Desire or Defense: An Enemies-to-Lovers Hockey Romance (D.C. Eagles Hockey)

Desire or Defense: Chapter 26

THE DAY AFTER MY GAME, I’m waiting for Noah to arrive for our last session together. There’s a large part of me that wants to continue working with him, and I wish my schedule would allow for it. But even squeezing one last practice in today was difficult, with Eagles practice this morning and working with my trainer this afternoon. But the kid has so much potential, I can’t help but want to be a part of helping him hone it in.

Ronda strides inside the rink, Noah is probably in the locker room getting his skates on. Her stare isn’t filled with mirth today; instead, she eyes me curiously like I’m a mystery to her. One she probably doesn’t want to solve. I know she’s important to Noah and Andie, so I force a smile and say hi.

She tilts her head dramatically, making her charcoal curls bob. It’s clearly a gesture for me to come talk to her, and since she’s terrifying, I quickly skate over. She peeks her head through the door in the glass and says in a low voice, “You make two of my favorite people happy… so I’m going to help you out.”

My eyes widen, surprised by her words, and also a little flattered. The fact that I could make someone happy? Especially people as amazing as Andie and Noah. The knowledge does something funny to my chest. “Okay, I’m all ears.”

“Nurses, specifically ICU and ER, rarely get lunch breaks. Our girl packs a pb and j every single day, and usually, she has about ten minutes to eat it.” Ronda shakes her head and huffs a laugh. “She has to be sick of them by now.”

I nod, urging her to continue.

“You want to woo an ICU nurse? Take her a lunch, a good lunch. But something she can stick in the break room fridge and eat quickly when she has time. Don’t send her flowers or any of that nonsense. The girl simply wants a well-made sub.” She raises her eyebrows as if to say, you get me?

Nodding enthusiastically again, I thank her for the advice. “I owe you one.”

She winks and steps back when Noah walks inside the rink. He’s dressed for practice and has his skates on. He doesn’t seem as happy to see me as usual. He’s not angry, but maybe… melancholy? He skates onto the ice and levels me with a steely look. Perhaps I’m rubbing off on him too much.

“Are you dating my sister?” he asks, his tone serious.

I stare back at him in surprise. I should’ve known this was coming, but I guess I didn’t think he’d put it together so fast. “If I wanted to… would I have your approval?”

He wrinkles his nose and looks up at the ceiling. The fact that he has to think about it so hard should probably offend me, but I find myself resisting a smile instead. If I had a sister, I’d like to think I’d be protective of her too.

Finally, he meets my gaze again. “Yeah, I guess so.” He looks a little sad as he says it and I wonder if he feels left out, like after all our one-on-one time, I’m leaving him behind for his sister.

“Thanks, man.” I skate toward him and bend down so we’re eye to eye. “But I need you to know…” I clear my throat, not used to sharing my thoughts and words so freely. But Noah has always been honest with me. “Just because I want to get to know Andie, doesn’t mean I don’t want to hang out with you too.”

His chin dips down in a nod, and I swear he already looks happier and more relaxed. “Okay,” he says, a content smile on his face. “Enough talking, let’s get to work.”

He skates off toward the net and I zoom after him.

We warm up by shooting pucks into the empty net, seeing how many we can get in within thirty seconds. His shot has really improved in just a month, I can’t wait to see what he can do in a year. If I’m not in the stands at one of his NHL games in ten years cheering him on, I’ll be shocked. If he keeps working this hard, he can make it. I just know he can.

We start working on stick handling and Noah stops abruptly and looks at me. “Are you coming to our game Saturday?”

“Yeah, I planned on it. Is that okay?”

Even though I won’t be coaching anymore, I’d like to come to their games when I can, to see how they’re doing. And… added bonus? I’d get to sit beside Andie. Maybe keep her warm since she always looks freezing.

He shrugs, feigning indifference. But then he gives up on the facade, allowing his shoulders to slump. “I’d like it if you came… It’s gonna be kinda weird not to have you there anymore.”

A smile plays at my lips. “You’re not going to cry are you?”

He narrows his eyes. “Of course not, that’s your job.”

Friday, we have a light practice, basically just warming our muscles for the game tonight, but not so strenuous as to wear ourselves out before we play. I’m definitely feeling bummed that Andie works tonight and won’t be at the game. Something about having her in the stands Wednesday made me want to play better… and just be a better person in general. Hence the zero penalties. My game has never been so good.

But I know she can’t be at every game. And I can’t count on another person to keep me from losing my temper, I can only count on myself for that. At least she said she’ll turn the game on when she gets home from work, so I know she’ll be watching.

I park in the hospital parking lot, the hospital where Andie works, with a sub sandwich in hand. Thank you, Ronda.

I have just enough time to drop this off to her before heading back to my penthouse and taking a pregame nap. Plus, I really want to see her. Maybe she can send some luck my way before the game even starts (I wouldn’t say no to a pregame kiss either).

When I get inside the giant building, I stop at the large map on the wall and find the ICU. After an elevator ride, I come to a big door that’s locked but has an intercom. Pressing the button, a female voice comes through the speaker, asking what I need.

“Yeah, I have lunch for Andie Downsby,” I say into the speaker.

There’s a pause and some muffled whispering before Andie’s voice comes over the intercom. “I’ll be right there, Big Man.”

Just the sound of her voice makes my heart feel lighter than it did two seconds ago.

There’s a beep and a click, then the double doors swing open. Andie stands before me in all of her sexy scrub-wearing glory.

“Hey, Blondie.”

She steps through the doors, several nurses at the desk a few yards away watching us and giggling. Andie has an intense blush coating her cheeks and I can’t help but smile at her.

“I brought you lunch.”

Her eyes soften, but her blush remains. “Oh my gosh, you did? That’s so thoughtful. I planned on eating a—”

I hold one hand up, cutting her off. “Peanut butter and jelly sandwich?” With my other hand, I hold up the takeout bag.

Her eyes widen in surprise for a second before they narrow. “Ronda.”

She snatches the bag from me and peeks inside, stepping out of the way of the double doors so they can close automatically behind her. Andie opens the bag and gasps. “Bacon, lettuce, tomato? That’s my favorite. And barbecue chips? Are you trying to make me fall in love with you?”

This time I blush. I’d never allowed myself to imagine that anyone would fall in love with me, or that I was even capable of falling in love myself. But suddenly, it doesn’t sound so bad.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean that, I was just teas—” I cut her off mid-sentence again, but this time I do it by pressing my lips to hers.

Not a bad way to shut her up, actually. I could get used to this. She softens instantly and melts into me. I wrap my arms around her waist and she does the same to me. She ends our kiss, giving me a cute smile, before laying her head on my chest and squeezing me. We stand there holding each other, and I realize… she’s hugging me. An affectionate, comfortable feeling envelops me. This is the hug I’ve waited for all my life. Right here, with this girl. A hug that makes up for a lifetime of not being held, not being loved, not being enough. This is the hug to end all hugs.

But I definitely want more hugs in the future, and only from this woman.

I’m not sure I’ll ever get enough hugs after this.

I decide right in this moment, that if by some miracle I ever have children, I will hug them, and hug them often. What a simple, but life-changing gesture.

Kissing is great… epic… amazing. But hugs are severely underrated.

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