Discovery of a Queen: Resurrection of Queens Book 1

Chapter Discovery of a Queen: Epilogue


I land in a heap with a jarring thud. It’s dark and dank wherever the hell I am. Smells like a cave. Disgusting. I take inventory of my injuries, thankfully all minor. Had I been hit with Ayla’s final attack, I would have been dust in the wind. Which merits the question, who the hell pulled me from that wretched pit in the ground at the last moment? I slowly get to my feet as I think back to the battle against the little queen and her community.

Watching Ayla come into her power mere feet from me was a stunningly beautiful sight. Such a shame it had to happen after I hit her with a blast of death magic. It’s possible I underestimated the depth of the mate bond in conjunction with her new demonic powers. Demons don’t mate, not in the same sense.

Despite any claims to the contrary, I hadn’t had to force any of those females into the act of copulation. Once their demonic sides took hold, it was only a matter of time before they sought me out for relief. While demons couldn’t produce offspring, it appears hybrids can, taking after whatever their other half is. Even vampires could produce progeny with a demon if the balance of demonic energy was right. Ayla hadn’t acted in any way I could have predicted, much like her newfound friend, Darcy. How interesting.

A low, rumbling laugh breaks me out of my thoughts. It seems to come from all around me, echoing throughout the cave. I bristle at the sound, readying myself for an attack.

“No need to worry, friend.” The voice surrounds me, reverberating in the same way the laugh did, layering on top of itself until it sounds as though multiple people are talking. “I’m the one who pulled you from the earth at the last minute.”

“Not that I’m ungrateful, but who the fuck are you?” It’s irritating that I needed help at all, let alone that I have no idea who actually assisted me.

“An interested party.” I can’t sense anyone else physically here in the cave with me, so where the hell is this fucker? “I’ve been following your progress for some time.” My back stiffens.

“Is that so? Why the hell do you care?” If he’s been following my progress, that means he’s either an angel or another demon. Angels are too worried about sticking feathers up their own asses to care about what happens down here. Another demon seems more likely, but I’ve been damn careful. After my brother killed Aine, I made sure that no others, not even my legion, really knew what I was up to. So how could this asshat know what I’m planning?

“I have a horse in the race as it were.” The voice chuckles. “You see, I’d like, very much, to get out of this pit.”

“You’re—” Whoever this is, is in Hell? He’s got to be very powerful if he could reach through the veils separating the dimensions, pull me into this cave, and then strike up a conversation with me. “You’re in Hell?”

“That’s right, friend. Luce isn’t the only one interested in getting out of the pit.”

“Who the hell are you?” Rule one of life, never fucking trust anyone.

“You may call me Wrath.” My blood runs cold as shock floods my system.

Contrary to popular belief, Lucifer and Satan are not the same person. Lucifer is the Morningstar, fallen angel of heaven. Satan is one of the Princes of hell. He is the personification of the sin of wrath, and he’s the very last being I want to piss off. No one plots revenge the way he does.

“Oh, well, if it’s just you, Satan,” I say casually, my mind whirling, “I’m not surprised you’d like to get out of Hell, but I hadn’t realized I’d made waves down in Hell.”

“Only a small group knows what you’re about. We’re extremely interested in seeing that you succeed in your goal. We can’t exactly help you from here, not often anyway. But I couldn’t let that little bitch kill you. Not when you’re so close.” Having the interest of a Prince of Hell isn’t exactly what I’d been aiming for when I started this little adventure. Admittedly, I’d been hoping they wouldn’t notice my little coup. Having to take them all on for the right to lead Hell is going to be a hassle. If they’re free in Hell, that’s going to be a large problem.

“The queen has sisters, you know,” Wrath whispers. “Two sisters. They’re both still alive.”

Shock races down my spine. She isn’t the last queen? “Where?” I’m willing to jump into bed with Wrath for the time being if it means I can get my hands on another queen.

“France and Africa.”

“Do you have any idea how large France and Africa are?” I snap.

“Why do all the work yourself when the little bitch who almost killed you is going to find them for you?” He does have a point. Following my little queen will allow me to find her sisters without doing any of the leg work. It will also give me the opportunity to bring her back to me and tweak my injections ever so slightly to get her on my side.

“Where is she heading now?”


This is almost too easy. Although, after the day’s failure, I’ve struggled to keep my rage in check. This idiot had been so fucking close, and he couldn’t take out the queen’s mate? All we really need is one of the three sister queens to align herself with the darkness inherent in every soul, just one. It’s not that difficult. I’m sure a fucking monkey could do it.

I take several deep breaths, remembering the moron has asked me a question.

“Ireland. The queen is going to Ireland.” Back to where it all began. The last set of Fates chose to pass their powers to the triplets when their mother was still pregnant with them. It had been irritating. Fates were rare amongst queens, they held powers normal queens didn’t, and they were also the living embodiment of the three Fates—past, present, and future. The idiots upstairs only ever saw fit to produce new Fates when they felt the balance was threatened.

I’m not surprised they have an inkling about my little escape attempt. What they don’t realize is that I have a plan B if this gambit fails. I’d rather it didn’t, I happen to like the form I’m currently in, but I can give it up if it means freedom. And once I’m free, I plan on making those assholes pay. How dare they lock me away in this realm?

Rage surges through me once again. My siblings and I were not meant to be locked away. We were meant to rule. Well, I was meant to rule. The creatures created by the others are weak and yearn to be dominated. You can’t just create something and then abandon it to govern itself. I seethe at the very thought. If they don’t want to rule over their pathetic creatures, I’m more than happy to do it for them.

I sever my connection to Malick as another of my pawns attempts to make contact.

“What is it?” My voice comes out harsh and threatening.

“My lord,” they respond, meek and scared, “there has been a development.”

“Go on.”

“They have made another queen.”

My body stiffens and my muscles start to shake from strain as I attempt to once again rein in my rage. Created another queen? “Explain.”

“T-The beta of the original queen. She’s somehow become a queen herself. I’m not sure how, but the community has been buzzing with the information since it was announced that the queen would be heading to Ireland.”

“And you’re just now telling me about this?” It’s been almost two months since I pulled Malick from the battle. I haven’t felt the need to inform him of that, he’ll figure it out. He needed time to heal, and I had no desire to spend my energy healing him myself, so I kept him asleep until he was whole enough to not be annoying.

“M-My lord.” I honestly hate everything about this particular underling, a sniveling, worthless, waste of space. “I didn’t have confirmation until today. It was just a rumor floating around the community. Today I was able to hear them discussing it myself.”

“I suppose you’ve been useful.” The rage subsides and boredom takes its place. “Go back to your post and tell me the instant anything changes. If you don’t, I will ensure you are terminated.”

“Y-Yes, my lord.”

Just what were those losers planning? Another queen was laughable, especially one who wasn’t born into it. She would be useless as she trained, which had its benefits. I’m going to hold onto this little nugget of information, there’s no need to tell Malick about her just yet, not when she isn’t really a prize worth obtaining. She’s not a Fate.

I chuckle darkly as I consider the implications of a new queen. It doesn’t matter what they try to do, all I need is for one Fate to fall. They can create all the damn queens they want.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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