Dire Woods

Chapter 8

John Joseph raised his face towards the sound of the voice. Framed by the polished oak doorway was an angel. She was tall and willowy with wavy blonde hair, which shimmered like a halo. John Joseph watched, mesmerized, as she stepped gracefully into the room.

“You must be John Joseph,” she murmured, a tremulous smile on her glistening lips. She reached up a slender hand to gently touch John Joseph‘s cheek. “You’re as handsome as your father.”

John Joseph stared into eyes as blue as the fabled Gentian Seas. He could almost feel himself sinking beneath the gentle waves.

A small tinkling sound broke him from his daze. John Joseph blinked once, then twice, as the tinkling continued. With a lurch, he focused his eyes on an ornate silver bracelet bristling with charms, dangling from his aunt’s slender wrist. Before he could focus properly, his aunt placed gentle, yet firm fingers under his jaw and brought his face towards hers.

“I’m so sorry about your parents, John Joseph,” she said, smoothing his hair with her other hand. “So very sorry.” Her generous mouth formed a gentle smile. “But I’ll look after you until we find them. I promise.”

“You still haven’t explained how you happened to be at the family campsite this weekend, Angerona,” Mr. Kilamo interrupted.

There was a flash of ice blue fire in Aunt Angerona’s eyes, as she turned to face the headmaster. “If you really must know, Vincent, I have missed my brother dearly over the years. I finally decided to take the chance that my only sibling would carry on the family tradition giving me the opportunity I needed to make amends.”

She gave John Joseph a quick, melting look. “We used to go camping on this weekend every year, my dear, when I was younger. It wasn’t just your mother and father’s tradition.” She focused on Mr. Kilamo again. “And not that it’s any of your business Vincent, but I had hoped to settle our differences and become a family again.”

Angerona Alabaster turned toward John Joseph and dabbed her aquiline nose with a white, linen handkerchief. “Unfortunately, I was too late, John Joseph. Your parents had already disappeared by the time I arrived.”

Wizard Kilamo cleared his throat noisily.

“As I said before, John Joseph, until your parents are found, your Aunt Angerona is your legal guardian.”

Angerona Alabaster gave Mr. Kilamo a scathing look. “Well, that’s obvious isn’t it? I’m the only relative he has.” Her brilliant blue eyes misted over, “The only Alabaster left.”

She raised a pale hand to wipe an invisible tear from her eye.

“John Joseph is still here, Angerona,” Mr. Kilamo reminded her.

“I am totally aware of John Joseph’s location, Vincent,” Angerona announced, with a dismissive nod. She caressed her charm bracelet and moved gracefully towards the door. “I think we need to leave. John Joseph needs my support, and I need to get to know my nephew.”

John Joseph felt her hand land gently on his shoulder.

“Come on, John Joseph,” she said in golden tones. “We‘re going home.”

John Joseph gave the headmaster a feeble wave, grabbed his knapsack and headed towards door that would lead him to the portal and the empty halls of Alabaster Manor.

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