Distance: A Dark Mafia Romance (Beneath The Mask Series Book 1)

Distance: Chapter 10

I’m twiddling my thumbs in the passenger seat. Does this man not own any modest cars? I get he’s rich but who needs a different car for each night of the week?

“So, Russo. Italian-American right?” I ask in an attempt to make small talk. I have always rambled when I’m nervous.

He eyes me suspiciously from the driver’s seat.

“You’d be correct,” he drawls. “I’m not Italian-American though.” His features are straight as he grips the wheel with both hands.

“Oh okay,” I’m cautious, sensing it’s a sore subject so not wanting to press.

“My birth mother was a drug addict. She gave me up when I was a baby. No, I don’t know who she is and I don’t want to.”

The hurt is laced in his tone.

“I spent my childhood being tossed from foster home to foster home. No one wanted to keep a kid with my kind of ‘darkness’ as they described it. It’s bad for their real kids.”

My heart hurts for little Keller.

“By the time I was in my early teens, I’d made a name for myself on the streets in underground boxing. I met Luca around twelve years old. The kid couldn’t stop pissing people off, so I’d have to fight all his battles.”

He chuckles, which instantly brings a smile to my face.

“By the time we were fourteen, we were inseparable, so we were placed with Mrs. Russo, a recent widow, a little Italian lady with an infectious smile and one hell of a backhand.”

His eyes light up when he speaks of her.

“We stayed with her formally until we turned eighteen, but on that day, we both changed our last names to Russo. She didn’t have a family of her own. Her husband died young. She loved us boys so fiercely, like her own. We didn’t want to leave her at eighteen, so we stayed. Plus, she made mean Italian food, so who could possibly ever want to leave?” He smiles.

I rest my hand over his. “That’s so lovely. I’m glad you found her. She sounds like an incredible lady.” I nod, giving him a small but genuine smile.

There is so much more to this man underneath his hard exterior.

“Yeah, yeah she is,” he mumbles. Keeping his eyes on the road, stroking his thumb over my hand.

A few moments pass in silence. “So, Londoner?” he asks, now sporting a cockney accent and a smirk.

“I do not sound like that!” Hitting his bicep with the back of my hand, a giggle escapes.

“How long have you been an honorary New Yorker?”

I guess this journey’s turning into a get-to-know-your -history chat. I’m not entirely convinced this is one night stand pre chat but fuck it.

I take in a deep breath, readying myself to answer. For some reason, I feel comfortable opening up to him.

“I moved here the second I turned eighteen. I was awarded a Scholarship to study sociology at Columbia University. I lived in the rough ends of East London. My Dad walked out on us when I was ten. Not heard from him since.”

“Fucker,” Keller mumbles under his breath.

That makes me chuckle.

“Then my mom turned to vodka as her companion. Hence why I got on the first plane out of there. I’d grown up taking care of myself pretty much my whole life. Figured moving countries wouldn’t be that hard.” I shrug. Deep down it hurts.

I might be rambling, but shit, did it feel good to let it out to someone who genuinely asked about me rather than someone being paid to care.

“So now I work as a paralegal at Chambers & Sons, specializing in family law. But the real dream deep down is to go into social care. I want to help kids from disadvantaged backgrounds achieve. You know? I was lucky to get my scholarship and start a new life, but not every kid has that. Those are the kids I want to help.”

Shit, of course, he fucking knows.

Pursing his lips together, he slowly nods.


Keller takes a sharp left and my body crashes into the passenger door.

“Shit, Keller! What the fuck are you doing?” I exclaim.

My body hurtles forward and smashes back into the seat as the car comes to an abrupt stop.

I slowly turn towards Keller. Shit! Were we in a crash? The fucker presses the off button of the car, not even looking at me.

Is he fucking psychotic?

Before I even get a chance to ask him if he’s a psychopath, he turns his head to look at me, lust burning from his gaze. Heat rushes through my body channeling straight between my legs. I squeeze them tightly together, so tight it’s creating more friction. He’s staring at me like I’m worthy, like I’m the sexiest woman on the planet. At the same time, like he wants to fucking devour me.

I drag my eyes from him so I can scan my surroundings. From what I can make out from the dimly lit street, we’re definitely in a residential neighborhood, near 5th avenue. A quiet one at that.

Not one light is on in the apartments surrounding us on either side of the sidewalk. Not one car passes us by. I mean, it’s kind of an ideal place to murder someone and not be seen. But by the heat radiating off Keller, I think the last thing he wants to do is murder me, not unless you count death by orgasms.

I stare out the passenger window. I swear his gaze is burning holes into the back of my head. I’m scared to turn back around. The sound of each deep inhale he does draws me back to him.

This pull we have between us; with him so close to me, I can’t focus on anything. Am I even breathing? I turn back to him and watch the cords in his neck and the veins popping as the tension rises in the small space. I’m desperately fighting the urge to bite him. The thought alone makes my pussy burn. Jesus, how am I so wet just thinking about him?

A moan escapes me and he looks dead at me.

Oh fuck.

We might have agreed to fuck to get it out of our systems, but somewhere deep down, the feelings stirring in my chest might not leave after just one night. I’m going to crave more, more and more until it fucking breaks me into a thousand pieces.

Oh, but it will all be worth it.

I slowly turn my body around to face him, rolling my lips between my teeth. Keller’s dragging his thumb along his jaw, his sight not leaving my mouth. It seems as if he’s having the same inner debate.

“Fuck it,” is the last thing he says before his hands grip around my neck and his lips crash down onto mine.

A throaty moan escapes me in response to the ferocity of the kiss. I don’t even recognize my own voice. I’m putting everything I have into my response, a subtle way of showing him I feel the same way.

I may not fucking want to, but I do.

We’ve set the wildfire now.

It is either going to burn down our whole world or we are going to dance in the flames.

“I couldn’t fucking take it anymore Sienna,” he rasps between kisses.

“I’ve tried to stay away, but I can’t seem to get you, my fiery goddess, out of my every waking thought. I have to have you now.”

There’s urgency in his tone as his almost black eyes burn into my soul.

“But I don’t think I’ll ever be able to give you up.”

My eyebrows raise and my lip forms an ‘O’. He does feel it too, I knew it!

Not waiting for a response, as if he didn’t mean to add that last part, he slams his lips back onto mine, pouring every ounce of desire into his kiss. He is demanding. I have no control over it. He is taking what he wants and I’m laying it out on a platter for him.

“Spread your legs for me, Baby,” he growls, sending shockwaves straight to my throbbing pussy.

God, his deep voice is enough to just soak me.

I straighten my back as awareness shoots through me like a lightning bolt

“Keller, we’re parked in a street. What if someone sees us?” I’m cautious, but truthfully I’m so turned on right now I don’t know if I could actually stop this.

“Do you think I’d let anyone else have a glimpse of what’s mine, Sienna?” Annoyance laces in his tone.

His fingers trace up my thighs until his hand creeps up the hem of my dress. I lift my bum off the chair to give him better access. He grabs my panties and rips them clean off, leaving me bare. I can feel the cold air against my heat. Bringing his lips down to my neck, he bites, the pain intensifying the desire.

“I’ll fuck you when and where ever I want, Baby, but I don’t share, not even with a passerby on the street.” He teases me whilst nipping at my neck. My whole body is on high alert. With every touch, every nip, pleasure shoots straight through me.

I have never felt more alive.

I bite my lip to hold in a moan as he traces his tattooed finger down my arm, watching with intent as goosebumps appear under his touch.

“Do you understand?” he breathes softly into my neck.

“Yes, sir,” I whisper, my heart fluttering in my chest.

“That’s a good girl”

The zip of his pants echoes in the car.

I can’t help it. Those words uttered from his lips with his deep voice undoes me. It is so fucking hot. I have never been so turned on in my life. Unable to move my gaze from his cock, pulsing against his pants, I chew my lip in anticipation. From the outline in his pants, I can see his cock is fucking massive. Jesus, will it fit?

“It will.” His chuckle breaks me from staring. Fuck did I say that out loud?

Oh well, I’m intrigued now.

“What is it? Like thirty centimeters or something?” I ask, quickly trying to calculate how that would fit inside me if I am right.

“I don’t have a clue what that is, but mines eleven inches, Baby.”

Holy Shit.

With that new information and the fire burning through me since he uttered the words, good girl, I’m getting impatient. I need a release. I need him.

“Keller, please.” Fuck I sound needy, but I don’t care.

“Such a greedy, impatient princess,” he teases, giving me a devilish grin, and tapping his fingers on my thigh.

Yes! Just a bit higher.

I lift my butt just a few inches off the seat to encourage his fingers to go where I need them.

He wraps his hands around my thigh and presses me back down flat to the chair. Tossing my head back, I let out a frustrated groan. I can’t fucking take much more of this.

My breathing heavy, I place my hand on top of his. I can’t help it. I need to touch him.

“Put your back up against the door and spread your legs across the console,” he demands.

I do as he says, as quick as I can, scooting my butt until my back connects with the cold metal frame.

Not even that can put out the fire within me.

I slowly lower myself, opening my legs, and placing one next to the gear stick and the other on the armrest. It’s the best I can do.

Good job he took the G-wagon tonight. Maybe his flash array of cars will be useful after all.

Rubbing his hand over his face, he lets out a breath as he stares at my naked pussy. “Fuck Sienna. I can’t wait to get a taste.”

Slowly, too fucking slowly, he slides his seat back and rests his body over the center console. His eyes, still on one place, look ready to devour me.

The anticipation nearly gives me a heart attack.

He lowers his face towards my pussy, placing soft kisses on my inner thighs, his slight stubble brushing against my skin, almost burning. The warmth of his breath hitting my sensitive skin makes my breath hitch.

He crashes his lips onto my pussy, shooting an electrical current up my body. The instant his mouth connects, my back arches and I cry out.

Jesus, fucking, Christ.

He laps his tongue like a man starved, swiping up and down, biting on my clit, which sends my eyes rolling to the back of my head.

“Fuck, Keller,” I rasp through heavy breaths.

He doesn’t let up his assault with his tongue.

Shifting slightly, he traces his hands up my leg, sending shocks through me as he slides a finger down my slit, and enters me slowly with one, quickly adding another. Both are now thrusting in and out of me, as I buck my hips to match his pace. Fuck, I need more.

I twist my fingers through his hair and push his head back down. His eyes meet mine, almost sparkling.

“My greedy, greedy, goddess” he chuckles.

I don’t even need to respond; his tongue finds that sweet spot over my clit and laps it up, finding the perfect rhythm with his fingers slamming in and out.

I can’t take any more.

My legs are shaking violently, my heartbeat is hammering in my ears. I’m trembling around him but still manage to keep moving my hips up and down. I throw my head back against the window as the most intense orgasm rips through my body.

“Oh my God, Keller!” I cry out.

Gently pulling my dress back down, Keller slides his fingers out of my throbbing pussy. I immediately feel empty.

My whole body is tingling and trembling. I lift my leg, brushing the top of his head. I’m too exposed; I need to close my legs. Keller cups my cheek, nuzzling his mouth to my hair, as my breath only mildly starts to return to normal.

Fuck, him breathing in my ear is enough to send me off again. I have never orgasmed more than once with any of my other partners. Yet Keller just breathing on me is almost sending me into orgasm number two. Fuck, he’s good.

“Princess, don’t you ever hide from me. That was the goddamn sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. You losing control on my tongue made me almost come in my pants. There is no embarrassment here, only pleasure.” He whispers this and I slowly nod in reply.

Keller moves back over to his seat, and I spy his erection and can’t help but stare. Even through his trousers, it’s a fucking monster. As if sensing what I’m thinking, Keller turns to me chuckling, trying to readjust himself awkwardly.

“When I come tonight, Baby, it’s going to be inside your tight pussy, with you screaming my name as you take every last drop from me. Okay?”

His lips turn into that sexy lopsided smirk he does.

God, his mouth.

The thought makes my heart jump; my whole body is aroused again. Fuck, this man is something else. I don’t just want more; my whole body craves it.

“My place or yours?” He smirks, turning his attention to his wing mirror as the ignition roars the car to life.

“Yours,” I respond instantly.

I’ve had dreams of being fucked on his kitchen island all week. I’m not sure what he’d think of my poxy double bed smothered in pink fluffy cushions. I’m not even sure he’d fit in my bed.

It’s the stark reminder we live in two different worlds, his being one I don’t belong in.

I chastise my inner thoughts. It’s only for one night Sienna, it’s not as if you’re going to marry him. He wants you for sex. He’s hardly going to care about your bank balance.

Always the over-thinker. Sometimes I wish I could just shut my brain off for five minutes.

I’m starting to doubt that just one night will ever be enough of him.

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