Detained: A Dark Mafia Romance (Beneath The Mask Series Book 4)

Detained: Chapter 44

Song- Sleep Token, Jaws

With his shirt draped loosely over my shoulders, I find myself absentmindedly tapping my fingers against the rich oak dining table, the sound blending with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee he’s making.

He’s dragging this out.

Whatever happened, he really doesn’t want to speak about it.

He places the steaming cup in front of me, and I lick my lips, needing the caffeine. I tossed and turned all night against him in anticipation of this morning.

“Thank you.”

“Decaf, sorry.” He winks.

It’s going to be a long seven months without real coffee.

He pulls out the chair next to me and sits, tapping his thigh.

I slip over and sit on his lap, sliding my cup along the counter as I move.

I’ll wait for him to start. I’m already on the edge of his patience today after my stunt upstairs.

“Ten years ago, I was going to be a dad to a little girl. Her name was going to be Valentina. Her mother was my childhood sweetheart.”


As his arm wraps around my middle, I run my fingers along his forearm to provide reassurance.

“The day before we were meant to leave, my older brother, Marco, told me he had murdered Romano’s wife.”

“Wow, it’s been going on since then?” I ask, turning to look at him.

“Yes. My idiot of a brother didn’t think the retaliation would happen so soon.” He swallows, tightening his grip on his drink.

He takes in a sharp breath and shakes his head. “I watched the house burst into flames. With Leila inside.”

“Oh my god,” I whisper, bile rising up my throat. He watched his whole future explode in front of his eyes. It’s understandable why he is now so cold and emotionless.

I don’t know how anyone could recover from that.

“Marco lost his wife, his mother-in-law, and almost both of his daughters.”

“Rosa and Eva?”

“Yes. Eva was murdered by Maria. That is why you found that bitch’s throat slit.” His fist tightens, making the veins bulge beneath my fingers.

“I don’t blame you. She deserved a way worse death.”

Frankie chuckles. “That isn’t what you said when you released me from jail, angel.”

I shrug. “Things change.”

“That they do.” He strokes my stomach.

Biting my lip, I jump in. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but I’m going to say it, anyway.”

“Of course you are.”

I turn around on his lap and straddle him, my legs dangling on either side with his strong hands cupping my ass.

“I’m sorry that happened to you. I’m sorry for your loss.” A tear slips down my cheek and I rest my forehead against his. “I never want to replace them, Frankie. You are allowed to grieve, to feel. Don’t shut it out.”

His jaw clenches. “I’m fine.”

“Are you? Because yesterday didn’t seem like you were.” I watch him look away, his darkened eyes unfocused as he stares at some place long ago.

His hands run up and down my thighs before he speaks again. “I-I never expected this, you to happen.”

“I’m happy I can be here to see you get your revenge.”

As he tilts his head back, I sink my teeth into his neck.

“You’re perfect, Zara,” he groans.

I flash him a wide grin. “I know.”

His lips claim mine and I let his tongue explore as I run my fingers through his soft hair.

I pull back, cupping his cheeks. “Thank you for trusting me, Frankie.”

“I look forward to earning yours in a minute,” he winks.

“I’m serious.”

“So am I, angel.”

I roll my eyes.

He grips my chin. “This doesn’t change anything.”

I place his hand on my stomach. “This might, though.”

“I’ll protect them with my life. That would always be the case, don’t ever doubt that.”

“Well, I hope you don’t have to. I wouldn’t mind some help with the night feedings. I’d rather not do it on my own.”

“It will all work out, baby. Now, what’s your dirty secret?”

I suck in a breath. I’ve never said the words out loud. What if he really thinks I am crazy?

“I killed my ex-boyfriend.”

“Was he hurting you?” He frowns as he studies my face.

“No. He was part of a gang, a drug dealer. I was eighteen. I thought it was cool. Well, it was until one night he left me to do his deals for him. It was freezing cold, and I got robbed. When I got home, he wasn’t there. One of his junkie friends let slip that he was at Anna’s.”

His eyebrows raise as he listens to me.

“How did you do it?”

“I waited outside her house. He got on his bike and I ran into him with my car.”

“That killed him?”

I shake my head.

“Me then reversing back over him is what killed him.”

His eyes go wide, followed by a burst of full bellied laughter.

“Well, this means I can’t be your boyfriend, dolcezza.”

My heart races. “What do you mean?”

He smiles. “I will have to be a husband, so I don’t meet the same fate.”

I blow out a breath. “Fuck, you scared me.”

He strokes my face tenderly. “You did what you thought was right. You’re feisty. The guy was clearly a loser to cheat on you in the first place. I take it your father knew? That’s why you never fought back against him?”

“He helped me cover it up, then got me into the force to keep an eye on his ‘crazy daughter.’”

He shrugs. “There wasn’t anything you could have possibly done in your past that would have kept me away from you.”

“So, you don’t think I’m crazy?”

“Oh, you are, baby.” He leans in, brushing his nose along my neck. “But so am I.”

His hands gently touch my belly.

“How many of these things did you see yourself having?” I ask, out of curiosity. I’ve never put much thought into this. I never imagined this would be my life.

He looks deep in thought. “Three?”

“Let’s see how we do with one first.”

With a soft touch, he presses his lips against my neck, his fingers venturing beneath the fabric of my top.

My eyes close and I lose myself to the bliss of his touch. “You were in love with Leila?”

“I was.” His words feather against my skin.

“Is that why you wanted us to have a baby so badly? You want another chance at being a dad?”

“No. That wasn’t why.” He pulls back, his face now expressionless.

I push one of his dark locks away from his temple. “I’m not mad, Frankie. I get it. You lost everything, now you can have something back.”

“You think I don’t love you?” His eyes squint.

It’s hard processing all of this new information. Finding out this was the life he had ripped away from him hurts because I know it must have ruined him.

I’ve known that I was in love with him for a long time. I tried to fight it, but it was a losing battle. My heart belonged to him from the moment we met.

“I love you, Frankie. You brought me to life and I want to give you this, the family you deserve. I’ll always be by your side, no matter what. Even if you never love me completely, I know I’m enough for you. I know, in your own way, you love me, too.”

I press a gentle kiss to his cheek, closing my eyes and resting my forehead against his.

“Look at me, Zara.”

I feel the tender touch of his hands as they rest on my cheeks. I couldn’t tear my eyes from his, even if I wanted to. That is the effect he has on me. It will only ever be him for me.

“In every single lifetime, it will always be you, Zara. I would go through the torture I’ve dealt with a thousand times over if it meant that you were my reward. You make everything worth it. Every ounce of pain I’ve ever felt was to bring me to you. My undying love for you is unquestionable. No matter what life throws at us. You, Zara. You are my inevitable, my love and my purpose.”

My cheeks are stained with tears. My heart feels like it’s about to burst.

“I love you, Zara. With every part of me. Our future is not my past. It was never about that. It was purely out of my love for you.”

“Frankie,” I whisper. I can hardly get my words out. “I shouldn’t have said that. I’m so sorry.”

I’m ashamed I even accused him, my own insecurities getting in the way. If this man never said the words, he shows me every day he loves me. He proves it in his actions.

“I’m glad you did. You needed to know everything. Now we’ve laid it all out, we don’t look back, only forward.”

“I never realized you could feel a love this strong. It’s kind of scary, isn’t it?”

“I’m not scared of it. It’s our power. It’s what will set us apart from the rest.”

“Any change in your stance on the proper proposal?” I pout at him. Not that I need that now. I will be Mrs. Falcone, regardless.

“Yes,” he mutters between kisses. “If you pass the last test.”

“Which is?”

“Giving yourself over to me, let me take away all of your control. Let me set you free.”

He slides a finger along my pussy,

With a swift motion, he scoops me up by the waist and delicately sets me down on the smooth surface of the table.

“I need to go and get us set up upstairs. Give me ten minutes. I want you naked with your head down as you enter the room. Upstairs, I own you. This is the ultimate statement of trust. I won’t take that lightly, I promise. Do you want this, Zara?”

I swallow, looking into his eyes.

I trust him to protect me, to protect our child. It’s an easy answer.

“Yes, sir.”

He drops a hot kiss on my lips.

“Good girl. Ten minutes, okay?”


He runs his hands through my hair, looking into the depths of my soul that he owns.

“I love you.”

I can’t even hide my smile.

“Ti amo,” I whisper back. “Sei la mia anima gemelli.” You are my soulmate.

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