Detonate: A Dark Mafia Romance (Beneath The Mask Series Book 2)

Detonate: Chapter 32

After a whirlwind weekend in London, my exhaustion is bone-deep. We slept a solid ten hours last night. I don’t even know what the time is. Grayson scrolls through his phone while being naked. I cuddle up into his side, my fingers tracing along the outline of his abs.

We managed to fit in Buckingham Palace, a walk across the Tower Bridge. We had ice cream, sitting on a bench in Hyde Park, while the swans ate bread out of little kids’ hands. Kinda strange, but I guess it’s very British. I won’t be sticking my hand near a swan anytime soon.

We even snapped a selfie in front of the Palace and sent it to Sienna. Of course she lost her shit that we looked so happy. I’m not sure who’s happier at this point.

Grayson chuckles, bringing me back to my reality. My brain goes into overdrive. He mentioned on our trip he was a Taurus, which means his birthday is next month.

“Wait, how old are you?” I ask, still tracing along his stomach.

“35. Problem?” He arches a brow at me.

“Okay, nine years, we’re good. Should I start calling you daddy, then?” I try my hardest to keep a straight face.

He rolls on top of me, spreading my legs with his body. His dick twitches against my panties. His glare is so intense, it burns with desire. “You can call me whatever the fuck you want. As long as you’re screaming it for me while bouncing up and down my dick, I don’t care.”

“I think I’ll stick with Sir for now” I mutter, giving him a sheepish grin.

His phone rings from the bedside table. Huffing at the interruption, he hauls his weight onto one arm, and I almost drool as the veins protrude from his tattooed forearms. A male voice chats away on the other end Grayson’s brow cocks up, and he glances to me.

“Ok, I wasn’t expecting her, but send her up. Tell her to wait in the kitchen,” he says, cutting the call and throwing the phone back on the side.

My shoulder bunches.

“Looks like you get to meet my mom today, Sunshine.” He beams, and the color drains from my face.


I try to wriggle out of his hold, but he simply grabs my wrists in one hand and places them above my head.

“She’s going to love you. I promise. She also knows me better than to come waltzing into my bedroom.”

“Okay,” I squeak, and he smiles, leaning forward and claiming my lips with his. I can’t help the moan that escapes.

“Grayson, we need to get dressed” I say, trying to pull my hands from his grip, but he only tightens his hold.

“She won’t come in here.” He presses his hard cock against my pussy. “Plus, I can’t go out there with a raging hard-on.” My cheeks heat as he slides his cock up and down, making my whole body buzz.

“Can you be quiet?” he whispers, nipping at my neck.

“I can try.”

“Good girl.” He slams his lips over mine, and his cock slides in to my wet heat I clench my teeth, letting out a hiss as I stretch around him. I hook my legs around his waist, giving him better access.

“Fuck, Sunshine,” he grits out.

Just then the bedroom door flies open and a woman stands there, shell-shocked, while Grayson’s face is buried in my neck.

There is no way this is his mom.

“Grayson,” I hiss, biting my bottom lip as he slams into me, my eyes still on this woman in our doorway.

“There’s a woman in our fucking bedroom.”

He falters immediately and cranes his neck toward the door. She scowls at us, a blush spreading up her chest.

“Care to explain why you’re fucking my husband?” Her high-pitched voice makes me roll my eyes.

A giggle escapes me. Who does this bitch think she is?

With a heavy fake gasp, I say, “Grayson, how could you!”

A confused-looking Grayson turns his attention back to me. I give him a wink, before death glaring, who I assume is his ex-wife.

“Are you just going to stand there and gawk or did you want to join?” My tone is patronizing. Her mouth parts, cheeks red, and her eyes flit between me and Grayson. Thank fuck we’re under the covers.

A moment of silence passes. Grayson bursts out into a full-bellied laughter, collapsing on top of me and pressing his face into my neck. His body vibrates against me, his cock still safely inside me.

Once he catches his breath, his eyes bore into mine. Those icy blues are filled with adoration “I fucking love you, Sunshine,” he says, loud enough for that bitch over there to hear. I don’t want to look at her, I can’t I’m captivated by my man. Right now, he’s all I see.

“I love you, too, so much.”

His perfectly white teeth emerge as he gives me a wide smile, enough to show those creases by his eyes.

An irritating cough breaks the moment. He swings his head around to her—gone is the happy Grayson, back is the raging monster. I swear his eyes darken the second he looks at her.

“Get the fuck out of my house, Amelia. I thought I made it clear. I never want to see your disgusting face again.” Anger drips from his tone, his hands still squeeze my wrists so I can’t even calm him down. Instead, I squeeze my legs around his waist tighter, pushing his cock further into me.

She still stands there, glaring at us.

“Do not make me repeat myself, Amelia,” he warns.

“I need to speak with you… privately,” she whispers.

“Yeah, well, I have more important things to be doing right this second. And I sure as shit am not leaving my girlfriend unsatisfied for you. So, if you could close your door on the way out.” He dismisses her, turning his attention back to me. The door clicks closed, and he visibly relaxes, closing his eyes.

“Grayson, look at me.”

“I’m sorry about her. Fuck, she’s the last person I want to see today. I promise you she’s not my wife, nor does she ever come here.”

He releases his grip on my wrists, my fingers now completely numb.

“It’s okay. You know you can show your emotions, right? Especially with me. She hurt you, Grayson. I know you. I trust you. Now go and get rid of that bitch from our lives and come back in here and fuck me. Don’t think I’m letting you get away with leaving me naked and dripping for you. It will only ever be for you.”

He lets out a groan “fuck!”.

Bringing my palms to his chest, I push him back. “Come on, big boy, I want to scream your name. I can’t until she’s gone. I’ll get stage fright.” I smirk. Reluctantly, with a huff, he pulls himself out of me. I snatch the cover and pull it up around my neck as he throws on a pair of gray sweatpants.

“Seriously? You’re going out there, showing her your fine-ass body in a pair of gray fucking sweatpants. Do you want her to jump on your dick?”

He cocks a brow at me and stalks back towards the bed.

“Let’s get one thing very clear. The only woman I ever want jumping on my cock is you. Every inch of me belongs entirely to you.”

My breath hitches at his intense words. He bends and presses the softest kiss to my lips. I wrap my hands around the back of his skull and push him further into me.

Breaking the kiss, he grabs a black t-shirt from the floor and pulling it over his head. His sandy hair is all scruffy on top. He gives me a wink and walks towards the door.

“You have five minutes before I finish myself off,” I warn him as he walks through the door.

“The only way you’re coming is with my cock in your pussy and my finger up your ass. So, I suggest you wait,” he shouts back.

Great. I don’t know what’s worse meeting his mom or his ex-wife whilst being fucked?

I pull the duvet all the way over my head and close my eyes. Concentrating on anything else other than my throbbing pussy.

He better hurry the fuck up.

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