
Chapter 3

“Charlie! Charlie wait!” Archie ran for his mate in the wood. Her giggles filled the forest for miles as she ran. It had been the happiest years of his life. He had a mate, who was now his wife and his best friends at his side at every step of every way.

He was chasing Charlie, she wanted him to follow her because she had a surprised but she ended up taking off full speed. She only requested to not shift into wolf form. He was confused by their request due to the fact that they have always run in wolf form no matter what.

“Hurry and follow me! I have a surprise!” Charlie shouted in the distance. He could smell her shampoo in the air and it gave him relief. Knowing she was safe and okay just gave him a soft feeling. Something compared to floating on a cloud. He soon came up to a nice lighted clearing.

There was a blanket on the ground with a basket and some wine with two glasses. Archie raised a brow and looked around, Charlie wasn’t in the area and before he could call her out, her arms wrapped around his waist from behind and her head in the crook of his neck.

“Hello my love, just a small anniversary picnic I wanted to award you with.” She whispered into his ear and he smiled. He shifted her around in front of him and looked at the cute sundress she was wearing. It was simple and yellow with colorful flowers attached to it.

“Really now? You know you didn’t have to do this. We could have spent our anniversary time in our room, in the bed watching movies and doing something special. As always.” He kissed her softly and hummed against her lips.

“Yeah, I know, but this is a special night.” She stated. The sun was shining high and it landed right on the spot she laid out the wine and basket. She grabbed his hand and walked him to the blanket and pulled him down next to her. Archie couldn’t help but admire the work she placed into making this and getting him there. His schedule was something no one could mess with.

“So why is this a special anniversary? After let's almost ten years now?” He asked and he was handed a glass of wine while she had a glass of soda or a type of sparkling water.

“No wine?” He asked and she shook her head. He looked at his glass and looked at her. He watched as she drank her drink quickly and dug into the basket pulling out a small box. He lifted a brow.

“Presents? I thought we agreed on no presents.” He pushed his hair back and she crossed her legs.

“I know, but you got me a gift so why shouldn’t I give you one?” He was confused by her words. He never remembered giving her anything that day or in the past and just nodded at her words.

“Oh, a good time to ask you. You smell different.” He broke it to her squarely and it seemed as if she didn’t take it hard, or at least intensely.

“I know.”

“Okay, okay. What’s going on? Usually, you would have slashed my throat for saying something like that, and you never change your mind on something.” He stared at his wine for a moment in case she did end up knocking him upside the head.

“I know, but there’s something special about today. Tonight and for the rest of our lives.” She commented and placed her glass to the side and slowly moved over his lap. His glass was half empty and looked up at her. One of the only reasons she would come upon him like that would be because she needed something, need to tell him something or she was in heat.

“So you’ve said…” He furrowed his brows and reached over to give him the small box that she had for him. She signaled for him to open it and he ended up taking the neatly tied green bow off the box.

“Now when you open this, you’ll know the gift you gave me.” He chuckled and opened the box slowly, the glitter getting all over his hands and taking the tissue paper.

“Now, what is…” He stated and grabbed a pretty decent sized book and held it.

“A book? Come on, I don't not read that much.”

“Ew, double negative! Just read the cover.” She licked her lips and felt excited and a little bit jittery.

“Uh huh. So you got me...Dad’s guide to..pregnancy..” He stared at the book and his hazel eyes widened.

“What…” He couldn’t help but freeze and the tears in the back of his eyes came forward.

“Oh my lord. Oh my lord. Oh, my lord.” He began to cry, his face was red and he wrapped his arms around Charlie, sobbing into her dress.

“I can’t believe it! I’m a daddy!” He explained and held onto her and ended up flipping them both over to where he was on top of her. He kissed her lips and went down to her tummy. He kissed it softly and placed his head on her stomach. He was able to focus and listen to just a small rhythm.

“How long?” He asked and she shrugged.

“Some weeks. We only have three months.” She commented and he held her close once more. He felt like the happiest Alpha. He was going to be a father.

Destroyer had been laying on his side on the outskirts of the pack. He knew that his Alpha’s mate, Charlie, was pregnant from the beginning and saw that he did not know. It’s not that he was eavesdropping, but he had overheard Charlie speaking to her friends about being pregnant and telling him about it soon. It’s what he thought they had gone off to do that evening.

He decided to roll in the grass to enjoy some time alone. He needed a break this week due to all the crap that he’s been given for just looking like him. Throughout the last few years, birth rates had spiked rapidly and having Destroyer around wasn’t making mothers and some Fathers happy.

Off to the side they would sneer at him and throw trash whenever they could, but being so close to the Alpha and being the one who seemingly protects the pack around the clock he couldn’t possibly complain. It was something he had to deal with, and he knew for a fact that he was ugly and didn’t feel as if it weighed anything on his shoulders.

Archie was the only one who truly accepted that he wasn’t a monster. As he rolled around in the soft grass his tongue escaped his mouth and he panted. Standing up and looking at the folded grass he then walked away to the borders of the pack and smelled everything that was in the air.

They had few apple trees outside of the pack, he would have to follow some of the mothers and chef outside the pack whenever they had wanted to pick apples. It wasn’t fun for either of them but it was his duty he promised to do. As he walked the borders he smelled his Alpha getting closer to the pack grounds. He determined where he should arrive and sat at the border and saw his figure. He placed his tongue back into his mouth and Archie looked at his friend that was ahead of him.

“Dee!” He yelled out and ran forward. He wasn’t expecting the full force hug and tackle, but when Archie ran over he reached his arms around Destroyers neck and they fell forward, as if just like true friends.

“I’m gonna be a dad!” He got up and kneeled at the hound. Destroyer had nodded with a seeming smile. He looked towards Charlie and she couldn’t help but glare at him. She never liked the hound. Ever since they met she had always tried to force him away from her mate, not trusting he wanted the best for her mate or her pack.

As Luna, she had always told others except for Charlie to make sure to keep a watchful eye on the hound, not in a good way either. He was ugly for one, and she could never trust creatures from hell like that also. She couldn’t stand seeing Archie enjoy time with the ugly mutt and she knew that Destroyer knew that she hated him.

“Love? We should go announce this. Everyone should come to the packed hall so we can announce it.” She walked to Archie and pulled him up to her with a side glare to Destroyer. He turned his head to the side, understanding why she was glaring. He hated the hatred that radiates from this woman.

“Right! I have to go tell Silas! Shit man!” Archie kissed Charlie on the cheek and took off to his home. Destroyer was ready to run right behind him as always, but Charlie ended up stopping him.

“Destroyer.” She stated and he stopped as he lifted his head to her.

“I know you have a mind of your own. You have thoughts or feelings and whatever. I just need to get one thing straight. You stay away from my family. My child. You may be Archies best friend alongside Silas, but I know who and what you are and believe me... the only one who sees just what a disgusting creature for who you are. You just stay away from my child until further notice and don’t you dare tell Archie.” Her hand went down to his ear and snatched it. She dug her nails into his ear and he whined and tried to move away.

He knew she hated him but not enough for her to hurt him like this. She gave a smile and stood up dusting her dress off.

“Don’t go to the announcement.” She walked past him and he watched as she went off. He couldn’t help but feel emotion during that. Moving forward to the forest he found himself at the very spot he was found by his new best friend.

He laid down on the spot and couldn’t help but begin to cry, in a sense. All he had wanted was to be loved. Not romantically, it would be nice if he could find a mate of sorts but he just wanted someone to love him. He saw parents with children from distances and all he wanted to do was walk with them and listen and enjoy what they have.

He would see movies and films about the dog being part of the family and they would do anything for the family and vise versa for them. He Felt despair, but this despair was different from what he felt for millennia in Hell. He felt like a child kicked out of a home for just being himself.

The wind blew softly and he couldn’t help but begin to bite off some of his scales and fur. He didn’t let out a whine and tried to say strong as he hurt himself.

It hurts. It hurts.’ He told himself over and over until he saw black blood pool under his legs. He got up and walked to the side to not just be sitting in blood and laid his head down. He couldn’t help but imagine him having his own family. Having a wife or a husband for one or possibly just being a family dog to another.

He heard his name being called multiple times. Archie was looking for him for the announcement but he had to respect his Lunas orders. He ignored him and closed his eyes. Trying to help sleep wash over him.

“Silas!” Archie shouted through the pack house. Silas had some documents in his hand and he looked up.

“Yeah, Arch?” He asked and Archie walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. He sucked in a breath and his first came in contact with his cheek sending him down.

“What the hell Archie?!” Silas shouted and Archie threw his hands up.

“The first one who gets pregnant gives the other a punch in the face and gets 500!” Archie told him and Silas’s eyes widened.

“No way!” He yelled and hugged his friend. He couldn’t help have a smile on his face. He asked for everyone to meet at the announcement had, but his best friend wasn’t there. Silas was supportive and shrugged about him not coming. Charlie met up with Archie but seemed to be sad.

Charlie had explained to Archie that Destroyer didn’t want to go anywhere near their child, nor even come in contact with her while pregnant and made it seem as if she was broken about it. It was cruel, but she got what she wanted.

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