Distant Lands

Chapter Ivan

Things just keep going from bad to worse.

My carelessness has created this mess. I let an innocent human cross over to an alien planet. Humans are not ready to interact with alien life. If they only knew what was out there, the dangers they face, they would stop searching.

To make it worse, Damon now knows about Elizabeth. It’s going to be a thousand times harder to find a way to get her back home. I feel terrible seeing Elizabeth upset and want to comfort her, but I know she needs space to process.

The worst thing is that Damon got a taste of human blood. I’m sure it made him feel powerful. I fear that he will try to roadblock my attempts to help Elizabeth. The Lamia is forbidden to step foot on Earth for that very reason. Human blood can make them feel invincible and can be addicting.

I’m at fault. Elizabeth is now my responsibility, and I will make sure she stays safe while she’s here. To increase our chances of success, I need Elizabeth to start trusting me. It will be much more challenging to help her if she works against me.

“Damon, can you please wait for me in my office?” I ask.

“Sure,” Damon says. He gets closer to Elizabeth, and she stiffens. “See you later, little human,” Damon says before he leaves.

“Elizabeth, please go with Ethan. He will take you to the infirmary,” I say. She crosses her arms and doesn’t move, “I’m fine. I’ll just go clean up,” she says.

“Please, Elizabeth,” I say calmly, trying to remain patient. She nods, and we walk toward the Ranch. Ethan comes out of the door and sees the blood on Elizabeth’s face, “Elizabeth, are you okay? What in the demons happened to Elizabeth?” Ethan asks me.

“Ethan, please take Elizabeth to the infirmary. I have a meeting in my office,” I say, walking off towards my office.

I open my office door to find Damon sprawled on the couch. I turn one of the chairs around and sit down, facing him. He gives a devilish grin.

“Oh, the perfect Ivan is not so perfect after all. You have made one colossal mistake,” he says. I cross my arms.

“I know you’re enjoying this, but I need you to be serious right now, Damon,” I say. He sits up on the couch.

“Fine. So what happened? Why is that delicious human here?” he asks, smiling. I hate him right now; he can never be serious.

“Yes, I did screw up. I was in a hurry and was careless. Elizabeth came in after me, and I didn’t see her,” I say.

“What are your plans with her?” Damon asks.

“I want to send her back home without the council knowing,” I say.

“Is that such a good idea? She knows about us, about our world,” Damon says.

“The humans won’t believe her; she’ll have no proof,” I say. Damon stays quiet.

Damon sighs, “I don’t know, Ivan, we can’t hide anything from those old crones,” Damon says.

“As I said, the Council doesn’t have to know. I’ll convince them that I need to return to Earth for an assignment,” I say.

“What do you want me to do?” Damon asks.

“I just need you to stay quiet. Just stay out of my way,” I say. Damon gets up from the couch and stares out the window.

“And what if I don’t? I quite enjoyed the taste of the little human. Can’t she just stay? Can I keep her as my pet?” he asks.

He knows how to piss me off. I get up and angrily walk up to him, I grab the front of his shirt and ball it in my fist, and I get in his face.

“You dirty Lamia! Stop speaking about her in that way; she is not an animal,” I say, with gritted teeth. Damon laughs.

“Relax, Ivan, relax. I was just joking,” he says, lifting his hands as if surrendering, ‘You never change, Ivan; you’re still as short-tempered as when we were children,” he says. I let go of him and took a step back.

I sigh and look out into the orchard. “You are the one that hasn’t changed. You never take anything seriously. That’s why your grandfather always used to beat you,” I say.

He smiles, “Oh yes, those were the good times. But what happened to us, Ivan? We were like brothers, always there for each other,” Damon says.

“I have a lot of responsibilities. I run the Ranch, and I’m a guardian for Earth and other planets,” I say.

“Planet Earth. Maybe we should give up on it. The humans don’t seem to want to save it,” Damon says.

“They are still learning; I know they are capable; they have made progress,” I say.

“You have so much faith in them. We have saved them many times; we’ve prevented other worlds from invading it, from poisoning it. We have done our part,” Damon says.

“Earth is valuable; if we leave now, humans will be in danger of being annihilated,” I say. Damon sits back down on the couch.

“Ivan, there is word going around that some worlds have brought the petition to the council to take over guardianship of the Earth,” Damon says.

Oh great, another thing I have to worry about. I sigh and sit back down on the chair. “What reasons do they have?” I ask.

“Even though Humans have made progress, World leaders believe we are failing to encourage humans’ full potential. They want Earth to join us; they wish to develop trade with them. But I’m letting you know because if they find out about Elizabeth, they will use this against you,” he says.

“That hadn’t crossed my mind. The Council believes that humans will be ready to join us only when they have developed the technology to travel in space faster than the speed of light. Or when they discover that there are other worlds with intelligent beings,” I say.

“Yes. It would be a shame to lose guardianship; other planets might force contact with humans and take advantage of them. So, do you need me to be quiet? Or do you need me to help?” Damon asks.

I didn’t want to involve Damon in this, but like it or not; he already is involved. Maybe having an ally will benefit Elizabeth and me.

“Thanks, Damon; I’ll appreciate your help. I know your grandfather is on the Council. If you hear any more updates, please let me know,” I say. He nods.

“I will,” Damon says; getting up, he goes towards the door to leave.

“Oh, and Damon,” I say. Damon stops and turns to look at me.

“Promise you will stay away from Elizabeth,” I say.

Damon smiles, “I can’t promise you that, brother,” he says and walks out.

I hate him.

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