
Chapter 11

The sun was like a warm wash of summer. The sound of cars drifting off through the window and people waking for their morning coffee had started up earlier than usual. Even though the smell of sunshine isn’t really a true thing, the smell of sunshine drifted through the air and was the thing that woke him up from his sleep. He looked up as the ceiling fan slowed to a stop and the wind in his room was still. He inhaled gently and rose his bod off of the plush bed under him. He raised his arms above him and stretched himself out feeling his muscles tighten and release.

He turned his head and looked through his open window with only a small smile on his face. He rose from bed and went to close the curtains and looked around. His apartment was nice and clean, no dust, no bugs and nothing out of place. He saw the duffle bag he has had for the past eight years and smiled at it. He walked towards the bag and opened it pulling out a shirt and some pants and dubbed that his outfit for the time. As he went off to grab his toothbrush he walked to the kitchen sink and brushed his teeth and washed his face regularly.

He soon finished the rest of his getting ready and placed the bag over his shoulder. He walked to his door and looked at his old temporary home and did a curt nod. He closed the doors and lcked it with the keys. As he walked down the lofts he looked at each and everyone of them. He remembered making friends with almost everyone young and old lady and smiled as he knew that they would miss him, but not as much as others missed him. He walked down to the front to return his keys and did so silently.

“Goodbye dearesssssst Desssssstroyer!” The woman at the front desk hissed her S’s and waved seductively at him. The front desk lady was a dragon, she had more attributes of a snake, but she was raised as a dragon and showed it in every way she could. She gave him the apartment half of to him due to how polite and how hot she thought he was. He walked out of the area and then continued to walk down into the city to his favorite coffee place. When he walked in the smell of fresh grounded coffee was wafted through the air and he took it in.

“Hey destroyer! Heard you’re leaving us for good! Here’s a free coffee on the house love!” The cashier tapped her co-workers and waved at him. He gave a simple smile and nod as they handed the coffee and waved him goodbye. The coffee shop was called ‘Grind with the spirits.’ It was ran with a bunch of nature spirits who grown and freshly made their coffee right in the store. Destroyer had went there for the past few years and became a regular to the point he was customer of the month for years. He walked out of the shop and onto the sidewalk to wave down any type of cab. When he threw his hand into the air a Griffin dropped down beside him and bowed for him to get up.

“Airport please.” Destroyer said to the creature and it nodded and flew up into the sky and flew to the nearest airport. He gripped onto the buckle as the creature flew near the city.

“Scenic route please.” He asked and it nodded once more. The griffin flew around the city just a few times before landing at the airport. He watched as other creatures and people showed up around to get to their destinations and his heart fluttered only just a bit. He dug into his duffle bag and pulled out a pumpkin and put it into the griffins side bag. Just like taxis, griffins and other creatures that could fly had did the same thing and gotten things other than just money as payment. He walked into the airport and got patted down as usual and as off to buy his ticket for a flight that would take place any minute now.

“Texas…” He mumbled to himself and got up to the desk and gave his money for the ticket. He held the ticket into his hands and sat down in a chair and looked around. The world seemed to be a better place with supernaturals. There where finally non-profit hospitals ran by...well supernatural creates who didn’t need money to do their job. Vampires were doctors who smelt diseases and some werewolves became therapy animals for kids and sirens would help people with CSB, compulsive sexual behavior and so forth. Giants would work on construction and many others did profesiones based on what they could do naturally.

Once he heard his flight being called he stood up. He walked through the long corridor and seemed like forever he walked this place. He grabbed his phone from his bag and looked at it. It was the exact same one he had gotten from Archie and there had been more messages then he could count from Archie and Charlie. Most of them asking where he was and videos and pictures of Caroline’s life up until her eighteenth birthday. Up until two days ago.

He sat down on his seat and closed his eyes softly. He could remember the first time he sat on a plane and looked out the window to see birds and now there were dragons and fairies and even more flying in the sky then he ever knew. He looked down at the phone and clicked on a video of Caroline’s twelfth birthday.

Happy birthday Caroline! Say hey to the camera!” Charlie sat down beside Caroline who looked happy but then sad at the same time. She waved at the camera and the camera focused in on her and her cake.

Say hi to Destroyer…!” Archie stated and her face turned down but immediately went up once more. She gulped and waved once more.

Hey...Destroyer. Im twelve today! I hope you see this...i wish you were here…” He stopped the video and tucked his phone away and sighed. He felt horrible for leaving her alone for the past eight years with no contact. He was ready for some type of hate from Caroline and he was ready for it. He looked at his recent messages. He hasn’t opened her eighteenth birthday video. He didn’t want to watch it until he saw her, for real this time. He closed his eyes and decided to sleep as he traveled his way back home.

The ride went smoothly an he ended up in Texas, San Antonio. His heart raced even more when he felt his body and mind get closer to the little but large pack, his home, his town. He took a bus and a couple of taxis to get there and soon he was in the wood. He ran as fast as he could to the edge of the town and saw that absolutely nothing has changed. He soon got close enough to see the entire pack house and it looked a little bigger but everything was the same.

He gave a soft exhale and closed his eyes. His eyes went beyond him and his mind ran through the front door and entered in and sht all the way to the office Archie wasn’t in, but he was in his room. He opened his eyes and too a breath. Until he explained himself to Archie before meeting Charlie and Caroline once more. He dug his foot into the ground and shot off towards his office. He was like a soft breeze that passes someone ears and he was now inside his office on the couch. He took a moment before grabbing the phone.

“Office” He texted and sat for a good five minutes before the door burst open and Archie, who still looked baby faced and great had shock in his eyes. Destroyer stood up and looked at him before he engulfed him into a hug.

“Holy fuck shit...Destroyer?” He asked and shut the door and he nodded.

“Uh..yeah. Archie?” Archie hugged him once more then furrowed his brows and punched his arm.

“Ow?” He said and looked up at him.

“That’s for not answering my damn texts or calls! You know how much shit I had to go through ever since you left?! Oh my god and all the shit Caroline had to go through?! I thought you were fucking dead!” He yelled out and Destroyer tried to calm him down.

“Wait wait...will you let me explain?” He asked as the mad Archie huffed and sat down.

“Do...indulge me.” He told him and he nodded. Destroyer started off with Clara. Clara was a familiar to a dead witch and she wasnt the good kind. She had ran off the rails after her witch died. She had ended up seducing Destroyer for a year before he cut her off, but he learned a valuable lesson from her and that’s when he was taken in by a group of gay vegan vampires, vampires who drank coconut milk instead of blood because coconut milk had the same properties as a way. That’s where he joined the coffee shop and the apartment and worked different jobs through the years.

He explained why he never contacted them and Archie understood. He decided it was best to not and more because of what Clara said was true. He didn’t want to feel drawn to her in anyway so he only stuck with the vidos and he was very thankful for those.

“You had us worried...Caroline was afraid you would just not come back. She still doesnt know shes your mate and...we were worried something happened to you. Like you were dead or something because that would mean Caroline would be mateless. I’ glad you’re back. Caroline is going to love it that you’re back. Hate you because you left with no communication and then hate you once more for being her mate and not knowing.” Archie told him and stood up.

“I’m going to go tell Charlie. I suggest you get your old room set up and go meet Caroline...oh. And don’t think this earns you a bigger bedroom with my daughter. She still isn’t allowed to have boys in her room.” He told him and he chuckled.

“I’ll go get on that…” He grabbed his bag from the couch and walked to the door.

“Oh..she still has your tarantula. You know...Marcy?” He smiled as he said that and nodded. He remembered he had to leave her and decided to give her to Caroline.

“She’s also in the theatre. She’s made it into her dancing stadium when it’s not in use. I suggest listening to cools her off. It helps her.” He told him and he nodded. Destroyer went out after Archie and went to his room The room was the same except the bed.

He walked to it and placed his hand down. He could tell that she slept in the bed for some time, she missed him and he felt horrible that he did so to her. He took everything from his bag and set everything back into its original place and exit out of the room.

Archie had told everyone to not approach Destroyer until he had met and talked with Caroline. He knew that he would be eager to see her after so long and he wanted to let him as much time as he could have, if Caroline didn’t freak out to much and do something rash.

Destroyer made his way towards the theatre. He saw as people whispered to each other about his return and questioning who he was in the first place. He got to the theatre and slowly moved himself through the door without making a sound. He jumped a little bit when the sound of music. He sat down at the back in the darkness of the theatre and watched as a female stepped into the light of the theatre stage, The wind was tkn out of him as he saw a girl with light brown curly hair and a white shirt with leather like joggers on.

He saw her and he was breathless.She didn’t see him because her eyes were closed and she started out by dancing and then her voice rang through the entire theatre and it was like angels had been singing to him.He let out a breath of air and closed his eyes as he heard her soft tapping of her feet as she glided across the floor graciously and then the sound of her voice bouncing off the walls and into his ears and the fact that she was so entranced that she hadn’t noticed him. Her back was to the back of the audience, but you could still see her expression and the way she felt during the song and he felt as if he had never heard anything more beautiful.

He thought that listening to sirens and mermaids were enough, but this was different. He slowly moved his way forward up the seats to get closer to her and that’s when her smell reached his nose and he was washed over with the feeling of protection. He bit his lip as her body moved in elegant blocked movements and then swiftly and fluidly when her voice would get soft and low.

He still wasn’t sure if he was allowed to fall in love with her, but he felt as if he had fallen in love with her for the first but second time. He hadn’t noticed but he was standing in the middle of the aisle and he was close to the stage.

The movements in her body came naturally to her as her wolf did. She wasn’t sure what was going on butcher wolf was going stir crazy and her body was moving faster the usual but with the same swift movement. She smiled as she sang and flicked her hair as she was dancing and felt her hands go into her curly hair. She licked her lips as she finished the song and stood with her back to the crowd.

“That was...amazing.” She heard a voice behind her and she jumped. A gasp came from her mouth and she did so.


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