Destinations 7.

Chapter 45

1st of March, 2195, the Katholikos, around its axis.

“Have Faith, all people of the Reformed Catholic Church, because your Saviour is here, together with you, and you will not suffer the tribulations on this planet any longer. As you hear my words, the Katholikos, by the power of my godly mind, is raising above the seas. Look, if you need to, look at the monitors of the deep. Look and watch us rising together through the air! I am taking you off this Earth. I am snatching you away with me. To heavens.”

“Rapture! Rapture! Rapture!” The crowds are chanting, waving hands, bowing heads, kneeling knees.

Meanwhile, in West African France, Richatville, underground level 191 – Rebecca’s command center.

“Madame, permettez-moi de signaler.”

Rivkah allows the officer to go on with his report, along with staring at the live images, in front of the wall. The North Pole carousel, a structure measuring one third of the Moon’s radius, detaches from the frigid waters of the Arctic Ocean. Ascending to space, it maneuvers to park on L4, one of the stable Lagrange points between Earth and the Moon.

“Appelez les deux!” Commands she sternly. One minute later, the elevator brings Enoch and Eli down to level 191 – Rebecca’s command center.

“Welcome to my humble den!”

“Spare us the pietism,” rants Eli her way with a smile so open that she can distinguish his white teeth behind the abundant red beard, “once the virus is done spitting his venom in the faces of those fools up there, he will abandon them. Descending to Earth, he will focus to nest in Jerusalem. This to fulfill the Scriptures. Is the temple ready to receive it?”

Rivkah, visibly startled, makes a long face, no puppy eyes, rather frog eyes. “W-- What temple?”

“According to Paul, writing to the Thessalonians.”

II Thessalonians 2.1-4:

1. Now, brothers, we urge you, concerning our Lord’s Parousia and our meeting with Him,

2. for you not to be suddenly shaken from your mindset, nor to be confused — neither through spirit, nor through a message or a letter as if they came from us — claiming that the Day Khrist arrives is here.

3. Do not let anyone deceive you in any way, because that Day will not come unless the Apostasy comes first! Also, the Being who brought disbelief into the world must be revealed, the son who brings destruction,

4. the one who constantly opposes and exalts himself over everything ever called Divine, or used for worship, so as for him to sit in the Ever-Living’s temple as if he were the Ever-Living, proclaiming that he himself is God.

“Ah? That Temple – let him build it himself.” This indulgent answer from Rivkah takes Eli by surprise. He raises his pointer to speak but Enoch intervenes, graciously.

“Eli, maybe she is right on this matter. We aren’t called here to unravel the Gordian knot. The Temple Mount remains as intricate as it has always been. Jerusalem could be a quite expensive distraction from our mission. I vote with Rivkah: let the virus deal with it. After all, he’s the one trying to be god.”

“Two against one? Nah, let me make it unanimous. Rivkah! You’re a helluva woman!!” Laughs Eli.

“Is there a pun I’ve gotta miss?”

“There’s more than a pun. And you can have them all. Yasu loves you too much to let me loose around you. Therefore you may walk beyond justice. Rejoice!”

Time for Enoch to be stupefied. “Eli? Is this you speaking? Because I never heard such words coming out of your mouth. I am stupefied.”

“You’d better be. This the antidote, my friend. Be so!” Turning to the Madame of level 191 – her own command center, Eli orders: “Rivkah!”

“Yes, Eli.”

“Do you wish to join the party?”

“I always did.”

“Good. Now be the nagging whisper to the virus’ ears. Be who you are, do what you do. Be there! And don’t cry for us, no matter what. Understand?”

“At your command!” Jumping like a little bunny, Rivkah joins the two in the elevator. “May I ask you something?” Eli nods. Enoch smiles.

“From what has John written here: these are the two olive trees, and the two lamp-stands that before the God of the earth do stand; you two, are you the two menorahs?” Eli nods. Enoch smiles.

“If this is a yes, then who are the two olive trees?” Eli smiles. Enoch smirks.

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