Discovery of a Queen: Resurrection of Queens Book 1

Discovery of a Queen: Chapter 23

My eyes fly open, magic blasting out of my body and disintegrating my restraints. My dragon comes hurtling back to me, and with her, my bonds with my community, even the vampires. My mate bond with Caleb fully snaps into place, flaring a bright and pleasant heat inside me. I feel powerful, I feel complete. I feel ready to fuck a bitch’s day straight to hell.

“Ayla!” a chorus of voices scream in my head. I wince slightly at the volume, but warmth spreads through me at the connection.

“Ayla,” Caleb rumbles. He’s shocked, scared, pissed, and…in love? My heart stops for a moment. He loves me? Damn straight he loves me. What the hell is there not to love about me? And, I guess, I sort of love him too. The turd. “You better answer me, woman.”

“I’m here.” I send this to all of them before answering just Caleb. “Don’t you sass me. I have been through an ordeal, sir. You are to shower me with love and snuggles when this is all over. I expect pampering. Lots of pampering.”

“I will do whatever the hell you want. Just tell me where you are.” That’s a good question. I have no idea. But my magic doesn’t need to know where I am. It spreads through our bond like a beacon, calling him to me. “I’m on my way.’

I can sense Caleb and my community mobilizing. It feels so right. But now, I need to focus on my favorite mage. The darkness surges inside me at the thought of Katia. As Isis instructed, I don’t try to run from it. Instead, I use it to fuel me. She’s part of the evil that wants to spread across this world like a plague. I’m not going to let that happen.

Can I eat her? my dragon growls. I mentally hug her, thrilled beyond measure to feel her once again.

Sure. I head toward the door but stop, pausing when I feel a pulsing light within this festering den of darkness. The goddesses said three sisters by bond, but I only have two.

For now, my dragon murmurs. Can’t you feel her? Our final missing piece? And I can. The pulsing light flares brighter when my magic touches it. A new, fragile bond is taking root inside me. A new sister.

We need to free her. Agreeing with my dragon, I change tactics. Walking out of my room, I head toward the light first, deciding to free my newfound sister. Death and destruction can wait. I’m surprised to find that no one is patrolling the halls. Odd. Then again, Malick and Katia both assumed I wouldn’t be able to get out of my restraints. Clearly, they think the same of my new sister.

When I’m finally standing in front of the room containing the pulsing light of my sister, I pause for a moment. The new bond flairs brighter as hope filters to me from the female on the other side of the door. She knows I’m out here, knows I’m here to rescue her, and she knows about the bond. With a wave of my hand, the door shatters into dust. What I see before me causes my heart to stutter.

A female vampire stands in the center of the room, and a collar with a chain attached to the ceiling keeps her in place, while her arms are shackled behind her and her feet are bolted to the floor. Her skin is a gorgeous ebony, and her hair is natural, long, and curly and could use some detangler. Her eyes are locked on me. They’re completely black. The darkness within me answers, and I feel my eyes shift. But they don’t change into my dragon’s eyes. I can only assume they flood with black as well. It clicks.

Malick gave us both part of his essence. There’s a small part of each of us that’s demonic.

Surprisingly, I’m not shocked by the revelation. I feel my eyes shift back to normal, and I step into the room. The vampire cocks her head, her eyes studying every detail.

“They said you’d come.” Her voice is hoarse, as though she hasn’t used it in some time. “I didn’t believe them at first. But Brigid assured me you would come. And so I held on.” The goddesses visited her too? Fate. Okay, I’m willing to hand out a little faith here.

“Well, sister, sorry it took so long. Had a few hurdles to overcome. Got stuck in traffic, you know how it goes.” I glance at her restraints and they vanish. She stumbles, but I quickly reach out to steady her.

“Nothing worse than traffic.” She grins at me. Her eyes slowly fade back, revealing stunning golden irises. “Please tell me we get to kill the fuckers who did this to us?”

“Do you honestly think I’d just walk out of here and tell them to reschedule?” I lift a brow. “I call dibs on Katia. I owe that bitch a heavy, heavy ass kicking. I’ll totes let you get a few hits in though, I’m not a complete hoarder.”

“I can live with that.” She straightens. “I’m Darcy.”

“Ayla.” We head out the door. I let my magic flair out again, pinpointing Katia in seconds. I can’t sense Malick, but there are a few other lower-level demons in the building. It doesn’t matter to me if we run into them on our way, I could use the fun.

“We’re outside. Kelly is taking down the ward around the building as we speak. We may have set off some sort of alarm, so just be ready.” Olivia’s voice provides a welcome flood of warmth through my system.

“Oh, good, it should call Malick home.” I make sure to sound excited. “You guys saved me the hassle of hunting him down. You’re always so thoughtful.”

“Hey, anything we can do to make your life easier.” Goddess, I love her.

“I’m not sure if you heard that or not, I know our bond is still fresh.” I look at Darcy. “My community is right outside. Get ready for a fight. I’m sure Malick has this place watched or bugged to warn him if anyone breaches the wards.”

Darcy excitedly rubs her hands together. “I get to kill all the demons.” She sounds like a kid who’s been given permission to have free rein in a toy store. “I know you’re new to the whole part demon thing, but when used appropriately, it can be hella fun. I’ve given them a run for their money, which is why I was in a room that was heavily spelled.”

I hadn’t even noticed. Damn. “I want to take out Katia before she’s tipped off. I don’t want her stripping my people of their magic or ability to shift.”

“She’s such a damn party pooper.” Darcy rolls her eyes as we keep moving toward Katia’s location.

I can feel Caleb’s impatience blasting through the mate bond. That man needs to cool his jets. While I appreciate that he wants to make sure I’m okay and go all caveman on the demons here, Mama’s got this. He is mated to a queen. I don’t need no man. But damn it all if I don’t just want the crap out of him, so I’ll let him destroy some demons in my honor. It’s sweet really. Who doesn’t want a man who’s willing to take on a legion of demons for you?

“Let me take care of the mage before you come busting in here.” He growls at that. I merely smirk.

“You’ve got ten minutes. That’s how long Kelly thinks it’ll take for her to get in. She said it’s a pretty powerful ward, but, and I quote, ‘I’m a boss-ass bitch who can ruin this damn thing.’” Fuck yeah, she is. That’s my girl.

“You show that ward who’s boss,” I tell Kelly, sending along a wave of love.

When we finally make it to the room Katia is in, somehow having avoided any confrontations with the lower-level demons lurking around, I feel Kelly’s power surging through the bond. She’s going to have that ward down well before my ten-minute deadline. I’m so proud. But that also means I need to get my ass in gear. Bitches to slay and all that.

“Why don’t you go in first, warm her up for me?” I suggest to Darcy. “I’ll make sure no lower-level demons try to crash the party. Just tap me in when you’re ready.”

Darcy cracks her knuckles, a dark smile spreading across her face. “You’re so nice! We’re gonna be best friends!” And with that, she struts in to confront Katia.

Chuckling, I stand outside the closed door. I’ll give Darcy a few minutes of fun, but I want to make sure Katia can’t block any of my community. If Malick is going to be joining us with reinforcements, I don’t want any of my people hurt because of that raging pile of flaming garbage.

I feel Caleb’s dragon mentally nudge mine, and I can’t help the smile that breaks out across my face. My dragon eagerly nudges back, assuring him that we’re fine. They’re both thrilled that the mating bond is finally secure. Caleb and I still have a lot of things to figure out, but I’m pretty damn happy about this as well. The mate bond grounds me. I’m not afraid of the demonic parts of me because I know Caleb won’t let me go fully dark. I’ll fight to stay with him, and that means not letting that darkness consume me. Why the hell had I been so stubborn about this?

All of my memories are back too. The goddesses charged me with finding the prophecy. I didn’t know what they meant at the time, but I think I do now. It’s what caused my mother to hide us away. I don’t know what it says, only having heard bits and pieces, and I’m not sure where to start looking for it, but I think finding my sisters may be the key. Which means I need to tell everyone about Sorcha and Isobel.

They’re alive. My heart lifts. The goddesses confirmed my sisters are alive. After witnessing the horrific deaths of our parents, the knowledge that my sisters are alive provides a balm to my soul. I don’t know their exact locations, but I have starting points, and that’s good enough. And with help from my community, I know I’ll be able to find them, save them.

A mental nudge from Darcy signals that it’s my turn to play with Katia. As Darcy steps out of the room, a handful of lower-level demons come rushing down the hall.

“Don’t worry.” Darcy looks surprisingly unruffled after her bout with the mage. “I’ll take care of these guys. Go take care of Katia.”

Katia has a bloody lip, a black eye, and her hair is a disaster. The room around her is trashed, which brings me a surprising amount of joy. Katia stiffens when she sees me, her eyes darting to the door behind me. Her magic starts to swirl around her. I tsk, narrowing my eyes on her, sending her flying into the wall, my magic pinning her in place as I approach.

“Do you want to know what a little birdy told me?” My voice is deadly calm. “Somebody betrayed their queen.” I tsk again. “Can you imagine such a thing?” I stop, standing inches from her.

“Aine got what she deserved,” Katia snarls. “The queens should never have been allowed to have all that power. There are more species than just dragons. Why should they get to rule?”

“See, I agree with you. Dragons shouldn’t have all the power. The goddesses agree with you too.” I smile at her. “But you need to earn the power, Katia. Taking it without earning it doesn’t make that power yours. And it’s time to pay up.”

Katia’s magic pushes her off the wall, her hands curling into claws aimed straight for my face. I sidestep just in time. She lashes out with magic again, sending me skidding across the room.

“You’re not going to be able to block my magic or my dragon again.” I allow my magic to pool in my hands.

Instead of a sword or whip, my magic forms a ball-headed war club in one hand and a small khopesh in the other. They aren’t made of energy either, they’re real and solid. Sweet. They’re also exceptionally light, an indication that they’re made of magic. I’ve never fought with either, but I’m sure going to have fun learning.

A pair of sai appear in Katia’s hands as she takes a fighting stance. She doesn’t rush me, choosing to stand her ground and have me come to her. She’s not as stupid as I thought.

“Do you want to know how I kept you without magic and your dragon for so long?” She’s trying to distract me, but I need to know how she got that much power. I don’t answer her. As I slowly circle around her, she turns to keep facing me, grinning tauntingly. “I use conduits. Other supernaturals paid the price for keeping you on lockdown. I’ve had to drain fifty supes just to keep you sedated enough to continue with the injections. It’s a shame they didn’t last as long as the dominant female shifters. But I couldn’t risk them when I have such grand plans for them.”

I try not to let her words get to me, but fury starts to build in my stomach. She sounds so damn pleased that she’s murdered fifty innocent supernaturals. I want to drain her just as dry. She also said her grand plans. She’s Malick’s underling, isn’t she? She’s too clever for a slip of the tongue.

“Where are the shifter females?” My voice rumbles with the presence of my dragon.

“You don’t honestly think we’d store them here, do you?” Katia laughs. “The vampire was here because she needed close monitoring. But we don’t keep all of our eggs in one basket.”

“Where are they?” I don’t want to ask again.

“That’s one secret I’ll take to my grave.” Rage floods my system at her refusal to tell me where the female shifters are. While she’s confirmed that Malick is the one taking the females, I have no way of finding them.

“You said ‘your’ grand plans,” I taunt, “but Malick is the mastermind here, Katia. We both know it.”

Rage spreads across her face. “I have had to ensure Lord Malick’s continued dedication. I came to him and told him about Aine. I made sure that he attacked that night. I wasn’t happy that he took her after the battle, so I had to make sure that he forgot about her until I could free Valik.”

This isn’t right. It can’t be. She’s the one in control here? No. I need more information, but she stops talking and I’m running out of time. The thought of torturing the information out of her sends a bolt of bloodlust through my veins. My eyes start to bleed black. I need to stay focused. I can’t let my demonic side overwhelm me. How the hell did Darcy get away without a scratch?

“I used my vampire speed and hit her over the head before she could turn around and see me. Then I punched her in the face, got her lab notes, and trashed the place. I didn’t want to make this too easy for you.” Darcy laughs through the bond. She’s still out in the hall fighting the lower-level demons, where more joined the fight while I’ve been busy with the mage.

“Lazy bitch,” I retort before returning my focus to Katia.

I take a deep breath before launching myself at her. I know she won’t fight fair, but neither will I. The demonic energy inside me leaps at the chance to destroy something. A blast of black power shoots from my body, slamming into Katia moments before my weapons do. She struggles to shake off the inky mass that attaches itself to her, slowing her movements, allowing me to get more hits in.

We trade furious blows, each of us lashing out with magic whenever we see an opening. Soon, the coppery taste of blood floods my mouth, and the stale stench of sweat permeates the air around us, along with the acrid scent of burning flesh and hair. The sound of my breathing overpowers the crash of our weapons slamming together, the echoes of blows landing on flesh ringing louder throughout the room.

Katia starts to slow, the inky black mass I originally shot at her still weighing her down, gradually draining her magic and her stamina. I see an opening and I go for it.

“This is for my mother.” My war club imbeds itself in her skull.

Time seems to stand still as we stare at each other. Katia’s eyes are wide with shock. I can feel the black recede from my eyes as I watch the life slowly drain out of her body. My war club and khopesh instantly vanish, and Katia’s body slides limply to the floor. I don’t feel the way I thought I would. I’m not happy. Instead, I feel…I don’t know…vaguely content? Maybe I’m still numb to everything. I have had a day.

“Uh, Ayla.” Kelly’s voice cuts through my thoughts. “The ward has been down for a few minutes now. You may want to get out front. Malick is back with his legion, but that’s not what I want you to see.”

She’s just going to leave it like that? Tease. Shaking myself off, I take a quick inventory of my injuries and send as much healing magic to the worst of them as I can, and then I head out the door. Darcy is sitting on a small pile of lower-level demons, inspecting her nails. She slowly looks up as I enter the hallway.

“What took you so long?” Her eyes slowly travel over my body. “Oh. Never mind. You look like shit.”

“Oh, thanks.” I roll my eyes at her. She hops off her little throne and joins me as I head outside. I’m extremely confused by the sight that greets me.

My community is squaring off against Malick’s demon legion. The sounds of the battle ring through the air, accompanied by the scent of blood. But that’s not what holds my attention.

Olivia is covered head to toe in…demon guts? That’s nasty. She’s got a horrified look plastered on her face, and she’s staring at her hands as though she thinks they’ll blow her up at any second. The bulk of my community has closed ranks around her, while my core group is standing near Olivia warily. Color me interested.

“Guys…” Olivia’s voice is shaky. “I just blew up a demon! All I did was look at him!” She glances up at the group around her, and everyone leans back nervously. She quickly slams her eyes shut. “He just turned inside out!”

My experience with the goddesses rushes back. Freja had said my sisters by bond would take up the mantle of queen.

The mantle of queen!

Holy. Shit.

Olivia is a queen! I glance at Kelly and Darcy, expecting them to suddenly make a demon explode too. But then I remember what else Freja told me. They will each come into their power when the time is right. I fight the urge to facepalm. They didn’t tell the ladies about this little change, did they? Well, I guess it’s up to me then.

“I realize there’s a battle raging around us, so I’m not going to share the memory with you right now, but I have news!” I know I sound oddly cheery given what’s happening around us. “Thanks to a couple of goddesses, Olivia is now a queen!”

“I’m sorry.” Olivia turns and pins her gaze on me, her eyes narrowed. “But I could have sworn you just said I’ve been turned into a queen.”

“Brigid, Isis, and Freja made you into a queen.” I beam over at her. “I’ll fill you in later, promise. But for now, you’ve got some epic new demon-killing skills. Go forth and slaughter!” I make little shooing motions with my hands.

“I’m not sure if that’s insanely cool or insanely horrible,” she mutters.

“Both.” I laugh.

I can feel the shock from the others through the bond. I’d purposely made sure to broadcast that out to everyone. I know there are a lot of questions, but we really don’t have the time right now. So I urge them all to wait and make note of their questions for later. I’m not sure I can answer them all, but I’ll try. And I’ll need to warn Kelly and Darcy about the changes they’re going to be facing as well. Being a queen is no joke.

I grab Darcy’s hand and drag her over to my group. I’ll need to explain Darcy as well. I have so much to explain but now isn’t the time, damn it. I start mentally making a list of priorities—kill psycho archdemon, explain to everyone about new queens and Darcy, bang the shit out of Caleb, explain about my sisters, bang Caleb, form a plan on how to wake them up, bang Caleb. I should probably add eating and sleeping in there somewhere too. It’s a work in progress.

“Right then. Here’s the plan,” I broadcast. “Make sure we communicate like this, I don’t want Malick overhearing anything. Caleb and I are going to go head-to-head with Malick. Olivia, your powers are so new I don’t want to risk overworking you right now, so focus on the lower-level demons. You’ll be able to save a lot of lives that way. I want the main goal to be capturing one of the lower-level demons. Malick has other facilities like this one, and we need to know where they are. Questions?”

“I have too many questions. They’ll have to wait.” Kelly’s voice washes over me like a calm, gentle stream. “I’m just glad to have you back.” The others agree.

“Did you mean it?” Caleb nudges me mentally, blocking out the rest of our group. “Together?”

“Heck yeah, I meant it! Let’s exact some justice!” I beam up at him. He grins in return and nods. The others all take a moment to look at me before leaping into action.

It’s clear Olivia doesn’t have full control over her queen powers yet. She’s unable to consistently blow demons up or harness any other magic. Malcolm hovers near her to help as needed, and I’m glad someone has her back. Darcy and Dante move with amazing ease, as though they’ve been fighting together for centuries. Kelly and Connor start tag-teaming, Connor shifting into his dire wolf form. I stand still for another moment, watching Olivia to make sure she has everything as under control as possible. Now to turn my attention to fucking an archdemon’s day up.

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