Deserted (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 4)

Deserted: Chapter 43

Despite the underlying tension that continued to exist between Reece and Darin, the rest of the dinner went by with relative calm as we ate, drank, and focused on strategies for the new-moon. By the time we were full and ready for whatever tomorrow would bring, I marveled at the true calm I felt. It wasn’t unusual; I’d often found a sense of peace when the battle was close and no more planning or training could take place. One way or another, this would all be over soon.

The elixir arrived just as everyone was done eating, small glasses filled with its milky substance. “Drink it slowly,’ Reece warned us as he lifted his. “It’s been known to drop powerful beings on their asses.” With a smirk, he threw it back in one gulp. Arrogant bastard.

I stared at the cloudy, pink liquid before lifting it to my nose to find it smelled like a more potent version of purple desert flowers, which were probably a hybrid version of this much rarer plant.

Breathing in deeply, I threw the liquid back in one shot and gasped at the duality of sweet-fire burning down my throat and into my center, joining the seed.

Reece let out a low laugh beside me. ‘You don’t have to do the opposite of what I say to prove a point. I promise, nothing bad will happen if you just take my word for it.’

I couldn’t answer at first, too busy dealing with the heat expanding in my body, sapping my breath. Eventually all that energy settled, joining the well of power that I’d been holding from the Honor Meadows.

‘You shot it in one go,” I reminded him when I could talk again. “Not to mention I’ve never blindly taken another’s orders. You know me better than that.” I crossed my arms as my head spun. “Taking orders is not in my nature, just like having a true mate isn’t in yours.”

Well, shit. Seemed that the power items were already loosening my tongue. Reece looked amused as he leaned back on his cushion, arms braced to either side, making him look even larger. The only outward sign of the elixir affecting him was the slightest tinge of pink in his cheeks, which just made him more handsome. ‘Seems my little Lale has something to say to me.” He laughed. “Never been a better time than right now, with your barriers down.”

‘Do you have something to say to me?’ I shot back.

Yep, so while it was clear that these power items increased energy, they definitely did not help with snappy comebacks.

‘More than I could convey in this short conversation,” he said, sobering up. ‘But this is not the time or place. First we have to survive our battle.’

I was on my feet in a flash, the burning inside assisting both speed and agility. ‘How can I even trust that as soon as we’re done here you won’t go back to the same old Reece? The one that ignored and hated me for goddamn centuries.”

Fuck. My mouth was out of control, and even knowing I was acting irrationally, I couldn’t stop myself. I had to get out of here. Before he could respond, I spun and started toward the exit. Of course, in my quest to escape, I stupidly didn’t take into account that all of the other idiots at the table had partaken of the seeds and elixir, and some had even less tolerance than me.

Len was lucky that I felt his energy right before he wrapped his arms around me and dragged me away from the exit. ‘I will stab you if you don’t let me go,’ I snapped, reaching for my sword in its scabbard.

‘Come on and dance with me,’ he said without a moment of worry that I was heavily armed and not in my right mind.

As he, once again, started to drag me toward an open space where a few Guardians were already dancing, my head felt even fuzzier. ‘Have you lost your damned mind?’ I said loudly. “There’s no freaking music.’

Someone must’ve heard that observation because in my next breath, a low, steady drumbeat filled the air. Len and I were soon surrounded by laughing, joking, drunk-as-fuck Guardians. Even Galleli ended up swaying nearby with a very beautiful brunette Guardian. She was almost as tall as he was, with light brown skin and prominent golden eyes.

‘Everyone here had better hope Galleli doesn’t decide to talk, thanks to the elixir,’ I said in a jumble of words.

‘Relax, Angel-faced sweetheart,’ Len crooned. ‘You’re too tense, and it’s best to release those worries the night before a battle.’

His hold on my hand tightened as he pulled me closer and wrapped one arm around me. In the same instant, there was a deep, low rumble from behind us. Recognizing the sound, scent, and energy that accompanied that sound, I wasn’t surprised to turn and find Reece standing there, his eyes filled with midnight.

Len, appearing unconcerned, didn’t loosen his grip, and Reece’s next growl was even deeper… more animalistic. Judging by the look on his face, I wasn’t even sure he could speak. Before I could make a move, Reece all but disappeared in a flurry of sand, and then both Len and the desert god were gone. No one else followed, letting those two work their shit out once and for all. Len was famous for stirring the pot with his broody friend, but there was only so far Reece could be pushed.

Deciding I was done with dancing and drama for the night, I was about to exit the tent once more, when a strong energy crashed against my shields. Shadow appeared in the doorway looking pissed and ready for a fight. Flames sprinkled his skin, and I knew him well enough to sense that after leaving his pregnant mate in another world and walking into what looked like a dance party, he was pissed that we weren’t taking the dangers of tomorrow’s battle seriously.

When Shadow was pissed, beings died.

Without Reece, there were few in here who would risk his wrath by getting any closer, so I took one for the team, half-stumbling my way to where he stood. ‘Shadow,’ I said with force, hoping to snap him out of his fury. “They’re under the influence of the fae seeds and a desert elixir, which we all took in preparation for tomorrow’s battle. These items will help boost our energies, but it has some short-term intoxicating effects.’

He slowly lowered that gaze to meet my eyes, and I wasn’t at all surprised to see flames burning in his red and gold depths.

‘You should have some too,’ I said, not giving him a chance to argue. ‘Restore what was lost by taking Mera back so close to the Delfora.’

In return I got a low rumble, eerily similar to Reece’s. Shadow was a being of few words normally, and without his mate, he was walking death—very similar to the Death we were trying to stop from rising tomorrow, with just a touch more humanity.

‘Come on,’ I said, jerking my head to indicate he should follow. ‘There’s one waiting here for you.’

Surprisingly, he followed me to the table and shrunk his height so he could sit on a cushion. I handed him a seed and a drink that hadn’t been claimed, and he threw both back without question. Shadow had been around for a long time, and neither of these items would be a new experience for him. Even as they settled into his aura, there was barely a change in his energy levels.

‘How is Mera,’ I asked both needing to know and needing the distraction. ‘Her energy feels steady, but there was a twinge of pain when she left.’

Shadow turned and lifted another elixir, throwing it back just as quickly. ‘She’s okay.’ His voice was a husky rasp, but speaking at all was a good sign that he’d dragged himself back from the beast. ‘The baby is close, but we have time. Sunshine is mostly annoyed that she’s being excluded.’

He fell silent after that, and I didn’t speak either, content just to sit and allow the effects of the elixir to wear off before I did anything stupid under the influence. Like…

‘Dance with me.’

Darin stood before me looking kind of nervous as he held out a hand. Shadow let out a rumble at my side, and I had a sneaking suspicion that he was annoyed at this Desertlandian for stepping into what he considered his best friend’s territory. I’d known these males for a very long time, and they were nothing if not predictable.

“She has a mate,” he said, sounding somewhat casual, but I knew him better. “Move along.”

Darin stepped back, as did every male when faced with the wrath of Shadow, but I gave him props for not turning tail and running. “Just a dance. I’ll ensure it’s in no way romantic,” he spluttered out. “We’re having fun before our battle, and Angel is an amazing dancer.”

I really loved to dance. I’d missed it, and since Reece was off being a moron, why the hell shouldn’t I have a fun dance? Darin knew the score now, so there was no issue. ‘Sure,’ I said, deep in the midst of making a bad decision. ‘Why the hell not. We should live while we have the chance.’

Shadow dropped one of his oversized hands on my arm, and I immediately shook him off. ‘Don’t overstep,’ I warned him in a hiss. ‘We do not want to go to war, Shadow.’

His expression softened, and it was so unexpected that it halted me. ‘Mera loves you like a sister, which makes you my sister. I’m looking out for you. Don’t wave a red flag in front of the bull; he will charge.’

I read between the lines of everything he’d just said, but it was one damn dance. I wasn’t planning on sleeping with Darin. And sure, a part of me deep down that wasn’t under the influence of the elixir knew I was making a bad decision, but I just couldn’t stop myself. Maybe I wanted to test Reece’s claim on me, or maybe I really wanted to dance. Either way, I’d made my choice.

Darin tightened his grip and pulled me to my feet, leading me onto the dance floor. A faster beat started almost at the same time, and I recognized this number as one where everyone formed a large circle, moving around the room in a side-stepping and twirling pattern. For a nonromantic dance, Darin had chosen the perfect number.

‘Let’s do this,’ I said with a laugh, my legs thankfully stronger than my fuzzy brain as we got into position, facing each other but not touching. The intro began, and I threw myself into it, the steps coming back to me just as they had done with the dance in the Ostealon. Darin only had to touch me a few times, moving me around his body as we swirled and twirled. I couldn’t even feel his hold through my armor, and I found that was how I preferred it. Despite my last stand of independence, Reece’s hands were the only ones I wanted on my body.

As the beat picked up, I threw my head back, braid flying around. Laughter spilled from me; the elixir had me feeling completely out of control again. In a way, the buzz under my skin reminded me of the first time I’d used my wings alone, soaring across the lands. It’d been exhilarating. The only other event to ever come close to that feeling, was the moment I’d met Reece. He’d buzzed my energy too, and it seemed that he always would.

Unlike flying, I’d never gotten used to the affect he had on me.

And what the fuck was I doing dancing with another male?

Of all the stupid decisions I’d ever made, this one was on top.

Just as I tilted my head up to politely excuse myself, Darin swung me toward him, and I was baffled about this out-of-step move, until his lips crashed against mine. There was a split-second of shock before my fury broke through. With a growl, I slammed my hands into his chest, stepping to the side and hooking my foot around the back of his ankle to send him sprawling across the ground. “What in all the fucking sands do you think you’re doin—” My shout was cut off as silence descended over the room, the music silencing midbeat.

I looked down at Darin to find him moving in slow motion, sand surrounding him as he attempted to break free. That was when I knew… Reece had caught that kiss.

I found him in a heartbeat as he stalked across the room, and even though I’d never admit it under torture, my heart raced at the power and fury spinning from him. I didn’t fear for my physical safety around this Desertlandian, but my heart… that was another matter.

Reece’s sands held everyone in the room, but as he got closer, he released Darin. The princeps jumped to his feet, but he had nothing that could stand against Reece’s rage. It was shaking the ground we stood on. No lie, it was an impressive display, and I took a moment to internally fan my vagina because she was far more excited by his strength than was appropriate for the situation.

“Reece, I already dealt—”

He ignored my words, sand and male clashing into Darin, who did his best to try and remain standing under the assault. Tried and failed. The princeps ended up on his knees before taking a massive blow to the chin that sent him sprawling across the ground. The desert god didn’t use his power at all, just brute strength, as he seemed determined to destroy the other Desertlandian with his bare hands.

When Darin was all but unconscious, I decided that enough was enough. Jumping between them, I didn’t pull my weapons, but I did swing my leg out in a solid kick, smashing Reece right in the side. He clearly hadn’t expected me to fight him, and I used that to my advantage, throwing myself forward to wrap my body around his and flip him to the ground. From this position I could hold him until he’d calmed enough that he wouldn’t murder Darin and take away our allies for the battle. Which probably wouldn’t be until the elixir and seed effects wore off for him. Reece was always volatile, but this night he was definitely worse.

He shifted to throw me over his shoulder and reverse our positions, but even with his advantageous longer reach, I’d already anticipated that move and got out of the way. We were both on our feet in a heartbeat, and as my head spun, I cursed the damn elixir. The elixir and Darin, who apparently was all about challenging mate-bonds.

“I had it under control,” I said to Reece, even as guilt for even letting the dance happen hit me.

‘You let him touch you,’ Reece rumbled, gaze hypnotic and filled with fire. ‘His hands… his lips should never be near you, Lale. For that, he will die.’

‘It was a dance,’ I shot back because I had nothing else. “We said a friends-only number. I have no idea why he got so carried away, but I’d already dealt with that.’

Reece’s eyes darkened, and it wasn’t like when he was turned on. This was an out-of-control, everyone’s-going-to-die sort of darkening. Here, in his domain, so close to the Delfora, Reece outpowered us all. A fact made obvious by the way everyone—even Shadow—remained trapped in his sands.

‘Let them go,’ I murmured, leaning in so our faces were close. ‘I promise you that Darin will never come near me again. It was only supposed to be a dance, but clearly, he wanted to push his luck.”

Sand sprung up around us, blocking everyone else from view, pushing in tight so we were trapped together.

Reece reached for me, gripping the back of my neck as he pulled me close, his mouth hovering over mine. ‘It can never happen,” he snapped, fierce and furious. “I will destroy them all. I’m the only one to touch these lips.’ He kissed me hard, and unlike with Darin, my body responded immediately. Reece was my aphrodisiac. My Achilles heel.

As I sank against him, my hips flexed forward to meet his hard erection, arousal taking over. Reece didn’t break the kiss, but I felt his sands remove my weapons and then my armor. Within minutes we were naked, and as Reece took us to the ground—me on top again—the wrestling was all about pleasure. I sank down onto his hard length, crying out as he pushed through my tight muscles without hesitation. I wasn’t prepped, but neither of us gave a fuck. I cried out again as he thrust roughly, my body moving against each stroke. ‘Ride me, Lale,’ he commanded, the low, husky rumble sending a hot burst of heat through my pussy before it settled in my throbbing clit.

‘You don’t get to command me,’ I lied breathlessly, even as he was buried inside, claiming my body.

Reece’s laughter was dark and raspy. ‘I called you mate, and while there’s been no time to cement what that means, here are the basics.” His scent and energy wrapped around me, holding me prisoner to his intense gaze as his voice lowered to a harsh whisper. “You are mine, Melalekin. For this day and all of our fucking days. Don’t fight me on this, because I won’t hesitate to wipe out Darin and any other who has ever touched you. I’m barely holding on.’

I saw the truth in his face, and that was when I accepted that the reason I’d danced with Darin was not because I was living out my last drunken night before the battle. The truth was, I’d been too scared to fully accept his words… his claim on me. Scared that it was all talk and, eventually, he would leave me again, just as he had the last time.

“This is forever?” I whispered.

Reece reached up and cupped my cheek, holding onto my face like it was precious. “Until the sands fade.”

My chest was so tight I couldn’t breathe, but at that eternal statement, my soul settled. Whatever cracks had been in our bond cemented—a physical happening I could feel inside.

“We are mates,” I whispered, and then I was moving again, unable to stop myself from sinking deep onto him and rising again.

‘Mates, destined, everlasting,’ he replied, reaching up and brushing a thumb over my cheek, all the while meeting my movements with thrusts that were so strong I could barely stay seated.

We needed this moment. This claiming. I needed it like I needed my next breath, and considering Reece still held a room hostage in his sands, there was no time to waste.

Increasing my pace, I rolled my hips harder and faster, and as my clit brushed against his body, bursts of pleasure slammed into me over and over. Stars danced before my eyes, and I threw my head back, all but grinding against him. I cried out when the intensity sent me spiraling over the edge of reality, and this time, for once, Reece was close behind.

His hands tightened on my hips, holding me in place so his powerful body could drive into mine, faster than ever. His breathing was harsh as he rumbled my name, cock swelling within me as he came too, his movements slowing as we rode out the orgasm. Despite the energy from the elixir and fae seed, my system was so overwhelmed with not just the sex but also the cementing of a true bond that I found myself collapsing against his chest. Reece’s arms wrapped around me, holding me, and I felt a slight desperation in that grip. A desperation I understood because now that I had him in the way I’d always dreamed of, I was greedy for more.

The fact that we couldn’t stay like this forever was a real tragedy… The ones trapped in the sands would probably disagree.

‘We need to move,’ I finally said. ‘They’re not going to take lightly to you holding them with your power.’

The next sound from his mouth was a grumbling complaint, but he did get us to our feet after my body reluctantly released his hard length. I stared down at his big warrior’s body, crowned by an even bigger…

If there was ever an incentive to survive an upcoming battle—outside of saving the worlds, of course—it was the knowledge that pleasure beyond my wildest imagination was waiting for me.

With my… true mate. Fuck.

Before I could get lost in the overwhelming emotions attacking my system, Reece distracted me as his energy cleaned us and gathered our clothing. When we were both dressed again, I took a chance and stepped to his side, wrapping my arms around his neck so I could kiss him. I’d never had the confidence to initiate contact, because he’d always controlled our path. My screwup centuries ago had given him more power, and it hadn’t been balanced.

But now… now we felt balanced. We’d both suffered and we’d both proven ourselves.

Our future was finally bright.

Outside of those fuckers trying to raise the gods.

“You didn’t accept my claim when I first made it, did you?” Reece said, pulling away just far enough to see my face. “But you do now. What changed?”

Swallowing roughly, I slid a hand between us and pressed it to his chest. “I was so scared to lose you again,” I admitted, “that subconsciously, part of me rejected the bond before it could reject me. I was the one holding us back, even when I thought it was you. Blaming you for playing it hot and cold, believing you still judged me for past hurts. It’s clear to me now that all along, it was me.”

Heavy emotion burned deep in his eyes, and it killed me as I pressed higher for another kiss. “I’m sorry, Reece,” I whispered, “but just know… I’m all in now. Until the sands fade.”

Fire burned between us, but there was no time for more sealing of this bond. We had to release the room and get back to business. The red cloud that had given us privacy dropped, sand scattering, and with it, the others were freed from their cages. Part of me felt guilty that we’d stopped for some sex while they were trapped, but it was a fairly small part that I could easily ignore.

We’d needed that bonding moment, and unfortunately, everyone else had to deal.

Glancing down, I noted that Darin was still out cold, sprawled on the ground. But his chest was moving, and I could feel the steady thrum of his energy. He was fine. As was everyone else in the tented room, even if more than a few glares headed our way. Despite this, no one actually approached us except for Shadow, who prowled across the room. I backed up to stand at Reece’s side, prepared to do battle if needed. Shadow had already been on edge, and he never took well to being trapped in another’s power.

I heard a chuckle from the desert god to my left, but I didn’t look away as I lowered my arms so that my curved blades on my belt were in easy reach.

‘Calm, my little warrior,’ Reece murmured, reaching out to take my hand.

Bond or not, I was going to punch him if he slowed me in this fight.

Reece, still holding me, faced his best friend. The pair were eye to eye, huge warriors filling the space with their energy and stupidly broad shoulders. Neither of them said a word, but if the stare-off was any indication, plenty was being said silently.

Finally, Shadow spoke out loud. ‘Are we okay now?’ he asked.

I was surprised by that relatively unaggressive question before I remembered that Mera had softened this beast somewhat. If anyone understood the power of a true mate bond claiming, it was Shadow.

‘We’re fine,’ Reece replied, sounding just as calm. ‘Darin here,’ he shot a dark look at the figure, who’d just started to twitch his fingers, ‘overstepped with Lale, and since I claimed her centuries ago, he can count himself lucky that he’s still alive.’

A few of the Guardians heard this statement, and the glares they’d been sending Reece’s way faded fast. Touching someone’s claimed mate was forbidden, an act that generally resulted in death. No doubt everyone in this room was now counting themselves lucky they hadn’t defended their princeps and suffered the same fate as he had.

At this point, Darin was awake, shaking his head as he pushed up to stand. He ran a hand over his face before focusing on Reece. The red marks on his cheeks were already healing, but it spoke of how hard he’d been struck that it was taking this long.

As he took a step forward, I was surprised to see him look contrite. ‘I have shamed you and my family,” he said slowly. “Your friend told me Angel was claimed, but I thought it merely an attempt to get one over on me again. I soon figured out how wrong my intentions were when Angel sent me on my butt.’

Reece barely glanced at the other male when he rumbled, “You’re lucky I didn’t tear you to pieces, but with the impending battle, you are needed. There’s a chance for you to prove yourself, but this is your last warning. I will tolerate no more.”

“Me either,” I added drily, even though this was the sort of contest I had the wrong parts for.

Darin nodded as he spun and faced the room. ‘Everyone get some rest,’ he yelled. ‘We leave at first new light.’

Without another word, he left the tent, all of his Guardians following.

Len, Lucien, Alistair, and Galleli drifted over to where we stood, none of them even bothering to mention what Reece had done. If these six friends had anything going for them, it was that they’d been through a lot and accepted each other’s flaws without judgement.

It was a friendship everyone should envy.

A family they should crave to belong to.

It had taken me more years than I’d care to admit, but there was no point denying it any longer: I wanted Reece and every part of what that entailed.

The mate. The family.

Even the danger that all powerful beings attracted.

“We should also rest,” Reece told his friends, and no one argued. As we made our way to the tents, I stayed close to my mate, settling in at his side, his arm around me. This desperate need to touch had been ramped up in the acceptance and repair of our bond, and I sure as hell wasn’t about to complain. It felt as perfect as it always looked when Mera and Shadow were joined.

A feeling of warmth, safety, and… home.

When we reached our tents, everyone went to rest. My plan initially had been to head toward an energy pad, an ochre formation of Ostealon sands and pamolsa branches designed to allow a closer link to the power that lay below the sands. Before I could take two steps in that direction, though, Reece tightened his hold and all but lifted me across the main rooms and into the bedroom we’d used earlier.

He didn’t say a word as he stripped me of my armor for the second time this dark-moon, and I didn’t question or fight this new path. When we were both naked, he dragged me across the bed and wrapped his big body around me. The connection of our bond settled again, stronger, a tangible binding of our powers that veritably hummed between us in the quiet darkness.

His hand traced along my side, slowly sliding over the bare skin, and despite my body’s reaction to that touch, it was also soothing. He loved me one more time that night, and afterward I found myself drifting off into a deep meditative state, all the while knowing that this was so much stronger than any energy pad.

A mate bond was the true definition of peace and healing.

Thank the Nexus I hadn’t missed this moment, because the culmination of my dreams had finally come to pass. Now we just had to survive tomorrow.

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