Destiny (1)

Chapter 4

Scribbling quickly, I glanced over Tony’s frizz of hair at the board, attempting to see what we are meant to be doing. All I managed to do was stare at a fly for five minutes. I was interrupted by a jab in the side.

I swung around to see who it was, but all I saw was Sasha receiving notes from Aurelia.

Then I realised what it was. Ash was gazing at me intently, a confused expression on his face. The hairs on the back of my head instantly became rigid.

“What?” I hissed, spotting the stick he had used to prod me with.

“Nessa, Ash, no talking during an exam,” frowned Dr Tish, lifting her head up from the marking she was doing. I heard sniggering, and without a doubt knew where it was coming from. “Sasha, that’s you too,”

I whipped my head to the right, and instantaneously saw four scarlet faces shrink back, Sasha’s pinker than the rest of them. I turned around and pretended to do my paper, but I turned around again as soon as I saw Dr Tish’s head turn down.

Ash cocked his head at me, and then pointed at my hair and then my upper arm. I glanced down, and to my surprise, I saw a leaf-shaped tattoo imprinted to my skin.

Before I could react, he hissed, “What’s up with your hair?” Dr Tish looked up yet again and I swung round to face my work again, but not quick enough.

“Is that something you want to share with the class, Ash? Or do you just want to tell Fay?” She reprimanded severely. I glanced round for a millisecond, and saw Ash gaping at the teacher, opening and closing his mouth like a fish. “I thought not.” She strode briskly and regally towards us, and pressed her palm straight into the table, as if she wanted nothing more than to crush it. “This is your second, and last warning.” With a last glance, she turned on her heel and walked back to her desk with the same regal gait. The whole class was staring at us now. Ugh. Great.

But just as I turned back, I got a glimpse of my hair as a lock of it fell across my eyes. Streaks of emerald were appearing through it, like paint strokes. I couldn’t help it. I gasped.

Dr Tish looked up disapprovingly, and opened her mouth just as the bell rang. She gave me one last swift glare, glueing me to my seat, stood up and announced, “You may pack up now; lesson’s over,” before walking with haste out the door. I gathered up my books like a farmer gathering crops, cringing at myself and half-panicking about my arm and my hair. A small part of me believed it was ridiculous, while another small part of me was suggesting that I go and check in the mirror. The rest of me was sure I had flunked the biology test.

I needed the loo anyway, so I slipped out the door and headed towards the nearest lavatory. The rest of the school appeared in waves, making as much noise as a gaggle of geese, no, five gaggles of geese, and I seemed to fade through them as if I was black and white and they were all colour, making me seem to stick out. I yanked the door open and it stuck again. With a second yank it opened easily.

As soon as I casually flicked my head towards the mirror, I knew something was wrong. My hair was now fading to a seaweed green, and the vibrant mark on my forearm stood out, more pronounced than ever. Gaping wide, my mouth fell open and stayed there, and I feared for half a second that it would not change back. Slowly and steadily, I shut it, and despite the fact I couldn’t take my eyes of my hair, I still noted my shaking jaw and hands.

I knew that if I appeared noticeable it would just prompt more bullying from Sasha, and also the teachers may think I dyed my hair. I would get in so much trouble. I shook my rucksack off my back, and delved my arm into it. Soon it slipped out, dragging an old-fashioned sunhat, you know, the ones that you see people wearing in pictures of all-girls’ schools in the 1920s. I tied my hair back in a loose bun, and placed the hat askew on my head. There. I now just looked like I was making a bold fashion statement.

I tiptoed out of the toilets and tried to look inconspicuous (I failed).

I then almost had a heart attack. Ash was leaning casually on the wall, crossing his arms and staring - with glazed eyes - into the distance. I thought I was being light footed as I wandered out, but a hand grabbed my wrist and shoved me into an empty science room.

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