Discovering Mr. X (The Men Series Book 2)

Discovering Mr. X: Chapter 18

I hold Rachel in my arms for a long time afterward, just stroking my hand up and down over her skin, her head resting against my chest. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. This feeling—this fucking euphoria—is better than any multi-million-dollar business deal I’ve ever closed. We’ve turned a corner, she’s finally letting me in. I’ve never made love like that with a woman before. All those previous fucks in my life mean nothing compared to what I feel when I’m with Rachel, and I have never had sex without a condom before—ever. Knowing she hasn’t either but wanted to with me—I feel like I’ve won at the fucking game of life.

“As much as I could stay here forever, shall we take a shower?” I ask, pressing a kiss against the top of her head.

“No, a bath.” She wraps her arm around my waist tighter. “I love taking a bath.”

I smile; a bath it is.

Once she’s filled it with more bubbles than I’ve ever seen in my life, Rachel announces the bath is ready, and I watch her petite frame slide in underneath the water, a small, contented sigh escaping her lips as the water comes up around her. Her nipples are covered by foam—much to my disappointment.

“It’s a good job we designed this suite with giant bathtubs,” I say as I step into the hot water and sink down behind her. She moves forward so that I can position my legs around her, and then she lowers herself back against my chest as I relax against the side.

I could get used to this.

“It’s almost like you knew I’d be here one day,” she jokes, sounding the most relaxed I’ve ever heard her.

“If I knew that, I would have spent every day since we met walking around with a permanent hard-on in anticipation,” I reply dryly.

Her back moves against my chest as she laughs.

“So, why do you like baths so much?” I dip my head down to the side so I can press a kiss to her temple.

She blows out a long breath.

“You know I told you I didn’t have any family?” she says after a long pause.

“Yeah.” I stroke her arms under the water, marveling at how her skin is like silk against my palms.

“Well, I had a mom once, obviously. But she died when I was a baby, and because I never knew who my father was, I grew up in foster care.”

I continue stroking her arms, not wanting to let the intense reaction go that’s threatening to spill out of me.

My beautiful Snow.

“You didn’t exactly get a minute to yourself to relax in the bath, there was always someone hammering on the door for their turn, and that’s if you were lucky enough to have a lock on the door. I always knew that I wanted it to have a nice bathroom when I had my own house. Somewhere I could spend hours, soaking in peace if I wanted to.”

“That’s why you lit up when you saw the roll-top bath at Rich’s—I mean your house now.” I smile, a piece of the puzzle slotting in.

“Yeah,” Rachel says thoughtfully, “I could see myself in there.”

“I could see you too if there weren’t so many bubbles.” I cough, blowing one off my face.

“You make me laugh, Tan,” she says warmly.

“Do I?” I beam, feeling rather pleased with myself.

“You do… when you’re not being a smug, annoying wanker.” She turns her head to the side so I can see her smirk.

“Can’t be perfect all the time,” I joke.

“No, I guess,” she says, turning back around. “I’m certainly not.”

“What are you talking about now, woman?” I mutter, keeping my voice light, hoping not to put her off sharing whatever it is she’s about to let me into. Whatever it is, I’ll take it. I want to know all about her, all her secrets, all her fears. I don’t know what the fuck’s got into me, but I know she is special, and I don’t want to lose her.

“I push people away, Tan. I’ve always done it. I had some nice foster parents, but I would play up and get into trouble at school until they couldn’t cope with me anymore. Then I’d get moved somewhere else, and the cycle would begin again. I just seem incapable of being normal.”

Pain sears across my chest as her words sink in.

Everyone gave up on her. No one fought for her.

“If you want to let people in, then you need to be vulnerable sometimes,” I say, holding her against me. “My mom was always fighting on her own when I was a kid—for years. She had plenty of friends, but it’s only been since she met Peter that I’ve seen her look genuinely happy. She’s got someone to lean on, share her worries and support her.”

“I love the way you talk about your mom.” Rachel sighs as she leans further into me. “It’s obvious you’re very close.”

“We are. Although Drew calls it differently, he says I’m a momma’s boy.”

“Fire him.” Rachel throws back without missing a beat, and I lean my head back and laugh in surprise. “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Plus, he called me feisty at the club.”

“He was wrong, was he?” I tease.

“Hell, yeah. He should have called me a wild bitch!” She laughs. “Not just feisty, it’s almost an insult. I need to work on my confrontation technique if that’s all that he took from it.”

I laugh easily again. “I certainly got your wild streak that night. I thought you were going to rip my hand off when I held your wrist.”

“I was,” Rachel says, finding one of my hands underneath the water and pulling it up, holding it between her own. Hers looks so tiny and delicate in comparison. “I’m so glad I didn’t, though, not now I know what they’re capable of. It would have been a terrible waste.”

“Are you suggesting I’m good with my hands?” I ask, raising my hips, so my erection rubs against her ass under the water.

“I’d say fair. Good is a little too generous,” she teases, and my cock twitches in response.

“I see snarky bitch is back out of her cage.”

“Yes, she is… why? Do you want to try to show her who the boss is? See where that gets you?” Rachel whispers over her shoulder at me.

“You bet I fucking do,” I say as I spin her around in the water and wrap her in my arms.

One hard and fast fucking session later—that ended with the bathroom floor getting flooded by half of the bathwater—and we’re curled up in bed together, under the duvet. Rachel’s deep, rhythmic breathing tells me she’s fallen asleep. I lift the duvet up gently to peek at her naked body, wrapped around me.

Yes, this shit is really happening. I’m the luckiest bastard alive.

I pull her closer with my arm that’s wrapped under her, and she moans softly, her fingers moving lightly over my chest.

I’m going to get the best fucking night’s sleep.

I can’t get over that Rachel’s still here and hasn’t pulled a runner yet. She’s still fast asleep on her side with me curled around behind her, holding her in my arms, a raging hard-on pressing into her ass cheeks. I can’t help it; she’s my ultimate fantasy—if only she’d wake up.

I nuzzle her neck, hoping to make her stir. Apart from a small murmur, it does nothing. I smirk; last night must have really worn her out. Okay, Plan B. This time, as well as kissing her neck, I snake a hand down between her legs and stroke gently. She shuffles slightly, her legs opening enough for me to slide two fingers down over her pussy and feel how wet she already is.

Fuck. My girl’s even ready for me in her sleep.

I continue to stroke her in lazy, slow movements, grinding my cock against her ass, my balls tight from needing to fill her. Last night was fucking awesome. The memory of sliding into her bareback could make me blow right now. It was out of this world how well we fit together. She has to be mine now. She’s ruined me.

It can only ever be her, always and forever.

I nip at her shoulder gently and hear another soft murmur. She’s got to be waking up now. I move my fingers away from her dripping pussy and grip her underneath her thigh, lifting it enough so I can move my cock forward and rub it over her wet opening.

Come on, baby, wake up for me, give me a sign.

“Tan?” she sighs dreamily.


I push forwards and slide inside her, groaning as she gasps out loud. I hold still, deep inside her, the head of my cock throbbing as I fight to keep control. “Fuck, Rachel,” I hiss out.

“What took you so long?” her delicate voice teases. “I’ve been awake ages.”

“Why you… God, you’ll be the death of me, woman,” I groan as I let my control go and slam into her with hard, fast thrusts.

“I hope not,” she pants, “who’ll fuck me like this then?”

I grab a fistful of her hair as I plow into her, feeling her soaking my cock more with each deep thrust. “No one’s ever going to fuck you again except me, do you understand?”

She cries out as she pushes back onto me, her greedy pussy sucking me in tight.

“Say it!” I growl as my balls slap against her ass.

“Tan,” she moans as I feel her tightening around me.

“Don’t you dare come until you say it.” I pound into her, my hand in her hair, pulling her head back.

“No one ever fucked me right before,” she cries. “It will only ever be you, Tan!” she screams as she convulses around my cock.

I feel every wave, every tightening of her as she rides it out on me.

It’s fucking insane.

“That’s it, Snow. That’s it, baby,” I growl as I dig my fingers into her skin and feel my balls explode. “Fuck!”

Her body sucks my release in, and I shudder from the force of it. As the last drop squeezes out, I let my head fall back against the pillows, panting, my heart racing wildly in my chest.

Rachel moves away, so my cock gently leaves her body before turning and laying her head next to mine on the pillow.

“If I knew that was how the morning would start, maybe I should have stayed the night a long time ago.” She smirks.

“And if I knew you were awake, instead of pretending, I’d have fucked you hard a lot sooner.” I smile, reaching out to run a hand over the naked curve of her hip.

“But where would the fun be in letting you get your own way all the time?” Her eyes gleam at me.

“With you, Rachel, I’m thinking getting my own way any of the time would be an event worthy of making world headlines.” I grin.

“Wanker.” She smiles.

“Bitch,” I throw back at her as she laughs.

I look at her, her dark hair tousled around her cheeks, her sweet, red lips parted as she looks back at me. Right here and now, she’s so open and relaxed… so fucking perfect.

“So, what do you want to do today?” she asks, her fingers distracting me as they trace patterns across my chest.

“Stay in this room and fuck you on every surface?” I raise an eyebrow at her.

“Okay.” She smiles.

“Really?” My eyes widen in delight.

“No!” She laughs. “I want to go out in the city. New York is beautiful at this time of year. The ice rink will be open at the Rockefeller Center now.”

“I refer to my earlier comment—bitch,” I say, sticking my bottom lip out and pretending to sulk.

“Come on, Tan,” she says, trailing her fingertips up to my cheek.

“I’d rather come all over you,” I say. Then I lean over and suck her bottom lip before pulling her in for a slow, deep kiss—the type of kiss that gets my previously spent cock feeling alert once again.

“If you play your cards right, then that can be arranged.” She winks as she gets up out of bed and treats me to the incredible sight of her ass as she walks off into the bathroom.

I guess the conversation is over.

“I don’t think I’m going to sit down for a week!” I moan as we walk.

“Don’t be dramatic; you only fell twice,” Rachel says, wrapping her hands around her takeaway latte and bringing it to her lips. There’s a definite chill in the air today. Winter has come to New York.

“Five times! I fell five times. Did you not see that kid laughing at me? I swear, that little dude deserves coal in his stocking this year,” I grumble, the muscles in my butt aching as I walk. Why did I agree to go ice-skating after taking Rachel back to her hotel to get changed? I’ve never been any good at it. Rach, on the other hand, glided around gracefully, like a fucking ice princess.

She looks up at the lights of the giant Christmas tree, stopping to admire it, a faraway look in her eyes.

“What are you so deep in thought about?” I ask, taking a drink of my coffee as I watch her.

“Just Christmas.” She sighs. “Do you think Scarlett will like her present?”

“I hope so. It took long enough to find it,” I grumble. Rachel turns to look at me. “Yes, I’m sure she will. She’s a really sweet little girl,” I say more gently. My lighter tone seems to please Rachel, and she turns back to the tree and smiles.

“Good, I hope so. Every little girl deserves to believe in magic, especially at Christmas time.”

“What did little Rachel believe in?” I ask, hoping she trusts me enough to share but almost dreading hearing the answer more.

She shrugs her shoulders. “I wished every year to feel like I belonged, could be normal, like the other kids at school. Unfortunately, we don’t always get what we wish for, Tan,” she says, her eyes still focused on the tree.

“Maybe some magic just takes longer,” I say gently, lacing my fingers between hers.

She wraps her fingers back around mine as she looks over at me. “Yeah, maybe.”

Her eyebrows are knitted together, and I can tell she’s overthinking again. I need to remember to be patient. She spent the night with me without freaking out, and now she’s holding my hand in public. They’re all victories worth celebrating, the best ones being the rare times I see her fully relaxed and smiling—really fucking smiling.

I swear I was made to live just for those moments.

“I need to head back. My check-out is in a couple of hours,” Rachel says, walking again. I’m relieved that she hasn’t let go of my hand.

“Sure, I’ll walk you back.”

“What are you going to do for the rest of your stay?” she asks.

“I’m having dinner with some of the team from the New York office tonight. We’ve got a site visit tomorrow, and I want to go over the plans and meet with the client again before work starts. Then I’m coming home and hopefully going to a housewarming party of a sexy woman I know.”

“Sounds busy.”

“It is. The best bit, though…” I lean toward her to whisper in her ear, her jasmine perfume evident on her skin, “is wondering whether she’s going to be wearing any panties under the tight, red dress she’ll be wearing.”

I move back and look at her face. It gives nothing away.

“What makes you think she’s going to wear a dress?” She stares straight ahead as we walk.

“Because then it’s easier to slide my fingers up inside her tight pussy and rub that sweet spot she loves me touching so much.”

“You sound rather sure of yourself. What makes you so certain she loves you touching it?” she asks as we walk, the people around us hurrying with their bags full of shopping, oblivious to our conversation.

“Well, it’s either the way she moans my name like it’s the only word that makes any sense, or how she comes in under three minutes every time I stroke it.”

I glance over at the small smile pulling up the corner of her lips.

“Three minutes? I think you’re exaggerating.”

“Nope, I don’t think so. I’m pretty certain.” I smirk.

“We’ll see.” She smiles, throwing her empty cup in the bin, along with mine.

My enjoyment from our little chat is cut short as I recognize the tall blonde heading towards us.


God, this is all I need. She approaches us, dressed entirely in black, her makeup immaculate, her long, platinum hair shining under the winter sun. Like a black widow spider, ready to annihilate its prey.

“Tanner, what a lovely surprise,” she says, leaning in to kiss me on both cheeks, a cloud of rich perfume tickling my throat.

“Hello, Mandy.” I cough.

Her eyes scan over Rachel, her penciled eyebrows raising as she notices our hands held together.

“Rachel, this is Mandy. Mandy, Rachel,” I say, my social etiquette taking charge when I’d rather just ignore her and keep walking.

“It’s nice to meet you. I love your coat!” Rachel exclaims.

Mandy’s brow furrows the tiniest bit—as much as her Botox allows, anyway—before she flashes a dazzling smile. “Why, thank you. It was a gift from Tanner,” she says smoothly.

“That doesn’t surprise me; Tan has great taste in clothes,” Rachel replies easily, smiling politely.

My eyes flick between the two women. “Well, we’ve got to be going. Take care, Mandy,” I say as I start walking, Rachel keeps in step beside me. I wait until the end of the block before my words tumble out.

“We dated for a few months when I was living here. I didn’t exactly buy her that coat either. She forgot her purse when we were out together. She forgot her purse a lot when we were together,” I say.

“You don’t need to explain, Tanner,” Rachel says lightly, brushing it off.

She stops in front of a building, and I realize we’re already back at her hotel. “I’ll walk you up to your room.” I reach forward to push the giant revolving door.

“No.” She stops me and pulls my arm back, wrapping it around her waist instead. “You won’t. I need to get ready for my flight home, and you will just be a distraction.”

“I thought you liked my distractions?” I grin, gripping her tightly.

“I never said I didn’t,” she whispers, leaning forward to kiss me, one hand still clasped in mine and the other reaching up to hold my face. Her lips are warm and sweet. If we weren’t in the street, I would push her up against the wall right now and lose myself in them.

She breaks the kiss and steps away. “See you at the party.” She gives me a smile that lights up her entire face, and then she turns and heads in through the revolving door without looking back.

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