Distant Lands

Chapter Curiosity

“Oh really?” Lenna looks curiously at me. “An expert? Why did you choose to study Planet Earth?”

Ah, here we go. This is where my interrogation begins. All thanks to Isa. I’ll be sure to thank her later. People start eating but are looking at me, waiting to hear what I have to say. I look at Lenna confidently.

“It just fascinates me.” I say, “Earth is a beautiful planet, and Humans are unique species. They have come so far in their evolution. They are self-transformative. And I admire their cultural diversity,” I try to sound like an expert. Ivan smiles at me for handling Lenna’s question so well, and some people nod in agreement.

“Yes, but is it unique? I mean, there are many planets similar to Earth. Some are not inhabited by savages like Earth is.” Lenna says. Feeling insulted and annoyed, I feel the need to defend my kind.

“Well, not every human is a savage. I mean, I’m sure there are kind, smart, and highly educated humans,” I say. The guys express amusement and some chuckle.

“I don’t know about that. Most humans are stupid. They have a short life span, and they waste the short time that they do have,” Elric chimes in, making people laugh.

“They are hard workers. You’ve got to admire that,” I say.

“Yeah, and for what? Just to have material things? They are ridiculous,” Lenna says. I stay quiet. I would like to see one of them suddenly be dropped off on Earth. I bet life won’t be as easy for them there as it is here.

"What do you guys have against Earth?" I ask.

"We have nothing against the planet. Humans have much to learn. Sometimes it's difficult to help people who refuse to help themselves," One guy says.

“Now, now.” Ivan interjects, “You guys need to remember that our Academy prepares us to stand up for vulnerable worlds. Earth is on our list.”

“Yes, Earth is worth saving,” I say.

Ivan’s watch begins beeping. He gets up. “Please excuse me. I need to answer this call,” he says and walks out. Now that Ivan has left the room, I’m sure the real Lenna will show up. I take a few bites of my food, hoping that the questioning will stop.

“Where did you say you were from?” Lenna asks.

“I’m from Boulder City,” I say.

Lenna looks at me with a look of disdain. “Really? Are all girls in Boulder City as underdeveloped as you?” she asks condescendingly.

People look uncomfortable but don’t say anything. I’m sure that is an insult, But I don’t give her the satisfaction of watching me get hurt. I smile at her.

“No, it’s just a lucky few of us are underdeveloped. We are not all the same, thank goodness, because that would be extremely boring,” I say and continue taking more bites of my food. Knowing her words didn’t hurt me, Lenna gave me an angry stare.

Elric looks at me, “Yes, thank goodness you are different. I’m looking forward to getting to know you better.”

"Yeah, me too," I smile shyly.

On the outside, I remain calm, but on the inside, I’m afraid. I hope this doesn’t backfire. Isa and Nina had said that once Lenna chooses to pick on someone, she makes their life a living hell.

I blush and shift nervously in my seat when I notice the guys staring at me. Some of them smile at me, and some stare at me with curiosity. The Lamia man to my right leans in closer and closer to me. Is he sniffing me? I try to lean away from him, and I bump my shoulder on Elric’s arm.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I say. Elric just smiles at me. Wait a minute, can Lamia smell my fear? The thought of that makes my fear increase.

“Well, it was a nice dinner." I get up. "Have a good night, everyone.” I leave without saying goodbye to the girls.

I can’t believe none of them stood up for me. They are terrified of Lenna, so maybe I should let this pass. But I shouldn’t forgive Isa so quickly. She almost exposed me in front of all those Lamia. It was hard pretending to be okay. I still don’t know how attracted they are to my blood. I feared that I would become the dessert.

I walk towards my room, passing by Ivan’s office. I hear him speaking. I stop, and I get closer to the door to listen in. He’s talking to someone on the phone.

“Tell them not to worry. I have everything under control. No, she doesn’t know yet,” Ivan says.

Is he talking about me? What don’t I know? I listen to him continue.

“Planet Aureus has agreed to take her in, they will watch over and protect her, and she will become a permanent resident. She’ll finally be safe,” he says.

My heart starts beating fast. I hear footsteps getting closer to the door, and I quickly get away from the door and start running towards my room. I run into my room and lock the door behind me. Planet Aureus? I take out my orb computer and search for Planet Aureus. It shows me images of the world, and it’s beautiful. It has a tropical landscape with clear blue waters.

The planet got its name from the rich amounts of gold in its caves. This world seems fascinating, but I don’t want to live there. I dive onto my bed. I don’t know what to think.

I get up when there’s a knock at the door, and I open it. I block the doorway and just stare at Isa.

“Hey, Elizabeth, why did you leave so suddenly?” she asks.

“I’m upset with you. I don’t know if you were trying to be funny, but what you said could put me in danger. I need time alone right now. Goodbye, Isa.”

She gives me a hurt look, “I understand, and I’m sorry.” she says and walks away. I shut the door and dive onto my bed.

I hope Ivan is not planning on getting rid of me. If he does try, I will not go so easily. Being stuck in this world is partly my fault. Ivan left the door open, and now he has to deal with me until he sends me home.

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