Dirty Curve

: Chapter 30

I crash my lips to hers, my hands instantly threading into her hair and yanking her closer, as close as fucking possible.

I’m fucking dying. Suffocating, my lungs are so starved, and only she’s got the air I need.

My body’s fucking shaking, desperate for anything she’s willing to give and if the way she climbs me tells me anything, she’s ready to give a lot.

Take it all, Tutor Girl. It’s already yours.

I’m not sure if I groan or sigh, but fuck me, my airways open, filling with her scent and sending my insides dancing. Every nerve in my body is awake, ready.

Fucking needy.

But only for her.

Cupping her ass, I swing us around, carrying her into the living room and setting her on the edge of the dresser.

Her elbows knock into the TV screen as she frantically tears at my shirt, throwing her arms up so I can rip hers from her body and I do, but before I go for her bra, I cup her face in my hands, pausing us both.

Her wild eyes snap to mine and goddamn if my dick doesn’t swell more, ten times harder.

She’s on fucking fire, a hunger in her gaze I’ve never seen, a need in her touch that’s unmatched.

“I need to make sure you understand this isn’t what I’m after. This isn’t what I want from you.” I stare deep into her eyes, looking beyond the surface, raring for her to read me correctly. “I want you. All of you and everything that comes with you. Good, bad, fucked. I want it. Every bit of it.”

Her lower lip begins to tremble, so I take it between my teeth, gently biting at her.

I got you. Your fears and your troubles.

I got you …

“I want you, I want inside you, but if I’m only promised one place, this is where I want it to be.” I press my knuckles into her chest, over her heart. “Right fucking here, you understand what I’m saying?”

She chokes on her words, tears building in her eyes, and fear grips me like a vise, twisting at my muscles and creating a knot in my throat.

“I was awful to you.” Her voice is strangled.

“I can take it.”

“Tobias—” She attempts to lean away, but I hold firm.

Gripping the back of her head, I hold her eyes to mine.

“Do you love me?”

“It’s not that simple.”

“Do. You. Love. Me?”

Her body grows lax, her shaky fingers leaving my neck, pausing over my left pec. She presses there.

“Baby,” I prompt.

And she finally says, “Yes.”

That’s it.

That’s all.


Lifting her from the dresser, I slowly set her on her feet, her deep brown eyes wide and locked on me as I use the backs of my fingers to ease the straps of her bra down her shoulders. I lean forward, kissing her collarbone as my palms glide around her ribs, but I’m met with a stretchy material.

Meyer chuckles as I pull back, and the smirk she hits me with has me groaning and yanking her to me.

“What is this sorcery?”

Her tongue slips between her teeth and she gently pushes me away.

The only reason I go is because the look in her eye is straight fire.

She eases me backward until my knees meet the metal of the fold-out bed, so I lower my ass onto it, adjusting my dick in my jeans.

Her fingers slide along her skin, coming together between her breasts, and only then do I notice the little clip there. She unsnaps it, her breasts falling from the thin material, they’re full and round, sitting high and inviting. Her nipples are a soft, dusty pink.

She slips closer, and my palms find her hips, gliding up and over her ribs, but I pause beneath the hollow of her breasts.

“Tell me, Ma,” I rasp. “Are your nipples a sweet spot, too, or are they too sensitive?”

“I don’t know, hotshot, are they?” she teases, desire thickening her tone.

I groan, scoot over the edge more and tug her to me. “Time to find out.”

“Soft,” she rasps, her chest rising and falling rapidly, anticipation making her anxious.

The edge of my tongue starts at the fullest part of her breast, and I lick my way up.

Instantly, her nipple grows taut, peaking from my touch, and so I close my lips around it, swirling and tasting, but I don’t suck. Not tonight, anyway.

Meyer’s head falls to one side with a low moan, her fingers gliding along the back of my head.

To be fair, I show her left breast the same love, and her body twitches.

“Sweet spot it is.”

Meyer jerks her head up, smashing her lips to mine.

Her kiss is needy, and I know the wait is just as fucking excruciating for her as it is for me.

“Are you bare for me?” I nip her lips, my fingers curling into her leggings, and her thighs clench, her body trembling as I push them down to her knees. She pants into my mouth, and I hold her eyes as I slide my hand between her legs. Not until the tip of my finger is aligned with her opening, do I allow my touch to meet her heat.

Meyer’s gasp mixes with my groan and I push up, sliding forward and coating my fingers with her arousal. Her eyelids flutter, but she never takes them off mine, and I don’t look away until my knuckles brush her clit. Her whimper has me aching, and the fingertips biting into my shoulders send a shock wave through my body, straight to my fucking groin.

Finally, I drop my eyes, and just as I thought. “Bare.”


My eyes snap to hers, and I groan, lifting my fingers to my lips, like I had already intended to do, but apparently not quick enough for my girl. I don’t taste though. Not yet.

I push to my feet, staring down at her as I cup her neck with one hand, the other held an inch away from my mouth.

Slowly, I drag my knuckle along my bottom lip, and then align them with hers. It’s torturous, tasting her by scent and not sucking every bit of her off me, but she wants to play. So we’ll play. “You want me to taste you, hm?” I skate my bottom lip along hers. “You first.”

I expect her to hesitate, but she doesn’t. She pulls my lip into her mouth, and my baby bites.

A bone-deep rumble makes its way up my chest and I crash my mouth with hers, pressing firmly and seeking out any bit of her flavor that’s left.

Desperation crawls up my spine when Meyer’s moans grow louder. Every muscle in my body tightens, my cock strains, and my girl knows it.

Her hands work my jeans open, and I gladly kick them off, pushing my boxers down with them.

Her eyes fall, her lips parting, as she squeezes her thighs shut.

“Grab me.”

She doesn’t waver. Her fingers wrap around my shaft, squeezing, and slowly she pumps me in her palm. My abs constrict and she lowers to her knees, her eyes snapping up to mine as she pulls the head of my dick into her mouth.

She sucks, scraping me with her teeth and grinning around me when I hiss.

“Oh, you think that’s funny?” I pull back, tug her to her feet, spin us and nudge her back until her ass falls to where mine once was.

Together we crawl up the springy mattress until her head meets a pillow. She lowers onto her back, her sneaky little hand slides between us again, and she grips me, running the tip of her thumb over bulging veins.

I flex in her palm, and she licks her lips, releasing me.

I pull back, align my hips and glide my cock along her slit

“Fuck,” I grunt, adding some pressure, and my biceps clench.

Desperate for a hint of her, I allow the head to slip inside

My body fucking burns, her chest is heaving, and I can’t wait any longer.

“Open up for me, baby.”

Her legs spread a little wider, I push in a little farther, and then she looks me directly in the eye.

A deep rumble vibrates up my throat, and she flexes around me, her back arching off the bed, her neck begging to be sucked on. Licked.

I bite instead, and my baby moans beneath me.

I’m inside her in the next second, the heat of her cunt boiling the blood in my veins, and my body takes over.

With slow, full thrusts, I rock into her.

She gasps into the air around us, and I push a little deeper, my head falling into the crook of her neck.

“I’ve been dying for this,” she admits with a low, torrid tone.

My muscles flex around her. “How long?”

Her hands fall to my bare back, and she lifts her knees higher. “Long.”

I bite her collarbone and she whimpers, twitching around me and my cock swells even more.

She likes.

Her hold on me tightens, but I don’t give her more.

I pull all the way out and my baby pouts. “How. Long?” I run the pads of my thumbs over her nipples, and she pants, gripping the ends of my hair in an attempt to pull, but I hold firm.

“Months, Tobias,” she swallows, lifting her hips in search of some relief. “Months.”

I groan, kiss the spot on her skin I bruised with my teeth, and drive back inside.

This time, when she grips my face, I let her drag my mouth to hers.

Meyer shoves her tongue into my mouth, and I kiss her back just as hard.

My blood pressure is through the fucking roof, my need to come right there with it, but only when she’s ready.

So, I sit up, press her knees to the mattress and lift her ass off of it.

I slide my cock out slowly, and push in faster, harder, my right hand coming down over her clit, left stretching forward to grip her peaked nipple.

She dances against me, her eyes hooded and holding mine, and when I hit the spot, deep in-fucking-side her, her neck stretches, her whimper frenzied.

Still, she doesn’t look away, and something shifts.

Everything shifts.

I release her, blindly reaching behind me to grip the edge of the comforter, and I pull it up over us, barricading us inside. I lower over her, bringing us chest to chest, skin to skin, eye to perfect, beautiful eyes.

“Meyer,” I whisper, dropping my forehead to hers and her lips curve into the softest of smiles.

She brings her legs up, locking them around my hips, and lifts her chin the slightest bit, skimming her mouth along mine. “Tobias,” she whispers back.

I need you, that’s what we’ve just said.

That’s what this means.

I love you.

I fuck my baby slow and steady, and I don’t stop until she’s biting into her lip to keep from crying out, but I want it. All of it.

So, I press my mouth to hers, and she moans into me, her body vibrating under me, and then she’s coming around me.

Her pussy pulses, gripping me like a custom-fitted sleeve, and I growl, my hand tethering into her hair.

“Come for me,” she begs, and I growl into her mouth.

“Okay, baby.” I drive into her as deep as I can, and I give her what she wants.

My cum pours into her, mixing with her own.

Her fingers glide along my back. “You’re shaking.”

“You feel good, like mine.” I press deeper, jerking inside her.

My grunt is chest deep and her lips part. “Kiss me.”

I do, and her hands wrap around my neck.

I’ve never felt more satisfied than I do in this moment, with my girl slick and satiated in my arms.

Desperate for more, yes, but satisfied.

It doesn’t make much sense, yet it makes perfect fucking sense.

No amount of this girl will ever be enough.

I’ll forever want more.

Need more.

Crave more.

Of her.

Of this.

Of us.

That’s never going to change. I knew it weeks, maybe even months ago.

Meyer belongs to me.


Stretching my legs, my lips curve into a smile, the heat of Meyer’s body making it real easy to peel my eyes open. She’s still in a deep sleep, her naked back bare to me, her long brown hair spilling over the pillow and half in my face.

I bury my face in her neck, kissing her there and she stirs, but no more than a flicker of a smile in her sleep. As sneakily as possible, I climb from the bed, doing my best not to actually wake her.

Bay hasn’t woken up yet, and from what I know, this might be a first, her sleeping in past sunrise.

It’s a quarter to six, so a little later than I would normally wake, but before last night, I hadn’t slept much at all. When I did, it was sleeping off stupidity, not actual sleep.

Today, though, I’m refreshed as fuck, feeling good, but also guilty as shit.

I’ve fucked off my team lately, gave half, maybe even less than half of myself and that’s bullshit.

I need to get back at it, but before that, I need a quick run, my body is weighted with toxins that need to be released.

In the kitchen, I quietly pour a glass of water and pull the marker off the dry erase board, writing her a quick note, knowing she’ll likely wake up before I get back.

Our clothes are all over the place, something I realize when I go in search of mine, finding one shoe under the bed, the other near the back door.

I grin.

No clue how that happened.

Moving a few things around, I hunt for my shirt, finally spotting it in the small gap between the couch and the end table. I pull it free, wincing when her bag tips over, half the shit falling out.

My eyes dart to the bed and while she stirs, she doesn’t wake, and I make a mental note to move this thing when I get back to grab what fell behind it. In the meantime, I pick up what I can reach. Her wallet in hand, I go to set it on top, but my fingers brush along the clear plastic on the opposite side. Curious, I flip it over to look. Inside the protective screen, framed in pleather, is her ID.

I look over her photo, grinning at how, even here, her famous bun is in place, and then my eyes are pulled right.

Every single part of me locks up. The air in my lungs evaporates, and I’d swear the blood in my body has even stopped flowing by the way my organs seem to shrivel, fold over, and twist.

Meyer’s last name isn’t Sanders, like she said.

It’s Reid.

Coach Reid isn’t just her boss.

He’s her fucking father.

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