Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 80

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

After Dorian got me up to our room he threw me onto the bed. I was far from amused. I sat up and glared at him.

“Don’t look at me like that, Allie,”

“Why did you stop me!?”

“Because you were going to kill her!”

“EXACTLY!” I said and threw my hands up.

“Allie, I get why you want to, but did you forget that Heather is still Lacie’s sister!?”

“Your point being!?”

“Allie, Heather is Lacie’s sister! She’s her family!” I dropped my arms and looked off to the side. Dorian had a point. “Baby, I know that you want to get back at her, and she will be punished, but you have to see this from Lacie’s perspective. Her sister, her only sister is going to be sentenced to death. That’s the same if it were me about to lose Amber, or if Demarco were to lose Daisy. Heather may be f****d up in the head, but Lacie isn’t, and right now, she has to deal with the fact that her one and only sibling is going to die,”

“You’re right, I’m sorry. I just…Ugh…I just hate her so much! Ever since the day we met her all she has done is try to ruin our lives. I almost lost one of my best friends, she threatened you and the people I care about, she almost killed me and Lacie, and now, I may never be able to have kids again,” I said with tears falling from my eyes. “Dorian, I never thought it would be possible to hate someone so much, and the fact that I can, actually scares me,” Dorian hugged me tightly, and cooed me.

“I understand baby, but don’t let that hate consume you. It’s not who you are, but it’s also understandable. Believe me, I hate her too. I mean, you technically did die, and those ten minutes your heart stopped, I wanted nothing more than to rip Heather limb from limb. So, trust me, I hate her just as much as you do, but I don’t let it consume me, because hate can be dangerous. It can put you in a dark place, and I won’t let you get lost in that darkness,”

“I just want this to end already, I’m tired of all of this. I just want to live my life with you, and the twins, and our friends and family. I want all of us to live happily with no drama and no enemies. Is that too much to ask?”

“It’s not baby, but that’s also not going to be easy. We’re werewolves, and we will always have enemies, but hopefully, after this, we can go a few years without anything happening,” I nodded my head and just leaned into him as he cradled my head. We just stood there holding each other for a few minutes before we decided to take a long, hot, and relaxing bath.

After giving me a good massage in the tub, Dorian and I settled in bed and just had dinner sent to our room. We ate in comfortable silence, and he worked on stuff for the firm while I read a book. After a while, I ended up falling asleep. I wasn’t sure how long I had slept for, but I felt the bed dip a few times and realized that Dorian was getting ready for bed as well. I felt his arms scoop me closer to him, and I instinctively nuzzled into his chest. I took in a long breath of his delicious lavender and ocean breeze scent and fell into dreamland.

The next morning, at training, I made sure to apologize to Lacie for my primal instincts to kill her sister. Although Lacie understood where I was coming from, she was also appreciative that came to apologize. I did admit it was Dorian that made me realize the error of my ways, but overall, Lacie was understanding and didn’t hold it against me. As a group, we all agreed that Heather would say in isolation for another 48 hours before we went to interrogate her.

{Heather’s P.O.V.}

I have no idea what the hell is going on. I’ve been screaming for help for hours, but no one seems to come to my aid. I don’t where I am, or how the hell I even got here. All I know is that I’m chained down with silver because I can feel it burning my wrists and ankles. It’s dark, in this room, and the only light that I get is from the tiny window in the door. A window small enough to give a glimmer of hope, but I have not seen a single soul.

Whoever these people are and wherever it is the hell I am, they have given me food and water, but I refuse to eat or drink it. The only thing I do know is that Percy is part of this. I remember rubbing his d**k and kissing him, but that’s all. Nothing else is coming to my mind and it’s driving me insane. Delilah hasn’t even spoken to me in I don’t even know how long. Her silence started at New Year’s when I made the plan to kill all of the ranked members that ruined my life. As much as I loved Deacon, my letting someone else to target him is what pissed off Delilah, and ever since then, she hasn’t spoken to me.

Sometimes I’m glad is she mute right now because all she would do is rub in my face what a screw up I am and that it’s my fault we’re in this mess. After that night, Delilah changed her tune towards me and started to blame on me as well. It was like she was a completely different wolf and was no longer on my side. Whatever, she can go to hell along with everyone else.

As I was sitting in the corner of the room that I was in, I heard the door open, and a tray slid across the floor, and what sounded like a bottle of water.

“Mealtime prisoner,” I heard the voice.

“Who are you!? Where the f**k am I!?” I asked on the brink of tears. I was literally being held captive.

“Think of this place as your personal hell,” he said with an evil tone and shut the door. I couldn’t deny that I was starting to lose the will to go on. I was hungry and I was thirsty, but I still refused to eat whatever it was they were giving me. I couldn’t trust that they didn’t lace it with poison or something. But I needed the water. I felt around the floor and finally found it. I twisted the cap and found that it was perfectly sealed. I quickly chugged it but stopped about half-way. I wasn’t sure if they would give me another, so I had to drink it sparingly. I put the cap back on and hobbled back over the bed. It was nothing but a spring cot, but it was better than sleeping on the cold floor.

After goddess knows how many hours or days went by, I found myself becoming more and more depressed. I was freezing cold because the air was on full blast, but I had no blanket or sheet to keep me warm. Even for a werewolf, I found myself actually getting cold, and that’s hard to do. Every so often, the door would open, and whoever the guard was would remove the tray of food that I left uneaten. After three, or was it four, failed attempts to get me to eat they only started to give me water.

I wasn’t sure how long I had been in this prison cell, but when the door opened again, I assumed it was the guard was going to bring me water, but that wasn’t the case. I felt myself being grabbed from the bed, and a sack or bag of some sort was being placed over my head.

“What the f**k! Get off of me! What are you doing!?” I shouted trying to fight off whoever it was that had me.

“Shut up b***h,” I heard a click, and from inside the sack, I could see that a light had been turned on.

“Make sure she’s secure,” I heard a manly voice. Why did this voice sound familiar? I felt my chains being moved around, and clinking sounds around what sounded like a metal bar or something. I felt myself being forced to sit down, and I realized I was sitting on a metal chair. My chains were securely fastened, and I couldn’t move my arms or my legs at this point.


“As a matter a fact…” I heard a female voice. A voice I would never forget. “…We do,” she said and removed the sack from my face. The sudden burst of light blinded me, and I hissed closing my eyes again. “Hello, Heather,” I slowly opened my eyes and the figure in front of me came into view.

“Allie,” I tried to lunge at her but found myself unable to move. “What am I doing here?!”

“You’re my prisoner,” she said with a cocky tone. I just glared at her. “You see, I know that it was you and Maya who tried to kill my husband and my friends. You were caught on camera,” my mouth dropped in disbelief. “I also know that it was you who plotted the whole thing, Maya said so. And before you even suggest Maya is lying, don’t bother. You see, remember what I said about my and the two ranked females having powers, well, you see, our Beta’s power prevented the poisoning, so that’s why you failed and our Gamma is currently reading your mind as I am speaking and is relaying the information me via mind link,” I just looked at her in shock, anger, and dismay.

“You’re probably wondering how you were caught?” I heard another voice. He stepped out from the shadow of the room, and it was Lacie’s mate, Aries. “You see, we knew that you wouldn’t be able to resist coming to Lacie’s memorial, so we made sure that we had people waiting for you at the airport. What we didn’t expect was for your friend to give us the run-around and take you to Orlando,”

“You see Heather, one of the people we had following you were able to get a photo of your friend, and thankfully, it’s someone that I know very well,” Allie said to me. “Small world isn’t it? The fact that Shawn and I went to high school together,”

“WHAT!?” I exclaimed.

“Yeah, Shawn and I have known each other since we were 15. Believe it or not, Shawn was the best friend to my ex that almost killed me,” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Allie knew my sister’s ex. “So, luckily, because we knew that information, our friend who was unfortunately made, was able to redeem himself but tracking the LoJack on Shawn’s rental, and to his little hideout in Orlando. There we concocted a plan to get you out of the house, and you made it really easy,”

“Percy,” I gritted through my teeth.

“Yeah, Percy. You see, his actual name is Poseidon, and he’s also a bounty hunter. I know you and your whorish ways, and I knew that you wouldn’t be able to turn down a sexy werewolf,”

“WEREWOLF!?!” I exclaimed. “But he smelled human!”

“Yeah, it’s called masking one’s scent. We’re not stupid Heather, we knew if you or Shawn smelled another werewolf, you would get suspicious. Thankfully, as I said you made our job easy. You were too anxious to jump Poseidon, so catching you off guard was glorious,” she threw in my face with the most obnoxious tone.

“YOU b***h!” I screamed and tried to lunge at her again.

“Calm yourself Heather, or my guys will pump you full of wolfsbane,” she said and pointed to the two guys next to me. One of them was holding a syringe. “Oh, where are my manners, Heather, meet Lucas, our head trainer, and high-ranking officer of our pack, and to your left is my personal guard, Simba. You see, our Beta should be here right now, but after your little stunt on New Year’s Eve, Simba wanted in on the action. You see Heather, I know that you initially wanted to kill me with the poison, but when you realized that not only did your sister have a mate, but Cianna had one too, and it just happened to be Lucian, Deacon’s triplet brother. Maya told us everything, but what you don’t know is that by some twisted act of fate, Lacie and I were exposed to the poison and spent six weeks in a coma,”

“Wait, you survived the poison!? That witch told me no one could survive!” I shouted at her.

“Ah, but you see, there is still a 15% chance for survival, and Lacie and I were on the winning side,”

“Lacie is dead! It doesn’t matter how she died! Lacie is dead, and she f*****g deserved it!”

“Why would I deserve to die?” I froze when I heard the voice. I looked past Allie and saw her.

“LACIE?!? But…You’re supposed to be dead!!” I shouted.

“And I was, for five minutes that is. It pays to have friends that are witches who know what they’re doing,” I glared at her and then back at Allie was giving me a smug smile.

“Wait, if you’re alive, then what the hell happened to Maya?” I asked.

“Her soul is burning in hell,” Allie answered. “And you will be joining her soon,”


“Yeah, you see Heather, we have a death warrant signed by three different Elders. Our Elder here at Desert Moon, an Elder in California, and Archie,” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Archie betrayed me.

“You won’t get away with this! I’m an Alpha’s daughter! Call my father!”

“Ooooh…Yeah, sorry can’t do that,” Allie replied.

“Dad is no longer an Alpha,” Lacie said to me. “He was stripped of his title, and banished by Ronnie and Amber, the new Alpha and Luna of Snell Island,”


“Yeah, you see, daddy made a mistake by helping you escape to a non-extradition country. That on top of all the other crimes he committed while Alpha got him banished. He can’t help,”

“What have you done Lacie!? How could you betray your own family like this!?”

“ME!? ARE YOU SERIOUSLY GOING TO GO THERE RIGHT NOW HEATHER!!!” She roared in my face. “YOU had an affair with my boyfriend! Then you kicked me out of the hotel during Thanksgiving, which I should really thank you for because it led me to the love of my life. Then you allowed for someone to threaten my life, then you two bitches threatened the life of my mate, my pack, and my friends, then you almost kill me in the process, then you let Maya put a bounty on me! If there was any betrayal done to our family it was all from you Heather! Don’t blame me for your misdeeds!”


“Oh, I’m glad you brought that up,” Allie said. “You see, as much I would like to see you two fight, I need to get to another point, and that’s why you don’t get to have a mate,”

“What are you talking about?”

“Heather, you’re what the powers that be call an impure wolf,”

“A what?”

“An impure wolf, you know, you’re tainted, dirty, disgusting, and all of those other synonyms. And it’s not just because you’re a w***e who sleeps with any man willing to put his d**k inside of you, it’s because well … Actually, no, that is why you’re considered impure. The fact that any man or wolf is willing to put his d**k inside of you even mated and marked ones,” I just looked at her confused.

“Heather, Cianna told us that you had affairs with mated males in our pack,” Lacie said.

“So? It’s not my fault they can’t keep in their pants,” I spat.

“No, but it is your fault for having no mate. You see Heather, you having slept with mated wolves is why you’re considered impure. The moon goddess is punishing you for breaking the bonds she worked so hard to create, and since you started to do it before you were of age, you were given a wolf just as f****d up as you,” Lacie continued.

“That’s also why Deacon didn’t want you. His wolf Midnight could sense your impurity, and that’s why he was so compelled to reject you. Also, why your mark didn’t do anything. It’s also why when Evelyn, Deacon’s true destined mate was able to rid him of your impure mark and place her own,” Allie said.


“Your mark held no significance. It was worthless. Evelyn is Deacon’s second chance mate, and when she accepted him and claimed him as her own, your mark disappeared,” Allie added on.

“Oh, and I figure I should come clean about something,” Lacie said to me while almost smiling. “You weren’t smelling things when we were at the hotel, you really were smelling Deacon. He and his brothers were actually in the same hotel we were, I was just helping them avoid you the entire time we were there,”

“You what!?”

“Yeahhh, sorry not sorry,” she shrugged.

“You backstabbing son of a b***h!” I yanked my chains again.

“You see, I originally did it because I wanted to help Deacon avoid you. We couldn’t have you thinking it was some act of fate that you brought you two to the same place; however, it was some act of fate, for Cianna that is,”

“AHHH!!!!” I started to scream at the top of my lungs because I didn’t know what else to do.

“The only person you have to be mad is yourself!” Allie shouted. “Had you actually lived a more decent life rather than f*****g with the lives of other people, I’m sure you would have a loving mate right about now, but the fact of the matter is, you don’t, and you never will. You’re going to die to Heather, but not before I have some fun with you,” right as she finished saying that she punched me across the face, immediately cutting the inside of my cheek. Before I could even spit out the b***d that pooled in my mouth, she punched me again.

“Allie, may I?” I heard from my sister. I looked up and saw her fist coming right at my face. I felt the crunch of my nose, the moment her fist my contact with it. Lacie broke my nose. “Mom told me to forgive you!” She said and punched me in the gut. “But, I don’t think I will,” she said and punched me across the face again. “You tried to kill me!” she exclaimed and slapped me. “You’re supposed to be my older sister!” she punched the other side of my face. “You’re supposed to protect me!” she jabbed in the gut again. “We used to be best friends!” she punched me again. I had to admit, she was actually hurting me, not just physically, but emotionally. I could hear the anger, hate, and sorrow in her voice. “How could you do this to me!?” she shouted and pushed me so hard the chair I was sitting on actually fell backward making me hit the back of my head.

“Precious, that’s enough,” I heard her mate say to her. I had forgotten he was even in the room.

“You’re going to die, Heather,” Allie said to me while hovering over me. My eye was swelling shut from Lacie’s punch, and I knew that my jaw was broken from Allie’s punch. “The real question is when? As much as I want to break your neck right now, I’d rather have some fun torturing you first. After everything you’ve done, it’s the least I can do,” I gasp as I saw the evil glint in her eyes. “Simba, pump her full of wolfsbane, and leave her here like this,”

“Yes, Luna,” I felt a sudden stab in my leg, and then a burning sensation I had ever felt before.

“AHHHH!!!” I screamed as the burning from the wolfsbane as it took over my entire body. I thrashed my head and tried to move my arms and my legs, but I couldn’t. The room went dark, and the door closed as they left me here to suffer.

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