Distant Lands

Chapter Far Away

I exit the airport, and Nate stands there with a big smile waiting for me.

I drop my bags and run towards him. He opens his arms, and I hug him tightly.

“Oh, Nate, it was awful,” I cried.

“They kidnapped me; then I fell down a mountain. I was in...”

“Shh, it’s okay, it’s all over now,” he says, rubbing my upper back.

“You are safe now; you have me,” he says softly.

I look into his eyes, and I know everything will be okay. I grab the back of his neck, and I kiss him tenderly on his lips. I put my chin on his shoulder and continued to hug him tightly, not wanting to let go.

The sky begins to get dark, all around us, the darkness starts consuming everything, and now everything is pitch black, nothing is visible, it’s just me and Nate embracing. Then Nate starts to fade away.

“You will be okay, Liz,” he says one final time before he completely fades away. I’m left standing alone in total darkness.

Suddenly the floor is gone from underneath me, and I start to free fall...It jolts me awake.

I wake up gasping, placing my hands on my face, disappointed that it was just a dream. I thought I was safely back home.

I’m lying on a bed. I look up at the ceiling, at two skylights letting sunlight shine through, brightening the room. The white walls in the room are bare, with no windows.

On the wall in front of me, there is a wood armoire and a chair. At least this room has a door. It looks like a hospital room.

I sit up in bed and notice some towels and clothes at the foot of the bed. I swing my legs over and stand. My ankle doesn’t hurt anymore; how strange. It just feels a little sore.

I go over to a door and open it; it’s a bathroom. I try to find a light switch, but the light automatically turns on; I suddenly scare myself with my reflection. I look at myself in the mirror.

“Dear God,” My hair is all crazy, like a bird’s nest, full of dry pieces of mud and grass. My face has a veil of dirt, with clean lines my tears created running down my face. No wonder that lady had been terrified when she saw me.

Grabbing the clothes and towels from the bed, I turn on the shower. I take off my muddy clothes, pieces of dry mud fall on the floor, making a mess.

I get into the shower, the stream of water washes over me. The warm water feels so good and comforting. I wash away all the dirt from my body.

I look down at my hands, noticing that the scrapes and scratches are gone. It felt and looked like I hadn’t showered in years.

I step out feeling clean and refreshed. I put on the plain white t-shirt, black sweater, and matching black sweatpants, someone had left for me. They fit a bit oversized, but it should do.

I go over to the bed and sit down. I remembered that I hadn’t finished reading the note. I unzip my backpack and search for the letter. I continue reading where I left off.

Liz, I want to say I’m sorry. It’s my fault that you are in danger. When I saw you walk into my Hotel, I remembered the stories my grandfather and my father had told me. They never stopped looking for your mother and father.

When I found you, I knew that if I were the one to find your family, I would solidify my inheritance and earn respect from my dad and grandfather. I know it was selfish.

But then I got to know you, Liz. You are a kind person, innocent of all this bullshit that goes on in my life. I don’t want to go into detail. But my family stays rich and influential by doing dodgy business.

I spoke to my father. My grandfather doesn’t want to find your mom out of love. He was going to use you as bait to lure your parents. Your father’s family and mine are enemies. Both families were at war over lands. Your father is the only living son of our enemy.

Your father’s dad is an old man, he’s powerful, but when he dies, all his properties and businesses will go to your dad and then to you and your brothers. But my grandfather is greedy.

He still hasn’t forgotten your mother’s betrayal. He also faults his wife’s death on your parents. He believes that my grandmother died from a broken heart because she lost her only daughter when your mother ran away from home.

He wants to punish your mom. I believe he wants to kill your dad, your brothers, and you. He is capable of it.

I stop. I can’t believe what I’m reading, and my heart starts to pick up speed. But I continue reading.

If my family kills all your family, all your lands and business deals are up for grabs. My father and grandfather will jump at that opportunity. Liz, I contacted your brother Dan, and I warned them. I will try my best to thwart my grandfather’s plans.

I know it’s impossible not to worry about your family, but please stay calm and try to survive while you’re out there. Try to remain hidden. I embedded a tracker in the backpack. I will find you and help you go home as soon as I can. I promise.

With love, your cousin Diego

Now that I know more about my family’s history, I understand why my mother is so protective of my brothers and me. They never mentioned any of this. I think they felt it was safer if we didn’t know.

They managed to stay hidden. My grandfather didn’t know that my brothers and I existed until...

Tears start spilling down my face, and I feel like I got punched in the stomach.

It’s all my fault, I realize. If I hadn’t traveled to Mexico, none of this would be happening if I hadn’t met Diego. I just hope Diego can find me soon before his grandfather does.

I’m startled by a knock on the door; it opens slowly, and a tall man enters the room. He looks like a businessman, wearing black slacks, with dressy shoes. The navy blue long-sleeved shirt fits him a little tight. His long hair is dark brown and wavy, and it barely touches the top of his broad shoulders. I quickly wipe away my tears and try to fix my hair.

“Hi, may I sit down?” The man asks softly. I nod my head. He grabs the chair that’s by the armoire and brings it closer to where I’m sitting, and sits down. He stares at me with sympathetic eyes.

“I know you must be so confused and must have so many questions,” he says softly.

“I do,” I say.

“Well, first, let me introduce myself. My name is Ivan,” he says, leaning forward, extending his hand to me. I grab his hand.

“My name is Elizabeth,” I say as we shake hands. He sits back in the chair.

“I believe you already met my sister Rita and her son, Alan,” he says. I think about it.

“Oh yes, the lady I scared earlier,” I say smiling, “I looked terrifying,” I say. He chuckles.

“I apologize for the way she acted. She should have stopped to help you; she feels bad about that,” he says. I give him an understanding smile.

“What is this place?” I ask, looking around the room.

“This room is like a hospital room, more like a recovery room,” he says.

“Is this Hospital far from the city?” I ask.

“What city are you talking about?” he asks.

“Mexico City,” I say. He looks a bit nervous and gets up.

“I will be right back,” he says, leaving the room.

He enters the room again with the man who chased me down with the gun. I see him, and I become scared.

“Elizabeth, don’t be afraid. He’s not going to hurt you. He brought you here to help you,” he says.

I calm down and grab the pillow and place it on my lap; it gives me some sort of comfort.

Elizabeth, this is Ethan; he’s my right-hand man. The second in charge of this place,” Ivan says and sits down at the foot of the bed.

“Hi Elizabeth, it’s nice to meet you properly. I’m sorry about earlier,” he says, shaking my hand. He sits on the chair. Ethan has a similar build as Ivan, but his hair is black, and it’s shorter.

“Elizabeth, there’s something we have to explain to you,” Ethan says. He looks at Ivan, then at me.

“Elizabeth, we are not in Mexico,” Ethan says. I stare at him, confused.

“What do you mean, we’re not in Mexico? Where are we?” I ask.

“You are not home anymore,” Ivan says.

“What does that mean? Am I in a different country?” I ask, confused. Ethan sighs, showing some frustration.

“What Ivan is trying to say is, you are not on planet Earth anymore,” he says.

I stare at them for a minute.

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