Dirty Wicked Prince (Court Legacy Book 1)

Dirty Wicked Prince: Chapter 11



Yeah, sports and me?

Really fucking sucked.

I was last on pool day. In fact, I sucked at laps so bad my gym teacher left me in the pool to finish after everyone concluded theirs. Apparently, this place was full of Olympic swimmers.

That shouldn’t have surprised me.

I’d looked into the Court after Bow had told me about it. The affiliation had bred celebrities in the past, CEOs and even presidents.

I’d poked into Legacy too, and the Legacy boys were apparently the snot-nosed kids of some of the big dogs in that Court group back in the day. Because of that, Dorian Prinze, Ares “Wolf” Mallick, Thatcher Reed, and Wells Ambrose walked around this place like they were the shit.

Bow appeared to be immune to the toxicity of her brother and his friends, cheery and personable. She always stopped to say hi to folks when she walked me around school, but there was always a hesitance from others when interacting with her. Something told me a little fear might have to do with that, her brother and his friends hovering over her like a goddamn Legacy cloud of privilege and clout.

That fucker Dorian Prinze drew first blood.

My brother was actually hanging out with those tools, and I couldn’t do anything about it. He was eating lunch with them, walking with them and their Court group in the halls, and I’d definitely noticed. If he was going out for the football team, I suppose he would need to be around them.

But that didn’t mean I had to like it.

I kept an eye on Bru and them every time I saw their pack at lunch, but any other time, their interactions were out of my hands. My brother had his own life, and I had to have my own as well. Even if that did mean I spent most nights in my art studio or doing homework to stay busy.

I should use the time to practice swimming.

Our place had an indoor pool, but hell if I’d used it.

Struggling in the academy’s pool now, I had to pause in the middle of a stroke just to catch my breath. I still had two laps before I could get out and shower like the other girls.

Better get this shit over with.

I glided through the water, grateful I actually had been taught to swim. When Bru and I were kids, Dad had taken us to the lake sometimes. That’d been when Mom was still around, but those memories were pretty fuzzy.

I missed my mom, what I remembered of her. But mostly, I missed her because my dad had been so different. He had taken us to places like the lake and played sports with us, sports with Bru. I remembered not ever being in the house most days.

I always suspected my mom’s death may have had something to do with how withdrawn he had gotten. I’d been really little at the time, but a noticeable change had occurred in the house after my mom had died. She’d been killed while Bru and I were at school, a home break-in when my dad had been at work. Dad kept the news clipping of her obituary, and I caught him reading it all the time.

Well, he used to.

Now, it was in a box with the rest of who my parents were. Not much. IDs and other things. It was all just a box of fucked-up memories, and I never looked at it.

With a final stroke, I got to the end of the pool, panting as I thought about my father and all those memories far away. I started to get out when a howl sounded throughout the aquatic area. Like an actual howl.

A fucking animal.

Ares Mallick twirled a bat, spiked with nails poking out of the end. He had a lit joint in his mouth, grinning as he waltzed across the wet tiles fully clothed.

I shrank back, going deeper into the water. He chuckled, then howled again.

The others surrounded me.

Thatcher Reed and Wells Ambrose, large boys in their academy uniforms. They didn’t have bats, but they covered the exits to get out of the pool.

“All alone, little girl?” Ares stated, his eyes dancing wild. He flicked his joint butt into the pool water. “How unfortunate for you.”

“I agree.”

On the bleachers sat a boy, one I hadn’t noticed on the stadium seating used for swim meets. Dorian Prinze was all alone, but he took up so much of the bleachers one would have thought they were miniature. They labored and screeched with his weight when he came down them, and he had a bat too. It wasn’t spiked, but he still had a bat.

What the fuck?

I didn’t know what this was, watching as Dorian twirled his bat as well. He pointed toward Wells and Thatcher at the various exits. “Get her out of there.”

The two boys stripped.

Not completely, but they were definitely getting naked. Down to their boxers, they tossed their clothes, golden bodies stretching and flexing. Wells tossed me a wink before he did a side flip into the pool, and Thatcher jumped in his end cannonball-style. They came up with a snap of wet hair and slick muscles, proceeding to stroke out to me from various angles.

Freaking out, I splashed away from them, and from my closest exit, Wolf chuckled.

“Not so brave are you now, little,” he said, winking. He pointed his bat toward Dorian. “Don’t play with your food too much, Dorian.”

Wolf muttered something about going to watch the door, chuckling the whole way, and all the while, their other bros homed in on me.

Wells got there first.

His long reach shot out, tugging me. I got an elbow out of the water and clipped him right in his steel pec. That shit fucking hurt, but it got the job done. Wells cursed, but I barely got around him before Thatcher bear-hugged me from behind.

“Such a pretty, pretty princess,” he growled into my cheek, his tongue out and his earrings glistening from the pool lights. He actually licked my cheek like a fucking freak, and the feral noise he let out made my stomach curl. He grinned. “Mmm. Taste as good as you look. Like goddamn candy.”

“Let me have a taste, bro,” Wells crooned, getting closer. He seemed to have recovered from the job I did on his chest. His tongue came out too. “I like candy.”

“Get the fuck off me!” I bucked, but big boy had a good hold. He locked his big beefy arms around me, and he wasn’t letting go. I jabbed back. “Stop.”

“Ooh, there’s some spice in there, though.” Thatcher had his arms locked tight across my breasts, but that didn’t stop him from feeling up my arms. “Is that cinnamon, princess?”

“Oh, I really, really like cinnamon,” Wells stated, his eyes crazy and wild.

Was he getting off on this?

They both sounded as if they were. Wells stroked closer. “Don’t be selfish, bro. Share.”

“There’s enough of her for both of us.” Thatcher’s arms unlocked enough to come down to my hips. He drew me back, his dick hard and right up against my ass. He pressed his face into my neck. “I’ll take the back.”

I kicked, screaming, and a thundering twack hit from somewhere in the pool room.

Like wood hitting metal.

Wells and Thatcher whipped around, me with them. Dorian pulled his bat off one of the pool’s handrails.

“I said out of the pool.” He almost sounded bored. His bat touched his brawny shoulder, his boys redirecting their attention to fulfilling a command.

“Stop it! Let me go!” I bucked, both boys with their hands on me and no escape. I was also a sucky-ass swimmer, so they got me with ease to the pool’s handrails.

To Dorian.

The dark prince shot a hand out, grabbing me with his big mitts. He pressed me up against his big chest, academy uniform be damned.

He smelled so good, raw like heated flesh and scented boy. His breath was also minty, his eyes surging ebony coals.

He forgot about his friends. He forgot about everything when he strong-armed me and forced me back to one of the pool room’s walls. He still had his bat in his hand, something he used to hook behind my neck and bring me closer to him.

I was hugged between two thick arms, his friends behind him. Thatcher and Wells had a fascination in their eyes. Like two boys wanting to play.

Wanting to play with you.

I had a dark thought in that moment, wondering if these boys would do something to me I didn’t want done.

Would Dorian let them?

He scanned my eyes like he not only would but would ringlead that shit.

And that heat in his eyes didn’t leave.

I’d seen this look before on him, like that day he’d spotted Principal Mayberry and me in the hallway together.

Like he hated. Like he hated me.




He appeared as if he despised me, which made no fucking sense.

I didn’t know this boy.

Even still, his dark gaze shifted across me, the bat digging into my neck so bad I thought he’d snap it in two. He had my hands pinned against his chest, trapped between my breasts and his hard pecs.

That was how hard he squeezed me.

This wasn’t a lover’s hug. This was how an enemy broke another into submission. I wriggled, but he only tightened the hold.

“Go to Wolf,” he breathed over my mouth, hot while at the same time being cool. He still tasted like mint, but no gum. He turned toward his friends. “Leave.”

Thatcher tsked. Like actually tsked like a goddamn loon. He was a little boy not getting his candy. He frowned. “D—”

“I’ll kick every inch of your ass,” he shot. “Leave now. Go to Wolf.” He faced me again, his friends gathering their clothes, then ambling out of view in the distance. Dorian grinned. “Now what are we gonna do?”

I shot my head forward, but I’d give it to him.

He was quick.

He had the reflexes of an athlete, easily dodging the headbutt, but the attempt pissed him off. He chuckled manically as he grabbed my hands in one fist, then used his bat to spread my legs apart.

“Stop it. Stop it!”

He pressed the bat right between my legs. He smiled. “You’re in my way, little fighter.”

“What are you talking about?”

He inched up closer, and the air seeped from my lips. “And I don’t like it when things are in my way.”

I had no idea what he was talking about.

His bat didn’t stop.

He moved slow with it, and my thighs trembled around it. My legs hugged the wood, and I swallowed hard. “Why are you doing this?”

He didn’t stop, and I gasped when he was mere inches away from my pussy.

I throbbed. He was too close, and my teeth clacked when his hard body pressed against me. I’d dampened his dress shirt, the white material clinging to his hard chest. He noticed me staring at it and chuckled. “You like what you see?” he asked, his bat tap, tap, tapping between my quivering thighs. “Let’s see how you like this.”

My hips arched when he grazed my pussy, and I shot my head forward again.

He dodged it only too easily, angling his head away. The flick and sway of all that blond across his eyes only made him too sexy, and I hated myself for the thought.

I hated I wet my lips.

I hated I drenched over his bat like some psychopath, trembling as much from fear as something else I didn’t like.

My nails bit into my secured fists as he rubbed that bat into my sex, his name falling breathily from my mouth.

He noticed.

He noticed a lot of things as he played. He smirked. “You like this,” he said, a statement. He eyed me, that lovely face so beautiful and wicked. “How much do you like it?”

He rubbed me again, rubbed me faster, harder. I shoved at him, but eventually I slacked, my teeth biting my lips. My nipples beaded bullet hard. I actually tried to rub them against him, but couldn’t with how he held my arms.


That was when he stopped, full-on stopped. He pulled the bat from between my legs, leaving my thighs quaking beneath me. He hooked an arm above my head, his face washed of his wicked grins. His gaze smoldered. “You’re to leave my school. I want you out.”

I scanned his eyes, disoriented.

Unable to freaking breathe.

I still felt his bat between my legs, the rapid heat. “What?”

He chuckled like I’d said something funny, twirling the bat before touching it beside my head. “You’re making a lot of noise for me. Getting in my way. You’re to leave my school.” He tipped my chin with the bat. “You don’t want the alternative.”

I didn’t know what the fuck he was talking about, making noise for him? What the fuck?

He didn’t say, but he did let go. My back hit the wall with the release, my wrists red and prickling from where his digits had pinched into me.

“You don’t own this school.” That was the only thing I could come up with. He didn’t own this school.

He looked at me like he did.

He smiled at me as if it were so, a dark smile, a foreboding smile. He pointed that bat at me. “You either don’t exist in this school or I make it so.” He lifted his hand. “Your choice.”

He touched the bat to his shoulder, waltzing out of the pool room. I touched my head back to the wall, looking up.

What the fuck just happened?

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