Dirty Games (Florida Devils Book 1) (Florida Devils Series)

Dirty Games: Chapter 1

THE CAB of the car is silent, and I blink hard twice, trying to wake myself up from this stupid dream. There’s no way he said what I think he just said.

I shake my head. “I’m sorry. I don’t think I heard you correctly. Can you repeat that?”

Robert’s face twists, and there’s a flash of something in his eyes—it looks a hell of a lot like regret. “Come on, Vivi. Don’t make this any more difficult than it has to be. A man is entitled to change his mind.”

My lip curls. “Change his—yes! Yes, a man can change his mind on a whim when it comes to something he’s eating or what color socks he’s putting on his feet, not about backing out on moving to another state with his girlfriend! We’re at the goddamn airport, Robert. We’re supposed to be moving to Florida today. Together.”

He scrubs his hand down his face. “I know. I know. But you have to understand, my father doesn’t—”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Robert. You’re not going with me because your daddy is throwing a fit because his only son is leaving town. That’s pathetic.”

He shrugs and runs his hand through his thick brown hair and adjusts his glasses. “Think what you want, but being cut off financially would make a tremendous impact on my life—our life together. It would be foolish of me to go against his wishes, and frankly, it would be smarter for you to accept a job here in Vegas.”

I stare at him with wide eyes. “You have to be joking?”

“This is a very serious matter, Vivi, and I think you’re the one who isn’t taking it seriously. If you really love me, you’ll stay here—with me. This job isn’t more important than the relationship we’ve built over the past nine months, is it? It’s not even going to last more than a month.”



I can’t believe he’s saying this right now. So now it’s either follow my dream or love him.

I blink hard a couple of times as I allow his words to sink into my brain. “Did you seriously just give me an ultimatum? This isn’t fair. You knew when you met me I would take the first production assistant job I was offered, and you said that because you can do your freakin’ computer job from anywhere, you’d come with me. I moved to Vegas to be with you, and you knew living there was only temporary for me.” My teeth grind. “I can’t believe you’re doing this to me now while we’re sitting in an Uber at the doors of the airport.”

“I really thought I could make myself get on the plane and go with you—that my love for you was strong enough to—”

“Make up the difference of losing your daddy’s money?” I shriek.

I sit there for a beat of silence as it hits me hard that money means more to Robert than I ever will. I’ll never truly be the love of his life, and that realization doesn’t sit well with me.

My fingers curl around the door handle. “You know what? We’re done. Decision made. Now, you don’t have to worry about coming to Florida with me or ever seeing me again.”

I yank open the door and march around to the trunk to get my bag, doing my best to keep my chin lifted. These damn tears will not fall. I forbid them to.

“Vivi, wait. It doesn’t have to be like this. We can try long distance,” Robert says from inside the car.

Long distance? Is he fucking kidding me? That shit never works out, which is why I followed him to Vegas where his family lives so I could be close to him and not lose him, but now he won’t return the same courtesy to me when it’s time for him to follow me.

I whirl around and narrow my eyes at him. He doesn’t even have the audacity to get out of the car and plead with me to stay behind like a proper boyfriend who loves his girlfriend would.

I’m done. I’m so done right now, and I refuse to allow him to ruin my dream.

“Fuck you, Robert. Lose my fucking number.” I flare the middle finger of my right hand at him and then turn and strut into the airport.

From that point on, I’m in a complete daze. When I woke up this morning, I was excited to finally begin my life by starting my first job in the entertainment industry. I had gone to the University of California to study film and was the top student, but unless you know someone in the business to open doors for you, they remain pretty tightly shut. California is known as the movie capital of the world, and I assumed that’s where I would end up, but that didn’t happen. All of those jobs have been locked down, and the only offer I received was from a low-budget reality dating show in Florida called Love in the Sand. Still, I jumped at the chance.

Robert knew this job was my foot in the door and how long I had been looking to land one since I graduated last year, but he seems to think I should stay behind with him, continuing to work as a server in his family’s restaurant in Vegas. I will never be satisfied if I don’t give this dream of mine a go, and I can’t believe Robert would ask me to blow off this huge opportunity.

It takes almost seven hours because of a delay, but my last flight of the trip finally touches down in Jacksonville, Florida. I’m exhausted as I check the time on my phone and order an Uber.

This time change is really going to mess me up.

It’s already after one in the morning here, and all I can think about is getting to Robert’s uncle’s house and sleeping. It’s going to be weird staying with my now ex’s family—with a man I’ve never met—but at this point, I don’t have any choice and not enough money saved to get my own place. The only option I have is to hope this man doesn’t kick me out on the streets because Robert isn’t with me, allowing me a few weeks to save up some money and get a car and an apartment.

Robert has the most fucked-up timing for breaking up with me.

The Uber ride is silent, and honestly, I’m thankful the driver doesn’t talk to me. It’s late, and I’m simply not in the mood for chitchat after the shitty day I’ve had.

The little Prius glides down the freeway, and when the GPS directs him to the subdivision where I’m staying, I’m surprised there’s a locked gate with a guard shack in front of it. I had no clue we’d be staying somewhere so fancy, but it shouldn’t have surprised me. Robert’s family has money, so I should have assumed his uncle does too when he told me he worked for the pro-football team here in Jacksonville.

A scrawny guard with a crisp white shirt and a gray mustache comes out of the shack and bends down to greet the Uber driver. “Who are you here to see?”

I lean forward from the back seat so I can address the guard directly. “Zayn North.”

The old man chuckles, “Nice try, young lady. I won’t be letting you through that easy.”

He rises to dismiss us. “Wait!” I call to him, causing him to lean back down so I can see his face again. “He’s my boyfriend’s uncle, and I’ll be staying with him for a while. My boyfriend told me there’s a password I may need. Hold on.” I fish the note with the entry codes Robert handed me at the airport. I carefully unfold the paper and read the pass code allowed. “Gillieweed.”

The guard’s lips twist. “Wait right here while I make a call to Mr. North to double-check all of this information.”

He walks away, leaving me alone with the Uber driver as the car idles in front of the gate. The driver keeps glancing back at me in the rearview mirror, so much so it’s making me feel a little uncomfortable.

“Something wrong?” I ask the man.

He shrugs his shoulders and stares at me in the mirror again. “If you’re not being honest about staying here, he’s going to make us leave.”

“Why would I lie?” I snarl. “It’s my boyfriend’s uncle.”

Well, technically, Robert is my ex-boyfriend as of a few hours ago, but I’m not explaining that mess to a complete stranger because, frankly, it’s none of his business.

The guy turns around and eyes me suspiciously. “Your boyfriend is Zayn North’s nephew?”

“Yes.” I bite. “I don’t know what the big deal is?” Something hits me. “Hold up. You’re acting like you know who Robert’s uncle is.”

“Of course I know who he is. Everyone in Jacksonville knows his name,” he says with excitement in his voice. “If you’re somehow actually legit, do you think you can manage to get Zayn’s autograph for me? My son would go nuts.”

“His autograph?”

What in the hell…?

He grimaces. “I know he gets bugged for it a lot, but it would mean so much to my son and me. I wouldn’t ask if we weren’t huge fans.”

I tilt my head and stare at the driver like he has three heads. “Is Zayn, like, a football player or something? My boyfriend says his uncle works for the football team in Jacksonville. He didn’t tell me the man was famous.”

He blinks as he stares at me. “You’re honestly trying to tell me you’re about to move in with Zayn fucking North and have no clue who he even is?”

I shrug. “I don’t. I don’t watch sports—I hate them actually—so I don’t know the name of any players, or really teams, for that matter.”

The man shakes his head. “That’s insane. You’re probably the only person on the planet who doesn’t know him.”

My lips pull into a tight line, but I say nothing about the matter.

The truth is, I’ve always thought professional athletes were ridiculously overpaid for playing silly games most anyone could do. They don’t deserve such large salaries. It’s not like they’re curing cancer, for fuck’s sake. They’re literally kicking a ball around, and it’s stupid.

The gate opens, and the old guard pokes his head out of the shack and waves us through. Finally. You would think we were requesting access to Fort Knox.

I resist the urge to be a complete brat and poke my tongue out at the old guy for doubting I was being truthful.

Once we’re inside the neighborhood, I notice how posh the houses are. Every one of them are large, two-story homes with fancy curved driveways. While I didn’t grow up exactly poor or anything, my neighborhood was nothing like this one or the one Robert’s family lives in. These people have money, and definitely not living paycheck to paycheck like my family always did—how I do now.

We make a right on the second street and at the very end of the cul-de-sac sits a large, two-story brick home illuminated with landscaping lights. It’s beautiful.

The car parks in the driveway, and the driver suddenly becomes much more helpful than he was when he initially picked me up at the airport, grabbing my bag out of the trunk and offering to carry it to the front door for me.

“I can get it. Thanks for the ride,” I tell him as he stands there.

“You sure?” he asks again.

I nod. “Have a good night.”

I continue up the sidewalk to the front door. I turn to find the man still in the car watching me like he’s waiting for me to get safely inside—or to catch a glimpse of his apparent football-playing hero.

I roll my eyes as I use my body to shield the keypad on the front door and punch in the code. When the lock clicks, I allow myself inside, and then immediately find I have to disarm the alarm stationed right next to the front door with yet another code I’d been given.

As soon as the alarm is taken care of, I breathe a sigh of relief and allow myself to look around the dimly lit inside of this massive house. Much like the outside, it’s immaculate inside as well. Enormous rooms with minimal, modern furniture. I find a light switch and flip it on, and head toward the kitchen.

Robert warned me his uncle would be out of town when we arrived tonight—something to do with his work—so it did not surprise me there was no one here to greet me.

On the pristine white and gray granite countertop lays a note.


Take the room on the second floor—last door on the right.


Following my new roommate’s instructions, I flip off the lights, then return to the foyer and grab my suitcase. The spiral staircase leading to the second floor circles around a large crystal chandelier, and I study how pretty it is as I drag each foot up the stairs one at a time. I’m both physically and mentally exhausted and all I want to do is sleep. I’ll explore this magnificent house tomorrow.

When my feet hit the landing of the second floor, I’m shocked by how long the hall is. There are seven closed doors, and I’m sure that means I’m to keep out of those areas, so I do as the note instructs and head to my room.

A large bed inside sits in the center of the room and the thick white comforter on it reminds me of one of those posh hotel beds. My aching muscles crave to curl up on it and rest, so I push forward to the large walk-in closet and toss my luggage inside it. I’ll worry about unpacking tomorrow since I have a few days to kill before my job starts. Getting myself organized here will give me something to do.

I grab my chargers and plug my phone into it before laying it on the dark wooden desk sitting in front of the window. After a quick trip to pee in the private bathroom attached to my new bedroom, I strip down to my bra and panties and crawl under the covers. Today has been one of the worst days of my entire life, and that’s saying a lot since I’ve been through some fucked up shit, but my body is too tired to allow my brain to rehash today’s events anymore.

I snuggle into the blankets and pull it up to my chin. This room is very nice—it reminds me of a hotel and I can easily picture myself staying comfortably here for a couple of weeks while I save my money. I’m thankful for Robert’s uncle and someday I’ll have to figure out a way to repay him for his kindness. Before I can think of a way to do that, my eyes close and the sleep I so desperately need finally comes.

Not having a car is inconvenient as hell. Back in Vegas, I lived close enough to walk to stores and work, but here, a car is a must. The little money I have saved is needed for Ubers until I can get my first paycheck and buy a car somehow.

There’s nothing around here, so even though I probably shouldn’t eat Zayn’s food without permission, I’ve made myself at home and am cooking since I can’t really go anywhere.

Luckily, the backyard has an amazing pool, and I’ve spent the past two days working on my Florida tan. It’s been like a vacation, but I start work tomorrow on the first of the month, so all that will change.

Reaching over, I adjust the volume on my phone and lay it down on the table next to the chair overlooking the pool. The deep end is twelve feet, and I love diving into it.

As I swim laps, I allow the rush of the salt water to surround me, relaxing me and hoping it can wash away the pain in my heart from Robert crushing it.

Surprisingly, Robert has done exactly what I ordered him to do when I last saw him at the airport. He’s really lost my number. I have not heard one single peep from him in the past two days. Guess things really are over between us, and there’s no fairy-tale ending for the two of us where he finally gets his shit together and chases after me, begging me to forgive him and take him back.

A love song blares out of the speaker of my phone, and it makes me feel stabby, so I climb the ladder because this song has got to go. Anything related to love or relationships turns my stomach since Robert and I went our separate ways.

Love is a fucking lie.

“You must be Vivi,” a deep voice rumbles from the direction of the house, causing me to freeze in place. “Where’s my nephew?”

My eyes dart across the yard and land on a beast of a man. He’s tall with broad shoulders, tattooed forearms, and a face that could rival any model with his chiseled cheekbones and full lips. His dark hair has a bit of length to it, but the way he has it slicked back, it’s hard to tell exactly how long it is.

Holy fuck.

That’s Robert’s uncle?!

He doesn’t look like he’s old enough to be someone’s uncle. He’s hot—like ridiculously sexy hot. The kind of hot that makes women do stupid things—like beg a man to put his dick inside her.

I shake my head.

Oh my God. I can’t believe I just thought that. I’m so glad people can’t hear one another’s thoughts.

I raise my hand and give a small wave, realizing I’ve been staring at him this entire time and have yet to introduce myself. “Hi! Yes. I’m Vivi.”

A smirk plays along his handsome face. “Nice to meet you, Vivi.” He lifts his chin, gesturing at me. “All of you.”

His eyes linger on my chest, and out of pure instinct, I glance down to see why he’s staring so hard. My mouth drops open as I spot my right breast hanging out of my bikini top—nipple and all, giving Zayn more than an eyeful.

“Oh, God,” I gasp as I yank the fabric over my boob.

I rarely wear this bikini out in public for this very reason. I’m not exactly a skinny girl, and sometimes, these big, annoying boobs of mine have a mind of their own and slip out of snug-fitting tops with the slightest wrong move. Having curves sucks sometimes.

My hands cover my face as I take in a deep breath, trying to knock back the mortification I feel for flashing my boob at Robert’s uncle.

I remove my hands and pretend the nip slip was no big deal. “Thanks for letting me stay here.”

“You?” Zayn cocks an eyebrow. “It’s only you? I was under the impression Robbie was coming with you.”

My lips pull into a tight line. “He had a change of plans.”

His face twists. “Well, shit. This isn’t going to work. You can’t stay here with me alone.”

He turns to head inside the house, and my stomach drops. He can’t kick me out. I don’t have anywhere else to go, and I’ll lose my job before I even get a chance to start it if I don’t show up tomorrow.

Desperate, I dash across the yard, following him into the house. “Wait!”

His hand stills on his cell as he turns to face me. “I’m sorry, but I can’t have my nephew’s girlfriend living here with me alone. It won’t look right.”

“He’s not my boyfriend,” I blurt out, and his eyebrow quirks. “Robert dumped me right before I got on the plane to come here, and if you kick me out, I won’t have any other place to go.”

Zayn focuses his icy gray eyes on me. “Don’t you have family? Someone else you can stay with nearby?”

I shake my head. “Everyone I know is in Nevada and California. I came here for a job, and I promise you I’ll be out of here as soon as I have enough money saved.” I take a deep breath. “If you throw me out of here, I’ll be on the street. I won’t even have a car to sleep in, and I can’t afford a hotel right now.”

He scrubs his hand down his face. “Fuuuck. This is what I get for trying to do a favor for family.”

My heart does a double thump in my chest as I gnaw on my lower lip.

After a long moment, he releases an exasperated sigh. “Fine. You can stay, but don’t get too comfortable because I want you out of here as soon as possible.” His eyes drift down my body and then slowly drag their way back up to my face. “And keep your fucking body covered. I don’t want to see that shit again.”

My hands instinctively wrap around my middle as he turns on his heel and storms toward the front door. I’ve never been exactly thin, but no one has ever pointed out my body is so horrible to look at that me being in a bikini offended them in such a way.

I stare down at the puddle I’m leaving all over Zayn’s kitchen floor and grimace. While I’m here, I need to be the unseen houseguest, because he clearly doesn’t want me around. On my tiptoes, I head back outside to retrieve my towel and phone so I can clean this mess up before he comes back downstairs.

One thing is clear. I am an unwelcomed houseguest of Zayn North.

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