
Chapter 37: Leave

“H-How...” I whispered as we walked closer to the door to have a better look and we were right. It was indeed Nikita but only this time she was covered with dirt and her eyes were different. She looks like one of the changers. “She was dead. How can she be affected by the sickness.”

“Nikita...” Olivia called as she tried to run towards her best friend but Natasha quickly grabbed her arms.

“Don’t, it’s dangerous.”

“But she’s alive!”

“And she’s sick.” Erica added.

“We should make sure the doors are locked. We can’t just let her in.” Jaden said.

Logan nodded, “Jaden is right. Everyone, make sure all doors and windows are sealed. After that let’s continue with our meeting.”

We all agreed as we all checked the doors and windows and once we were done we returned to the living room just as Olivia still stood there in front of the door watching her best friend. Erica is beside her guarding it to make sure she won’t be tempted to open it.

“Okay... Let’s continue.” Logan mumbled as Natasha glared at her.

“No, there is nothing to continue. We still standby what I said.”

“Don’t be so stubborn Natasha, this is for your own safety.”

“My own safety! Let’s talk about safety once you find out about how your girlfriend is possibly carrying your child and she’d be better taken care of there in a camp where there are actual doctors!”

Everyone fell into silence just as all eyes moved to Elora who was sitting there with eyes wide. Logan’s mouth fell open as he moved his gaze to her as everything stilled.

“Elora…” Natasha said, breaking the silence as she finally realized what she had said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean---”

Elora didn’t say anything but she quickly ran up the stairs and I followed her. I felt Logan right behind me but I stopped him by saying, “I’ll talk to her first. You stay here to sort everything out.”

Logan looked hesitant as he chewed on his lips before his shoulder sag in defeat and he nodded at me. I just turned around and ran towards my best friend who was already on their bed lying down crying. Her whole body was shaking as she stayed in a fetus position. I just slid down to her side as I embraced her closer to me. She used my thighs as a pillow as I combed her hair helping her calm down.

Aspen’s POV

Everyone fell into silence when Elora and Myla left. Logan just sat at the sofa staring at the middle of nowhere as the rest of the group did the same. Vince and I locked eyes and he gave me a meaningful look. I just sighed as he stepped up and finally spoke.

“We still need to decide what will be our fate. I think we should let Natasha decide what they want for themselves. It’s their choice anyway. We can’t just continue to dictate what we should want for others even if we think it is wrong or right. That’s individuality.”

Natasha nodded in agreement however I noticed the lack of enthusiasm. I think it has got to do with what happened earlier feeling guilty for dropping a bomb in the discussion.

“I propose a resolution.” Vince said just as all eyes turned to his direction, “Since everyone was worried about Logan and Aspen’s family’s involvement here and Logan himself is worried for the others to go to the camp without being sure what they’d get there I believe that we should just split ways.”

“Split ways?” Sebastian said, “You want us to leave each other. How is that different?”

“It’s different because Aspen, Logan, and anyone who wants to follow them will leave instead. Natasha and the others will stay here.”

“What?” Logan himself asked as the others murmured their disbelief.

“If the people that are in Aspen found out we are here, which I think they would, they’ll come and get us. We don’t know how they’ll treat us but at least the one who will stay has this place for themselves as plan b if they didn’t bring them to the camp. That’s what you’re worrying about Logan, right? That they’d have a contingency plan.”

“I like that plan.” Erica said just as the others agreed.

“No. I don’t like it.” Logan said then just as looked at him with confusion written on their faces, “Now that I know I have a child on the way I won’t be bringing him or her out there where it is not safe.”

“You had no choice in this one Logan. You are the one they are after.”

“I can’t just leave my girlfriend here!”

Logan then turned his gaze at me and I had to look away. Our friendship may be strained because of him leaving to move to another state but after this trip everything kind of mended together but now we are facing another difficult decision. This time I might be the one who has to leave.

“We haven’t talked to Elora or Myla yet. We decide once they’ve finally given us an answer.” I just said.

“No. Elora is my responsibility. She stays.”

“We still need to get her opinion on this Logan. You know those people. They almost killed Aspen and Myla. What makes you so sure that Elora would be safe here too? They might use her as leverage to get to you.” Vince replied.

“Damn it!” Logan said, punching the table as some flinched, “I don’t know what to do anymore.”

Logan covered his face with his hands as I patted his back trying to help him calm down feeling him sigh to my touch.

I just cleared my throat as all of their attention shifted to me, “We need to talk about the fence. We lost a day’s work after what happened today. Tomorrow we should continue doing the same rotations. Anyone objects?”

Everyone shook their heads as I nodded and continued on with my speech. We talked about the preparations for those who are planning to leave and the pros and cons of which decision they take just as Myla returned and everyone looked at her with an unspoken question.

“She is fine. She is now sleeping.” she whispered as everyone nodded.

“Now that you’re here we need to discuss to them what we know.”

“About the truth and what they are hiding?”

“You know what is happening here?” Natasha asked.

“No, but we’ve been looking for a map since earlier. Where the camp is and what might be they’re hiding there. I think we should investigate.”

“But we’re leaving.” Vince said just as Myla furrowed her brows, “What do you mean?”

Vince then explained the plan to her. Myla didn’t show any signs of reaction other than the same confused expression that she had earlier until Vince was finished.

“So that’s what you guys want?” she asked.

Vince nodded but I looked away when she tried to catch my gaze.

“They’ll probably find Aspen and Logan in a week tops. We have to finish building the fence for the others and at the same time prepare for leaving. We still have two cars and another one that is in the garage.”

Myla didn’t reply immediately but I know her mind is working right now about a solution.

“What are you thinking?” I whispered as she finally looked up and met my eyes.

“We still need to investigate the camp. What they have there. What they lied about your parents...”

“Another investigation?” Olivia intervened. She has been quiet the whole time now. She finally spoke, “We already did that and we lost two people today and one of them is my best friend walking out there like a living corpse!”

“No one is forcing you Olivia. If Myla wants to investigate, just let her.” Vince replied, “I lost my best friend too you know. Had to kill him myself even. But I am not sulking around like you.”

“What did you just say? Sulking!” Olivia was about to grab Vince when Erica stopped her. She tried to break free but eventually calmed down when Vince just glared at her and returned his attention to us.

“We’re not going anywhere with these arguments.” Jaden mumbled as we all hum in agreement.

“We should just get some rest we’re all tired for today. Maybe we’ll have a clear head tomorrow. Just remember that we still need to continue to work on the fence.” I said.

“Okay, that’s all for tonight.” Logan finally spoke standing up as the rest turned their attention to him, “Good night everyone.”

Everyone went to their rooms as Logan, Vince, Myla and I were left there.

“Do you really want to go?” Logan said breaking the silence before his gaze met mine.

“We need to find out the truth.”

“So you are going with Myla to investigate?”

“We have blue prints.” Myla said, “It would be easy to walk around camp.”

“But that would be risky.” Vince replied, “What if there are restricted areas and how would you even get inside. They know what you look like and besides you’re injured. I think investigation isn’t the priority right now. We need to find a different objective.”

“And that is?”

“Where are we going once we leave?”

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