
Chapter 14: Move! Get Away!

When we got inside Sebastian turn the TV on again as Logan tried to contact the authorities along with our other friends. I joined Nikita who was sitting on the sofa in the living room staring at nowhere deep in thought. Jaden, along with Olivia, decided to go outside and wanted to volunteer for the watch so we just let them, knowing after that encounter earlier it’s not surprising that they’d be needing fresh air.

“That’s odd.” Elora said who was in the kitchen in front of the fridge, “Is it just me or this thing isn’t working?”

“What do you mean?” Erica, who is just beside her, asked.

“The lights in the fridge are off.”

“Let me see.” Erica replied leaning on the door and inserting her hand inside. I walked up to them curious as to what was going on when I heard Sebastian cursing, making me turn around to face where he was in front of the television.

“We lost power!”

“What?” I asked.

“There is no electricity.”

“Are you sure?”

“Damn right woman I’m sure.”

I kneeled beside him to confirm and I cursed when he was right.

“What’s happening?” Logan asked as Erica and Elora joined us in the living room.

“There is no electricity.” his girlfriend answered.

“There must be something wrong with the generator downstairs. We have backup solar panels but it’s just set for night consumption. Come with me, we’ll fix it.”

Sebastian nodded dusting his pants, “Okay.”

“I’ll come with.” I replied as they looked at me a bit surprised and I just shrugged, “I don’t have anything to do might as well help.”

“I’ll go too.” Elora answered.

“No. It’s fine. The three of us is enough. You guys stay here, it isn’t safe outside. I’ll just ask Olivia and Jaden to join you. I’m sure they finally had a breather.”

Elora opened her mouth to complain but when she saw Logan’s stern look she just sighed and nodded, “Okay.”

“Let’s go.”

We each took a flashlight before heading downstairs where the generator is. We rounded the house as we passed by a closed deep well.

“You also have water reserves here.” I said as I followed the two at the back. I know for sure that they use a deep well like those old farm houses being in the middle of the woods but I didn’t know that they’d also be having something like this here. They must be really lenient about their comfort staying here.

Logan nodded, “We stayed here for months before so we needed to stack up. The lake water is drinkable but we can’t go there at night. Each year we asked our helpers to maintain this place. I’m sure there are also enough food supplies in the pantry.”

“And you asked us to bring food.” Sebastian muttered as Logan chuckled.

“I didn’t say the food that we have on stack is delicious.”

We finally got to the back of the house which is locked. Logan took out the keys from his pocket and removed the chain. When we got in I saw a huge room with different machinery on the right side is another door which I assume is the pantry that Logan was referring to. Next to it are diamond chains dividing where there are a lot of shelves with different supplies like gas, paint, and tools.

“Why did you keep the pantry right beside the generator?”

“This is just for grains, canned foods, and stuff that would last a long time like tissues, towels, toothbrushes. The others are inside the house.”

While the boys were busy with the generator I decided to look around the place. I first went to the pantry to look at supplies and saw sacks of different grains, beans, and shelves full of different canned foods. I closed the door and moved on the diamond chained side and looked at the tools and equipment.

I was just wandering around until my heart beat skyrocketed seeing different firearms hanging in front of me. Some are in casings, some I can just grab. My body went rigid but I just took in a deep breath and turned around and joined the boys who are now full of grease and sweaty.

“Is everything okay?”

Logan nodded, wiping the sweat in his forehead with his arm, “Yeah just needed to refill the oil. But I need a shower.”

I giggled, “Yeah you do.”

We went back to the cabin after Logan made sure that the door was secured. We wouldn’t want anyone to trespass the place after all there are important things there.

“How long ’till we need to refill the generator again with gas?” Sebastian asked.

“Depending on our consumption.”

When we finally got back Elora immediately approached Logan and went together upstairs Sebastian followed suit also covered with grease from earlier. As I didn’t help and just snooped around I went out where Jaden is back to his ‘watch’ and told Olivia she could rest and be with Nikita.

“Is everything okay?” he asked.

“Yeah. Just Logan needed to check the generator. Everything is good.”

Jaden nodded, returning his attention back to the forest as we sat at the wooden steps. We were surrounded with silence for a few minutes just watching nature feeling the fresh air kiss our skin until finally Jaden asked.

“What do you think is happening out there?”

“What do you mean?”

“There is no signal, we couldn’t contact anybody, and there were sick people running around attacking others.”

“I don’t know. We’ll find out once Aspen and the others return.”

“I hope Theo is okay.”

“He will be.”

We stayed there for a few more hours until Sebastian and Erica took over the watch. I went inside and saw Olivia and Nikita playing chess as Elora and Logan are just cuddling lost in their own world talking. Jaden joined the girls to play as I went to the kitchen and looked for something to eat.

I was about to take out some ingredients for my sandwich where I heard the two talking outside. I heard murmurs of commotion as I peeked from the window and saw Sebastian and Erica are looking at something. I squinted my eyes as they stood and crept slowly down the flight of steps. I followed their train of sight when my eyes widened and saw that it was the man that attacked me earlier.

I quickly closed the door of the fridge before making my way out, stopping Sebastian from coming closer to him.

“No!” I shouted. Erica was just standing at the deck.

Sebastian immediately stopped from going down before turning his gaze at me. His brows creased when he saw my reaction.

“Myla? Why?” he said.

“Stay away from him.”

“What? Why? He is hurt. We have to help him.”

“He is the man that attacked me!”


“He is the—”

“Sebastian, turn around!” Erica shouted.

Sebastian’s creased brow was even more evident but he just did what we asked of him as my heart beat skyrocketed when the man launched himself at Sebastian attacking him. Erica screamed as the man tried to bite Sebastian. I immediately looked around looking for something to use as a weapon when I saw a wooden bench. I called Erica to help me and she quickly sprinted towards my direction and we both pushed the bench up to the end of the deck. Nikita and Olivia who were alerted by our loud voices went out and when they saw us ran and helped us.

“Sebastian, move!” we screamed as Sebastian looked up at us seeing we were all there. Sebastian quickly pushed the man aside with all his strength as did we and the next thing we know the bench is falling down the stairs and it hit the man sandwiching him from a nearby tree and the wooden bench.

We quickly ran down the steps and aided Sebastian.

“Are you okay?” Erica asked him as he nodded.

“I’m fine.” he replied, “That dude is strong.”

“Did he get to you?” I asked as he shook his head.

“No. But I think I’ll have bruises on my back after being pushed to the wooden steps.”

Jaden helped Sebastian up as Olivia and Nikita joined them to take care of him while me and Erica decided to inspect the man earlier. We might’ve killed him.

Just as we slowly walked towards the tree where he was we heard Logan and Elora approaching. Their clothes are crumpled and their hair is disheveled letting us know what they were doing when the attack happened.

“What happened?” he asked.

“I think we finally found him.” I replied.

“Who?” Elora asked.

“The man who attacked me.” I replied, biting my lower lip as guilt crept into my body before saying, “But I think he is dead.”

Elora’s eyes widened as Logan turned his attention to where Erica and I were looking at. He first walked closer to the man to see if he was still alive when we heard a loud honking sound and as we turned around we saw the truck that Aspen drove earlier. I squinted my eyes seeing some dark stain on the windshield and as the car got closer my jaw dropped realizing what it was.

“Don’t touch him!” Vince shouted, peeking from the car door, “Get away from him!”

“What?” we all said in unison, not hearing his voice clearly. But before they even arrived we heard another sound from behind us as all went pale.

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