Distant Lands

Chapter Crush

I’m lying on my bed, bored out of my mind. It’s been a few days of being under observation. The same night Ivan had left me in this room, the doctor had come to check my blood alcohol level.

The doctor told me that he was surprised I was still alive. I think he was joking, but Ivan believed him. Ivan now thinks I’m an alcoholic and thinks I need help. But I don’t need this, I’m fine. I hear a knock at the door.

Here she comes again, just like every morning. Nurse Claudia comes to check up on me. I like her; she is a kind person. She comes in with a big smile, holding her tablet.

“Good news,” she says. I sit up to hear what she has to say.

“The doctor says you are doing great and don’t need to be under observation.”

“Really?” I smile.

“Yes, you are free to go.”

“Thank you.”

Nurse Claudia nods and writes something down on her tablet. I grab my backpack and head out the door. Feeling free at last, I walk fast towards my room. I walk down a hallway and see the grumpy Chef going toward the kitchen. I think he knows that I stole from his kitchen. I hide from his view and quickly run away.

I don't think he noticed me. I run and turn the corner and crash hard into someone. I hold onto their arms, trying to keep my balance.

“Oh! I’m sorry,” I say.

I look up to see a smiling Elric. Beautiful hazel eyes staring down at me. My heart immediately picks up speed. My face reddens when I realize he’s holding my waist. I take a step back, trying to create distance, he steps forward, and I step back again; he gets closer and closer, pushing me back until my back touches the wall.

He is a gorgeous man with sexy hair, eyes, and mouth. The colognes from this world must contain some kind of magical ingredient. His clean and fresh cologne is heavenly... I get the urge to bury my face in his shirt and inhale it. Oh! My thoughts make me blush. I breathe faster. Dammit, stop it! He has an amused look on his face. He knows how he makes me feel.

He smiles and slowly leans in closer and closer, “Um, I-” I struggle to speak but don't move away.

I feel his warm breath on my neck. He breathes in slowly, taking in my scent. My breathing quickens. His scent and closeness are turning me on. He lightly licks my neck, making me gasp quietly. Oh my...

Suddenly, a force rips us apart. Ivan pushes Elric back hard, hitting Elric’s back against the opposite wall. Ivan holds him there with a hand on his chest. Ivan looks at him with a hard stare. Elric is wide-eyed, clearly afraid of him.

“Stay away from her, you hear?” Ivan says in a threatening tone. Elric nods nervously. Ivan lets go of him, and Elric quickly walks away.

I stare at Ivan. He stands there, facing away from me. I slowly start to walk towards my room.

“To my office!” His voice echoes in the hallway.

I stop and turn around quickly, walking fast towards his office. Ivan follows behind me. I enter his office. He comes in and slams the door shut, the loud sound making me jump. I turn to look at him, afraid, Like I’m about to be punished for sneaking out late at night with a crush.

“Are you trying to get yourself killed!”

I stay quiet and just stare at him. He shakes his head. “You were this close, this close to getting murdered!” he shows me two fingers almost touching each other.

"He was not trying to murder me." I suppress a smile.

“What am I going to do with you?” he paces, frustrated.

"Seriously? Why am I still here? Why haven’t you sent me home? That way, I won’t be a bother to you!”

He looks at me with a serious face. “The doorway to Earth is still closed. You know that.”

“How about you send me to that Golden world you were talking about?”

He looks at me, confused. “What are you talking about?” he asks.

“I heard you. You were planning on sending me to that planet, Arus, or whatever it’s called.” I cross my arms.

He looks at me, and he suddenly laughs. “It’s called Aureus, and I wasn’t talking about you.”

I sit down on the couch with relief.

He walks forward and stands in front of the windows, looking out. “I was talking about a princess from another world. Her family has been in a power struggle for some time now. The older sister wanted the throne, so she planned on executing the princess if exile to another world was not possible. Fortunately, Planet Aureus agreed to take in the princess.” he looks at me.

“Oh. Thank goodness,” I say. I feel like a weight has lifted off of me. He walks closer to me.

“Yes, that’s what happens when you eavesdrop. It would be best if you stopped doing that.”

“I don’t eavesdrop. When I pass by your office to go to my room, I hear you talking.”

He sighs, sits next to me on the couch, and looks at me. “Are you mating with Elric?” he asks.

I stare at him wide-eyed. I feel mortified. “What? No!” My face feels hot, and I’m sure it’s as red as a tomato. I can’t believe he just asked me that.

“Okay, good. I’m calling your stepmother,” he gets up and walks towards his desk. The door to Ivan’s office opens. Ethan comes in. He looks at me for a second, then at Ivan. I sense that he is still hurt.

“I spoke with my sister. She knows,” he says to Ivan.

I get up from the couch, and I stand close to Ethan. “Ethan, I’m sorry for yelling at you. I shouldn’t have done that. I sincerely appreciate everything you guys have done for me, and I’m glad you are my Alien uncle.”

He gets teary-eyed. He turns to look at me, and he hugs me very tightly.

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