Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 73

{Brian’s P.O.V.}

I couldn’t believe it. I had been played. I lost ten million dollars which is more than half of the pack’s net worth. I willingly gave ten million dollars to the Gamma of Desert Moon and had no idea. How could this have happened? Not only that, but Allie is also the Luna, which means, if this guy got a picture of me, he could have shown it to her. They know who I am, they know where my pack is, which means, they can start a war with us anytime and we would lose. Or worse, Shaw could challenge me for my pack, and I would lose. There’s no doubt that I would lose.

“AHHH!!!” I growled and threw my computer across the office. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I’ve been Alpha just under six months, and I had already royally f****d up. All because I wanted to please Maya, all because of my infatuation with her. My father was right, I never should have gotten involved with her.

“Brian! What’s the meaning of this!” my father said barging into my office. “Why are there ten million dollars missing from the pack account!?” I couldn’t even look at him. I was in so much trouble. “Daedab ahn hae!?” (Are you not going to answer!?)

“I paid a bounty,”

“You didn’t,” he snarled. “You went through with the bounty!?! You disobeyed me! You got involved with something that had nothing to do with you, and now we’re short ten million dollars!”

“I did it for Maya!”

“Maya is a rogue! She is not your concern! I don’t understand where I went wrong with you! I never should have given you the title!”

“Abuhgee!” (Father!) He was about to respond when our Beta walked in and whispered something in his ear. I could barely hear him, but the look on my father’s face said it all.

“WHAT!?!?!” he turned to face me; his eyes black as night. “NUH JAEJUNGSHEEN EEYA!?!” (ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!?!)

“Father, please…”

“DAKCHYUH!!!” (SHUT UP!!!) I closed my eyes and kept silent. “You targeted a member of the Desert Moon pack!? Do you realize who you have pissed off!?!” My father was seething in anger. Just then, Beta relayed another message to him. He nodded his head and my Beta left. f*****g traitor. “Well, I guess there is one way to salvage this,”


“It appears that Chris came upon a bounty, one specifically for your rogue mistress,”

“No! Father, you can’t! I promised to protect her!”

“Well, you shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep, Brian,”

“Father! I am the Alpha!” I snarled at him.

“Then prove it! Fix your mess! Hand over your mistress to Desert Moon, or I will do it! And I will have your title rescinded!” he snarled back. Without even letting me reply he stormed out of my office. This could not be happening. Why was everything going wrong? I had to figure out a way to salvage this before my father turned Maya over to Shaw.

{Mikey’s P.O.V.}

“HONEY I’M HOME!!!” I roared as I came in through the garage. Dorian and Allie were laughing behind me.

“MI AMOR!!!” I heard the sexist Latina American accent echoing from the living room. I put my bag down and Sin came running into my arms. Even though I had seen her a few days before and spent our vacation together, I just missed her so much. “Te extrañé mucho!”


“I missed you so much!”

“Yo también,” I replied.

“Oh, nice,” she smiled and kissed me.

“Uhhh…” I heard Allie behind us. We stopped kissing and turned to look at her.

“What’s up, Gizmo?”

“Skank, I think you and your hubby need to go upstairs, like right now,” we looked at each other and then back at her. She lifted an eyebrow.

“Oh s**t!” Sin shouted. “Mi Amor, that’s the bad eyebrow lift,” Sin said.

“Oh,” I grabbed my bag and we ran upstairs. “Damn, I guess I came home at the right time,”

“No kidding!” As soon as we got to our room, I locked the door, and mind linked my parents to watch Allen for the next three days.

“How about we get started with a shower?” I tell her and raise my brows. She immediately giggles and attacks my mouth with k****s that only she knows how to give.

“Before we do that, you need to put this back on,” she says as she walks over to the nightstand. She comes back with my wedding band. She slips it back on my finger. “Mikey,”

“Yes, my goddess,”

“I want you naked and in the shower with me in the next ten seconds or I’m going to get started without you,” She takes off her maxi dress, and is already completely naked. She walks straight into the bathroom and turns on the shower. I don’t think I had ripped off my own shirt or pants before, but I did, and I jumped Sin in the shower before she could get in. It was going to be a glorious three days.

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

After Sin and Mikey ran upstairs, Dorian and I told Mrs. Johnson to prepare Sin’s favorite foods and plenty of water. Then we made our way upstairs to check on the twins before dinner.

“Mama!” Demarco called out as soon as we entered the nursery.

“Dada!” Daisy also called out. I honestly wished Daisy would reach for me because Demarco is getting to the point where I can barely hold him anymore. Even with the werewolf strength, this boy is getting too big. We relieved the nannies for the rest of the night.

“No Daisy!” Dorian shouted. I looked over and see that she’s trying to bite him, yet again. He lightly flicked her on the forehead making her scowl at him.

“Did she just scowl at you?” I asked trying not to laugh.

“She gets that from you,”

“Yeah, I don’t deny that,” I reply and just smile. “I just didn’t think she’d start doing it so young,” Daisy tried a few more times to bite Dorian, and every time she did, Dorian either flicked her or growled at her. She finally quit and walked over to me and Demarco. Sam eventually brought Keegan in, and Leah brought in Danica.

“Where’s Sawyer?” I asked.

“Playing with Monique,”

“Sam, you good?”

“I’m fine, it’s been a day since the transfer took place, calm down,” she rolled her eyes and placed Keegan on the floor. Daisy and Keegan ran to each other and started to play. Leah but Danica on her tummy and Demarco just sat next to her and shared his toys.

“Seriously, sweetest thing ever,” Leah said watching them.

“Keegan, no!” Sam scolded. I looked over, and Keegan is kissing Daisy on the mouth. It’s a slobbery baby k**s, and everyone knows that he has no idea what he’s doing, but it’s funny nonetheless but not to Dorian.

“Okay, that’s it, nah uh, this is too much for me,” Dorian says and picks Daisy up. The moment he does, she starts to scream bloody murder.

“Dorian, they’re just babies!” I tell him.

“Exactly! They’re barely two years old and Keegan is already trying to make out with her!”

“Oh my god,” Leah, Sam, and I scoff and just laugh at his hysterics.

“Ahhh!!” Daisy cries and pushes Dorian away.

“Dorian put her down!” I shout over her crying. “You’re causing her to stress out!” he grunts in frustration and puts her down again. She immediately stops crying and goes back to Keegan.

“I can’t with this, I’m going to go shower,” Dorian leaves the nursery, and we start laughing again.

“Eh…Eh…” Danica starts making noises and we look over, and she moves her body back and forth.

“Hey, she’s doing body movements,” I tell Leah.

“Hmm…Maybe she will start crawling a little sooner than expected,” Leah replies.

“Damn, I really want another pup,” Sam says out of the blue.

“Why the sudden want for another?” Leah asks.

“I want one of each, like you guys. Even Katie has one of each,” she replied.

“Yeah, having one of each really works out,” I tell her. “Who knows, maybe Andre and Dani will have a boy next, and then you and Lucas can have a girl, and they can be mates,”

“Sin just went into heat, so who knows, maybe they will end up pregnant this round,” Leah replied.

“Sin’s in heat?” Sam asked.

“Oh yeah, I sensed it about half an hour ago or something like that,” I tell her.

“Ah, perfect timing for her then,”

“I know right,”

“Did the plan work?” Leah asked.

“It did, but things took a weird turn,”

“Weird how?” they both ask in unison.

“I can’t talk about it yet. It’s actually quite sensitive but everything is in motion for the most part,”

“How is Aries doing?” Sam asked.

“What?” I looked at her.

“Aries, how is he doing?” I stared at her for a minute and realized that nothing in the house was broken.

“Wait, has Aries come home yet?” I asked them, and they both shake their head no.

“Watch the twins,” I run out of the nursery and head over to Lacie’s room. I send her a quick mind link,


Hi, Allie.

Is Aries with you?


Open the door for me.

She opens the door and I squeeze in. She looks at me confused.

“Where is he?” I asked

“I don’t know, I thought he was coming home with you guys,”

“Lacie, he left an hour before we did,” she was about to say something when we heard a loud crash in the living room and a massive roar.

“Aries is home,” Lacie said.

“Stay here,” she nodded. I open the door and peek my head make sure no one is around. I squeeze out and immediately run downstairs. Sure enough, Aries is in the living room making a mess of everything. Brandon, Andre, and Carter are trying to hold him down. I figured that Aries was going for theatrics.

“What’s going on!?!” I shouted in my Luna tone.

“Gizmo, he just came in guns blazing and started throwing s**t, we don’t know what’s wrong!” Brandon shouted.

“Aries!” I run over and grab his face. He has tears in his eyes, and he wreaks of alcohol, but not on his breath. “ARIES!” I shout in my Luna tone, and he starts to calm down.

“What the hell is going on!?!” Dorian shouts.

“Aries, talk to me, what’s wrong?” He falls to his knees and starts to bawl. “Aries?”

“Hey man, what’s wrong?” Brandon asks. He and Andre both look at me and I nod my head letting them know this is all an act. Aries’ hand starts to shake as he shows me his phone. I look at it and gasp. It was a picture of Lacie, and she was dead. This must have been a photo that Mikey took, and he sent it to Aries. What was crazy was how well the potion worked. Lacie actually looked like a corpse.

“Oh my god! Lacie!” I start to cry myself. Dorian takes the phone and his eyes turn black. Brandon snatches the phone and he shows it, Andre and Carter.

“Oh no, Lacie,” Andre says softly.

“Luna! What’s happening!?” an Omega asks, and several are gathering around. I cover my face and start to cry and hide into Dorian’s chest.

“What is with the screaming!?” Dani asks as she runs down the stairs. “What is going on? Why is everyone crying?”

“Dani, Lacie…She…” Andre’s voice breaks and Dani immediately starts to sob herself. Damn, everyone is a good actor. I sent a quick mind link to the others to let them know of Lacie’s ‘death’ and told them to act sad for the next several days.

“I don’t understand, how was Lacie caught!?” Carter asks.

“Aries, you need to tell us what happened?” Dorian said with such seriousness.

“I took her to get pizza, and then to Target to go shopping. Then we went to get ice cream, and I went to the bathroom really quick. When I came out, she was gone, and ice cream was dropped on the ground. I tried to follow her scent, but I lost it. She was taken, and then this morning, I got that photo,” Aries said while still crying. Damn, this guy was good.

“Brandon and Andre, take him to his room,” Dorian commands. They nod their head and held Aries to his feet. He’s still crying and groaning as they help him up the stairs. Dani goes with them.

“LACIE!!!” he screams. I’m still hiding my face in Dorian’s chest, and the whole time I’m thinking to myself what an amazing actor Aries is.

“Come on, baby, we need to call Bernie,” Dorian says and rubs my shoulder. I force a few tears to fall and nod my head. We head straight to his office. When we get there, everyone is already waiting with the pups, including Lacie and minus Sin and Mikey. We shut the door and lock it.

“Lacie, you’re supposed to be hiding in your room,” I tell her and wipe away my crocodile tears.

“Dani brought me,”

“Aries, I have to admit, that was pretty good,” Brandon said.

“I have to agree, you actually scared me until I realized it was all an act,” Andre stated

“I was wondering why nothing was broken when we came home,” I said as Dorian and I sat down at his desk.

“Yeah, I figured that it would seem more real if I went and got plastered drunk, and then came home and started a scene,” he replied.

“Babe, you don’t drink,” Lacie said.

“I know, I just spritzed a little bit of scotch on my clothes and my neck to make it seem like I did. What better way to convince people that know me well that something is terribly wrong than coming home drunk and crying like a baby?” we all nodded in agreement.

“Alright, so the rest of the plan is that we’re going to go fly down to Florida next week for the fake memorial. Bernie and Snell Island are under the impression that Lacie is actually dead, we need their sadness to be real. Cianna will post on social media, and we’re hoping that Heather sees it,” Dorian explains.

“What about Maya?” Brandon asked.

“Yeah, did you guys learn anything about the benefactor?” Lucas asked. Dorian and I look at each other.

“It’s my old classmate from school. He’s a new Alpha of a small pack in Reno,” I tell everyone.

“WHAT!?” they all shout.

“Well, if we know where they are, why haven’t we gone over there and picked her a*s up!” Leah asks while holding Danica.

“LEAH!” I shout because all of the pups are in the office.


“Anyways, we haven’t called them out because I don’t think my classmate realizes the world of crap he is in right now. Although, I’m sure he’s seen Maya’s bounty,” I tell everyone. “Also, we can’t just go barging over there or any like that because as of right Mikey is the only one who knows what he looks like. If we go over there, Brian, the Alpha will know Mikey betrayed him, and we can’t afford to lose the upper hand we have,”

“It could also be possible Maya used the Alpha to put out the bounty, so we also have to see him a potential victim,” Dorian added.

“If Maya doesn’t show herself at the memorial next week, then we will go get her. If they know Maya has a bounty out, they can’t risk letting her out in public,” I tell the room.

“I spoke with the two assassins Sinbad and Persephone, and they have already tracked her to Reno,” Aries says.

“When?” Dorian asked,

“About an hour ago,”

“Wow, they’re good,” I state.

“They’re two of the best,” he replied.

“Alright, to everyone in this room, Lacie is officially deceased, and we have to act that way. Which means, we all eat dinner as awkwardly as possible, girls, shed a few tears here and there. Aries and Lacie, you two stay confined to your rooms. Aries, come out after like three days or something,” Dorian says. We all nod.

“Um, how am I supposed to eat?” Lacie asks.

“We will have to have Dani shimmer food to you secretly, but we will also place some food outside the door, so it looks like Aries isn’t eating,” I reply, and she nods. “Also, when we go to Florida next week, Aries and Lacie, you two will be coming with us, but Lacie we’re going to put you in a hotel nearby. Dani, you will shimmer her to the jet the day we leave,”

“Got it,”

“Alright, when all of you leave this office, you are sad and devastated,” Dorian said.

“Dani, will you shimmer us to our room?” Lacie asked.

“Sure thing,” Dani took their hands and quickly shimmered them to their room and shimmered back. She then put on her saddest face possible and walked out with Andre and Monique. Everyone took their pups and went to their rooms to be sad. The twins were in their playpens in Dorian’s office, and we just decided to chill in here with them until dinner.

At dinner time, we did what Dorian said and acted very awkward and sad and barely touched our food. We eventually did eat, but we had to make it like it was forced, and we spent most of the dinner feeding our pups to make it seem like we didn’t have appetites. Once we all went upstairs, Leah took a plate of food to Aries, and left it at his door, while Dani snuck some food in plastic containers and water up to Aries and Lacie so they could eat. We came up with a knock pattern to let them know Dani would be stopping in, so they knew to stay covered or not to freak when she showed up.

The girls and I moped around the house for like two days after that pretending to be sad, and then guys would check on Aries here and there, and he would throw miscellaneous items at the door to tell them to go away. We still hadn’t heard back from Aries’ hitter friends. Cianna called and said she and Bernie finalized the memorial service arrangements, and we were going to be heading out Monday morning. Cianna posted about the memorial and a post dedicated to Lacie, which ended up getting a lot more attention than we originally thought it would. We hoped that the extra attention made it’s way to Heather’s eyes and ears.

{Brian’s P.O.V.}


I turned my cheek as my father slapped me across the face. I still hadn’t turned Maya over to Desert Moon, and it had been three days since he first ordered me to, and I was out of time. I couldn’t hide Maya anymore.

“You’re the biggest disappointment I have ever seen!” my father spat in my face. “I have already spoken with the elders, and your title will be rescinded as soon as Maya is turned over!” I had nothing to say. I had royally f****d up, and there was no way to redeem myself.

“Sir,” the Beta came into the office.

“WHAT!?” my father roared.

“You might want to come outside,” my father and I went with him to the front of the house and were met with two individuals, a man, and a woman.

“Who are you?” my father asked.

“My name is Sinbad, and this is my wife, Persephone,”

“Why are you on my territory?”

“We are here because we believe you are holding a wanted fugitive,” my eyes widened. They were here for Maya. I had to warn her, but how? I couldn’t mind link her, and I didn’t have my cell phone on her. I couldn’t mind link the butler because my father had him banished after it was discovered he helped me with the bounty.

“Why should I hand her over to you?” my father asked.

“Now, now, let’s not be hostile,” Persephone said. “She’s wanted by the great Dorian Shaw himself, and for fifteen million dollars, we’re not leaving without her. So, you can either give her over willingly, or…” she snapped her fingers, and about ten others showed up out of nowhere. “…We kill your entire pack, it’s up to you,”

“You think the dozen of you can kill my pack!?”

“You’re right, we are possibly outnumbered, here on the ground, but what’s not to say we don’t have more hiding within the tree lines,” Sinbad said. My father tried to pick up their smell.

“Oh, you won’t be able to sense them, because, well, their scents are currently masked,” Persephone said and smiled. My father was going to say something, but then a radio went off.

“Sinbad, we’ve located the fugitive, she appears to be hiding in the Alpha quarters on the fourth floor,” The voice on the other end said.

“NO!” I tried to jump him, but I wasn’t fast enough. Before I even got to him his hand already on my throat.

“Tsk tsk tsk,” he said while holding me in the air. “What made you think you could take me on? Just because you’re an Alpha doesn’t mean you’re strong and mighty,”

“Now that we have everyone’s attention, give us the fugitive Maya, or I will put a silver bullet in your son’s head,” Persephone said to my father pointing a gun straight at me.

“Please, don’t hurt my son,”

“Father, no,” I croaked.

“Take the fugitive, she’s a rogue anyway,” Persephone nodded her head and five men went inside the packhouse. I was still being held by the neck by Sinbad. He refused to put me down. I tried to claw at his arm, but he was just too strong for me. I’m an Alpha, how could a rogue hunter be stronger than me? A few minutes later, I could hear screaming and cursing. They found Maya.

“NO!! LET ME GO!!” I could hear struggling and crying. I was helpless. I couldn’t save her. “WHY!? BRIAN!!” she screamed my name and then I heard her gasp. She saw the predicament I was in.

“Brian didn’t make this choice, I did,” My father said to her.


“Brian is currently under investigation by the elders; therefore, he currently has no authority as Alpha!”

“AHH!!! GET YOUR f*****g HANDS OFF OF ME!!” Persephone turned around and smacked Maya across the face.

“Damn, no wonder Aries didn’t want to be with her. Her voice sounds like a f*****g banshee,”

“Aries!?” Maya shouted.

“Yes, Aries. He specifically called for us to find you, and we brought a long some friends so we could split that the yummy fifteen million dollar bounty,” Persephone said while smiling big.

“What if I gave you information about a certain bounty hunter? Personal information that no one knows!?” Maya said.

“What kind of information?”

“The identity of the bounty hunter named Razor,” all of their attentions were on her. They seemed intrigued. Persephone looked back at Sinbad and they both smirked. Then they burst into laughter and so did the other hunters.

“Oh my gosh, babe, she actually thought she could bribe us to turn against Razor,” Sinbad said and squeezed my neck tighter. I was really starting to struggle to breathe.

“Silly girl, every single bounty hunter, and hitter you see before you are not stupid enough to turn against the mighty Razor. We don’t want his real identity, because well, we’d never need it,” Persephone said. “Baby, drop the runt and let’s get going, I want to get paid, and it’s a nine-hour drive to Desert Moon,” Sinbad dropped me and did a lowball by kicking me in the face with the heel of his foot.

“You’re lucky we’re only here for the girl, otherwise, I would have snapped your neck,” he says to me.

“NO! YOU CAN’T DO THIS!!” Maya yelled.

“Goddess shut her the f**k up!” Persephone shouted. One of the bounty hunters holding her punched squared across the face knocking her out cold.

“MAYA!” I tried to run to her, but I was too dizzy from the kick to the face. I heard my father growl and then turn his heel to go back inside. I was left in the middle of the front yard pavement and I watched in horror as Maya was taken. My reign as Alpha was coming to an end before it even began.

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