Detonate: A Dark Mafia Romance (Beneath The Mask Series Book 2)

Detonate: Chapter 11

Holy fuck.

I knew sex with Maddie would be incredible. But that? That was world shattering. Everything about her draws me in. She fucks like she was made to fuck me and only me.

Now that I’ve had a taste, I know I won’t be able to give this up. I can’t.

As I’m driving us back to my penthouse, I can’t help but keep glancing at her. She’s not spoken a word since we got in the car, she’s staring out of the passenger window. Her bright blonde hair all wavy and messy, half of her clothes still on. She basically looks freshly fucked and perfect.

I should have known after that damn kiss, she would change my world. I rest my hand on her thigh, and she sighs. Her eyes are all puffy and red.

Like earlier tonight, seeing her in any pain feels like a knife through my heart. Fuck, I’d even say it’s worse than discovering your wife has been fucking your best friend. I knew that wasn’t love. The day Maddie kissed me only solidified the fact. Never once had my wife kissed me and I’d felt any real sliver of love. I stayed away because I can’t risk hurting her. My black heart isn’t capable of loving her the way she needs, the way she desperately craves to be loved.

But I’m a selfish dick, and for as long as she will let me fuck her, I’ll keep taking it.

I wipe the tear away, and she gives me a sad smile.

“Sunshine, what’s up?”

“It’s just been a bit of a day. It’s all too much. Can you take me home?” she says.

“No. I want you in my bed tonight. It’s closer and I’ll take you home in the morning. Ok?” The words come out before I even know what I’m saying. I sound like a soppy prick, but a big part of me wants to wrap her up in my arms and fall asleep.

She nods and leans into my hand.

“Good girl.”

Gone is the sadness, replaced by the hunger that dances behind them. I smirk and slide my hand down her body, landing back on her thigh. My dick twitches against my pants. I grip the steering wheel and slam my foot on the accelerator. I need to get us home before I fuck her in another carpark.

Nerves dance in my stomach as I pull into the underground garage of my building, nodding to the two security guards to open the barrier.

Something about letting Maddie into my home scares me.

“You know you live somewhere fancy when a security guard has to let you in.” She chuckles.

“Damn right, it’s fancy, just you wait,” I reply, giving her a wink.

Leaving Chicago and coming to New York, meeting Luca and Keller changed my life. I park the car in my designated spot and kill the engine.

“Come on, let’s get you to bed,” I say with a wink. Her laughter fills the car. I open the door and slide out, making my way around the front of the car to the passenger side. I fling open the door and bend down, grabbing her by her waist. Her legs wrap around my middle and her arms loop round my neck, her breath hitting against my throat.

“Do you have to? You know I can walk, right?”

“I saw how shaky your legs were, Sunshine. Thought I’d do you a favor.”


I roll my eyes and slap her ass. I can’t help but notice the little moan that escapes her lips, giving her true feelings away. I stride over to the elevator and jab the button, and it quickly pings open, and I walk in. I press for floor 52, and the doors close behind us.

Maddie’s head flings up from against my shoulder as she looks around the mirrored elevator. Her eyebrow cocks, and she gives me a seductive smile.

Before I know it, the elevator doors slide open and I let out a huff, putting her back on her feet.

“Oh wow, this is… it’s so you.” Maddie says, taking in her surroundings. The penthouse is open-planned with floor-to-ceiling windows that look out on the twinkling skyline. The interior is dark, just how I wanted it. Black and white monotones. It’s clean and tidy. Placing my hand on the small of her back, I lead her through the lounge and to the kitchen. She jumps up on one of the bar stools at the counter, placing her elbows on the side, resting her chin in her palms, just watching me as I grab a couple of glasses.

“Drink?” I ask, holding up one of the crystal glasses to her.

“Water, please.”

I grab a glass and fill it with some cold water and place it down in front of her.

“Mmmm,” she moans as she downs the glass, little droplets dribbling across her chin. My hand darts out and I cup her jaw. Moments pass between us, our breathing heavy but no words are spoken.

I have no fucking clue what I am doing.

But those luscious, sparkling lips are screaming at me to kiss them. I bend down and grip the back of her head, forcing her face into mine and claiming her lips. It’s like being a teenager and having your first kiss all over again. Now I can’t seem to stop.

I deepen the kiss and my tongue swirls inside, which is still cold from the water. She moans into my mouth. Everything I do, she responds so perfectly to. My dick painfully strains in my pants. I want to fuck her badly, again. I trail my fingers along her dress until I reach the hem, breaking the kiss and pulling it over her head.

I take a minute to admire the view in front of me. The one woman my heart has ever skipped a beat for, the one woman who I never thought I would get to taste, to fuck, is here, in my penthouse, waiting for me to fuck her. Again.

This is what I wanted, right? Then why do I feel like shit, taking something from her when I know I can’t give her what she wants. My mind spins, but her voice snaps me back into reality.

“Grayson, are you okay?”

I shake my head and pull my fingers through my hair. She cocks her brow and huffs in annoyance, snaking her arms behind her. Her black bra straps fall down her biceps as she rips it off and holds it out in front of her between her thumb and index finger and drops it on the floor.

She damn well knows how much I love her boobs.

A mischievous smile spreads across her lips as she crosses one leg on top of the other.

“Are you just going to stand there staring at me, or are you going to fuck me? If it’s the first option, I suggest you take me to the bedroom.”

It’s enough to bring me back to her. I want her like I’ve never wanted anyone else in my life. But this nagging voice in the back of my head just won’t shut the fuck up. Without saying a word, I snake my arms around her torso and lift her into my arms.

I walk us toward my bedroom and kick open the door. Lifting the covers, I place her gently on the bed and tuck her in. She flicks me a confused look. I quickly shuck off my clothes and fold them neatly on the stool in the corner of the room. Sliding under the covers, I wrap my arms around her, bringing her back tightly against me. Her luscious ass teases my cock. Cupping her breast in one hand, I bring my lips to the back of her neck, giving it a kiss. The sweet sounds of her raspy moans fill the room.

I don’t want to just fuck her.

I want to consume her. I want to take it all. But also, I want her to have all of me.

I start peppering kisses all the way down her spine, her back arching slightly as I make my way down. Until her ass is in my face. I bite down on her ass cheek, hard. Enough to make her squeal. I chuckle, rubbing where I bit her. She rolls on her back, and I spread her legs, positioning myself between them, kissing and licking along the inside of her thigh. She thrusts her hips up in response and I push them back down.

“Grayson, please,” she whines, moving her hips back up toward my face again.

Placing a firm hand on her stomach, I lick all the way up from her entrance to her clit and back down again, as delicately as I can. A single swipe has her legs twitching next to my head.

I quickly slide my index finger into her. I know it’s not enough for her. I get enough of her juices smothering my finger and slip it back out, running it slowly toward her back entrance. Her body goes still as I tease the hole, waiting to gauge her reaction.

When she bucks her hips up again, giving me full access to her ass, that’s it. I slam my mouth over her clit and suck as my finger slips in her ass.

“More, Grayson, I need more!” she moans as I fuck her ass with my fingers. I thrust three digits in her pussy, keeping to the same pace as the one in her ass, lapping her up at the same time. My dick threatens to explode as she now fucks my face, screaming my name from the top of her lungs. Her legs hook around my neck as her body shakes.

I know she hasn’t finished, so I take my opportunity. I remove my fingers and climb over her. She opens her legs even wider to give me room. Grabbing her left thigh, I bend it toward her chest, and using my free hand, I line my dick up. With one swift thrust, I slam into her.

“Oh my God, Grayson!”

“Fuck,” I hiss.

“Tell me you’re close,” I pant out through gritted teeth.

“So close.”

She writhes, combusting around my cock. I let go, spilling everything I have into her, shouting her name so loud I sound feral. Without leaving her, I bend down and kiss her. She smiles against my lips, and I stroke a stray hair from her face. Reluctantly, I slide out of her and roll off the bed, heading straight for the en-suite. I need a minute to compose myself.

Turning on the cold tap, I splash my face with the water, hoping it calms me down. My heart is still racing. Why does she have to be perfect for me? Why couldn’t I have just left this alone? I know damn well I wouldn’t be able to stop myself. Since the moment I first laid eyes on her, I knew she was it for me.

And now I’ve had her, there’s no going back, not for my heart anyway.

The one she will rip straight from my chest when she finally finds a man worthy of her, a man who can give her everything I never could.

With a final splash of cold water, I grab a cloth and head back into the bedroom.

Maddie’s breathing is steady, she doesn’t even flinch as I enter. I quickly clean her up and she stays sleeping the whole time. As quiet as I can, I get into bed and snuggle up to her. This has to be the last time this ever happens.

A dark cloud settles back over me as I close my eyes.

“Good night, my gorgeous Sunshine,” I whisper.

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