Distance: A Dark Mafia Romance (Beneath The Mask Series Book 1)

Distance: Chapter 16

The last two days pass by in a blur, work, and straight home. Repeat. I keep checking my phone, but nothing. Maybe his not coming back to my apartment was his way of cutting me off. The way his eyes ate me up, the desire that flashed across his face when around me, I really believed he felt this too. Then why hasn’t he bothered since?

I text him the night after the training to say ‘goodnight’. Well that, plus the fact I was naked in bed. I never got a peep back. Maddie tried to reason with me. I caved and gave her the entire story and she gushed the whole time, pure excitement radiating from her. She truly is a sucker for love. I just wish she would hurry up and find someone worthy of her, someone to worship the ground she walks on. By God, does she deserve it.

David’s picked up on my new foul mood in the office. Even his black cherry hot chocolate offering can’t cheer me up. I am pining over a man. Not just any man-–a man who worships me when he is with me but then forgets about me as soon as I’m out of sight. I just don’t understand. Maybe my mom was right; I’m not good enough for people to stick around.

Recently, it has become clearer that financial security isn’t a big part of my dream. I need to pursue my passion, which has only grown since the training day at Keller’s gym. I need to speak to Paula and see if there is any way I could go full time. There is enough money to see me for a while.

I am tapping away on the computer, reading these boring ass mediation notes. Don’t get me wrong; usually, I find these juicy. We are currently representing the poor, betrayed, angry wife, trying to obtain funds she rightly deserves after being cheated on. Most of the time the couples can’t keep their cool. They storm out of the meeting room red faced and shouting expletives and complaining about each other almost every time. I thought family law would be focused more on the family aspect, like looking out for the children and not ripping the family apart. In reality, it’s all about money, who can get or keep the most, and how much damage could they put on the other person. Another tick in the box for why Sienna won’t be partaking in this marriage crap. I’ve been that child in the middle of a family splitting up and now I witness it daily. People are selfish.

Or maybe I am just bitter, because I have never gone down the aisle and recently can’t even keep a man interested in more than just having sex with me. Hardly the morale boost a girl needs.

“Could you tap any louder, Sienna? I’m sure they can hear you smashing the keys on the floor below,” David chuckles, poking me in the arm.

“Oi, you know I’m just sooo engrossed in my job. I just need to get the words out,” I tease. He knows full well this isn’t my career of choice. But that doesn’t mean I’m not bloody good at what I do.

“Har-har. No, something clearly pissed you off. You forget I know you. How about some fresh air? We haven’t had a chance since you abandoned me at the club last week,” he says. I know he means well.

Checking the time in the corner of my computer, it’s 1 pm. Perfect time for lunch. I nab my coat from the back of my chair and motion for David to hurry up, not wanting to run into our boss who would just eat into our lunch break requesting updates on what I have already emailed him. He is utterly useless with technology and doesn’t read his emails.

Once outside, David loops his arms through mine, giving me a big grin. It’s so easy spending time with him. I just don’t know if I’m ready to tell him the real reason I’m upset. He’s going to think I’m mad for jumping out of the fire into the pan so quickly.

The crisp autumn breeze whips around my face, making my cheeks blush, but the sun is beaming. It’s beautiful out. We walk along the sidewalk arm in arm for a few minutes, just taking in the fresh air. It is nice and peaceful. Just what I need to clear my head.

David runs into the Starbucks on the corner to grab us a couple of lattes, perfect to warm my hands up. The office is only a ten-minute walk to Sheep Meadow in Central Park, our favorite place to wander around on our lunch breaks. Although this is close to Christmas, it’s packed with tourists, so grabbing a bench isn’t always easy.

I don’t celebrate Christmas anymore. Having a mom who got pissed the whole day, burned the turkey, and had a meltdown throwing my presents in the garbage, kind of ruined the whole holiday for me. But I do have to say, New York at Christmas is spectacular. The twinkling lights, the tree at Rockefeller Center, and the insane amount of parties. They sure know how to celebrate here. If I wasn’t such a grinch, it would be incredible. Maybe one day.

“So, Baby Girl, wanna tell me what’s bothering you? Does it have something to do with a certain man who whisked you away after looking like he was going to murder me on the spot for touching you?” He wags his eyebrows.

Letting out a sigh, I resign. Here goes nothing.

“I know you probably think I’m ridiculous entertaining someone so soon after Jamie. I really thought there was something there. I’m not sure what exactly, but the sex was mind blowing. Like, I don’t think I’ll ever experience anything as good as that again.” I cringe, realizing I’m going into details about my sex life with David.

“Oh Baby Girl. There are plenty of men out there who know how to use their dicks, you know. Don’t write yourself off too soon.”

I playfully hit him on the arm.

“But honestly, that guy looked seriously into you. Jesus, he scared the shit out of me. Who gives a shit how soon it is after Jamie? You need to get him out of your brain ASAP and what better way of doing it?” he teases.

“Why don’t you shoot him a quick text? The guy doesn’t always have to do all the chasing, you know? If you’re in need of some sexy servicing, just tell him. What’s the worst that’s going to happen?”

Hmm, he has a point.

“Look, being totally honest. The connection with Keller–”

His arm whips from mine as he stops dead in his tracks, gawping at me.

“Shut. Up. You are not fucking Keller Russo. World Champion Keller the Killer Russo? No fucking way.”

“Jesus, do you want his number or something? Yes, that’s him.” I huff.

“Well, get your phone out and text him now. Fuck, how didn’t I recognize him Friday?” He pauses, “It must be because I was too distracted, trying to avoid him murdering me.”

I laugh. “He’s not that scary.”

“Are you fucking kidding me? Although you could be right. I am not sure there are many men out there who could compare to him. Maybe you can stay angry for a while longer. I’ll allow that,” he teases as he bumps his elbow into my side.

We walk and chat a while longer, arms now linked back together as we laugh and organize the details for our night out Saturday. David’s pretty insistent we go back to The End Zone, if I can sort out VIP again. Crafty little shit.

A buzzing vibrates against my ribs as my phone sparks to life inside my black fitted blazer. Quickly unzipping my coat, I grab it out to shut it off.

My screen lights up with text after text.


You look fucking stunning today Baby.


I suggest he get his hands off you before I rip them off.


I mean it Princess; I wasn’t fucking around when I said you are mine.


Have it your way.

A shiver runs down my spine as I scan the area. Surely he’s not following me. He can definitely see me though. How else would he know I’m walking arm in arm with David? Completely platonic, but he doesn’t know that.


My heart pounds. I know he’s near, I can feel him. I don’t even know how it’s possible, but my body reacts to him involuntarily. It’s as if we are magnets that cannot stay away from each other. The attraction is too wild and strong. I stop dead in my tracks. There is no point running from him. I have the feeling he will always find me. Maybe when he wants to, I suppose.

But if he thinks he can tell me who I can spend my lunch with, he has another thing coming. He might own me in the bedroom, but only I own me outside, especially after ghosting me yet again this whole week.

Heavy footsteps jog behind me and David eyes me suspiciously. I frown and subtly shake my head. David may be tall and muscular, but he is by no means anywhere near Keller’s league.

The footsteps come to a halt and heavy breathing fills my ears, his musky aftershave assaulting my senses. Slowly I unlink my arm from David’s and do a one-hundred-eighty degree turn. My nose brushes past his chest. God, he smells divine.

Taking a small step back, I take him in.

His gray sweatpants hanging perfectly off his hips paired with a muscle hugging black T-shirt that details perfectly every ridge of his abs. His entire frame is ripped and powerful, emphasized by the glistening of sweat.

I quickly snap my mouth shut when I realize I’m basically drooling over his body. His liquid dark eyes bore into mine. This is the first time I’ve really taken him in, in broad daylight. There’s a faint scar visible, only a centimeter or so, vertically down his left eyebrow. How have I not noticed this before? Oh, probably because his head is I don’t want to come across as desperate.

The memory sends ripples down my body and I shiver. His jaw ticks as he takes me in, shifting his vision between David and me.

“Hey mate. I’m a big fan.” David pipes up, interrupting us from our staring competition.

“Nice to meet you,” he says through gritted teeth as he sticks his hand out to David.

“David. I er- work with Sienna. I was with her last weekend at the club,” David explains, grabbing his outstretched hand with a firm handshake.

Keller gives a nod and turns his sights back to me, ignoring David, who is only two steps away from us.

“Well, it was nice to-”

Before I can even finish my sentence, Keller smashes his lips onto mine, cupping both hands around my jaw. Then, just as quickly he’s pulling away from me, looking down at me through hooded eyes, giving me a lopsided grin. A grin that makes me forget why I’m pissed at him in the first place.

Now I’m hot and flustered, I feel like I need to rip my coat off to let the cold air wrap around my body.

“I’ll pick you up outside your office at five.”

Coming out of my haze from the kiss, I blink up at him. “Wait, how do you know…”

“I’m a resourceful man.”

“Well, if you would have actually spoken to me this week, I would have told you.” I bite back now. The haze from the kiss, gone.

“Oh Princess, don’t be like that. I had some things I needed to sort. I don’t intend to go that long without you ever again.”

Talk about putting my head in a complete spin. Maybe he does want me?

“So, I’ll see you at five, yes? I believe I have some making up to do, Baby.”

He gives me a knowing wink, planting a quick peck on my forehead, and launches back into a jog without even so much as a goodbye.

I stand there blankly watching him jog off toward the New York skyline. What the fuck just happened?

“You’re blushing Baby Girl,” David nudges me out of my haze.

Linking my arms back through his with a huff, I march us back to the office. Now I’ll be counting the hours until I can continue that kiss. Damn you, Keller, for making me horny at work. Oh well, an afternoon of divorcing couples arguing will soon douse the heat inside me.

The afternoon goes by at a snail’s pace. I’m watching the seconds pass by. The off-white walls and cool-down lights almost giving me a headache. I’m still mad at Keller for ignoring me all week, but damn, all I can think about is being fucked into oblivion by him again. Just the thought has had me squeezing my legs together at my desk all day. He’s quickly consuming my every thought. I need to be careful not to get too attached. I can’t let him break my heart.

The second five o’clock hits, I fly out the door, offering David a quick goodbye as I swipe my coat and make for a jog down the stairs.

The ground floor heaves with businessmen making their way out of the building. I beeline straight to the revolving doors. I can spot him a mile off. His black jumper with the hood up and those delicious gray sweatpants, as he leans up against his gunmetal Aston Martin.

I see the envy in the eyes of the businessmen admiring his car. I roll my eyes, men and their toys.

Keller’s face lights up, relief flashing over his features as he realizes I’m coming to him. Quickening my pace, I’m now almost jogging toward him, everyone around me is a blur. All I can see, all I can focus on, is making my way to him.

When I finally do, I literally leap into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist, dropping my lips straight to his. I just can’t help myself.

“Well, that’s one hell of a greeting, Baby,” he rasps. “Now I’m fucking hard in the middle of the street in broad daylight.”

Wiggling my hips down slightly, I feel his rock-hard cock against my pussy. He wasn’t joking. Good job his pants are baggy. Nothing would hide the massive bulge he’s sporting, nothing could hide that.

All that does is ignite the fire within me. Knowing this man wants me this much makes me feel more alive than ever.

I slide my legs down his sides. He takes my weight as my low-heeled stilettos touch the pavement.

“Thanks for giving me a lift home,” I say as I open the passenger door. Keller’s hand slams on the cool steel, his body towering over mine.

“I’m only taking you home so you can pack a bag of all your shit to bring to mine. I want you in my bed every night. Non-negotiable. Two days and I can’t function without you and I’m not doing a second more.”


My eyes look over his face. This is moving fast. I haven’t even had time to be mad about him disappearing but… How do you argue with that? It may feel dangerously close to a normal relationship. But the thought of being worshiped by my own sex god every night for a while is something I won’t deny myself. I deserve this, even if it ultimately is going to shatter my heart into a thousand pieces.

“One week trial period.” I point my finger at him. “But I stay at mine when or if Maddie needs me.”

“Fine with me,” he huffs as he grabs the door handle and gestures for me to get in, then leans over to secure the buckle. I swear he purposely grazes my breasts as he does.

I can’t help but admire the sheer luxury of his penthouse. With the size, elegance, and beauty of this place, I feel completely out of my league. Keller could have any woman he wants at the drop of a hat. Why me?

The place neatly reflects Keller, the dark furnishings contrasting with natural light and white marble. That’s him, dark and brooding, but underneath all of that, there is light. I can see it, although he might not.

But I have yet to see any photographs or personal touches, not even any boxing memorabilia. It feels like an empty shell just waiting to be filled and brought to life.

“This place is magnificent, Keller.”

“Well, get used to it, Baby. If I have my way, you won’t ever be leaving this place,” he says as he sneaks up behind me, wrapping his heavy arms around my waist.

I lean back into his embrace and just take it in. It feels right. With him wrapped around me, I feel like I can take on the world.

“Well, now might be a good time to tell you I can’t cook for shit. I was brought up on ready meals and takeaways. Maddie’s practically all but banned me from making anything other than coffee in the kitchen. So if you’re expecting a doting housewife, then you may be severely disappointed, Champ.”

“Wife? Mmmm, I like the sound of that,” he mumbles into my neck.

I feel his lips slide against my skin into a smile. I can’t help the smile that creeps up my face. Maybe being a wife wouldn’t be so bad after all.

“Good job Mrs. Russo taught this boy how to cook. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure we’re both well fed. Your sweet, sweet pussy is going to provide me with dessert every damn night.”

Now that sounds perfect.

“In fact, I think I fancy something sweet before dinner,” he says as he hoists me up and then drops me down to sink into the cool leather sofa. Ripping my jeans and little black thong off in one yank, he leaves me exposed. Wasting no time, he dives in, lapping me up, sucking on my clit as his fingers start to thrust in and out, bringing me to orgasm in record speed. He certainly knows how to push all the right buttons. He whips his mouth from my pussy and gives me a hungry kiss. I can taste the sweetness of myself on his lips. It’s fucking hot. His erection strains against those sexy gray sweatpants. I want more and attempt to bring my hand up to the waistband, but he quickly swats it away.

“Patience Baby. Food first, then fuck. Deal?”

“Fine,” I huff. Despite just orgasming a few moments ago, I crave more. I crave him. But food does sound good.

Keller works the kitchen like a pro. I’m yet to find anything Keller can’t exceed at.

Boxing – check. Can find my clit- check. Cooking – check. Surely a man can’t be this perfect.

The aromas of a creamy garlic chicken make my stomach rumble. Steam fills the kitchen as Keller flits from one pan to another, spatula in hand, his face stern as he concentrates.

I just perch on the barstool, drooling over the sight in front of me. Damn, I could get used to this.

“Do you need any help? I’m sure I could manage dishing up, if you want?” I ask.

“Nope, Baby, you just sit there and look pretty. Let me show you how a real man cooks.”

I roll my eyes. That’s fine by me.

Dinner is by far one of the most incredible meals I’ve ever had in my mouth. Well, bar his cock, but that doesn’t count.

Each mouthful is a burst of flavors dancing on my tongue. I can’t hold back a moan for every bite. Keller grips his fork more and more tightly as we eat. Until he can’t take any more and slams his fork on the countertop, making me jump out of my skin.

“Fuck Princess, if you moan one more time, I won’t be able to help myself from bending you over this counter and fucking you until you scream.”

“Sorry,” I pout, heat burning my cheeks. “It’s just so fucking delicious, I can’t help myself. I’m clearly not used to anything beyond pizza and grilled sandwiches,” I add as I stuff another mouthful in, letting out another involuntary moan though I try my hardest to stop.

His heated gaze burns into me as he slips off the barstool and beelines toward me.

I clench my legs shut and squirm on my seat, pushing my near empty plate away from me, and spinning my barstool around to face him.

A word doesn’t even pass his lips as he crashes them down onto mine, causing another moan to slip out. Jesus, this man makes me so vocal.

“That fucking mouth,” he mumbles low under his breath. I give him a knowing smirk, dipping my finger in the sauce and popping it between his lips. His eyes go wide in response. I try my best not to break out into a fit of laughter at the sheer shock on his face. It’s priceless.

The next week flies by as we settle into our new routine. I can’t remember the last time I smiled so much. The last time I felt so safe and secure. Every day I feel more and more loved, like I have never felt before in my life. I don’t want this bubble to burst.

Every morning we sit and have coffee together before Keller drives me to work, giving me an earth-shattering kiss that makes me extremely horny all day at work. At 5 o’clock on the dot, Keller is stationed outside my office, his hungry eyes watching as I make my way out of the building.

Then we spend our evenings cuddled on the sofa watching crime documentaries, seeing which of us can solve it first. So far I’ve not won that yet.

He lights up when we talk about his boxing career and his unification fight in a few weeks. He’s absolutely exhausting himself training every day. The pure fire and grit that he has are clear as day.

Let’s not forget the rounds and rounds of passionate sex. Christ, I knew that man was fit. I can confirm he is more than able to see out the twelve rounds. I don’t think there is a surface left in his ridiculously large penthouse that hasn’t been christened.

Every night I fall asleep snuggled into his frame, yet every morning I wake up to an empty bed. His side barely crumpled, like he doesn’t even sleep there.

Everything is starting to almost feel too perfect.

By Friday my whole body is sore, and I’m exhausted, but I’ve never felt more alive. Keller wasn’t in the penthouse this morning when I woke, nor did he appear for coffee or to give me a lift. I tried calling a couple times with no luck. Not wanting to sound like a nagging needy girlfriend, I pull up my big girl pants and decide to walk myself to the subway. Not that I particularly want to. I can’t shake this strange feeling I am being watched. David has been off sick this week, so I’ve been doing my lunch break walks on my own. Anxiety runs through me every time, making me quicken my steps and get back to the office as soon as I can. I lost my nerve after the second time and haven’t bothered since. Maybe it’s all in my head. I sigh.

It’s worth reminding myself again not to slip into relying on a man. I’ve come this far only relying on myself and I sure as hell am not going to change now. I’m falling deeper and deeper for Keller. I know I shouldn’t, but my heart can’t help it.

We were clear that we both don’t want a relationship and it’s starting to resemble one more and more each day. If I’m not with him, he’s all I think about. When I am with him, I just want to rip my clothes off and let him devour every inch of me. We light each other up through our own brand of darkness.

I stand in the kitchen, tapping my foot as the coffee machine buzzes to life, the dark liquid filling my takeaway cup. Even just the smell of coffee is enough to wake me up.

I open up the washing machine to throw some more underwear in. I thought I had packed enough. Keller’s caveman need to rip off every pair I own means I am down to the last two pairs of satin black thongs. Pulling out the mound of clothes stuffed in the washer, I hurl them on the floor. I turn my nose up as some kind of metallic stench assaults my senses.

Picking up each black item piece by piece and tossing them in, I notice crimson covering my fingertips. What in the fuck? I try to hold in the vomit creeping up my throat. Deep red liquid drips on the white marble. Through shaky, blood covered hands I hurl the soaked black hoodie into the washer as panic takes hold of my body. Stumbling back to the sink and whacking on the hot water, I aggressively scrub the red from my fingers.

Shit, what if he’s been hurt, what if he’s in hospital, shit, shit, shit please be okay. Taking a deep breath, I turn off the scolding water and grab my handbag off the counter. Shaking the contents all over the side, I quickly swipe my phone and dial him.

Keller answers on the first ring his deep voice booming through the speaker.

“Morning Gorgeous, are you okay?” he asks softly, clearly unaware of the sheer panic I am in.

“Morning! Are you fucking serious, Keller? I thought you were fucking dead!” I shout through heavy breaths. My hands are still trembling.

“Awe, are you worried about me, Baby? I had to get up and out for an early training session. I left you a note on the plate of fruit in the fridge.” He chuckles, like this was some sort of laughing matter.

“Keller, I found your clothes in the washer dripping with blood. I thought…something happened to you. Why didn’t you just call me like a normal person? You know I can’t stand food first thing in the morning.” I whisper down the phone, as if someone could hear me sounding like such an overreacting cow.

The line goes silent. I can hear his breathing becoming heavy.

“It’s okay Sienna, calm down. I’m fine, I promise. I was training late with Grayson last night and took a bit of a battering from him.” He quickly switches the conversation. “I can head back now and drive you to work.”

Everything is suddenly becoming all too much. The walls are closing in on me. Why do I feel like he is lying to me?

“No-no honestly it’s fine, I’m running late anyway and you have training to get to. You don’t unify World Titles without a little bit of hard work. Especially with all these late night sessions you’ve been getting in.” I ramble, my brain working a thousand times a second. He doesn’t respond, so I continue.“I-er said I’d meet Maddie and David tonight, so I’ll probably just stay back at mine. She misses me. Maybe it will be good if we just have a little space for a couple of days.” My voice is trembling.

“Nope. How about me and Grayson meet you at the club later, then we go home together?”

“I’ll meet you there at 8 pm. Have a nice day.” I try to sound chirpy and cut off the call before he can even respond.

A text immediately flashes on the screen.


Cut me off like that again and you won’t like the punishment. I’ll see you tonight my Goddess x x x

With shaking fingers, I put the contents of my bag scattered around the counter back in and make my way to work. I just can’t shake the feeling that everything is tumbling down around me. I knew this was all too good to be true. That doesn’t mean this doesn’t hurt.

I take in a deep breath and call for the elevator, wiping my sweaty palms against my trousers. Fuck, I can’t do this, not without him.

I let out a sigh and head toward the stairwell. Looks like I’m walking eighty-six flights down again today. Great.

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