
Chapter 31: Die

Aspen was about to carry me again so we’d finally continue our journey when we heard shuffling. Aspen immediately took out his gun before pointing it towards the direction where it came from when my eyes widen seeing one of the sickos charging towards us. He has blood dripping on his mouth and his whole body is rotting. He does not only look like a walking corpse but he also smells like one.

He growled at Aspen about to tackle him when he clicked the trigger as the sound of the shot ringed in the entire forest. The sickos still were moving after the shot so Aspen kept on shooting until finally when he shot him in the head he stopped moving.

My vision clouds as memories kept surging my mind. The sound of a gun, people falling one by one to the ground, and the whiff of metal in the air as I run and run and run until I lost my footing and slam to the ground hitting my head as darkness enveloped my sight.

“Myla let’s go. They’d probably heard the shots and come to us.” instead of carrying me this time he took my arm and placed it on his shoulder as we jogged as fast as we can with my broken leg. I knew why he did it instead of carrying me. He needs his hands so that he could shoot. He knows I’d be too shaken to pull the trigger.

So that’s what Aspen and I did we ran as fast as my broken leg can take until I saw two shadow figures closing towards us. Aspen aimed his gun at them as I squinted my eyes to have a much better view. I can’t make up their faces but I know that they’re not sickos.

“Aspen, no.” I said reaching for his arm, “They’re people.”

“They’re not what I am aiming for.” he replied and that is only then that I saw one of the sickos behind them. I can barely see them because of the flashlight they are holding pointing in our direction.

When we finally took care of the sickos we made our way back to the cabin. We had a brief conversation about what happened to the two groups while we’re on our way back until we met another one and just ignored it hoping that we won’t attract more of them here.

A few moments later I can finally see the cabin. Relief wash over me as I saw our friends at the steps of the house waiting for us. I noticed that there are sleeping bags in the deck as we go up. I then remembered what Logan told us on our way they had an attack earlier. Aspen then helped carry me up so I wouldn’t have to limp my way up before settling me to one of the wooden benches.

“Thank god you two are safe.” Natasha muttered seeing the two of us.

“What happened to the car?” Erica asked.

“And what happened to you?”

“It crashed.” I replied.

“What?” they both looked shocked, “Why?”

Before I can explain Logan gook everyone’s attention by clapping, “Okay, group meeting. Call the others inside.”

Sebastian whom I just noticed is in the window looking over us nodded before disappearing to call the others. Logan then turned around to face us.

“Do you need anything?”

“Water would be nice.” I muttered as he nodded before walking away as Natasha kneeled in front of me to go check on my legs, “Don’t worry it’s because of the crash. I wasn’t bitten.”

“I know. It’s too deep for a bite. Nice work, Aspen.” she said inspecting the wound, “This should heal after a few days. Just try not to walk too much to lessen the pain. We have pain relievers in the first aid kit. Do you want some?”

“Sure. That’ll be nice.”

“Already have it.” Logan said just as Natasha was about to leave. He brought a pill and a bottle of water for me and Aspen.

“Thanks.” I smiled at him and Natasha rolled her eyes muttering ‘of course mr thoughtful leader’ to Logan under her breathe.

“We’re here.” I heard a voice said as I saw Jaden along with the others in the window. I can even see Elora who has bloodshot eyes trying to smile at us. She must be really worried if she cried that much.

Logan’s gaze slowly lingered at Elora smiling at her before nodding and focusing his attention to the rest of the group, “Okay. Myla and Aspen has something to report to us.”

Aspen stepped up just as the others attention moved to his, “It’s not a surprise that we didn’t find any cure for Theo in the warehouse that Myla and I went to. But we think we have something that can prevent it from spreading and to increase the effects further. Its Vitamin B3.”

“Wait. Isn’t that for fungus?” Natasha asked as Aspen nodded.

“Yes.” Aspen then sighed before locking eyes with Logan and the way they gaze at each other I know they are somehow communicating by just looking. Aspen cleared his throat before continuing. “It’s not a secret that this has something to do with the company I am handling. I didn’t know much being in the business department but I know that we are studying a certain species of fungus and this maybe the cause of all of this. I lost communication with them since the start of our vacation so I didn’t know what really happened so I apologize for everything.”

Aspen didn’t say it specifically but I know why he suddenly changed his mind and told the rest of the group the truth. He was rattled with what happened earlier having evidences that there might be involvement of actual planning of this catastrophe and not just a mere lab accident.

“It’s not your fault Aspen.” Nikita said breaking the silence as I noticed the rest of the group nodding agreeing to her.

“Yeah. You’re not the one who spread the fungus anyway.” Sebastian answered.

“They’re right. You are here with us the entire time. You couldn’t have known.” Jaden added.

Aspen smiled as he began talking again. He didn’t have to thank us the gesture is enough and saying thanks doesn’t seems appropriate either.

“We brought some supplies for the group but because of the crash we have to leave them there in the forest. We’re not sure of this will make Theo go back to normal but it’s a start. We brought documents that we can start working on to know more about this sickness.”

“And the survivors?” Vince then asked.

Aspen chewed on his lips hesitating a little. His gaze moved to me asking for my opinion. I was about to tell him my thoughts when memories of what happened after the crash flooded my mind but it was too blurry that I forced myself to recall but my head suddenly aches. I clutched my head moaning in pain just as I heard the rest of the group murmur their worries and Natasha quickly knelt in front of me again to see what happened.

“Okay, that’s for tonight guys. Aspen and Myla still needs to rest.” I heard Logan said, “We’ll talk again tomorrow, okay?”

There was a short pause as Logan continued saying, “Olivia can you prepare some food for them.”

“On it.”

“Are you okay?” Natasha asked as I heard shuffling from the others.

“Just... I thought I remembered something after the crash but then my head hurt.”

“What is it?” Aspen asked.

“The two man they were talking about something. Something that another one knows.”

“What another one and what two man?” Erica asked.

“They must be talking about Logan.” Aspen replied.

“What is it?” Logan asked hearing his name.

“I-I don’t remember.”

Aspen just nodded before moving his attention to Logan. The two exchanged a look before walking away from the group about to talk privately.

“They must know something about what happened do they?” Erica asked.

“Both of their families are practically royalty. It’s probably them that can afford to do something as global scale as this. Whatever their reasons are.” Natasha answered.

“We don’t know that.” I told them with full confidence. With the way they are speaking they are already accusing Logan and Aspen when all they did up until now is to help everybody. Their families might be involved in this after what I found out with my talk with Aspen earlier before the crash but I trust both of them. They wouldn’t do something like this.

“Whatever the case is they’re hiding something. Do you know anything Myla?”

“Nothing. What Aspen and Logan hid the group about the little knowledge Aspen has about Theo’s condition based on their company is for our own good. They understand that everybody is worried but they won’t allow us to commit murder.”

“It’s not murder its self-defense.”

“It’s different and you know it. Theo is tied up the others attacked us. It’ll be an execution.”

“Then we’ll untie him. Let’s see if he still has some logic left.”

“No. We already got some supplies that might at least help him. We can risk that.”

“You’re too sentimental Myla. That’ll get you killed one of these days.”

“Then I’ll die trying.”

“You don’t know what happened here earlier Myla. We all almost got killed.”

“I was also in the brink of death too just like the rest of you earlier in case you have forgotten.”

“It’s different.”

“How is it different?”

“Because you would’ve died as yourself. Us? We’d die a monster trying to attack the people we care about.”

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