Dire Woods

Chapter 4

Alexander’s house was a large, brick building with a dull black door and a massive brass knocker shaped like a snarling lion. Mrs. Blunt handed him a pair of slippers as soon as he walked through the door.

“Put these on please and don’t worry. They’re sterilized. No need to worry about germs here, right Alexander?”

Alexander kicked his shoes across the entry hall, slammed his feet in an opulent pair of slippers and stomped towards the stairs.

“Where are you going Alexander?” his mother asked. “Upstairs with John Joseph already? What about the itinerary?”

Alexander turned slowly to face his mother, his eyes hooded and his eyebrows low. “I am going to my room, alone.” He stated. “I have a headache.”

John Joseph did some quick calculations. Twenty minute walk back to school, fifteen minutes if he ran. Why, even if his parents had left, he could pack a bag and head to the campsite himself. Cripes, he’d been there often enough. He could find it with his eyes closed!

“If Alexander is sick. I’ll just go home, Mrs. Blunt,” John Joseph suggested.

Alexander stopped half way up the stairs. “Perhaps it’s for the best Mother, with me being ill and all.”

Mrs. Blunt snapped her head towards her son. “We invited John Joseph for a sleepover and that’s what’s going to happen. You can come downstairs when you’re feeling better.”

Alexander’s shoulders slumped as he continued up the steps.

John Joseph figured Alexander didn’t feel anywhere near as badly as he did.

He didn’t see Alexander for the rest of the afternoon.

He heard him of course, ordering food, remedies, books, back rubs, cold cloths, hot cloths and various drinks.

John Joseph never saw Mrs. Blunt sit down for more than 15 minutes at a time. It made playing all the games very frustrating. Alexander’s interruptions always seemed to come when it was Mrs. Blunts’ turn, which meant he had to wait, sometimes for up to 30 minutes before she got back. He was about to suggest puzzles when Mr. Blunt arrived home.

It was definitely better with Mr. Blunt in the house. Mrs. Blunt could concentrate on Alexander, while he and Mr. Blunt just concentrated on having a good time. John Joseph knew he must be mistaken, but for a moment, just a moment, Mr. Blunt had actually looked happy when he found out that his son was spending the evening in his room.

Mr. Blunt was more of an outside sort of parent. He and John Joseph played badminton right up until dinner (a slightly burnt dinner unfortunately, as Alexander had been going through a particularly painful patch and needed his mother’s constant attention). After dinner and two more sets of badminton, they settled in the study to play chess.

With his red hair, bushy eyebrows and kind smile, Mr. Blunt didn’t look a thing like his son. He didn’t act anything like him either. John Joseph found he rather liked him. When it was time to head up to bed after a snack of brownies and milk, John Joseph was actually looking forward to the next day.

He was hoping Alexander was better of course, but if he wasn’t, Mr. Blunt had promised to take John Joseph to the museum himself.

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