Devil's Advocate

Chapter 12

They arrived at the farmhouse and found it abandoned and locked up, with the for sale sign removed from the yard. Angelique waited in the truck while Kenneth peeked in all the windows, watching him jog back to the truck, climbing in with a grim grin.

“Yeah, he’s living here. There’s a watch in there that I gave him for his birthday two years ago on the counter. And I recognize several of the shirts thrown all over the place. Now what do we do?”

“Now I need to go ask Veronica a few more questions. And then we get equipment, set up camp, and wait for him to come back. Then we get rid of him. Easy enough.”

“Easy enough.” He repeated, shifting the vehicle in gear and backing out quickly. “Well let’s find a hotel and we can get you to talk to Victoria.” Angelique nodded and settled back in the seat, watching the trees pass by.

She didn’t tell him, but she had a selfish reason for wanting to visit with Victoria. She felt guilty, despite Kenneth telling her repeatedly it wasn’t her fault. But it was. It was her fault. A young woman lost her life far too early, because she missed her shot. If she had just shot the bastard like she was supposed to, this would have all been over. Angelique sighed, blinking in surprise when they pulled into a Holliday Inn parking lot. She hoped there was a way to continue to visit Victoria after this was over. If there was, she would go as often as she could. Just to try to ease some of the torment she shouldn’t have to be suffering.

Her third visit to purgatory was almost as fluid as breathing used to be. She walked in and marched her way down the isle, calling to Victoria as she did. But when she reached cell 14, she startled. Victoria was gone. Where on earth…?

“She’s not here.” A monotone voice called out from her left. She turned, expecting to see Lucifer. What she saw instead was a slender man in a dark navy blue suit. His short brown hair was buzzed close to his head, his chocolate brown eyes glittered like dark diamonds, and his hands were clasped in front of him. His legs were slightly apart too, like some sort of relaxed military pose. He had a tattoo on the side of his neck, the lettering unfamiliar to her, and a gold ring sat on his right hand, the band thick. She stared at his tattoo, trying to make out what it said as she answered his blatantly obvious statement.

“I can see that.” Her voice was clearly distracted. “Where is she? And who are you?”

“Gabriel.” He answered, clearing his throat sharply. Her eyes snapped back to his. “It says “Only God may judge me”. And it’s in Greek. Any other questions.”

“You missed the important one.” She groused, not liking this man. Where the hell was Lucifer? “Where is Victoria?”

“I took her away.” He answered.

“You…why?” she asked, eyes wide. “Did Lucifer decide to punish her eternally after all?” The man-Gabriel-narrowed his eyes in a harsh glare. Angelique took a frightened step back.

“Do not ever make the mistake of thinking I work for him again.” He growled out leaning towards her menacingly. Angelique felt suddenly on edge, scared. His tone was frightening. She suddenly realized where she had heard his name before.

“Gabriel. The angel Gabriel?” she asked, stepping back again. He relaxed back into his military position.

“I’m surprised your colleague didn’t inform you of my investment in your little adventure.” He all but ignored her question, the monotone back in his voice. It took Angelique longer than she cared to admit to realize that he was talking about Lucifer.

“Why would he tell me about you? You’re invested in what? I don’t understand.”

“You wouldn’t.” He dismissed her. She felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up and she prickled defensively.

“We’re off topic. Where is Victoria? You said you took her.”

“That I did.”

“And she’s where?”

“She’s in my realm.” His voice never raised or lowered in tone or pitch. He kept that same almost haunting monotone, even with his quick replies. Angelique determined that while the devil was creepy, he at least wasn’t this level of creepy. She expected more out of what Lucifer had called ‘the other team’. She took a deep breath.

“Alright. Why is she there?” she asked, stepping forward. His eyes darted across her, but his body did not move.

“Lucifer and I have made an agreement.” Angelique tilted her head.

“I don’t understand.”

“You do not need to.” He stated. She rolled her eyes.

“Alright. Fine. But why are you here? Why isn’t Lucifer here to tell me about this?”

“Why isn’t he?” He snapped his fingers, and a file folder appeared in his hands. A manila folder, just like what existed in her world from the looks of it. No mystical or magical properties about it. She raised her eyebrows.


“Miracles.” He corrected. “Magic does not exist.”

“Magic is a point of view, or an illusion that your eyes convince your mind is a true thing. That is a real thing. That exists.” She answered, glaring at him. He blinked, then cracked a smile.

“Humans are such fascinating creatures.” He mused, waving the file. “Lucifer and I struck a bet. A bargain if you will. Are you interested in hearing about it?”

“Why on earth would I be interested in knowing about it?” she asked, surprised. He stood in his military position again, watching her with his dark, seemingly soulless eyes.

“Because it all hinges on the decisions that you make.” He answered. Now Angelique was interested. She crossed her arms, trying to stop the nerves that sent shivers shooting up and down her spine. The angel in front of her made her more nervous than the devil did.

“I get that a lot.” He said with a smirk. She glared. So they both could do that annoying mind reading thing. Good to know. She sighed.

“Ok. So let’s say I am interested in knowing. We will need to go somewhere else to discuss this.”

“What’s wrong with here? You don’t feel the cold as they do.” He asked, seeming genuinely concerned. She glared.

“No. But there’s a time limit on how long I can stay here.”

“Who told you that?” he asked, looking at her like she was stupid. She glared harder.

“Lucifer did.”

“Seems like you’ve picked your side already. Maybe you don’t want to hear what I have to say.” He mused. Now she stepped forward.

“Listen. Where do you get off making threats like that?” she seethed. He snarled at her.

“You forget whom you’re speaking to.” He stepped forward. She didn’t back down this time, anger making her brave. If not brave, then definitely stupid.

“I know exactly whom I’m speaking to.” She mocked his monotone, crossing her arms. “And supernatural badass or not, I do not appreciate getting the runaround. I didn’t take it from Lucifer and I will not take it from you. Now. Are we going to make other arrangements or do I have to leave?”

“Extraordinary.” He said finally. He stepped back and looked her up and down. “You stood up to Lucifer this way?” She held firm on her glare.

“I did. And I did not feel any shame in doing so. Seriously though. If you wanna talk with me, I’m running out of time.”

“I’ve heard that before.” He mused, closest thing to an inflection in his tone that Angelique had heard thus far. It sounded pained. It humanized him for a moment. “Fine. Why don’t we go to my office to talk?”

“Tell me what the parameters are to my visit.” The words were spoken like a question, despite her trying to keep her voice firm like a demand. He finally looked like he was thrown off guard.

“I do not know what you’re asking.”

“How long can I stay? How do I get back? How do I get there?” she asked, finally relaxing her stance. He nodded.

“Ah. I see.” He took a breath. “I will take you. You do not have a time limit. And I will send you back to your new…companion when we are finished having our conversation.” Angelique really didn’t like how he called Kenneth her companion. The innuendo was clear. But she decided to ignore it. She had already pushed her luck quite a bit with this guy, and she didn’t know him as well as she did Lucifer. That was an odd thing to think. Gabriel must have thought so too, because he made a face. She took a deep breath.

“Speaking of him, he’s waiting for me to wake up. It’s going to freak him out if he goes to wake me and I don’t wake.” She said.

“Are you concerned?” he asked, smirk back on his face. She glared, but tried hard to reign it back in.

“Yes. Can you do something about that?” she asked. He nodded.

“I can. No time will pass as far as he’s concerned. He will not even realize it is time for him to wake you.” He assured. Angelique shifted uncomfortably.

“So where are we going again?” she asked. He smirked at her.

“Let’s call it my office.” He said mockingly. Exactly what Lucifer told her the first time they met. That didn’t sit well with her but she said nothing.

“And you promise that Kenneth will not know any different?”

“You have my word.”

“Fine.” She agreed. No sooner did she agree did a white light appear behind Gabriel. Before she could ask questions or move, he reached out and grabbed her wrist, jerking her into the light. She let loose a scream as that transporting feeling, the pulling behind her navel, started. She closed her eyes and just let herself transport, darkness eventually chasing out the light as she blacked out.

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