
Chapter 05: Smalltalk

Natasha runs toward the direction of the lake along with Nikita as Olivia made her way at the back of the cabin. Erica, who looked bored, just slowly walked to the North direction away from the cabin and into the middle of the woods while Elora took my hand and led me to the East side of the cabin.

“I know a good place to hide.” she said pulling me as I let her.

A few seconds later running we made it to what looks like an old shack.

“Let’s go inside.”

A creaking sound greeted us as we pushed the wooden door open. Inside is what looks like an old family car. This must be a storage because once we got in I coughed with the amount of dust that I inhaled.

“Will Logan know this place?” I asked as we walked to the back where there was worn out equipment.

“That’s the point. He knows.”

I flexed a brow looking at her shirt. It is a black shirt just like what I was wearing but it has a print on it. I immediately recognized it because Logan has that same brand of shirt he always wears. He has it in all different colors. We teased him that it is like his uniform.

I shook my head, “Of course you got his shirt. You two really are meant to be.”

She winked, “Let’s just say that I know the texture of these clothes.”

We laughed together as we then began inspecting the old items. There is an old bike in the far bag that is starting to rust, some sort of machine that is covered in a white cloth, a huge toolbox, and a few hunting equipment and things for trapping wild animals.

“Does Logan’s family hunt?” I asked.


“So, Logan knows how to?”

“He knows how to because it’s like a rite of passage for ‘men’ in their family.” she said, rolling her eyes, “But he doesn’t want to do it. Too cruel. Same as the bear traps. The moment their family gave this property to him he immediately got rid of it.”

I nodded as we continued looking at the other interesting items stored here. A few minutes later Elora and I found ourselves seated in an old sofa when I heard the grass rustling outside. I met eyes with her as we started to hide in the back. We stayed there waiting as footsteps became heavier. Elora tried to take a peek to see who it was and I joined her lightly leaning up as we saw a male figure slowly walking towards us. We hid back trying to suppress our laughter as she pointed beside me. There I saw a back door leading to the woods.

We creeped quietly and as we reached the door we tried to open it as silent as possible but because one of the screws that were unhedged it made a loud sound. Elora and I started to panic standing up and forcefully pushing the door this time as we heard a voice calling us. Elora and I giggled as we ran, hearing the shuffling behind us.

“You run this way, I run that way.” Elora said as I nodded, running towards the direction where she pointed, sprinting as if my life depended on it.

I kept on running until I had to stop to catch my breathe. I looked behind me and noticed that no one was there. They must’ve followed Elora instead of me. Well if it was Logan he’d probably follow her. I could imagine him tackling her to the ground and just cuddling there in the grass.

I heave a heavy breath wiping my sweat with my arms. I stayed there for a few minutes holding both of my knees trying to even my breathing when I heard rustling sounds again.

I turned around searching for something to pounce on me in the shadows remembering the traps in the storage room. There might be wild animals nearby if they have a lot of equipment for that. I took my whistle out ready to blow it in case something might happen to me. The rustling continues to get louder as I brace myself when suddenly a rabbit hopped out of the bushes.

I sighed smiling before kneeling down as I hug my legs reaching my hand to the rabbit wanting to caress it when a huge shadow cast in front of me. I immediately panicked as my heart beat began to rise again and my body started shaking. I stood up ready to run when something held my wrist tugging me as I was pulled losing my footing making me fall backwards. The next thing I knew I was laying in the ground with huge arms encircling my waist and I heard a masculine voice groaned.

“Did you really have to run?” said a familiar voice, making me freeze. I immediately turned around almost having whiplash as I looked up to see who was behind me.


“You have my shirt.” he said looking down as our faces are just a mere inch away from each other making me blush. I wiggled my way out of his hold dusting my pants before offering my hand to him. But he just laid on his side, closing his eyes, muttering something as he stayed in a fetus position moving his knees up covering his thighs.

“Hey, you okay? Did you hit your head.” I said starting to get worried as I kneel beside me.

“I’m fine. I just need a minute. I think a rock hit my back when I fell.”

“Oh, ahmm. Okay?”

I just stood there waiting for him to recover when just a few seconds later he complained about being bothered by my gaze so I immediately turned around crossing my arms to my chest as I stared at nature in front of me.

Waiting for another minute I finally heard shuffling, “You good?”

“Yeah.” he said as I felt his presence right beside me, his breath fanning the side of my face, “Let’s go back.”

I just nodded following him as he led the way. The only thing I can hear is the crunching sound of the dry leaves and the birds chirping as we make our way back to the cabin. It was peaceful to walk in the middle of the woods alone but sadly I wasn’t. I was with a boy— correction man who makes me feel tense and awkward. I remembered not taking this long to get back; however now it feels like we’ve been walking for hours.

“So... Elora said you are already working. May I ask where?”

His footsteps slowed down as if allowing me to catch up as he looked at me with a confused expression, “Why?”

I shrugged, “Just wanted to have a conversation with you.”

On another day I wouldn’t bother making an effort. I would rather choose quietness over anything else but it’s summer I want to have fun. I don’t want to have this part in my memory of my last summer break where I get to remember some weird guy that one of my closest friends brought. I want in the future to look back and see just happy memories with everyone.

He looks hesitant but eventually answers, “Corporate.”

Dry. The conversation is dry. Just like how my throat feels. I really could use some water right about now.

I smiled nodding, “What does your company do?”


“Oh, so you’re like a scientist or something?”

“Or something.”

I forced a smile and finally just gave up and chose to be silent the entire walk. When we finally got back Jaden and Natasha, Vince and Erica, and Sebastian and Nikita were already there all paired up.

“Who arrived first?” I asked.

“Us. Of course.” Sebastian said, winking as he leaned his arms around Nikita’s shoulder.

“Where did you hide?”

“The lake.” Nikita answered.

“You should’ve seen her earlier. She looked like a missing deer.”

Nikita blushed, “I’m not.”

We laughed seeing how adorable she is. She may not be the youngest one in the group but she acts like she is. She’s so cute.

I asked the rest of the group where they hid and how the boys found them as a few moments later Theo and Olivia joined us. It was almost lunch time when we noticed that Logan and Elora are still missing.

“They’re taking a while.” Jaden said, smirking.

“We all know why.” Sebastian replied, wiggling his brows as I rolled my eyes.

“Are we the only ones in the forest right now?” Natasha asked, stirring the topic.

I nodded, “As far as I know Logan’s family practically own this whole area. Why’d you ask?”

“Nothing.” she shrugged, “I just thought I saw someone earlier.”

“Whoa.” Jaden teased, “It must be a ghost.”

Natasha quickly pushed him away as he leaned in closer to her acting like a ghost, “Might just be my imagination.”

A few minutes later the couple finally arrived. Despite acting like nothing happened, the leaves that we find on Elora’s hair and a little dirt on their shirt just confirms Sebastian and Jaden’s theory. So, we just let them take a bath first as the rest of us helped prepare our lunch.

When dinner came Logan along with Vince and Theo came to the boat house to prepare the yacht while we took care of the food. When we came the boat was now lit by fairy lights and there is a long wooden table in the middle. The girls helped set the whole place making it look more fancier as the boys made another barbeque. This time they are cooking seafood.

“Maybe we’ll try fishing our food tomorrow.” Theo said as Vince nodded.

“I agree.”

“You two are so boring.” Jaden whined as Sebastian agreed with him.

“That’s not boring. I tried fishing with my dad. It was fun.” Logan answered as the two men made gagging sounds. They then started to argue how ‘cool’ fishing is and it was Jaden and Sebastian who are the one who are lame.

I just shook my head and joined the girls who are already done with the table.

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