
Chapter 13

“Caroline…” Destroyer felt the breath being taken out of him as he saw her standing there. It was different this time. She was actually staring right back at him. This time without resentment of sorts and just...different. He kept his composure and set his things down.

“Um...yeah. I was mistress back and I’m going to leave now.” He said almost abruptly and tried to swiftly run past him, but he grabbed her wrist as quickly as he could and stopped her.

“Wait.” She skipped back gently and stared at his hand wrapped around hers. If it was a normal situation she would have pulled him off already, but it wasn’t. She was searching. Searching for that spark that everyone talked about or that connection. She didn’t feel it.

She lifted her head up and looked at him. He slowly let her go and cleared his throat.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want you to leave before I was able to speak to you.” He told her and she let out a sigh.

“Um..yes?” She questioned and brushed her hand into her hair.

“I’m sorry. I was not able to say that hit me. I understand why.” A realization hit her and she closed her eyes softly.

“Damnit. I forgot about that. I am sorry I did that. I don’t understand why I did that and it was irrational. I don’t even understand what came over me. It’s not like I knew that...Nevermind.” He wondered what she had to say and beckoned her to keep on speaking.

“I hit you with seemingly no reason, but I guess inside there was a reason because no one told me that you were my mate and I find it ridiculous that you are, Considering I was five and that I don’t feel anything. I most likely just slapped you out of what I felt when I was ten…” She felt herself let everything off of her chest and she tensed up as she spoke. She saw no reaction from him and only a nod.

“I understand fully.” She was expecting more. She was expecting an emotion of hurt or guilt. She furrowed her brows and switched her feet folding her arms.

“You seem so chill about it. Why?” She asked and he only shrugged. He knew that was a bad move and backed it up with the truth.

“I’m not a...real wolf. I’m a hound. A hound from hell. I’m not supposed to have a mate. If I never escaped then you would have someone different, but I did. So whatever you would normally feel is not there and if it does get to a point in being mates, the pull that is there would be stronger than normal. I do not know how to change that, unfortunately.”

“Oh...okay. I’ll let you settle in then.” She stood at the doorway and he walked over to her. Her eyes washed over him to catch every single feature of his face and body seeing how nothing has changed. He walked over to her and stood there for a moment. She finally got out of her daydream moment and shook her head.

“Uh...yeah?” She asked and lifted her head towards him.

“The door…” He told her and he moved his hand to show that she was in the way.

“OH! I’m sorry! I’ll go.” She escaped the doorway and glanced back as he closed the door. She stared at it some and placed her hand onto her chest. She felt her heart race. So far that seemed to be the only symptom of being near him.

‘I mean...he doesn’t look too bad….’ She thought to herself and she walked to the stairs.

“Aunt Caroline!” Caroline hoisted her head up to look at who called her name.

“Jughead? What’s up my dude?” She asked. Jughead had light brown hair and yellow purplish eyes. He had some freckles on his face and his hair waved in front of one of his eyes.

“Your dad told me I have to get you. We are having a party or whatever” Jughead whispered the last part of his sentence to her, with a side glance to the door.

“What? For who?” She asked and he pointed to Destroyers door.

“Oh, okay.” She smiled at him and walked alongside him.

“So, is he your long lost boyfriend or something?” Jughead asked and rubbed the back of his head.

“What? No. Why would you think that?”

“I don’t know. I mean I remember him when I was five and you two were really close. But now that I think that probably would be illegal or something.” He shrugged it off and she went to go follow him. As she followed she looked to see Silas, her parents, Jellybean and then it was Jughead.

“So...what are we doing?” She asked and Archie smiled.

“So, we are going to have a welcome back party. I’s good right? It wouldn’t be right if we didn’t have a welcome back get together or something.”

“Mhm...i don’t think I here really. I mean, it’s not like I was...aware of what was really going on. I mean Jellybean and Jughead too. Right?” She was trying to ease her way out of getting away from this. It was already awkward as it is, but that was her own fault.

“You were still one of his only friends. It’ll be sad and considering the circumstances…-”

“You’re going to be here. No exception.” Charlie interrupted Archie and he groaned.

“What was his favorite snack? I can’t-”

“It was fried pickles and peanut butter.” Caroline looked down at her nails as she spoke without hesitation. They all just stared at her for a moment and Silas snickered.

“Right. You said he wasn’t your long lost boyf-” Caroline raised her fist and glared at him. He laughed and moved past her.

“It just came up. Doesn’t mean a lot. I mean I’ll help with everything, but I will warn you it wont...i’ll just help.” She spent possibly thirty minutes making fried pickles and peanut butter. When she was finished she walked back to the living room to see what everyone was doing. The room was bare. She looked a the coffee table and picked up a note.

‘So….we lied. Yeah. Just spend time with him and all that and give him the food. Your moms’ idea. Signed dad.’

Caroline stared at the poorly written note and squinted her eyes.

“They cannot be kidding me. Are you kidding me?!” She shoved the note in her pocket and quietly yelled out in frustration.

She waited a while and paced. It was weird, she would randomly give him his favorite snack and then what? She paced around for a while and built up her courage to go to him.

She took a plate and stopped at his door. She hesitated her hand to go knock and retracted it too many times. She ended up leaning down to place it on the floor and the door opened.

“Holy shit. You scared the shit out of me!” She gasped and almost dropped the plate. She held it to her ribs and looked at him. He looked at her and then down at the treat.

“So, I got you these or well, I just made them. I was going to leave them at the door-”

“Thank you.” He stated in the middle of her statement.


“Thank you. You made these, for me. I am grateful. You didn’t have to go through the trouble.” She could see a faint smile on his face as she slowly moved the plate to him. He grabbed the plate and cupped his hands over hers as he did.

“This is truly amazing, you remembered this. Thank you, really.” He leaned closer to her and the only thing keeping them apart was the plate. She looked up at his face, he was glancing at the plate and she slowly moved her hands.

‘Oh my god...his hands are so warm. Please don’t give me that look.’ She thought to herself and right on queue, he looked up at her. Tilted his head and showed his teeth in a tiny smirk.

‘Oh my shit this--he knows what he’s doing! He’s freaking sexy. Oh my god stop staring.’ She felt herself freeze for a moment and suck in a breath.

“Are you okay? You’ve been staring at me for quite a bit.” He told her and she fumbled over her words.

“Um..i was thinking. Um…”

“It is okay. Mind if I eat these later?” He asked and she nodded moving out of the way.

“So what doing? I mean is there anything you would like to do? As in like...yeah.” She tried to stir a conversation and he smiled.

“I don’t mind. It feels good to actually be home now.” She nodded and he began to walk. She followed behind him.

“So...what did you do? Or would you like to tell me about...when you left?” She tried to break the ice as smooth as she could.

“Oh…” The ice didn’t break how she wanted it to. After hearing that ‘oh’. She knew she messed up.

“Sorry. That just came up really weird. I’m-”

“No, it’s fine. I can tell you anything you want.” She was lead outside and noticed they were going to the theatre.

“Oh. The theatre was fixed a couple of time. Of course, I helped.”

“Yes, I can see that. You’re dancing amazing.” He complimented her and she smiled.


“Well, while I was gone I learned to play a multitude of instruments, sing, and dance.” He told her with a smile.

‘This is good. Not awkward.’

“Oh! That’s good!” She picked up just a bit. She was so into singing and dancing. She couldn’t express how much she loved it.

“I actually love singing...and dancing. I actually won my school’s talent show. Not because I’m the alpha’s daughter of course.”

“I know. You made your own song and did your own dance routine. You did it with a girl named...Cece?” He commented and she was stunned for a moment.

“How..wait how did you know that?” She asked him and he pulled out his old phone from his pocket. It took him a minute and he pulled up a video that was sent years ago in his photo album.

“Your dad sent me almost every video he made of you. Per my request. I didn’t want to just...not follow up. I hope it isn’t weird.” He lifted his eyes from his phone and looked at her while she was staring at his phone that was in his hands.

“No it’s fine...its just...i never thought that you would...stay up to date with me…” She pushed a strand of hair behind her and inhaled.

“Of course I would. You...were an important person to me.” She almost choked up some air and tore her eyes away from his general direction. He furrowed his brows and shoved his phone back into his pocket.

“I’m sorry.” He told her and continued walking.

She didn’t know what to think. He did keep up with her life. The time he spent scrolling through every important video and picture had shown her he was serious. She saw as he got further from her and she an up to him, grabbed his arm and stopped him for a moment. She didn’t know what it was, admiration? Approval? Applause? Delight? She didn’t know. She felt something as she held onto his arm and it was like a sharp pleasurable shock being sent to her spine.

“No...don’t be sorry. I’m glad you did.” She managed to get the right words out of her mouth and he smiled. He did something right.

“I’m glad I get to know you. I mean...aside from your ten-year-old self. Here...restart?” He asked and held out his hand. Her hand was removed from his by now. She didn’t know what the shock was, she liked it but on the other hand, it was weird.

“Of...course!” She moved her hand and grabbed his. Nothing. She didn’t feel anything. She was highly disappointed and tried not to show it.

“Destroyer, hellhound, many many years old.” She laughed a little and went with what he said.

“Caroline, werewolf, um...Eighteen.” She let go of his hand and kept walking. They Finally got to the theatre and there had been a couple of people in it already.

“Hey, guys!” Caroline perked up and jogged towards some teens on the stage.

“Yo C, wassup.” A dark-skinned male waved his hand up to her. He pulled her up to the stage and hugged her.

“Nothing much. What’s up?” She asked and he shrugged.

“Just practicing my moves with these losers.” He waved his hand to the others around. They flicked him off and he rolled his eyes.

“Whose the giant?” The male asked and she moved to the side to show his full view.

“ Destroyer.” She hoped he wasn’t hurt by that and he nodded.

“He looks really built. We’ve never seen him around before. He new?” He asked and she shook her hand sheepishly.

“YO, mind if we practice with her dude?” He asked and he nodded and sat down watching them.

“The names Aiden by the way!” He waved and grabbed her to speak on what they were going to do. They discussed for a bit and soon the lights dimmed. Destroyer was excited. He wanted to see what they had planned and leaned forward. They all stood in a line facing the audience and soon music played.

Caroline was nervous. She was never nervous. Especially while performing. Her body shook and she felt herself breathing heavily. She felt his eyes glued to her and she didn’t want to mess up and closed her eyes tightly. She opened them once more to lock with his eyes.

His eyes told her it was okay. As if he knew. She couldn’t help but smile, and there she moved her body with everyone else. With confidence.

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