
Chapter 22: Where are We?

Aspen’s POV

So, then we just used the rest of the afternoon to teach Myla self-defense instead of using the gun. She looks more comfortable and at ease trying to throw punches and kicks which made me feel a bit relieved knowing that she’d be alright out there with me. I can protect myself alright but I’d be having trouble trying to save the both of us if I worry about her safety.

“Loosen your arms, you’re too stiff.” I told her crossing my hands to my chest as I watched Myla try to do a stance. She did as I asked her as I nodded. “Move your hips to the side each time you thrust your legs forward. You’ll lose your balance doing that.”

Myla huff before doing what I asked her almost falling because of losing her footing. Logan helped her with her posture as they laughed whispering to each other. I felt kind of irritated with their exchange despite knowing that my friend is obsessed with his girlfriend and is just close to Myla that’s why they act the way they are. I just pushed the thoughts aside and instructed her again as we continued to practice until finally the sun was finally setting.

“We should head back.” Jaden said, “It’s dangerous to stay outdoors.”

We all nodded and took our stuff. Jaden went with Myla and headed inside while Logan, Vince, and I went to the back to return the rest of the equipment.

“Should we at least bring one gun inside?” Logan asked me as we put the rest of the gun back in their case.

I sneak a look at Vince who was done putting aside his and just looking at the other guns in the display rack. I didn’t know why Logan agreed that he should be near a gun when I noticed some changes in his behavior but Logan unlike me has a heart and he trusts him so I just agreed with him. If he says that it is safe then it will be.

“Just one. Just in case. The others might be comfortable with the weapon.” I replied. I know that in a political perspective some people in our country do not agree with the legality of these things so I respect them for not wanting to have these inside. Maybe that’s why Myla also acted that way earlier. However, something tells me it’s not just because of that.

Logan nodded, “Okay. Vince let’s go.”

I looked at Vince inspecting his clothes just in case he tried to sneak in another. Logan may go easy on him but I’m not my best friend. We’re complete opposites that way. I don’t want to just suspect anyone but I need to be vigilant after what I observed with his behavior lately. And not just him but it goes with everybody. After what is happening around us right now we need to be careful in order to survive this.

Vince and I locked eyes noticing me looking at him but I just averted my gaze and walked first back to the house where everyone was already preparing for dinner. Natasha with Erica who were setting the table greeted me and I just nodded at them as I made my way upstairs to freshen up. The rest of the group also said ‘hi’ and I just nodded at them until I finally got to my room and noticed that I didn’t see Myla. I looked at her room just across from me about to twist the knob of my door when I saw lights inside. Knowing that she was safe there I quickly went in and did my business.

The next day I noticed that the rest of the group were giving me sympathetic looks. That was only then it occurred to me that it is finally the day that we are going to leave to find a cure for Theo. I just ignored their pity glances and just made my way to the kitchen to eat when suddenly Logan had to make a huge deal about it and decided to have a speech. I just rolled my eyes mentally but was grateful for the gesture.

“Don’t be too hard on her out there. She isn’t like you. She doesn’t have a heart of stone.” Logan teased as I just glared at him. We are finally leaving to go to the company to get some answers and Logan was saying his farewell. We just finished making sure that I brought everything. We want to travel light but in case something goes wrong at least we have supplies waiting in the car.

“I can’t promise anything. I’ll do what has to be done.”

Logan chuckled, “Of course you won’t be Aspen if you weren’t like that.”

Just as he said that I saw Myla and Elora walking closer as Logan tapped my chest, “I’ll see you at dinner later take care.”

I nodded, “I will.”

We said our farewell to the others as Myla finally took her place beside me in the shotgun seat. I looked at her searching for any indication that she might change her mind about the mission.

“Last chance to walk out.” I said.

“I’ll be fine.” she replied and I met her eyes trying to make out any discomfort or hesitation but she didn’t have any. I saw determination and courage and maybe a hint of fear but she is fine.

“Let’s go.”

Myla and I were just quiet the entire ride as we made our way out of the forest. We used the same truck that I drove out of the city. It has enough gas to make it there and back. Thankfully Sebastian knows how to get gas from another car (after all Logan doesn’t have any extra gas for cars and the only thing available is for the generator which is more important because we needed electricity to last) and that’s what we did. This and Logan’s car are the only one’s suitable for this trip since our families are practically royalties so we had to drive bulletproof cars. But mine is bigger and doesn’t require a lot of gas. Besides this is already the one we used before that’s why we used this instead.

“Do you want to open the radio?” I asked her mentally slap myself just realizing after I said that, that there was no signal. I just thought that it was the normal thing to say when you are driving with someone. I shouldn’t have just asked. I was used to not caring after all but there is something about Myla that makes me think otherwise.

“Can I? I want to see if there are other survivors. But I don’t want to use too much of the car’s battery. We need it.” she replied and I had to stop myself from smiling realizing how smart she is for thinking of that and somehow grateful that I didn’t come out as an idiot with my question.

“Sure. That was what I was thinking. We wouldn’t want to use it for nonsense things.”

Myla just chewed on her lower lip and nodded. I just pretended to be nonchalant and returned my focus to the road when all I could think about was the woman beside me with his knitted brows as she tried to press the buttons of the radio.

“Well that’s all of it.” Myla said, sighing as she finally leaned back to her seat, “No signal anywhere. Where are we anyway?”

Just as she asked the question, the dirt path is now replaced by the main road. Myla looked around trying to find any signs of the city we once knew. Once I stirred and the rubber tires scraped the asphalt and she saw the abandoned vehicles and the litters everywhere her reaction changed to the same thing we had when we first witnessed this scene.

“Is this...”

I nodded, “Yeah. It’s the same condition that we saw the last time we were here, only this time it looks more messier.”

“Where are they? The sick people.”

“I don’t know. When we first met them, they were walking in hoards. Maybe they are in a different area right now.”

“Why do you think they are acting like that? When did all of this start? We’ve only been in the cabin for a few days until Theo got bitten. Assuming that the guy that attacked me before we arrived here also has the same sickness as the rest has, where did they get it?”

“Not sure. But we’ll find out soon. Keep your eyes glued to any signs of movement.”

Myla nodded, now becoming our lookout as I focused my attention back to the road.

A few minutes later we arrived in the city proper. More abandoned cars everywhere and houses and business establishments surround us. We passed by the hospital that we brought Theo before making this the farthest we’ve gone since all of this started.

“Stay alert. They might be hiding in the buildings.”

I slowed the truck and stayed alert just looking not only at the roads but also the side of the car. I made sure to observe the houses thinking that there might be survivors inside. If we met the man the week before that only means there might be some people also out there but they just don’t have devices for communication like we do.

“I can’t see anyone. Everything looks deserted.” Myla whispered even though it’s just the two of us in the car, “If everyone got sick, where do they think they went?”

“They are walking in hoards there might be something attracting them there. Logan said that he noticed Theo being stimulated to sounds.”

“Really? So, you think they are just hanging out in a place with loud noises right now?”

“I’m not sure. When we first encountered the hoard, we weren’t making any noises that much.”

“So, you think there are also other stimuli besides sounds?”


“Do you have any theories?”

Before I was even able to reply something bumped the car making me step on the break on instinct as Myla yelped.

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