Divinity Of The Lost Elements

Chapter 5 Part II

Note: Bold=🐺 speaking out loud.

Italics bold= 🐺 thinking 💭

Italics= thinking

Year 3022

14 days Later

Sèlah/ Sora’s POV

I wasn’t sure how many days I’d been asleep.

I noticed that clean clothes were folded and placed on the chair. I quickly got dressed and took a deep breath. I am planning to get the hell out of here. Something just didn’t feel right about this place and especially the way those people looked at me gave me the creeps.

Hopefully, there are no alarms set because that’ll be a headache. Ok Selah, confidence. Act cool.

I got up from the bed and walked towards the door. There aren’t any door handles to open it but once I took a step forward the doors automatically opened.

Act cool.

Who am I kidding I am fucking nervous. My hands are sweating and I am trying to calm myself so it won’t be too obvious. What I know about this place is that they know about wolves. Some may be wolves themselves but I couldn’t be sure because whatever they did I could no longer feel my wolf’s presence nor anyone else.

Not that she ever spoke before but at least I knew she was there. Without her, I know my days will be numbered. This is all the reason why I need to leave, if she and I get any weaker I’ll go insane.

This is strange. I was expecting to be walking out into a hall full of hospital equipment and the hallways to be busy. Fuck! This place was nothing like the hospital back home where the receptionist is more plastic than the purified water dispenser.

Instead, everything that could shine, did shine. Stainless steel, sleek floors and there was no set hanging on the walls but rather windows that show the outside world that serves as a colour canvas instead of paintings and aspirations quotes posters. The air had a pure fragrance, not sterile, just clean.

My gaze swivelled over the hallway making sure no one was around. I didn’t want to have to talk to these people. As I strolled down the hallway I began to feel a bit of anticipation, feeling like something would happen but I did not know where or how or even what could happen. The hallways feel like a maze, I turn left and then right but no elevator doors are in sight.

This isn’t like back home. Shit? I quickly bend my head down to hide my face as I notice some people coming in my direction. The wall ahead is a hidden door. How the fuck do these people notice though? Whatever, no time. I start walking faster.

As I was walking I overheard their conversations.

“So it’s true? She came back again?” A random man asked.

“Yeah but she has no wolf,” she said scornfully. This voice sounded like the woman, Drita was her name.

What’s her problem?

“No way! Where did she go? Oh man, I hope they didn’t do anything to her wolf.”

At least he cares.

“Who knows but I don’t know how one could be called powerful without a wolf.” Drita censured.

“Azul, did your grandfather say anything?” Drita's tone changes from being disdainful to soft and frail.

Passing them, I made the biggest mistake by brushing his shoulders and letting our fingers touch.

Secretly praying that he wasn’t magic and didn’t have powers that included high senses in touch. Just when I thought I got away a hand grabbed my shoulder.

Fuck my life!

Luckily I was trained in combat. I took hold of his hand and twisted it.

“Ahh!” He hissed.

I let go and look up and see Drita’s and the random man’s eyes glow. Oh well, Silas always said I needed to learn how to talk things through first before starting a fight.

If this will even be a fair fight. Not only did their eyes glow but their hands as well. Ready to conjure whatever magic.

“Gods! Magic!”

Instead of running to the door, I thought maybe going back to my room wouldn’t be as bad.

Too late, I've already missed them off.

They started to charge at me and I waited to play defence.

These people are magic. Magic vs someone with no wolf.

Fuck it, I won't go down without a fight.

The guy reaches for my shoulder and I move back.

I hear a loud voice inside my head saying “Don’t let them touch you.”

Who the fuck-!

Shit. Drita almost had me. She tried to punch me straight against my rib but I was able to dodge that.

I kick my leg into her torso and she falls back. I jumped over her and started to bolt. Change of plans. Instead, I decided to touch the walls hoping to find a hidden door, window or whatever! I just need to leave. After touching multiple parts of each wall a large glass appeared from the ceiling to the floor.




I was too late, an object had struck me down. I couldn’t move, my body was locked in place. Frozen, like my limbs are being forcefully kept in one place. I could only move my head.

I looked at my body and saw that I was literally frozen, covered in ice.

A tall man with platinum blonde hair came rushing to me. “Don’t fight it, the more you move the tighter the ice gets and the colder it becomes.”

Thanks! I thought while rolling my eyes.

“Just what the hell do you think you’re doing!”

My mate yells with rage in his eyes. I could sense an air of evil about him, there was something about how his eyes glowed with fury and the way he took his steps forward asserting his dominance. It had me thinking, who is he to these people, and who is he to me?

Couldn’t be an Alpha, I haven’t sensed that but then again…

“I‘ll ask again and this time I expect an answer. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING!”

Both the woman and man looked down. I glance around confused, remembering there were three of them instead of two. Two men and one woman, where is the other one?

My mate bent down and came to my aid and within an instant, the ice melted. I could now move, but my body suddenly started shivering. My mate looks at me with concern, and when he touches me, my shivering becomes more uncontrollable than before. I move back, away from his touch, afraid that it’ll just get worse.

Hurt and pain were written all over his face.

“Your grace Ahanu-Vi Zod, we didn’t think that she could fight. We were just trying-..”

Ahh.. so that’s my mate’s name. Ahanu or is it Vi-Zod.

My mate slowly turned his back to me and stood up with his fist curled. “You were what? Hmp, trying to help?” He said dryly.

“Using your powers against YOUR GRACE IS NOT HELPING!”

“She..- She was fighting against us and we were..” The woman looked up and instantly regretted opening her mouth. She kneeled and said, “Forgive us, your grace.”

With all this back and forth, I couldn’t stop shivering and I needed to say something before I got hypothermia. If that was even a thing here.

“Uh… um- cold.”

Everyone’s focus went back to me. The man that was with the platinum blonde woman and man, came forward. He passed by my mate with no hesitations and came to me.

“No,” I shivered.

He pauses for a moment and studies me. I couldn’t decipher his face because of the hood that he wore but I did notice his eyes were searching for something. As he was examining me, both of his hands were abrupted with a pulse of electricity that was absorbed back inside of him and ran through his veins. Which then turned his palms into flames. He twisted his hands and two small fire bolts came my way and simply disappeared in the air.

I instantly feel the tingling sensation of warmth course through my body, warming me up.

I wanted to see who's behind the hood. This person just happens to disappear momentarily and then appears again with different clothing. The closer I got to him, the more I began to recognize him.

I audibly gasped.


Small streams of tears came down my face. He looks so much like him but I knew this wasn’t Silas. There wasn’t any shine to his intoxicating emerald green eyes. No. This man’s eyes were distant and cold, they did not recognize me.

Why? I have not changed, I am in the same body. They call me Sora here but surely we must’ve been close?

I wanted to ask him so badly, do you not recognize me? Have we not walked together through many of our past lives?

What world would be this? To live where my best friend can’t even remember me but I can? What did I do wrong to be in such a cruel world? Just thinking about this made the tightness of my clothes bother me. Although I was in a very loose hospital gown. I began to clutch my abdomen and started wheezing, a half gasp, I couldn’t breathe.

My mate pushes him aside to get to me, “What did you do!”

The man stopped my mate before he could touch me.

“You do not know what will happen if you touch her right now?” The man informed.

Before I could fall, gasping for air. I felt the man’s touch that sent a familiar warmth through my body, easing, and comforting me. His hand shifted to my hips before picking me up bridal style.

I took this opportunity and closed my eyes while I placed my nose and lips at his neck and breathed in his scent. The most sensitive spot for us werewolves. He quivered from this action but remained impassive to others.

I didn’t care nor ask why my mate couldn’t touch me.

What I did care to know is why this man had Silas’ scent but did not seem to recognize me at all.

I could hear my mate following beside him, running his mouth.

Dude runs his mouth just a little bit too much for my liking. The Goddess above hates me to mark him as my mate.

“ I just didn’t think she would be this weak.. she’s been gone for more than a decade..Azul.. Azul.. Azul are you listening?”

“My Gods! Are you always like this?” My mate asks.

Azul? So that’s his name. The man who looks like Silas is named Azul. I’ll remember this, I’ll remember him.

Azul stops walking. He glances down at me. Embarrassed that I am caught staring at him I just shut my eyes close and curl my head closer to his chest. Hoping he wouldn’t say anything to me.

He didn’t, instead, he replied to my mate.

“Ahanu do you ever get tired of talking?”

I couldn’t help but form a smirk.

“She’s fine,” Azul said.

“How do you know? The healers told me that she hadn’t been in contact with her wolf for more than two decades now. You know what happens to us when our wolf can’t even speak! It’s the sins that got her, I know of it!”

“Listen Ahanu, Sora is the only living person that has come back from the sins with minor injuries. If anything, her wolf is exhausted and just needs some time. Give her that at least.”

“Azul, I can’t even touch her. She’s from the water elementa and I soon to be the chief of Oceania can’t touch his mate. Rumours will spread.”

“What rumours will that be?” Azul mockingly asked.

“Come on Azul you know this already. Your grandfather is an Elder of the fire elementa.”

“No I don’t, and I think it’s best to not discuss this any longer.”

I got a feeling that he knew I was listening to everything they were saying.

“I’ll go call the healers, you go inside with her. The guards are aware that you’ll be bringing her in.”

Azul stops for a moment and signs. As he started to walk through the barrier I began to feel pain.

It's unbearable, so unbearable that I began to weep and then scream from the pounding pain. It’s like fire-burning legs. I continue to cry out. It blew up in my head with a terrifying blankness.

It is nauseating. I start to quiver. The pain feels like a hot, sharp knife, covered in salt, slicing through my skin and into my muscles and bones, as though my body has been frozen and a bolt of lightning has struck my body from head to toe.

As I am screaming, continuous flashes of a wolf all in black, except the right side of her eye’s gold are staring at me. Strange images began to unfold all too quickly. I couldn’t focus because of the pain that I was feeling.

Azul quickly steps back, away from the barrier. The pain eased and I stopped screaming. Azul’s breathing is heavy, looking at me with mixed emotions.

“What happened? Azul what happened!” A woman yells frantically.

Azul covers me with his body to stop her from touching me. “DON’T, don’t touch her. I’m sorry, but your grace Aponi Vi-Zod. YOU and your people can not touch your daughter.

I grab onto him even tighter, praying to never feel that type of pain ever again.

My body is trembling, I can’t go in there again. I won’t.


“She can’t go inside Your Grace Aponi, She can’t go in there and you can’t touch her either. ”


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