Deviant King: A Dark New Adult Romance (Royal Elite Book 1)

Deviant King: Chapter 17

I stare in stunned silence as Xander’s body jerks back and slams against a table.

A few girls shriek. Other students gasp.

I’m in the shocked category.

My back hits the edge of a table and I grip the hard wood for balance.

Aiden has never been the violent type. He said it the other day, didn’t he? That he’d rather play smarter, not stronger.

So why is he punching his best friend?

Before Xander can recover, Aiden lunges at him with a slamming punch.

It’s the first time I see him this way.



Out of control.

It’s like a different Aiden altogether.

Xander releases mocking laughter before he shoves Aiden and jabs a punch at his face. Blood explodes from Aiden’s lower lip.

I swallow. Should I interfere? Do something? Say something?

But it’s not like they’re fighting because of me — although I might have played a part.

Aside from the sound of punches, the cafeteria is completely silent. None of the other students utters a word. Hell, I doubt they’re able to breathe properly. It’s understandable.

Aiden and Xander have been close for as long as anyone remembers. No one would’ve imagined that they’d turn against each other.

This fight might as well be the event of the year.

Cole and Ronan are the first — and the only ones — who dare to approach them.

Cole tries to grip Aiden, but he’s like a bull. He shoves him away and lunges back at Xander. At the captain’s sign, the rest of the football team joins. It takes a few of them to stop Aiden and Xander from killing one another.

Two teachers and Coach Larson quicken their pace inside, followed by… Kim.

She called the teachers?

Coach appears pissed off as he orders the football team to drag Aiden and Xander to a disciplinary office.

Uncontrolled murmurs erupt between the students. Even the two teachers appear stunned that Aiden and Xander fought.

RES isn’t the type of school for fights. This place is full of elites and academically accomplished people. Rank, grades, and money are the only things that matter in RES.

Violence has never been something the board had to worry about. Especially not from the two stars of the football team.

On his way out, Aiden brushes past me. My skin electrifies at the harsh contact. I shrink into the table, the wood digging at my back as his hard, metallic gaze falls on me.

The corner of his left eye twitches as he stops in front of me. Hot, intrusive breaths trickle the side of my face as he whispers, “You’ll pay.”

Aiden and Xander don’t come back to class for the second period.

The incident at the cafeteria becomes everyone’s favourite subject of gossip.

I keep getting funny glares, but no one has dared to speak to me.

Everyone’s theory is that Aiden and Xander will get disciplinary actions that might include temporary suspension from the team.

I find it hard to believe that Coach Larson will allow RES to take his two star players, but the board is strict about any act of violence.

My mind goes rampant with ideas shooting all over the place. True, I wanted revenge and to inflict pain as Aiden had inflicted upon me, but I’m not that person. It doesn’t feel good to hurt others.

Even if they’re monsters.

It’s impossible to concentrate during class. I keep watching the entrance, expecting Aiden and Xander to return. The day ends and neither of them does.

Kim and I leave the classroom together, but neither of us is talking. She’s been throwing me glares since lunchtime, and I’ve been too out of my skin to focus on her moodiness.

When we’re in the car park, Silver and her two minions cut into our path.

Oh, come on.

She’s the last person I need to talk to on this shitty day.

She taps her designer shoes on the ground, staring me down like I’m her maid.

“Who the hell do you think you are, Frozen? You’re a nobody, so stop trying to become somebody.”

I grit my teeth, but I choose to ignore her.

Never give bullies what they want.

“You should go back to your frozen castle,” one of Silver’s minions calls at my back.

“Shut it before she gives you a snowstorm.” Kim snarls at them.

I pull her by the arm towards her Mini. “They’re not worth it.”

“Well, I guess I’ll clean up your mess,” Silver says from behind me in a calm, smug voice that pisses me off.

I don’t want to hear what she has to say, but I also won’t run towards the car and show her my flight mode.

No one in hell will see my flight mode.

“Since King is tense, I’ll have to give him a visit and loosen him up,” Silver continues.

I drop into the passenger seat and slam the door shut harder than I intended.

My breathing is harsh and uneven and my ears ring as if someone slapped me.

Loosen him up.

Who cares who loosens him the hell up?

I’m glad Kim pulls out the car in silence. My temper flares when Silver gives me a smug smile and waves her phone on which ‘King’ flashes.

He’s calling her.

Aiden is calling her.

The entire ride home is spent in unnerving silence.

Despite the weight perching on my chest, I hate the strained air between Kim and I.

I finger the strap of my backpack. “What’s wrong, Kim?”

She cuts me a stern look before she focuses back on the road. “I should be asking you that. After years of brushing off guys, you’re suddenly interested Xander?”

I blink. “I’m not interested in Xander.”

“So you just held his arm for show? You walked into the cafeteria for the first time in years with Xander for show, too?” Her lips tremble. “Wait. Did you… did you have feelings for him all this time?”

“Absolutely not.”

“Then, what is it? You know he bullied me for years! I’m sure it’s written in some friendship code that you don’t date your best friend’s bully.”

I stare at her reddened cheeks, incredulous. Being the rational party right now is so freaking hard. “And does that friendship code say that you shouldn’t hug your best friend’s bully and cry in his chest? Does it allow you to act all friendly around him when it clearly makes me uncomfortable?”

Kim’s lips part as she hits the brakes, stopping the car on the side of the road. A driver yells and honks, but she ignores him and taps the steering wheel maniacally. “So this is what it’s all about? You’re taking revenge because of that?”

“I’m not taking revenge.”

“Then what?” Her eyes rim with tears. “It’s Xan, Ellie. You can’t be with him… please?

“I’m not with him. It’s a pretence and a game to stop the bullying. Didn’t you tell me to use them while I can?”


Silence takes claim in the car. I stare from the window at kindergarten kids crossing the street.

“King and I aren’t what you think.” Kim’s voice softens.

“Can’t you see he’s getting between us, Kim?” My voice is defeated.

“I won’t allow that. I’m not an idiot, once I get the information I need, I’ll step away from him.”

“What information?”

She goes back to tapping the steering wheel. “I’ll tell you when I’m sure. The point is, I promise to never hurt you, Ellie. You saw me when I was invisible, and I’ll never forget that.”

I face her, tears blurring my vision. “And I would never hurt you, Kim. You’re the best thing that happened to me since I got into this godforsaken school.”

Kim lunges at me in a bear hug. I wrap my arms around her, inhaling her soft, floral perfume. I didn’t know I needed a hug until she offered it.

When she pulls away, her eyes shift sideways before they meet mine. “Why did Xander ask you to be his pretend girlfriend?”

“I’m not sure, but I think it’s his revenge for Aiden hugging you the other week and all the attention he’s been giving you since.”

Her lips part and she bites back a smile. “Really?”

“Why do you sound happy?”

“I’m not!” She clamps her mouth shut.

“You totally are!” I jab a finger into her side.

She squirms and huffs, throwing a dismissive hand. “You and King, huh?”

My chest tugs at the mention of his name. “Me and King what?”

“Come on, Ellie. The ever so calm King started his first fight for you.”

I shake my head. “He just has some issues with Xander.”

“Yup. He had issues with Xander touching you. I’ve never seen him lose control, not even when his mother died.”

“You were there when his mother died?”

I know Mrs King is no more, but I never actually wondered how her absence can play in Aiden’s life.

How could I not have wondered about it before? People’s psychological issues always start with their parents. The world’s most notorious psychopathic killers usually had mum issues.

“Of course,” Kim says. “We’re neighbours, you know.”

Right. I forget that sometimes.

“How old were you then?” I ask.

“We were maybe seven? I was anyway. She died of illness but…”

“But what?”

Kim lowers her voice as if telling me a top-secret. “Rumour has it that her actual cause of death is suicide, but King Enterprises disguised it as illness.”


Kim shrugs. “I don’t know, but it could be because of stocks and stuff.”

“Was she suicidal?”

“I don’t think so? Aunt Alicia was so sweet and caring. I remember that she loved Aiden and was overprotective of him — something Uncle Jonathan didn’t appreciate. Poor Aiden wasn’t even there during her death.”

I lean forward in my seat. “What do you mean?”

“He went into a summer camp, and when he returned, his mum was dead. I still remember the hollow look in his eyes at the funeral. It still gives me chills… brr. You know, he didn’t cry that day. He stood beside his father in complete silence during the entire ceremony.”

Something tightens at the pit of my stomach. Losing his mother at such a young age while he was away must’ve been devastating. I don’t even remember my parents, but sometimes, I still feel the loss as if it happened yesterday.

Kim drives me home and we spend the rest of the evening studying then binge watch a few episodes of Lucifer until Aunt returns.

A while later, Kim leaves to help Kirian with his homework. She always pretends that he’s a pain, but she can’t spend an entire day without thinking about him.

Kim’s father is a diplomat who spends most of his time in Brussels and is rarely home. Her mother is a renowned artist who’s usually locked in her studio, so Kim has become a grown-up since Kirian was born eight years ago.

She’s not only his eldest sister, but she’s also his mother and father and best friend. She always said that she doesn’t want him to feel the emptiness she felt while growing up.

Aunt and I prepare dinner together. I barely listen to her and tell her about my day at school.

I’m distracted out of my mind.

“Is there something on your phone?” Aunt asks with a suspicious tone when I check it for the millionth time in the past hour.

I force a smile. “No, nothing.”

Absolute desert.

Aiden didn’t send any of his night texts.

I’ll loosen him up.

Silver’s voice wraps a noose around my neck. My fingers itch and my hands feel dirty even though I just washed them.

I put them underneath the water in the sink then pull back when I notice Aunt watching me.

She knows I only get obsessive about washing my hands when I’m anxious.

“I’m heading to the grocery store,” I blurt to dissipate her attention.

“What for?”

“I ran out of tampons,” I say the first thing that comes into mind.

“But you’re not on your period, honey?”

“I’ll be in a few days. You know I like being prepared.” I’m already heading to the door.


“Yeah?” I throw over my shoulder.

Aunt Blair waves a bill. “You forgot the money.”

“Right.” I offer an awkward smile and take the bill from her.

“And wear a sweater. It’s chilly outside.”

“Yes, Aunt,” I call from the doorway.

“Hurry back.”

Shoving my feet into flats, I throw a thin sweater over my black cotton dress on which is written ‘Comfy at Home’. It’s similar to an oversized T-shirt that stops at my knees.

The moment I’m out of the house, the first drops of rain hit my nose and lashes. I could’ve gone back for the umbrella, but I don’t.

Instead, I let my legs take reign.

I run down the empty, lit streets as hard and as fast as I can. The night’s chill slaps me across the face and the rain soaks me in seconds.

But it isn’t enough.

There’s a weight on my chest.

It’s suffocating.

It’s robbing me from any clean air.

Every breath I take feels dirty and impure.

I feel dirty and impure.

The only thing able to cleanse me is running and the rain.

Only… it doesn’t.

Images of Silver loosening up Aiden keep playing at the back of my mind like some porn.

That must be why he’s too busy to text me.

I close my eyes and try to purge the images out of my head.

Silver and Aiden are made for each other.

I don’t care about them and their after school activities.

But why ask me to be his if he already has someone to tend to his whims?


Once I arrive at the grocery store, I buy some tampons and an umbrella. I would rather run back in the rain, but Aunt will give me grief about it.

Not to mention that my heart feels kind of funny. I won’t push it for no reason.

I’m around the corner to our house, carrying the grocery bag in one hand and the umbrella in the other when I notice a black Mercedes with tinted windows. I think it’s been there since the grocery store.

Panic grips my chest and I run the rest of the way home. I opt for the back entrance since it’s the closest.

The moment I round the corner, a strong hand clamps around my mouth. I shriek, the umbrella and the bag fall from my hands.

My scream is drowned by the hand on my mouth.

I’m hauled forward. I trip and my cheek smashes against the hood of a car. I recognise his smell before his hot breath whispers in my ear.

“Time to pay, sweetheart.”

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