning continues, it is as if a huge anvil is being dragged across the vault of heaven against its will. Hitting the ground with such anger. Light is the megawatt smile of nature, but there is nothing friendly about the terawatts of violence that unleashes around me.

I’m still on the ground unable to move, my eyes looking up at the violent lightning at an ant’s point of view. To say that this is terrifying me is an understatement.

I just wanted to close my eyes badly and accept defeat but I couldn’t. All I could do was just look at the next bolt of lightning coming down, this time directly at me.

To believe that all is done with me and my existence.

Azul suddenly appeared on top of me just as the bolt struck his back. The bolt did not exist outside of his body, instead, the electric current flowed through his body. His entire body lits up.

He seems unbothered by this. There wasn’t any existing wound so it didn’t even touch me. I look at my chest and his in disbelief. I didn’t realize that I was holding my breath till I looked back up at Azul’s face and saw that his eyes were blackened, pupils fully dilated.

Seeing him I am enthralled. Weirdly staring at his blackened eyes had me feel a sense of warmth infusing my body enabling me to move, but there’s more. His black eyes still showed me a split soul but this soul looks at me with poetry. His black eyes hold poetry of the universe, told and untold moments, moments that weave him and me together. His colours and his soul show best through black.

From that realization, a sudden rush of memories came forward. I began to recall my past lives in sensory details that serve as the driving force behind my timeless memoir.

Finally able to move my arms I place both of my hands on Azul’s face and ask, “How long have I been gone?”

“Long enough that I have lost count of the repetitive time loop that I have been in,he responds.

“But you were aware, were you, Azul?”

I’m afraid there are some things that even I may no longer be aware of, but first before I take you back I must ask. Tell me who you are?”

My voice is feeble but I summon the strength and said with a booming tone, “I am Sora Vi-Zod thee guardian elements of all elements, I control time and live among the Sands Of Time. You are Azul Kia-Von thee guardian elementa of all elementa, you control space and live among the Cosmos. We are the only two beasts that are left from the living sun and quiet moon.”

Satisfied with my response he shifts into his majestic beast; he wearily stretches out his spectacular black wing’s feathers ruffled a bit. His obsidian eyes bestow unimagined depths, they were a deep and lustrous darkness. Those captivating emerald eyes now contain an endless field of blackness, seeming to hold a mysterious force that governs all life. Azul wolf’s fur is impressively dripping in black beauty, shiny and impenetrable.

“Welcome back home Sora.”

Inside my head, I heard a sweet euphonic voice. I couldn’t believe it, this was the first time my wolf had ever spoken to me. As those words spoke softly in my mind and landed upon my soul. I could finally feel the power of my full essence connecting back with my wolf. I channelled the energy; heat rose off my body in waves despite the shivers that came along with it.

I began to shift; I no longer have charcoal-coloured fur but instead lustrous like gold. I felt something on my back and there they were. My wings were nearly as tall as my body, arcing off my back like a concave reflection. Each long, narrow feather tensed and shook in my heaving fury. They slammed upward. The long and narrow golden wings didn’t feel foreign.

Azul and I, excitable extend our paws and start running, leaving paw prints that are burnt onto the path we ran on and disappear after. Our wings start to slam upwards. When they came back down, sparks of lightning ignited without a trace of their opening and ending point leaving small glowing embers. The strain on our wings was welcoming. We pushed ourselves against the air’s currents and off we went into the bliss of the night’s blackness.

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