Deserted (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 4)

Deserted: Chapter 56

We’d returned to find that Mera’s discomfort was due to planning Alistair’s farewell, a ceremony I was happy we hadn’t missed, even if it hurt to finally grieve and let him go. Karn was a world I’d been to only a couple of times in my life, and now that we were here, floating above the vibrant green waters with the bright red sun high in the sky, sending down warmth and healing energy, I wished that I’d come more often. With Alistair.

He’d have tamed so many waters in this world, but now, I’d never know about them.

Mera, silently sobbing at my side, clutched onto Shadow, her stomach—larger than ever—out in front and covered by her stretchy blue dress. All of us were dressed in the greens and blues that Alistair loved so much.

We were silent while the sprites, wings fluttering around us, started to sing their songs of the dead, which, interestingly, were also their songs of life since they believed it was a never-ending circle. Alistair’s vessel floated peacefully between the large gathering of Karns, which included more than the sprites. Some of his warrior race of brethren swam forward, adding their voices to the song, and when his youngest sibling rose up, I had to briefly close my eyes because he looked so much like our fallen friend.

Reece’s face was hard, his hand gripping mine as the blue of his eyes swirled. Shadow was the same, the flames in his irises a consistent glow. Len and Lucien were off to the side where I couldn’t see them, but I knew they would be mourning just the same. Galleli was above, where he felt most comfortable.

The sprites began to circle faster in the water forming a whirlpool. ‘This is the representation of their belief,’ I heard Shadow whisper to Mera. ‘There’s no beginning or end of their life, but a circular path that will bring Alistair back into our lives again at some point.’

Mera, with her views still strongly cemented in shifter and human beliefs, didn’t appear to be bolstered by this notion. She was too deep in mourning, sensing that whether he returned to us or not, it wouldn’t be the same Alistair we knew and loved.

The whirlpool grew in intensity as the sprites swirled, their translucent bodies and multiple limbs moving through the water with a grace that most beings would never have. The water was their world, and they were stunning in their beauty. Alistair’s body began to swirl, then, too, caught in the current until he slipped below to join his warrior people.

His vessel would rest in the garden of their dead, and as he vanished from our view, Mera let out a loud sob. Turning, she buried her face in Shadow’s side, and he held her as tight as he dared, keeping her together. Reece released my hand and wrapped an arm around me, and I was surprised by how much I needed that support. Both of us did.

As the last lilt of the Karn song faded, we all remained silently staring into the perfect sky above, our energies holding us above the water, even as our friend sank below. Eventually Mera reminded us that we still had to have our own celebrations for Alistair’s life. Shadow opened the doorway, and we stepped through silently.

A flutter in my tummy reminded me that I hadn’t told them about our news yet because the time since we’d returned from the deserts had been about Alistair. He deserved our total focus, so I would keep it to myself a little longer.

When we returned to the library, there was already a gathering; Gaster had taken Mera very seriously when she’d asked if he could find all of those who’d been touched by Alistair’s presence.

The room was filled with his friends, and unlike on Karn, this was a more lighthearted affair, all of us sharing a drink in his honor.

Shadow was the first to stand and speak. ‘Alistair has been my brother for more years than I care to remember,” he rumbled, sadness pulling at his lips as Mera stared at him, tears streaming down her cheeks. “His bravery was renowned, but it was his lightheartedness, his humor, that pulled me back from the darkness many times.’

There was a lot of truth in that, and as others stepped up to speak, we were regaled with tales of Alistair’s youth and love of pranks. Eventually, his friends and acquaintances left the library until all that remained was our group and a few goblins cleaning up the mess. Shadow stepped in to assist them with his energy, and as the library obeyed his command, order was returned in no time.

This was always the point that the true loss kicked in. Once that farewell and the celebration of life were done, it was time to move on. Without them.

‘You need to eat and rest,’ Reece said when he found me standing before some Karn shelves, looking at the many texts and tomes I’d read, wishing I’d done more to connect with Alistair.

‘So many mysteries,’ I said, somewhat ignoring him. ‘I barely scratched the waters of Karn. Now that Alistair is gone, I feel that I should have cared more.’

‘Don’t do that to yourself,’ Reece said, pulling me into his warmth. ‘It was my fault that you weren’t part of our world for all of these years. I’m the one who needs to make amends, and when the time is right, I will show you the secrets of Karn that I learned from my brother. There’s so much below the surface.’

‘We’re both to blame,’ I reminded him. ‘And I would like that very much.’

The others joined us then, and Mera looked completely wrecked, rubbing at her red and swollen eyes. The fact that she wasn’t healing as quickly was an indicator that not only had she basically been continuously crying today, but also her baby was preparing to enter the world. This was always a draining time on an eternal’s energy.

‘How are you feeling?’ I asked, stepping away from Reece so I could hug her. ‘Are the birth pains getting stronger?’

She nodded, clearing her throat. ‘Oh yeah. It’s hectic, but I sense that our little one is not quite ready yet. They’re building up for a dramatic grand entrance.’

There were a few chuckles, and it was nice to feel some normalcy return. Even Mera brightened a touch as she mouthed, Dramatic like their father. Which Shadow caught, of course, then swept her up in his arms and dragged her off to the dining room as he demanded she eat.

The beast was obsessed with feeding his mate and keeping her healthy, just like Reece. Feeling somewhat drained from the grief of today, I didn’t fight as he led me down the familiar hall and into my seat. Mera was, as always, on one side of me, but for once Reece took the other seat, and damn, if that didn’t make my ancient heart skip a few damn beats.

‘Who would have thought it,’ Mera said with a laugh. ‘Reece on our side of the table and not glaring us down with those baby blues and impossibly long lashes.’

Reece leveled a glare at her for old time’s sake before shaking his head and dropping an arm around my shoulders. ‘I was a fool, but thankfully, not so foolish that I haven’t learned from my mistakes.’

Mera’s smile washed away more of her grief-stricken features. “You know what that means, don’t you?”

Everyone was staring at her, and I couldn’t wait to hear the next words out of her mouth. She was always so unpredictable. “Couple names,” she cried, slapping her hands on the table, “and boy, do we have some doozies to choose from.”

A snort of laughter escaped me, and I realized that I’d never feel empty with a family like mine. Reece, shooting me that sexy fucking smirk, winked, and just stab me now, I had zero boundaries with this male.

“Okay, so there’re Reece and Angel combos,” Mera started excitedly. “Rangel could work, but it’s not very sexy. And I’m not too keen on Relalekin either because, come on.”

“Rale?” Lucien suggested, looking amused as he toyed with some plasma that had been placed before him.

At that, Reece shook his head. “Fucking hell. You’re all terrible at this.”

Mera narrowed her eyes at him. “Look, it’s not our fault your names are crap when put together. Maybe we should just call you Angel and the Asshole.”

Laughter burst from me, but I stifled it when Reece caught my gaze, the blue in his eyes darkening. It was clear that while he could give zero shits about a couple name, he was truly happy we were together. Leaning over, I pressed my mouth to his, tasting all that power and sighing at how perfect he was. When I pulled away, I could tell he was ready to drag me out of here.

“DesertAngel is our couple name,” he told the others, his focus never wavering from me. “The past and the future. You’ll always be Lale to me, but you’re also Angel.”

“And you are the desert god,” I said with a wink, heartbeat slamming in my chest.

Mera clapped her hands together. “Let’s go with it. Shadowshine and DesertAngel. Fucking perfect.” She looked around the table. “Who’s next?”

Everyone laughed, Len waving his hands like he wanted nothing to do with this conversation. The others got to ordering food then, and as I leaned back into Reece, I figured that now was better than any time to give our news. We had a couple name, after all.

I cleared my throat. ‘Reece and I have an announcement.’

Everyone fell silent, turning their attention to us, and I wondered how this news would be received.

‘We’re having a baby,’ Reece said before I could. ‘A powerful child that, outside of my Lale, is the greatest fucking gift I’ll ever have.’

Bastard stole my announcement, but since he was a pretty amazing mate, I’d probably forgive him. Mera squealed first, attempting to shift her stomach enough that she could hug me properly. ‘Oh, my freaking gods, our kids are going to be best friends like us, and this is the most amazing news we could get today. With so much loss, there’s also life.”

Shadow leaned around her to see Reece. ‘How is this possible?’ he asked, finally slowing Mera’s excitement. She was the only one not in shock, having no idea that this wasn’t a normal possibility between two mates from our worlds.

‘Reece found a grotto,’ I said simply. ‘The silver sands within have magical properties that originated with the ancients. We didn’t realize at the time, but… yeah, apparently, in these sands the normal rules do not apply.’

That was all the explanation they needed, and cheers and congratulations rang out after that. We celebrated the new life even amid the grief of death. Warmth filled me from both Mera and Reece, the bonded ones in my soul, and I felt like every part of me was growing wings. Finally I was at peace with all sides of myself.

Reece lifted his hand and cupped my face, leaning in until his lips landing on mine. Heat sprang up between us, and I breathed in the desert scents, finally home.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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