Distant Lands

Chapter Damon

If I weren’t so busy going over all of these documents at my office, I would be at the ranch trying to get a glimpse of the little human. There’s a knock at my door.

“Come in,” I say. It’s my assistant Liam. He comes in with a clipboard.

“Sir, another shipment has been delivered to the Den,” Liam says. I nod, and Liam steps back out, closing the door. I get comfortable and lean back in my chair, and place my feet up on my desk.

I’ve been providing diluted drops of human blood to my wealthy customers at my club for years. But nothing compares to fresh human blood. When I tasted the little human’s blood, it was exhilarating. It gave me such a good feeling. If I hadn’t been consuming diluted human blood, I think I would have eaten the little human right in front of Ivan.

I hear loud footsteps approaching my office, and my door swings open violently. I quickly put my feet down, and Liam runs into my office with fear in his eyes.

“Sir, your grandfather, is here; he’s coming,” he says, out of breath.

“What in the demons does he want?” I ask.

“I don’t know, sir, but he looks angry,” he says.

“He’s always angry,” I say.

I look towards the door, and the old man enters the room with his trusted assistant, Adam, who has a grin on his stupid face. Adam is such a kiss-ass, always glued to my grandfather. The old man stares at me with a serious menacing look on his face. Liam looks at me nervously.

“Liam, you may go,” I say. Liam looks relieved to be excused. Liam looks at the old man, “Sir, Ambrose,” he says and quickly walks out of the door. I look at him, puzzled. What could I possibly have done now that’s made him this angry?

He walks up to me and slams both of his hands on my desk. “Why are you not attending the Leader’s meetings!?” he asks angrily.

Oh. I had forgotten about the meetings. I sigh, crossing my arms, “I was simply busy, Grandfather,” I say.

He looks back at Adam and gives a ridiculous laugh, “Oh!? He was busy, he says!” the old man yells. Adam laughs with my grandfather, and I look at Adam, annoyed at his stupid face.

“What are you laughing at?” I ask Adam angrily. The old man turns around and slaps me hard on my face. Anger boils in me, but I know it will be much worse if I react. I stay quiet and look at the old man in silence.

“I have worked so hard to assure you keep a position at the Leaders table. And You!” he yells, throwing his hands up, frustrated. I stare at Adam, who has a smirk on his face. The old man grabs my face and forces my head towards him, “Look at me!” he yells.

“Let this be the last time you embarrass me in front of the council. You are my only grandson. You will serve in the council in the future!” he yells, pushing my face away. The old man turns around and exits my office, with a smiling Adam following him.

I stand, fuming. I kick my office chair repeatedly, dropping it to the floor, breaking it to pieces, making me feel a bit better.

Liam runs into my office wide-eyed, “Are you okay, sir? I heard a loud noise,” he says, concerned.

“I’m fine. Liam, please buy me a new office chair,” I say. Liam looks at the destroyed office chair on the floor and nods. I grab my coat and exit my office, and take the elevator down to the ground floor. It will take me a bit longer to get home since I opted to ground drive this morning, but it’s okay.

I arrive at the Den. I get out of my vehicle and see that people are already forming a line to enter the Den. Word of the new blood shipment must be going around.

I walk up the stairs, and the doorman opens the door for me. I walk into the Den and take the elevator up to my penthouse. As soon as I step inside, I take off my uncomfortable work clothes and put on my robe. I wasn’t expecting the old man to show up at my office. He rarely steps foot in my business. He stays out of my way as long as I don’t create controversy.

According to my grandfather, my destiny is to serve in the council, just like he and his father had. He believes that it is my birthright to be a leader. My ancestors were royalty on our home planet Oceana.

I was not born in Oceana, and I don’t consider myself a royal. I am not proud to come from royalty. Everyone knows about King Ezra’s crimes on Earth in the 17th century. He was a serial killer. He was the reason why laws of doorway travel became strict, and now Lamia cannot travel to Earth.

Anyway, the old man has constantly been grooming me since I was a kid, for this purpose, to serve in the council, to ensure that our family keeps political power in Azure. That doesn’t interest me, but my father always wished that future for me, and I’m honoring his wish.

My father had a different approach to my Education; he was encouraging, unlike my grandfather. My grandfather has always been manipulative and uses intimidation to make me do what he wants—enough of these unpleasant thoughts. I walk through the sitting area and stare out the window. I quiet my mind and admire the ocean view.

Instantly, the scenery gives me a sense of peace. Although this location is farther from my office, I chose this place because of this view. The vast ocean reminds me of how small we are —such a grounding feeling. I get dressed and head down to the Den. Before the elevator doors opened, I could already hear and feel the music’s bass.

The doors open, and I enter the Den; the music is loud, beating against my eardrums. Some people are dancing, and others are at the bar eating and drinking. Most people who visit the Den are Lamia, but some Divus Beings visit. They are not afraid of us. They know we don’t fancy their blood.

I pass by two of my girls dancing. They look at me and smile. The girls come up to me and start touching my chest and arms seductively. I smile at them but don’t touch them. They walk off smiling, looking for someone else to seduce.

I walk towards the back of the Den. The doorman sees me coming and opens the door for me. I walk down a long corridor with private rooms for my clients to relax and consume blood in private. I provide both human and animal blood.

I reach the end of the corridor and open the personnel-only door. I head towards the Den laboratory to inspect the new blood shipment, But I notice my office door is open. I walk into my office and see my supplier waiting for me.

“What’s going on?” I ask. Strange that he’s here waiting for me. He usually drops off the shipments and leaves.

“Damon, I have some bad news,” he says nervously.

“What is it?” I ask.

“I’m not going to be able to bring you a shipment of human blood for some time,” he says.

“For how long?” I ask.

“Honestly, I don’t know. My supplier is having trouble with the backdoor to Earth. Critical cyberspace security was recently encrypted. Our techs are working on it, but if we move too soon, they might be able to detect us,” he says.

I rub my forehead.

“This is inconvenient. But I can’t risk our supplier getting caught. Have our techs keep working on it. We can’t move until we make sure we won’t be detected,” I say. He nods and leaves the room.

This surely will be an inconvenience, but it will also be interesting. My clients are growing accustomed to the taste of human blood. I wonder how this is going to affect them and me.

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