
Chapter 5

“So you can see her, you understand? You get to meet her and her friend. It's okay now.” Archie was kneeling in front of Destroyer who seemed distracted. He didn’t believe what he was saying.

“Come on. Listen, man.” He placed his hands on the hound’s face to make him look towards him.

“Do you understand the words coming out my mouth.” He stared down Destroyer and he huffed through his mouth. Archie sighed and stood up.

“We are going to be outside for a while today. You are free to come at any time. Got it?” He looked at the male and nodded his head. It wasn’t long to where he took off out of the house and off to wherever he felt like.

Despite being distracted, he did listen to Archie and he was happy that he was finally going to meet her, Caroline. He was not sure that she would be happy to see him. He didn’t even know how to meet her or what he would do to meet her. He thought of all those dog videos he watched where the dog would meet their child human for the first time or just would play with them. His nails were too sharp to do so and his scales were the same so she could ride him even if she wanted to.

He was too much of a risk either way so he saw no point of meeting her and vise versa. She was a curious child and didn’t know the danger of their situation when it came to Destroyer.

I shall keep my distance until she is ready. I hope he does not mind at all.’ Destroyer thought to himself and walked around the border of their pack. He sniffed at the ground to make sure the extra packs of clothes in the ground weren’t going bad and did so all around the border.

“Hey, where is Destroyer? I haven’t seen him around lately.” Silas sat down on a small bench with a baby wrap around him. “He’s off doing god knows what. I think he’s afraid of what will happen when he meets her or something.” Archie sat next to him and crossed his arms.

“He is a hellhound you know? Ever wonder what he would look like? As a human form anyway.” Silas looked down at the small tanned baby around him with a smile. He had met his mate a couple of years ago and his mate finally gave birth to their son only recently.

“I don’t know. Probably someone tanned. I actually read something about hellhounds having mates, but that's really rare and only when they come to the surface. You know they have force mating down there?” Archie sat beside him and looked off to where Caroline was. She was hanging upside down on the monkey bars with some other kids.

“What do you mean?”

“Well I was reading some books some time ago and you know you have to keep reproducing to have more. So they have once a year camps where they it and the compatibility is based on how they work. It’s a full dystopia down there man.” Ilas shivered a little and shook his head. “It’s a wonder how he got out. If that mating thing is true though I do hope he finds it because he’s really closed in.

The two just sat in silence for some time and watched the kids play around.

“Daddy!” Caroline ran towards Archie and jumped on the bench.


“Did you call me? I keep hearing someone call me.”

“No baby, Is it one of your friends?” He asked and she shook her head.

“Well don’t worry okay? I'm always here to watch you.” He rubbed her curly hair and she smiled once more and ran off to her friends.

“God she's so energetic. I really hope Jughead doesn’t get that active…” Archie Laughed and looked at Silas’s son.“You really named him Jughead?”

“Yes! Your names Archie! My last name is Jones! It fits perfectly! His name is Jughead Jones and now I just have to wait to have a baby girl and name her Jellybean. I love that show man.” Archie kept laughing and shook his head.

“Wow. It’s a human show full of drama and sex. You really do like it?”

“Yeah. And you like Teen wolf okay?” Archie shook his head.

“You don’t disrespect the teen wolf, man. You just don’t.” Silas pushed Archies arm gently and leaned back.

“Well, at least Jughead is quiet. He’s such a quiet boy.” Silas looked at his son and had a glint in his eye.

“God, you’re so cheesy.”

“You can’t be talking because you started crying about her being one week old.” Archie rolled his eyes and waved at Caroline who was standing at the top of the slide being a pirate.

“Arr arr, land whoa!” Caroline shouted and stuck her hand out to use as a kaleidoscope.

“It’s not land whoa! Its land HoE” Caroline looking at the boy at the bottom and stomped her feet.

“I'm the captain and I say what the word is! Hoe is a bad word, so its land Whoa!” Caroline leaned over the railing and stared at him.

“How is it a bad word! It’s not!” The boy yelled up at her and she held her breath for a second.

“Your brother said, and I quote! ‘Whoever threw that piece of paper your moms a hoe!’ Then I asked him what it was and he said it was a bad word! So I say the word is Land whoa! Got it?!” The little playground was silent for a few seconds before he nodded and looked down.

She looked up at her dad and smiled and waved at him.“Hi daddy!” She turned around and put her hands back up.“Land whoa!” She giggled out and jumped down the slide and ran down to the bottom of the playground and grabbed onto the jumping pole and jumped with it.

“Caroline.~” She turned her head at the boy who was messing with the toy water gun system on the playground.

“Did you say my name?”

“Huh? No. Why?” The boy looked up from the gun and she nodded. She had heard her name being called before and thought it was her dad. She let go of the jumping pole and decided to look for the sound. She checked to see her dad was talking to Silas and he looked around for her. She waved at him one more time just to make sure and looked around for the noise.

She ended up walking away from the playground to look for the voice.

“Look! Right here!” Caroline looked down at her hands and there it was a little wood nymph. Wood nymphs reside in the forest or wolves and are very common in the werewolf pack area, but they were a nuisance to deal with. They could change forms o human size to the size of a small pea. This wood nymph was the size of her hands.

“Ahh so pretty!” She giggled and hoped to not crush her. She had red hair and was wearing something that looked like a green leaf that had holes and pretty blue wings.

“Thank you! You are too you know?” She complimented her and smiled.

“Can I show daddy?”

“ no deary. I wanted to take you somewhere special and no one can know okay?” Caroline nodded quickly and giggled.

“Here! Let me show you!” She flew from her hand and lead the girl towards an empty part of the woods. The nymph looked at her and threw some dust. It was something to keep her scent masked while the nymph leads her astray.

“I have some friends you would LOVE to meet Caroline!” Caroline ran behind her and looked around the wooded area.

“It looks it scary?” She asked and shook her head.

“My friends are right...there.” The nymph got behind her and pushed her into the wood slowly.

“I got her like you asked! Payment please!” The nymph shot and a blonde wolf came from behind the tree and threw her a small bag.

“Toodaloo!” The nymph vanished into the woods and Caroline looked around. She held her hands close to her chest and looked at more wolves coming from the trees. They all looked at her and when she tried to step back, one of the had pushed her forward. They pulled up their teeth and snarled at her.

They all had been rogues and dear friends of Charlie. When learning she became a luna and had a daughter they decided they could get her back. One of the wolves had snapped at the back of her shirt and began to drag her deeper into the forest.

“No! Daddy!” She threw her arms up and screamed

Hm?’ Destroyer lifted his head as he walked near the packed house. He saw Charlie and Archie and listened to them both.

“I don’t know where she is! I can’t smell her! She was at the playground and she-she vanished.”

“Damn, Archie! You couldn’t keep an eye on her for one second! Damnit!” Charlie yelled out and Destroyer went back. Caroline was missing. Maybe he could help. It’s what he promised to do in the first place. Maybe what he heard some minutes ago wasn’t his imagination. A hellhounds smell was more powerful than a regular wolf and if he couldn’t find her then he shall.

Don’t worry Archie...i’ll find her.’ He then took off to the playground to sniff her out. It wasn’t long until he smelled her scent and a powder.

Damn Nymphs…’ He thought to himself and ran forward. She was getting stronger and he smelled unknown scents. He felt his feet hit the ground with a shake and sensed that she was in trouble.

“Daddy! Don't! Don't hurt me!” He heard her scream and he looked around. He pursed his ears up and ran towards her. He saw two blonde wolves and two hazel ones. They were ready to snap at the girl and pull her apart.

No!’ He stepped forward and held his head to the side and barked. His bark sent a shockwave knocking all of them down, including Caroline. They all looked at him as they scrambled to get up and lunged at him. He snapped at all of them and threw them to the sides. He knew he was one hound, but saving her meant everything to his friends and himself. She was just a child.

He snapped at one who had bitten his shoulder and pulled it off to throw at another. He inhaled as quickly as he could and opened his eyes. Before anything else could happen, the world turned pitch black before all of them.

They all whined in confusion and Destroyer snuck up on every single one of them and took them out. He hoped Caroline couldn’t see because he ended up killing them all. He had to make sure they wouldn’t come back.

He felt their blood hit him and their whines and blocked them. When he finished his job he made everything right again and Caroline was behind a tree, her head in her arms. Looking at the child he stuck in a breath.

It's okay...please don’t be afraid.’ He walked towards her and nudged his snout to her and she turned to him. The moment of truth proved him more than just right. He looked into her eyes and he saw was flashes of the future and him. He stepped back from her and whined as he felt his body pop and crack. He had never felt so much agony before and it was killing him.

He whined out and Caroline stayed in silence, unsure of what was going on. As his body formed steam from him and he ended up in a kneeling position. He felt that the pain was over and opened his eyes. The world was different, it was smaller and he could see...naturally.

He looked down at his hands and his body and he had a sharp gasp. He was human.

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