Destiny of His Pack, Book 2

Chapter 7

**Rafferty’s Dream**

“They are our destiny, the destiny of the Pack. Without them, the Wildee Pack will fall,” the deep gravelly voice stated.

My eyes fluttered open, and I found myself sitting in my office. I looked out the window to see Marissa seated on a blanket with two babies lying in front of her.

The voice spoke again, saying, “This must happen, and for it to happen, you must do what is needed.”

I turned toward the voice. There at my feet stood a black wolf. Somehow, though I had never seen him, I knew it was my black wolf.

Puzzled, I inquired, “Did you speak to me?”

“Yes, human, I did,” the wolf answered. “Our mate needs us and asked but one thing of us. She has asked us to half-shift.”

I opened my mouth to argue, but he interrupted.

“No, we have never done it because we have never had to, but now we do. You will get past your insecurities and do this thing our mate has asked of us. Talk to Alpha. He might know-how. Practice if you need to, but we will do this. Our mate needs us to do this,” the wolf demanded.

“I know what she has asked of me, and I would do anything for her,” I said before turning back to the window.

“She is our destiny, human, and the twins are the destiny of the Pack. Without them, there will be no Pack. Remember this, human,” the wolf stated before he faded away.

**End of Rafferty’s Dream**

I woke up gasping for air and sat straight up in the bed.

“Rafferty, are you okay? What’s wrong?” Marissa asked, sitting up and laying her hand gently on my arm.

I looked over at Marissa, my wife, my love, my destiny, her face full of concern. She was so beautiful to me, so giving, never asking for much. Now she was only asking for one thing, and I had been ready to deny her because I didn’t think it possible.

“I’m sorry, my love. I was wrong to say what I did,” I sadly told her as I lovingly ran my hand down her cheek.

“Sorry? Wrong? Rafferty, what are you talking about?”

I sighed before answering, “When you asked me to half-shift, I thought the idea was crazy. I saw no reason to do it because surely the bite would be enough. I was wrong. The fact that you, my wife, my love, my destiny, asked it of me should have been reason enough to do it. So again, I’m sorry, and tomorrow I will talk to Pop and see what he says about it. If he has no answer, then I’ll try doing it on my own.”

“Okay,” Marissa softly agreed. “I love you, Rafferty, so very much, and I only wanted to do it because I want to give you a baby. So if that is the only way to accomplish it, then I was willing to do it.”

“I know, my love, and we will do it, somehow,” I told her.

“If your father doesn’t know how you could ask Da, after all, he’s done it a few times, or I wouldn’t be here,” Marissa stated.

“I will, love, now back to sleep.”

Then we settled down, and both slept.

The following day, I was up early because I was unable to sleep. I ate a bowl of cereal, then showered and dressed. After getting ready, I kissed Marissa, telling her I was going to see Pop. However, when I arrived at the packhouse, Pop was just getting there himself.

He looked up as I walked in, asking, “What brings you so early, Rafe? I thought you would stay home and have breakfast with Marissa and her parents first.”

“I had planned to, but my plan changed after talking to Marissa last night,” I informed him. “You know tonight is the full moon?”

Pop sat down, and so did I. “Yes, I’m aware of that, Rafe, and I’m sure you plan on taking advantage of it, correct?”

“Yes. However, I need to talk to you about something before that happens,” I nervously said. Then I told Pops everything.

When I finished, Pop just sat there, not saying a word for a long time, but I could tell his mind was racing. Then his eyes began to glow gold before he said, “Pup, I may be Alpha, but I am Alpha to a wolf pack, and I’ve never seen a wolf half-shift. I’ve never heard of it either. Are you sure it is even possible for you to do this?”

I groaned, running my hand down my face. “I have to, Alpha. This is the only way my mate can conceive our cub. Marissa’s cat spirit said I could, and my wolf believes we can—” I shrugged as my voice trailed off.

“I wouldn’t know where to start,” the Alpha stated. “Talk to the lion. He has done this, so he will know-how and be able to tell you how it is done.”

“Thank you, Alpha,” I said, standing. Then with a bow of respect, I turned and walked out to go and find William.


When Rafferty left our bed, I knew he was struggling with worry, but I didn’t know how to help him. Finally, he came in after taking his shower to tell me he would go and see his father, and I really hope he can help.

Then, I rolled over and went back to sleep.

An hour later, the smell of sausage woke me, and quickly dressing, I headed to the kitchen. Noticing Ma was in there alone, I asked, “Morning, Ma, where’s Da?”

“Rafferty came in a few minutes ago and asked to talk to him privately. Do you have any idea why he would do that?” Ma asked as she placed a plate on the table in front of me.

“Maybe,” I admitted. “I told him about the mating thing and what my lioness told me. He was going to ask his father about the half-shift. So I suggested he talk to Da about it if his father didn’t know.”

Ma nodded. “I thought that might be it. He came in here with such a heavy frown.”

Finishing my breakfast, I pushed away my plate. “Well, maybe Da can—”

“Da can what, lassie?”

Startled, I turned. “Da! Don’t sneak up and a body like that!”

Da laughed. “Sorry, lassie, didn’t mean to scare ya.”

I shook my head at him. “Where’s Rafferty?”

“He went ta do some practicin’,” Da answered. “I showed him how to half-shift. After that, he wanted ta try it on his own, and then he’ll be in.”

“Then he was able to do it?” I asked.

“Yes, lass. Although I believe it was a little painful fer him, stopping before fully shifting. His body isn’t used ta doing that, but he’ll get it though and be fine. Ah, there he comes now.”

I jumped up out of my seat to go to Rafferty. “Are you alright?”

“Yes, love, I’m fine. I’ll be sore for a bit, but my wolf will heal me quick enough,” Rafferty said, kissing me.

“Are you hungry? Ma fixed breakfast.”

Rafferty grinned. “Love, I’m always hungry. Remember?”

“Yeah, wolfman, I remember,” I said with a chuckle as I fixed him a plate.

Rafferty had soon eaten and pushed his plate away. “I’m going with Pops to question the rogue. William, do you want to come? After all, you’re the one that made him unconscious for four hours.”

“I’d like that, I must admit ta being a wee bit curious as ta why he’s here,” Da said as he and Rafferty stood.

“May I come to Rafferty?” I asked him as I stood up also.

“Sure, love,” Rafferty agreed. “I’m sure Alpha won’t mind.”

“Alpha?” I questioned.

“Yeah, Pops will let Alpha take over for the interrogation. He just sounds meaner and with those glowing eyes, looks meaner too,” Rafferty explained.

I cocked my head, thinking. “So, in a way, your wolf does talk.”

“I suppose, but Marissa, he talks through, not to us.”

I nodded. “Yeah, okay then.”

With that, we headed for the pack jail.

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