Destiny of His Pack, Book 2

Chapter 9


“So, what you’re telling me is that female feline can inherit the alpha gene?” The Alpha questioned later.

We had all returned to his office and taken a seat.

In moments, Rafferty’s mother, Gina, and my ma had joined us wanting to know what had happened. It seems a lot of the Pack heard the roar. They had then come asking their Luna what was going on.

“Yes, although not verra often,” Da said. “Most females have no need fer that kind of power, but I think me little lassie will.

“Why, Da, why do I need it?” I questioned him.

Da looked over at me and smiled. “Because lassie ye married an Alpha and not just any Alpha. Rafferty is going ta be Alpha of one of the largest packs there is. That alone means ye have ta be verra strong. Ye will also have ta be strong fer yer babes when they get here. Not everyone will accept the fact that they be one of each. The lioness in ye will fight fer her babes and their rightful place as future Alphas.”

“There will be changes when Rafferty takes over because a feline halfling will be ruling by his side. That alone will shake the Pack,” the Alpha stated.

“Yes, it will, and the two of you need to be ready for that. Both of you are strong, lean on each other, and together you will succeed,” Gina said.

I sat there thinking about everything that they said. It wasn’t going to be an easy life for Rafferty and me, but as long as we have each other, I knew we could make it.

“Love will overcome,” I whispered, thinking of my mark as I turned to Rafferty. “We will have a lot of things against us, but as long as we have love, we will overcome them all.”

Rafferty smiled. “Yes, we will because I love you.”

“Just my luck. I arrive just when it’s getting mushy.”

I turned toward the doorway and the voice. Jumping up, I ran to my brother and hugged him tightly. “I’m so happy to see you, James.”

“Ah, Pip, it’s good to see you too,” James said. “What I want to know is, why did everyone stare at my car as I went through town as if they’ve never seen one before?”

I giggled at him as I gave his mate Macy a hug. “It wasn’t your car, goofball. It was the feline scent coming from it.”

“Ah, that explains all the noses going up when we stepped out then,” James murmured. “I suppose it explains the hateful looks we received from the blonde who answered the door too.”

I growled, which earned me a surprised look from James. I explained, “That would be Emily. She’s not a big fan of felines.”

“Seems yer little sister had a bit of a run-in with her. She used one of yer famous moves, James,” Da said with a grin.

“Oh? What move would that have been, Pip?” James asked.

Rafferty chuckled. “Marissa used Emily’s head as a baseball.”

I blushed as James raised an eyebrow at me.

“Really, Pip, you did that? I didn’t think you had it in you, but you’ve made me so proud,” James said, wiping at an imaginary tear.

“Oh, stuff a sock in it, James. That she-wolf put her hands on my mate. So, she deserved what she got,” I told him.

Everyone laughed but me. I poked my lip out in a pout.

“Alright, everyone, how about lunch? We have a genuinely nice café in town. Might as well let everyone see the new arrivals at once, or they’ll make up excused to come here to see them,” Gina said.

“You mean an excuse to come and sniff them,” I said irritably

“Marissa, that wasn’t very nice. They just aren’t used to felines coming and staying,” Rafferty said gently.

I looked up at him, then dropped my head in shame. “I’m sorry, Rafferty. I’m just feeling off right now. Strange, and not myself.”

He lifted my chin by placing his finger under it. “What’s wrong?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I was fine this morning when I got up, but... I suppose I feel almost like you feel when you know someone is coming to visit, but don’t know exactly when they’ll arrive. So, you’re super excited and can’t sit still, so you pace and keep looking out the window impatiently. Does that make any sense?”

Rafferty smiled and pulled me close to kiss my neck. “Yes, love it does, actually. That would be your lioness growing impatient with waiting. She doesn’t need the mating moon, but she knows my wolf does. So, she is being a good mate and waiting for her lover to arrive. When the moon is up, she will begin calling, and the waiting will be over.”

“Oh, I didn’t think about that,” I told him as I rubbed my cheek against his chest.

He smelled so good, like leather and his spicy cologne. It made me want him, and I heard my lioness began to purr as she encouraged me to rub on our mate. Forgetting we weren’t alone, I ran my hand up and down his back, pulling him closer to me as my need for him increased.

I heard a growl rumble in his chest as he spoke. “Love, keep that up, and you won’t be getting lunch.”

“I’m not feeling hungry for food right now,” I murmured as I lifted my face for a kiss.

“Well, alright. We’ll all just be going to lunch and leave you two alone,” Ma said.

Rafferty lifted his head. “We’ll see all of you sometime tomorrow.”

“Very well, Rafe, tomorrow then,” the Alpha agreed.

“Hey, we just got here. They aren’t even going to visit with us?” James asked as Da pushed him out the door.

“Tonight is the mating moon, son. They have other things on their mind besides ye and yer arrival,” Da said.

“Mating moon, what’s that?” James questioned.

“I’ll explain it ta ye in the car,” Da said.

Hearing the front door close, I looked up at Rafferty. “Can we go home now?”

“Yes, love.”

Putting my arms around his neck, he lifted me at the waist, and I wrapped my legs around him. This caused my body to rub on him intimately, making me groan. My lioness once more began to purr and encourage me to love on Rafferty. So, I started kissing and nipping on his neck and jawline as my hands tangled and tugged at his hair.

Rafferty began walking faster. “Ah, my love, I don’t think she’s going to wait for the moon to rise, and neither is my wolf because he hears her, and I feel him stirring.”

“Tell mate the moon is up, look,” Marissa’s lioness said

Looking over Rafferty’s shoulder, I saw the moon. It was white in a blue sky because the sun wasn’t set yet, but it was still there, which excited my inner lioness.

“Look, Rafferty, the moon,” I said, pointing.

Rafferty turned to look. Seeing the moon, he growled and almost ran the rest of the way to the house and our room. He closed and locked the door behind us when we arrived, then set me on my feet.

“Rafferty, I am so...”

“I know. I am too,” Rafferty growled. Then he began kissing along my neck, his hands on the buttons of my shirt. Growling with frustration when the buttons didn’t work right, he grabbed hold of it and pulled. Buttons with flying left and right, Rafferty grinned at his success.

Looking at him, I saw his eyes glowing gold. “Happy now that you ruined my shirt, wolfman?”

“Very,” Rafferty agreed in the gravelly voice of his wolf. Then he quickly finished undressing us both.

Laying me down on the bed, he lay next to me, covering me in kisses. Our hands roamed, touching, feeling, loving, and arousing. Our kisses grew hotter and more aggressive. I felt my fingers dig into the flesh of his arms as he nipped and sucked at my neck.

I felt my lioness take over. I bit Rafferty on his shoulder with a growl, which caused him to raise to look at me. His eyes were glowing gold, and I knew his wolf was in complete control. As I watched, his teeth lengthened, and his facial features sharpened, giving him a wolfish look.

“It’s time,” I murmured, and he nodded.

When he brought his hands up to help me flip over, I saw his nails had lengthened until they were razor sharp. Yet being ever so careful with me, I never got a scratch.

When he had me on all fours, he leaned over me to nuzzle at my neck, his teeth making kisses impossible. One of his hands was on the bed, holding him up as the other gently rubbed me. It moved across my belly, making it quiver, then across my breast, gently squeezing, which had my lioness purring even as I moaned out my pleasure. Soon his hand had moved down to rub my mound, and I had had enough of his teasing.

“Rafferty, please,” I begged.

That was all it took. In the next moment, Rafferty had bit down on my shoulder, even as his hard cock slammed into my body, causing me to feel as if I was soaring. The pleasure he gave me that night was indescribable.

When he took me in that same manner for the fourth time, I knew we would be parents because the pleasure consumed us. As we reached our peak, Rafferty let out a howl, and I roared.


I lay there, content to hold my sweet mate Marissa as she lay sleeping. The night had been long and pleasure-filled. I ran my hand all along her bared belly. I slowly smiled, thinking of the pup and cub who were now growing there—our babies, who would grow and become the first twin Alphas of the Wildee Pack.

I did wonder, though, why two would be needed. Was the Pack going to become so large it would take two to control it?

“I can almost see the steam coming off your head from thinking so hard, wolfman.”

I looked down to see Marissa looking up at me with those lovely green eyes of hers, her cheeks still flushed from sleep. “I was just thinking about our babies and how they’re both going to be Alpha one day.”

“Rafferty, let’s let them be children first,” Marissa demanded, her eyes wide.

I chuckled. “I will, love. I want my turn to be Alpha first anyway!”

Marissa giggled. “Ah, little Raffy wants to be the Alpha.”

I growled playfully and began to tickle her. Tickling soon became kisses, and kisses soon led to other things. I suppose we didn’t get enough last night after all.

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