Destined with You

Chapter 58 - 63 Behave Better in the Future! (19)

Chapter 58: Chapter 63 Behave Better in the Future! (19)

Translator: 549690339

“You guys carry on, we’re leaving first.” Beiming Han, holding the girl in his arms, stands up, ready to leave.

“Big brother, Miss Qingxin’s belongings.” Huangfu Ye hands over the bag containing ‘pajamas’ with a sly grin.

Gu Qingxin,”…”

She quickly snatches the bag back.

Now she truly feels like she will never be able to clear her name, even if she jumped into the Yellow River to clean herself.

Bai Qianqian, her destructive friend, she’s truly going to be the death of her.

Beiming Han doesn’t continue to give her a hard time, relaxing his hold around her.

Gu Qingxin immediately flees to the opposite of him, sitting down and explaining awkwardly, “What I said is true, these clothes are not mine! If you don’t believe me, you can ask your bodyguard, he can vouch for me.”

Beiming Han remains silent, staring at her intensely.

“Put it on.” Beiming Han, sitting lazily on the couch, raises his perfect chin in a gesture.

Gu Qingxin shakes her head firmly.

“You can see the outside from inside the car, but you can’t see inside the car from outside.” Beiming Han states flatly.


“You’re disobedient again. You better think about the consequences before you reject me.” Beiming Han’s gaze suddenly turns cold, his tone becoming unhappy.

Right now, what Gu Qingxin wants to do the most is to find Bai Qianqian and strangle her!

“Do you need me to do it myself?”

Thinking about her mother lying in the hospital bed waiting for surgery, Gu Qingxin chooses to endure it.

All of a sudden, a loud “bang!” shakes the car violently…

“Bang, bang, bang!” Three more bangs follow. Before Gu Qingxin can comprehend what’s happening, she’s already being held tight by Beiming Han as he quickly rolls off the seat onto the floor.

“Dare to interrupt my business? You’re asking for death!” A vein on Beiming Han’s forehead bulges out, angry at being forced out of the car before he’d even had a chance to enjoy himself.

Today, he has to kill these bastards!

“Bang!” Another loud noise, and their off-road vehicle is hit harshly again.

If it were an ordinary car, it would have long been wrecked from the collision, and the people inside would probably have met the king of hell by now. Thankfully, it’s a modified, bullet-proof, explosion-proof car.

When Beiming Han stands up, there is a gun in his hand. Lifting it, he fires a shot at the car trying to ram into them for the third time!

With a “bang!” sound, the off-road car’s window shatters, the car behind theirs explodes into flames and is completely destroyed.

Gu Qingxin covers her ears nervously. She can’t believe that she’s now caught in the middle of a gunfight, as she stares at the terrifying bullet holes on the window.

Beiming Han fires several more shots outside, all the assailant’s cars are now wrecked. His attention is all at the back, but behind him, the window separating the driver’s compartment opens and a handgun is pointed at him…

Lying on the floor, Gu Qingxin’s pupils contract violently. She doesn’t know where she gets the strength, but she suddenly stands up, pushing the gun holding hand upwards…

A “bang!” echoes, and the bullet hits the car’s roof. Beiming Han, frowning, immediately turns around and rolls to the side, holding the stumbling Gu Qingxin in one arm.

Beiming Han can’t fire at his own car, the bullet’s power is too great and could cause the car to explode.

The hand holding the gun extends again, aiming to shoot the two of them. Beiming Han changes his grip on his gun, using it as a club, fiercely smashing it against the hand.

The gun is knocked out of the assailant’s hand. Beiming Han swiftly picks it up, releases the girl in his arms, leaps up, and fires into the driver’s compartment.

The driver is killed on the spot,

Beiming Han quickly scoops up Gu Qingxin’s body, saying, “Hold on tight to me!”

“What are you doing!” Asks Gu Qingxin nervously, but still obediently tightens her hold on him.

“Jumping from the car!”

With that said, Beiming Han pushes open the car door and leaps out without hesitation…

Gu Qingxin was frightened and let out a shriek. She shut her eyes tightly, her hands clasping his neck.

After they jumped, the car moved forward a short distance before finally exploding….

The car wasn’t going slow. If Beiming Han had jumped alone, he wouldn’t have been injured. However, he was holding a little girl in his arms. To avoid causing her severe injury, he had no choice but to land first, cushioning her fall, then quickly rolled across the road….

From beginning to end, Beiming Han held her tight, leaving all the harm to himself….

When they finally stopped, Beiming Han couldn’t help but grunt in discomfort….

Damn bastard, if he finds out who set him up, he’ll skin him alive!

“Young Master!” Ye Qi sped over to them. He had already dealt with all the people behind them! contemporary romance

“We’re over here!”

Upon hearing Beiming Han’s groan, Gu Qingxin thought he was badly injured and attempted to get up.

Strong arms pulled her back, and Beiming Han barked in displeasure, “What are you shouting for! Are you hoping to attract attention to us?”

The blood drained from Gu Qingxin’s face as she finally realized her predicament.

“Everyone, fall back to a thousand meters away. No one gets close without my order!” freeweb . com

Upon receiving the order, Ye Qi retreated, leading the bodyguards a thousand meters away, forming a tight protective circle around them, with their backs toward the pair.

Ye Qi played with a small dagger in his hand. As the noises behind him progressed, his eyes gradually darkened….

Back in the North Garden, Bai Jingqing and Huangfu Ye were already waiting.

Seeing Beiming Han carrying Gu Qingxin back, they immediately walked over, asking anxiously, “Big brother, what happened? How did you get ambushed mid-route?”

“Who would dare to do this?”

“We’re not sure yet. An investigation is underway.” Beiming Han didn’t stop, he briskly walked inside.

Looking down, the girl in his arms had her eyes shut tight. It was unclear whether she was asleep or unconscious. One thing was for sure—since getting in the car, she had stayed in that state.

“Big brother, you’re hurt.” Noticing the spots of blood on Beiming Han’s back, Bai Jingqing expressed his concern.

“It’s only a minor injury, nothing to fret about. Later come to the bedroom to look after her.” Beiming Han entered the elevator.

Inside the elevator, there were only the two of them.

“Good job, you’re improving. At least you didn’t pass out this time.”

“…” Was he complimenting her or insulting her?!


“I’m not ready to die.”

Recalling the ordeal, as well as the hand holding a gun, Gu Qingxin felt like she was suffocating.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you die!” Beiming Han’s hand grasped hers as he pulled her body against his chest.

“Why did you save me just now?”

It was unexpected that his carefully selected driver would betray him. Beiming Han had never been cautious around his own men. Although he noticed when the gun was pointed at him, without her charging to his rescue, he would’ve been wounded or worse.

“I didn’t think much at that moment.”

There wasn’t time to think in such a critical situation. Her reflexive actions were purely instinctive…

With these thoughts, she suddenly raised her head to look at him. Her eyes sparkled as she asked, “I just saved you. Can this compensate for my mother’s medical expenses? Please let me go.”

“If it weren’t for me, you probably wouldn’t even have a corpse left!”

Gu Qingxin,”…”

“You better put away such impractical thoughts right now and stay obediently by my side! If I ever hear you harboring such thoughts again…!”

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