Detonate: A Dark Mafia Romance (Beneath The Mask Series Book 2)

Detonate: Chapter 48

I enter the code to the gates to Luca’s gothic mansion on the outskirts of New York and make my way down the gravel drive.

I’m working with Enzo and coordinating the operations in Europe with the Capris. At night, well, the devil comes out to play. Frankie has been busy scoping out the Falcones’ operations so we know where to hit them at night. I hate to say it, he’s pretty damn good. He hasn’t been wrong once.

I’ve left Keller finishing up training our new recruits. In the past six weeks, they’ve come a long way. I’d say they’re ready to join the chaos.

Last night, we raided one of Falcones’ main industrial units. We cleared their drug supply out and burned the lot to the ground. It warmed my cold soul as I watched the flames tearing the building to the ground.

I’ve taken out all four of Marco’s advisors. One by one in their own homes. I sit and wait for them to come home from their nightly poker games. The shock on their faces when they see me sprawled out on their couch when they unlock their doors is priceless.

Not one of the fuckers have given me any information about Maddie. In fact, they don’t even know who I’m talking about. I squeeze my grip tighter around the steering wheel.

Something about this isn’t sitting right with me.

I get out of the car and slam the door behind me. A panicked Luca swings open the door.

“What’s the problem?”

“Just get inside.”

Frankie is standing next to the grand staircase. Dressed perfectly in a navy suit and tie.

I give Frankie a nod and turn back to face Luca.

“Well?” I ask, not even hiding my irritation at this point.

Since Maddie left, I have no tolerance for anyone or anything.

“Rosa is fucking dead.”

Well, shit.

Frankie stiffens next to me, and I cock my head at him. His jaw ticks, but he doesn’t look at me.



“Well, she was our bargaining chip over the Falcones for Maddie.”

“Looks like we have to keep killing them until one of them talks. I was actually going to suggest taking out Marco next. I’ve fucking had enough.”

Frankie shifts uncomfortably next to me. What the fuck is up with him today?

“Do you have a fucking problem?” I grit out.

He rubs his hands along his stubble.

“No problem. Want me to sort the body out, Boss?”

“Yeah, fine. Go and get the supplies from the warehouse and come back. Grayson, with me.”

Luca storms past me, heading up the stairs. I follow him, all the while eyeing Frankie’s suspicious behavior.

I close the door behind me as we enter his office. Luca sits in his black leather chair in front of his dark oak desk. Paper is scattered all over the desk. CCTV pictures of Maddie the night she left the hospital.

“Should I get a condolence card out to Marco?” I smirk, and Luca shoots me a warning glare.

I take a seat.

“What the fuck do we do now, Boss?”

My head flies around as the office door flies open, crashing against the wall behind.

“Luca, I can’t get the coffee machine working!” a woman shouts, and I have to blink a few times.

Rosa Falcone. Alive in the flesh.

I cock my brow as she waltzes over, her silky black robe open, displaying her lacy underwear. I tear my eyes away, taking in Luca’s irritation. He doesn’t take his eyes off her; he either wants to avoid me, or he’s too busy eye-fucking her to even remember I’m in the room.

When I clear my throat, he whips his head to me. Rosa wraps her arms around his neck. Oh, now this is interesting. Leaning up on tiptoes, she whispers something in his ear.

He shoots me one of those looks to say don’t fucking say anything, before leaning down and saying something in her ear that makes her cheeks flush crimson.

Of course he has to rail his enemy’s daughter.

She gives me a sheepish grin before tiptoeing out of the room, closing the door behind her. Luca lets out a huff, rubbing his hands through his black hair.

“So, railing your captive. That’s a new one for you.” I bite the inside of my mouth to stop myself laughing.

“Fuck off. It’s not like that.”

“Whatever, Boss. I don’t care. What I do care about is why you lied to Frankie.”

He sighs, pulling his phone out of his pocket. “I think Frankie is working for the Falcones. You were right; something isn’t adding up. He appears out of fucking nowhere wanting to work for me. I met with Angelo Capri in Sicily. Frankie wasn’t just a damn bodyguard. He was his right-hand man. He left because he had family business to attend to in New York. Every damn time, he knows exactly where the Falcones’ new hideouts are. He was the last one to see Maddie.”


He’s right.

How didn’t I see this?

“He’s smart. He all but ran the Capris in Europe. His reaction to Rosa’s death was exactly as I suspected. He’s refused to go anywhere near her. Always found an excuse for not checking in on her.”

“Because she’d recognize him?” I answer.


“Can I do the honors when he’s back?”

“Why do you think you’re here?”

The fucking asshole is going to die a slow and painful death.

“I swear to fucking god, I will rip him limb from limb if he’s touched her.”

“I’m banking on that. How I didn’t shoot him on the spot back there, I don’t know. We get Maddie first before we kill him. I’m waiting on Enzo’s call any minute. He’s digging into him for us now. If I’ve learned anything from you, we need intel before we act.”

Hope blossoms in my heart at the prospect of getting closer to finding Maddie.

As we await Enzo’s call for intel, Luca’s phone starts to buzz on the table.

The fury that passes across his features cannot be mistaken when he answers.

“Where is he now?” he asks, violence dripping from his tone.

Oh, I’m so fucking ready for this.

“Keep tabs on him. Marco is already at the restaurant?”

At the mention of Marco, I stand to my feet.

“Frankie’s a dead man. He’s on his way to meet Marco at his family restaurant. You ready for this?” Luca asks me, hanging up.

He opens up the deep gray container in the corner of the room, and an array of guns and knives greet me. I stare at it with a big fat grin on my face.

“Fuck yes, let’s do this.”

We grab our guns of choice.

“Call Keller now. He can bring some of our new recruits and see who can hack it.” He smirks.

“On it,” I say, sliding out my phone and dialing his cell.

Luca storms past me with determination in his step. I’ve never seen him this enraged. I can’t fucking wait. Holstering my gun and sliding a knife in my pocket, I follow his lead.

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