Devious Obsession: A Dark Hockey Romance (Hockey Gods)

Fierce Obsession: Chapter 36

I sent a text to Lucia to let her know we were on our way, so when we arrive at the apartment building, I’m not surprised to see our buddy, Conor Ryan waiting outside for us to let us in.

“What the hell? You’re taking me to a nightclub?” Carmichael sneers.

“You wish you were going to a nightclub, you sick fuck,” I snarl at him. Part of the building’s basement and most of the ground floor is a nightclub, but there are also soundproof rooms down here too.

“The place you’re going to is a whole lot quieter and with less people,” Alejandro laughs as he drives through the huge steels doors and rolls the car to a stop. I climb out first, reaching in and pulling Carmichael out with me.

Conor locks the garage doors and walks over to us as Alejandro steps out of the car.

“The ladies are on their way down. The room you need is over there,” he nods to an open steel door tucked away in the corner of the basement, “and I’m sure anything else you might need is in there too.”

“Thanks, amigo,” Alejandro says with a nod of his head.

“What the fuck is going on?” Carmichael wails, trying to wrench himself from my grasp. “Do you know who I am?” he directs this question to Conor.

“Yeah,” is all Conor says, before winking at us and heading back through the basement to the elevator. The doors open a few seconds later and Lucia and Alana step out. Conor speaks to them briefly before he steps into the elevator. The doors close behind him and Lucia and Alana make their way over to us.

“Alana!” her father says as soon as she’s close enough to hear him. “How could you? I’m your father.”

The righteous indignation is practically seeping through his pores. I realize that he genuinely believes she is in the wrong here. A true narcissist.

She glares at him, her eyes narrowed in anger and disgust. “My father? You stopped being my father when you sold me for three million dollars. I would say that I’m your only child, but that wouldn’t be true would it? Poor Bethany Cooper was carrying your baby when you had her murdered,” she spits and his face blanches at her accusation.

“No father of mine would ask his sick, twisted friends to spy on my daughter and film some of her most intimate moments just so he could exploit her the way he has everyone else. And he most certainly wouldn’t have a team of assassins trying to kill my family.” She takes one step closer and then slaps him so hard across the face that his head snaps back with the force of it. “You are nothing to me,” she hisses.

“You heard her, asshole,” I push him toward the back of the huge basement.

“Alana, please?” he wails, “you can’t let them do this to me.”

She walks ahead of us, ignoring her father’s sniveling and pleas for his life. He sounds pretty damn pitiful to be honest. I mean, I knew she was tough but it’s gotta be hard hearing the man beg for his life like that.

“Think of your mother. She’ll be lost without me,” he wails, and it’s that which makes her turn on her heel and glare at him again.

I stop walking, holding onto his arm still and wondering if he’s about to get another slap, but instead she rears her hand back and punches him in the jaw. His knees give way from under him and he drops to the floor, taking my arm down until I let go and let him fall.

“My mother will be a damn sight better off without your cheating, murderous ass in her life. Maybe now she’ll finally wake up from the goddamn haze she’s been walking around in for the past fifteen years.”

Carmichael rubs his jaw as his eyes roll in his head.

“Damn, princesa,” Alejandro whistles, sidling up to her and wrapping an arm around her waist. “Remind me never to get on your bad side.”

Lucia laughs softly and I wink at her. I can’t wait for this to be over with so we can get back to our normal lives. Not that our normal lives are much less dramatic.

Grabbing Carmichael’s collar, I drag him back up and over to the basement room. I push him inside after Alejandro walks in.

He sees the old dentist’s chair in the center of the room. The wooden table. The array of torture devices that adorn the walls

“W-what? N-no,” he starts to cry now. Huge, snot ridden sobs that vibrate through his body. “Alana,” he drops to his knees in front of her, his hands clasped together as he pleads for his life.

She doesn’t even look at him, instead she focuses on her husband. “I can’t watch,” she whispers.

“I know, princess,” he says with a reassuring nod. “Wait outside. You won’t hear anything once we close the door.”

I look at Lucia and she rolls her eyes at me. I make a mental note to spank her for that later. “I’ll keep mom company,” she says with a sigh.

“Thank you, sweetheart,” Alana replies.

Then the two of them walk out of the room, closing the door behind them.

Now there is just the three of us. Foster Carmichael looks up at me. His eyes pleading with me for mercy.

Alejandro laughs loudly. “You’d be better saving those puppy dog eyes for me, Carmichael, because Jax here is going to fillet you like a fish for what you did to my daughter.”

Carmichael starts to dribble and piss himself with fear, as though he only just realized that it was my wife he was jacking off over.

I bring my face closer to his. “Did you like watching her, you sick fuck?”

“No, I swear, I never…” he shakes his head. “That was all Ed. He was into that, not me.”

“Too old for you, is she? You prefer high school girls?” I snarl.

I hold out my hand to Alejandro who passes me the small electricians drill. “Who else saw those videos?”

“N-nobody,” he shakes his head vigorously until I grab hold of his jaw, squeezing hard as I hold him in place.

I flick the switch on the handle. It roars to life like it’s been waiting for this moment – I know I have. When his mouth opens on a scream, I press the drill head against the groove on one of his back molars and push until tooth and blood are swirling around his mouth. He sputters and chokes through his screams of agony.

“You got plenty more teeth I can do that to, you sick fuck. Now who saw those videos?”

“N-no,” he sputters, shaking his head and causing blood and spittle to fly out of his mouth.

I grab his jaw again and repeat the process. By the time I’ve drilled through all of his back teeth, Carmichael is a gibbering, trembling wreck.

“We still need him to talk, amigo,” Alejandro laughs darkly as he hoists his father-in-law up by his shoulders and sits him in the chair.

“He can nod and shake his head. That’s all I need,” I snarl as the adrenaline courses through my veins. I want to tear every fucking limb from his body with the rage that burns through me.

“The images are on your personal computer?” I ask and Carmichael’s head lolls backward.

Alejandro grabs him by the hair and holds him upright. “My friend asked you a question.”

“The videos and pictures? Are they on your computer?”

He nods as best he can.

“Where did you print the photographs?”

“Ofsh,” he mumbles.

“Your office?”


“Your home office.”

More nodding.

“Are there copies anywhere else?”

He shakes his head.

“You know what I do, Carmichael. You know I will find out if you’re lying to me.”

He nods.

I narrow my eyes at him. “I expect you know by now that you’re not leaving this building alive.”

Tears run down his face.

“But the one thing you do have is your legacy. You’re the great Foster Carmichael, right?”

“Hmm,” he whimpers.

“But if I find out you’ve lied to me, then the whole world will learn what you did to that little girl from Virginia. Everyone will find out what a snake you are. Are you lying to me?”

“Nuh,” he snivels.

“So once I destroy the videos on your computer they’ll be gone? You didn’t print any extra for you or your buddies to jerk off over?”

“Noooo,” he wails as Alejandro tugs his head back further.

“You think he’s telling the truth?” Alejandro asks.

“I don’t think he has the balls to withstand this level of pain. He’s gotta be, right?”

“Hmm. Just checking,” he says, letting Carmichael’s head go until it drops forward onto his chest. “We’re still gonna torture him though, right?”

I frown at him. “He watched my wife, amigo.”

“I know. I’m just making sure we’re on the same page.”

“Aren’t we always?”

He grins at me while Carmichael sobs in the chair. “Yeah.”

Half an hour later, we walk out of the room, leaving Carmichael’s mutilated body behind. I’ll help Conor dispose of it properly tomorrow. They have an incinerator somewhere. I’ll toss Carmichael’s computer into it too.

“Alex! Jax,” Alana gasps out loud and I look down at myself and then at my best buddy. We are covered, head to toe in blood and bits of body tissue.

“You knew we weren’t going to tickle him, princess,” Alejandro says.

“I know, but…” she swallows hard. “I know.”

“The videos? Where are they?” Lucia asks.

“On his computer at home. I don’t believe he sent them to anyone else. I’ll deal with it tomorrow. Right now I need a shower.”

Lucia wrinkles her nose at me. “Yeah. You kinda do.”

A few hours later, after I’ve showered and we spent a few hours eating pizza with the Ryans, Lucia and I are lying in bed. I have my arms wrapped around her and she’s nestled against my chest as I run my fingertips up and down her spine.

“You okay?” she whispers.

“Hmm,” I kiss her hair. She smells so good. “You?”

“Yep.” She snuggles closer.

We lie in silence for a few minutes. “You think everyone else is asleep?” she asks.

Her parents are in the room down the hall and Matthias and the twins are in the room next to us.

“The kids are. Everyone is probably fucking,” I whisper and she giggles.

“Jax,” she nudges me. “We can’t do that here. We’re guests.”

“Pretty sure that’s not an issue, angel,” I slide my hands to her ass. “Unless you don’t want to?”

She shifts her hips, rubbing her pussy against my hip, and my cock, which it seems is always at half-mast around her, springs to life. “I always want to.”

“Yeah you do,” I roll her onto her back, forcing her thighs apart with my knees so that I can lie between her legs. I grind my cock against her. “Why are you wearing panties anyway?”

“Because the rules are I don’t wear panties in your bed. This isn’t your bed. Pretty sure this is your buddy, Shane’s.”

“No,” I shake my head and she bites on that juicy bottom lip of hers, driving me fucking feral. “What is the rule about beds?”

“Any bed I’m in is yours,” she whispers.

“Damn right, baby, now get the panties off right now.”

She stares into my eyes and they are full of wicked delight. “Make me,” she purrs and the rush of blood to my cock damn near makes me pass out.

I am going to fuck her into a coma and I don’t give a damn who hears her screaming my name.

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