Detonate: A Dark Mafia Romance (Beneath The Mask Series Book 2)

Detonate: Chapter 36

My breath hitches at the sight of him. A walking sex god in a perfectly tailored black tux and bowtie. His sandy hair has a slight spike on the top. His stubble is styled immaculately, showing off that killer jawline. Just looking at him makes me hot. I already have a blush creeping up my chest. He looks every part the powerful, rich, mafia hitman.

With my strappy silver stilettos in one hand, I pad over to him. His eyes are on me the entire time. He bites his lower lips as he drags his gaze up my body, the heat from his stare making my pussy clench. It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask him if we can stay here.

“You are simply stunning.” A smile forms on my lips.

“And you, Sir, look like a walking sex god.” I wink, and he sucks in a breath as I brush past him and plop onto the couch. My dress is so tight, resting just over my knees, I literally can’t move. I’m basically a penguin for the night. But it’s worth it; this sweetheart neckline makes my tits look incredible and the tight bodice sucks in my period bloat. I attempt to put my shoes on, bringing up my leg to meet my hands. I let out a huff and edge myself forward, but it’s no use. With a sigh, I throw myself back on the couch in annoyance. I really need to go on a diet by the looks of it.

Without saying a word, he drops to his knees.

He lifts my right foot and places it on his thigh. He does the buckle up, and the tingles shoot up my leg from his touch.

“I like seeing you on your knees for me,” I tease.

“You’ll be the only person to ever say that to me.” He plants a delicate kiss to my ankle before picking up the other foot. My heart swells at his kindness.

He lifts himself back up, holding out his large hand to me, I place my hand in his and he pulls me to my feet. Tipping my head up to his face, his knuckles brush my cheek and I melt into his touch. I slide my arms around his neck as he cups my ass.

“Seven years, Maddie. That’s how long it had been before my last kiss. Before you barreled into my life and smashed those perfect lips over mine.” He chuckles “but fuck, am I glad you did. I promise that you will be last person I’ll ever kiss, no matter what.”

Tears sting in my eyes, I’ve dreamed my whole life of finding a man who loves me with this much passion. I love him with my whole heart. But I know I’ve given my heart to a man who can only love me so much, who can’t give me a forever. I lower my gaze to the floor. His index finger rests under my chin, tipping my face back up to his.

“Where did you go, Sunshine?”

He searches my face, concern etched across his features, his brows furrowed. I knew who he was and what he could offer me before I got involved with him. Stupid me, always believing in fairytales, letting my heart get carried away. Secretly wishing the villain would become the prince.

“Nowhere.” My voice wobbles as I speak. He grabs my shoulders and leans back.

“Don’t lie to me. I know you better than that. You’re upset, why?”

“I don’t want this to end,” I say truthfully.

He winces at my words.

“Sunshine, you hold the power here. I will be yours until the day I die. Completely and utterly yours,” he says, and a sob catches in my throat. He brushes the tear away with the pad of his finger, giving me a sad smile. “I love you. I think I’ve loved you from the moment I first laid eyes on you. This might not be the fairytale you imagined in your head your whole life. But know this, every day I will treat you like a princess. I will love you how you deserve to be loved. You just have to accept you’ve fallen for the monster, not the prince. I’m not him, I can never be him, I don’t even want to try and pretend to be him. But I promise, the love and the life I will give you will make up for that tenfold.”

I believe every word.

I’m in love with the monster. The last thing on my mind since I started dating Grayson was weddings and fairytales. He just consumes my life.

I want everything he can give me. And I’m going to take it. Being loved by this man for the rest of my life. What else could I possibly need?

“You promise?”

“Cross my heart.”

“I love you, Grayson. As long as I have you, I don’t need anything else.”

“You promise I’m enough for you?” he asks nervously.

This powerful man doubts if he’s enough.

“Oh, trust me, you are more than enough.”

We walk along the red carpet into the casino arm in arm. Bright flashing lights of the slot machines steal my attention first.

Grayson leads us over to the bar, his eyes zoning in across the room. He’s completely in military mode right now. I might be on his arm, but his head is not with me at all. I follow his gaze and spot Luca, dressed up in his black suit. The guy beside him is huge, with dark chestnut hair and olive skin. His intense stare makes me on edge. He’s kind of scary. I tighten my grip around Grayson’s arm.

“Would you like a drink, Baby?” he mutters, shaking me out of my thoughts.

“Champagne, please.”

Grayson leans over the bar and orders the barman.

“Here you go.” Grayson hands me the flute, and I take a sip.

He’s busy scanning the room, his eyes darting from one place to another, his jaw tight. With a sigh, I tip the rest of the champagne back in one. There’s no point pretending to be someone I’m not. So, I’ll just get drunk instead.

Leaning back over the bar, leaving Grayson to his duties, I give the barman a smile to grab his attention and mouth, Could I have another? tapping the flute in my hand. He chuckles and removes the glass from my hand, refilling it to the brim. “Thank you.”

As I turn back around, I notice Luca and his Frankie aren’t standing where they were a minute ago. I guess shit’s about to go down. Grayson laces his fingers through mine. “I’m sorry about this. It should all be over soon, then we can leave.”

His features soften for that split second when he looks at me, before he slips that mask back on, walking us over to the first roulette table in front of us.

He pulls the red velvet stool out for me, holding my waist as I prop myself up. I lean back into his hard stomach. I have no clue what I’m doing. He bends over me, placing a stack that must be three inches tall of yellow poker chips.

“What do you want me to do with those?” I ask, picking up one of the chips and rolling it between my fingers.

“Whatever you want, it’s yours.” He shrugs.

Holy fuck. A thousand dollars a chip. There must be at least twenty here.

“Grayson,” I hiss to get his attention.

“I’m not throwing away your money like this.”

“Why not? It’s just money.”

“Too much money. I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“That’s the beauty of it.”

I stack the chip back onto the rest and push it toward me, but he grabs my arm to stop me.

“Fine, how about we make our own bet?”

“I’m listening…”

“We split it. You put your half on red, I’ll go black. If you win, you keep the money. If I win, you move in with me?”

“Excuse me,” I splutter, my cheeks now on fire.

“You heard me. Hell, if you don’t like my penthouse, I’ll buy us somewhere else. I just know that that would be the best birthday present I could ask for.” He bends further, bringing his mouth to my ear.

“Well, second to you riding me while feeding me cake. Now that I can’t wait for.”

“You know I am perfectly happy with our relationship as it is, right?”

“Baby, I never do anything I don’t want to do. I want you. You are everything I didn’t know I needed. My glimmer of sunshine, always.”

His intense gaze hits me straight in the heart.

“But I have to win first.” He winks, leaning over me and picking the stack of chips up, splitting them in half and handing me my collection. I take them through shaky hands.

The croupier calls for all bets to be placed.

I hook my stilettos over the bar at the bottom of the stool and stand, reaching forward and sliding all my chips onto the red box. Grayson’s palm rests against the bottom of my back as he coolly slides his chips into the black box. The croupier drops the shiny ball onto the roulette wheel. I suck in a breath, closing my eyes.

Please be black, please be black.

Time seems to slow as the table spins and spins, gradually coming to a stop.

“Sixteen. Red.”

My shoulders sag as he calls out the number. I should be ecstatic; I’ve just won a shit lot of money.

“You win this time, Baby.”

“Yep,” I nervously squeal, faking a tight smile to hide my disappointment. Grayson lets out a huff next to me, collecting my winnings and sliding them over to me. He’s just as disappointed as me.

“I call for a new deal,” I say, scooping up my chips and passing them to him.

He gives me a questioning look.

“You take the money back, in exchange for me moving in.”


He rummages in his pocket, pulling out something small and silver. He puts it between his teeth, grabbing the host of chips in my hands and dropping them onto the table. I can’t take my eyes off the key in his mouth. With a grin, he retrieves the key and places it in his palm.

My hand brushes his as I pick it up and stuff it down my bra.

Resting my fingers on Grayson’s forearm, I lean over and whisper in his ear, “I’m just going to pop to the ladies. I’ll grab us another drink on my way back.” He stacks his chips up into a neat line. I jump off the stool and run my fingers along his stubbly jaw.

“Ok, Baby.” he says, straddling the stool. Just that action alone makes my pussy throb.

“If I’m not back in ten minutes, come and find me. I’ll probably be stuck in this stupid dress.” I giggle, the champagne starting to hit me.

I head towards the bathrooms. The flashing of the fruit machines catches my attention, and suddenly, my body comes to an abrupt halt, whacking into a solid structure. I hold out my arms and whip my head in front of me. Oh shit! I’m staring straight into a rather burly man’s chest; black thick hairs peek out from the top open button of his shirt. Ew.

“Oh my god. I am so sorry.” I immediately take a step back.

“It’s okay, Miss,” he drawls out in a thick Italian accent, taking a step toward me. I fake-smile and walk past him as fast as I can, barreling into the bathroom and slamming the door shut, locking myself in a cubicle. My heart pounds against my ribs. I take a couple of deep breaths.

That guy got right under my skin.

As I start unzipping the size of my ridiculously tight dress, the bathroom door squeaks open and slams shut. Heavy footsteps grow closer and closer. I stay deathly still, holding my breath.

I jump as the cubicle next to me clatters open, vibrating the walls around me.


Squeezing my eyes shut, I wait, blood thumping in my ears.

“Sunshine, I know you’re in here.” That same thick Italian accent pierces my ears.

The blood drains from my face.

The madman starts pounding against my cubicle door. On trembling legs, I walk backward until my back hits the tiled wall next to the toilet. I have nowhere to go, no way to escape.

I pull out my phone out of my purse and dial Grayson. Through watery eyes, I pull up our texts when he doesn’t answer.

Help me!!!

I can barely see what I’m frantically typing.


A cold breeze hits me as the door crashes open, and my phone falls from my fingers and thuds to the floor.

“You could have just let me in, Sunshine.” The way he says my name makes me nauseous. With a sadistic smile, he marches toward me, snatching my wrist and yanking me out of the cubicle behind him.

“You’re hurting me!”


Gripping me by the biceps, he pushes me in front of the mirrors above the sinks.

“Get the fuck off me!” I shout, but he only tightens his grip, his knuckles turning white. I stare into the mirror, watching in horror as he slicks back his jet-black hair with his hand. His hand moves to the back of my neck, and he pushes me with force so I’m bent over the sink. I try to resist with all the strength I have, but it’s no use. He kicks my legs open with his foot. Pain sears from my ankle as it twists.

“Hmmm, you smell delicious,” he says, moving my hair off my back and licking up my spine. Bile rises in my throat, and I close my eyes.

Too petrified to move or even breathe, I flinch as his hands run down the side of my boobs.

“Please don’t do this,” I beg.

The sound of him unzipping his pants fills the room. Muffled shouting outside the bathroom catches my attention. He turns around. Relief washes over me when he removes himself from me, the panic in his features evident as he struggles to pull his trousers back up. Before I can even stand, the bathroom door flies open, and a furious Grayson strides in, his gun aiming straight at the Italian guy. I let out a shaky breath and straighten my spine.

Grayson’s eyes flick to mine, roaming over my body as if assessing the damage. I can almost feel his relief as he realizes I’m still fully dressed.

“Maddie, Baby. I’m going to need you to go back in the cubicle and shut the door.”

I nod and shuffle into the nearest stall. Once inside, I hover my fingers over the lock, but something screams at me to leave it. I want to make sure this man can never do this to any other woman. Slowly, I pull the door open, just enough to peer through the gap.

“On your knees,” Grayson says with authority. The man sinks to the floor.

“You will die for laying a finger on her. You piece of shit,” he spits out. I gasp as Grayson’s gun connects with his head.

He squeezes the trigger and the man collapses on the floor, blood oozing from his head.

Oh fuck.

Opening the door, on unsteady legs, I launch myself at Grayson, being careful to miss the body slumped on the floor. He opens his arms wide as I throw my body into his. He squeezes me tight, so tight it’s as if he’s scared to let go.

The tears cascade down my cheeks. “Is he dead?” I hiccup.

He nods. “Did he hurt you?” I shake my head. He lets out a ragged breath, tipping his head back. “Fuck,” he sighs. “I’m so fucking sorry.”

“You didn’t do this to me. You saved me.”

Now it’s my turn to save him from his own demons. I cup his face in my palms and drag him down to me. He melts into my kiss, and his body relaxes around mine. His gun clatters to the floor as his arms wrap around my waist.

“I love you, Grayson.”

“God, I love you so much, Sunshine.”

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