Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 69

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

The flight back home was so dreadful. We ended up getting stuck in Qatar due to a flight delay going to Dallas. Mikey was on a different flight, so he was actually able to take off before we did. Being stuck in a foreign country like that was not fun at all, especially when it’s an additional nine-hour delay. All of us were restless, and it wasn’t enough of a delay to get some kind of reimbursement on our flights or hotel accommodations. Being small had it’s many perks because I was able to just sleep while hugging my knees and leaning on Dorian’s shoulder. Most of the girls were able to do that actually.

Dorian was more than happy to lend his other shoulder to Sin since Mikey was already gone. The poor guys had to endure the horrible airport chairs, while us ladies got to nap, semi comfortably. After what felt like a good four or five-hour nap, Dorian nudged his shoulder to wake me up.

“Come on it’s time to board,”

“Oh, thank the moon goddess,” I said getting up. My back was killing me, and so was my neck. I wanted to complain, but I didn’t because I knew how much crap the guys just went through. But that didn’t stop the other girls from whining. I just shook my head at their lack of empathy for the guys. We got on the plane and found all of our seats. Sin was with Dorian and me this time. Once the plane was up in the air, the flight attendants went over all the safety precautions and FAA protocols, we all knocked out again.

After sleeping goddess knows how many hours, I woke up to the cabin lights being turned on, and the flight attendant making an announcement,

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching our final descent in to Dallas Forth Worth airport, we wanted to deeply apologize for the delay that was caused, we hope that the inconvenience does not deter you from flying with us again. If you have a connecting flight, be sure to check the monitors for flight information, as gate numbers may have changed. If this is your final destination, welcome to Dallas,” I sat up, and looked around and saw that Dorian and Sin were also awake now. “As we make our final approach, please put your seats and tray tables in their upright positions, and place any bags underneath the seat in front you,”

“f**k, my back is killing me,” Dorian winced.

“Are you okay, babe?” I asked him.

“I will be, nothing a little massage can’t fix,”

“I’ll be sure to give you one tomorrow,” I said and rubbed his shoulder a little bit. “Sin, you good?”

“f**k no,” she grunted. “I’m starving,” she added.

“s**t, we didn’t eat at all in the last 18 hours, we all just slept,” I replied.

“I wonder how everyone else is doing,” Sin said.

“I guess we will find out when we deplane,” we do our best to stretch in the minimal room we have until the plane lands in Dallas. Dorian, Sin, and I deplane first and waited for the others by the gate. When I saw everyone else deplaning, they all look like s**t.

“Damn, you guys like crap,” Sin said to them.

“Shut up, skank,” Sam said to her. I couldn’t help but smile.

“f**k, what time is it?” Brandon asked.

“It’s one in the morning,” I tell him looking at the wall clock in the airport.

“Dorian, please tell me Grayson and Molly are here, I really want to go home,” Lucas said.

“They are, Grayson said they’ve been waiting for almost two hours for us,” he replied.

“Damn, I think they need a raise, babe,” I tell him and lean my forehead against his arm.

“Please tell me there’s food on the jet,” Sin whined.

“Molly always keeps it stocked with snacks and sandwiches,” Dorian replied.

“Yes!” we all shouted.

“Let’s go get our bags, and then head over to the jet,” we all nodded and went over to baggage claim. It took forever, but we all finally got our bags. We head over to the private airstrip of the airport where Grayson and Molly were graciously awaiting our arrival.

“Molly!” I shouted and gave her a hug.

“Oh, good evening, or rather a good morning, Luna,”

“I will never take for granted having you and Grayson!” I almost cried from happiness seeing her.

“Rough travels I presume, Luna?” Grayson.

“Grayson!” I hugged him too. “You have no idea how shitty the flight back was!”

“I can only imagine,” he replied.

“Baby, get off of Grayson so he can get the jet ready for takeoff,” Dorian told me.

“Molly, food please,” Sin begged.

“I got you all covered, Gamma. Once we are safely in the air, I will bring out sandwiches, and chips for everyone,”

“Yay!” we all exclaimed like little children.

“Did the airlines not feet you?” Grayson asked.

“It’s not that. The f*****g delay in Qatar f****d up our sleeping clocks, and we all ended up passing out on the flight back. I think we slept through the mealtimes,” I tell him

“Actually, Andre and I got to eat,” Dani said.

“WHAT!?” we all scowled at them.

“Yeah, I just happened to wake up to use the restroom, and I saw the meal carts coming down the aisle,”

“Lucky cunt,” Sam sneered and leaned her head back.

“Take your seats and relax,” Molly said to us. We all sat down got buckled up and just waited for takeoff.

Once Grayson got us to ten thousand feet, Molly brought everything that was stock on the jet, and we all started to stuff our faces. Everyone was moaning and groaning over gas station sandwiches, which meant that’s just how hungry we all were. I stuffed my face full of hot Cheetos and chugged three apple juice. I don’t think I’d seen Dorian eat a sandwich that quickly before. It didn’t take long for us to eat everything that was on the jet. Which included all the crackers, cookies, fruits, and pastries.

We all ended up passing out again for the last hour of the flight. That one hour only felt like ten minutes because the next we knew, Molly was announcing our final descent into Vegas. We all cheered because we were so excited to be home. I looked out the window and saw the strip.

“We’re finally home!!!” I shouted.

“Damn, I didn’t think I would be this happy to get back to pack to duties,” Aries said.

“I cannot wait to start kicking everyone’s asses in training again,” Sam stated.

“I wonder how Sully did while we were gone,” Lucas said.

“I’m sure Simba and the others will let you guys know,” I tell them.

When the jet landed, we all deplaned, and the guys went to get our bags from the cargo hold. As soon as unloaded everything, three-pack cars pulled into the airstrip. One by one they came to a stop right in front of us.

“Luna, welcome back!” Leroy shouted as he came out from the passenger seat of the first car.

“Hi, Leroy!” I shouted back.

“Welcome home everyone,” Simba said as he came around from the driver seat of the first car. I looked back and was surprised to see Nick driving car number two with Paxton in the passenger and Sylvester driving car number with three with Joel in the passenger.

“Let’s load up and get the f**k home. I need my bed!” Brandon shouted.

“Yes, Beta!” the guys saluted and started to load up the cars.

“Alright, since there are three pack cars, Aries and Lacie ride with Allie and me. Brandon, Leah, and Sin ride in car two, and Lucas, Sam, Andre, and Dani ride in car three,” Dorian commanded.

“I wish I enough energy to just shimmer back home,” Dani said. Thankfully, she didn’t, because that would have totally been unfair.

We all got into the cars, and Simba led the way home. Since we had slept so much on flight back, none us of slept in the car, at least in our car.

“I’m sad our vacation is officially over, but I’m so happy to finally be home, especially after that shitty flight back,” Lacie said.

“I know how you feel. I love traveling, but that was brutal,” I said in agreement. “Babe, let’s agree to only go places where Grayson can fly into because that delay in Qatar was just too much,”

“I couldn’t agree with you more,” he replied.

“Are you guys alright? You seriously look like s**t,” Simba said looking at all of us from the rearview mirror.

“Simba, eyes on the road,” I tell him.

“Allie, are we going to call your friend Maxine as planned?” Aries asked.

“No, I’m too f*****g tired to deal with anything right now. I want to sleep in my bed for at least a few hours, maybe more, and then spend a day with my pups before we get back to work,” I tell him.

“Yeah, I’m too tired to play dead,” Lacie replied.

“Huh?” Leroy and Simba reacted.

“None of your business,” I tell them. They both shrugged and left it at that.

The hour and a half drive from the airport to the packhouse didn’t seem to take very long. Mostly because we spent the entire time talking and looking at the pictures we took while we were in the Maldives. I showed a bunch of photos to Leroy and told everyone about the whale shark that Dorian and I encountered while scuba diving.

When we pulled into the garage of the packhouse, the guys unloaded the cars and carried our bags to our rooms. Normally, I’m super anal and OCD about unpacking as soon as I get home for any trip, but I just wanted to shower, and pass out. Everyone disappeared into their respective rooms, and I made sure to leave a note for Mrs. Johnson to make a very, very large breakfast for us.

Once everything was said and done, it was almost four in the morning Las Vegas time. Our sleeping schedule was going to be so messed from the jet lag. I told everyone that they had to force themselves to wake up for breakfast at nine, which roughly gave everyone four and a half hours of undisturbed and peaceful sleep.


“Grrrr…” Dorian growled as our alarm clock for 8:30 went off. I spread out across the bed sideways. This was probably the first time I didn’t wake up in Dorian’s arms. I heard him shut it off, and grumble in annoyance.

“Get up,” I said pushing him with my feet.


“We have to, we need to fix our sleeping schedule, babe,” I g*****d and pushed him with my foot again.

“Allie, why are you sprawled out across the bed like that?”

“I don’t know, I could have sworn you were spooning me when we fell asleep,” I replied.

“I guess it’s a good thing we have a California King bed,”

“And to think I said we should downsize,” I mumbled into the pillow. I laid there for another minute or two and then forced myself to get up. I looked at Dorian who fallen asleep again. “DORIAN! WAKE UP!” I shouted and pushed him off the bed. This body landing on the floor made a very loud thunk sound and he g*****d.

“f**k, Allie!” he shouted from the floor. I scooted to the end of the bed, and just hopped off. I went straight to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I felt a little more rejuvenated after splashing cold water on my face and doing my cleansing routine. By the time I was finishing, Dorian finally came and did his morning routine. I made sure to mind link everyone because I knew for a fact, they weren’t up,

If you guys are not up in the ten minutes, I’m going to into your rooms, and scream in my Luna tone at the top of my lungs.

God, please Gizmo, don’t. Brandon mumbled in a groggy voice.

Allie, can we please skip breakfast? Sam asked. This was so not like her.

No, now get your asses up! You’re all down to eight minutes.

All I heard after that was griping, grumbles, and mumbles. Unfortunately, Andre and Dani can’t mind link, so I had to call them. Both phones went straight to voicemail.

“Dorian, I’m going to wake everyone!”


I left our room and went down to the second floor. I went to Andre and Dani’s room first, and to my surprise it was open. I cracked the door open, and freaked at what I saw,

“AHH!!” I screamed and stumbled backward.

“AHH!!” Both Andre and Dani screamed, and they both fell from the ceiling and landed on the floor.

“What the f**k!? You guys hang from the ceiling and sleep upside down!?”

“We’re vampires!” Dani shouted rubbing her head. “f**k, you couldn’t knock first!”

“Correction, you two are only part vampires!”

“I’m more vampire than anything, and Andre’s vampire genes are strong,” she says standing up.

“Allie, why are you in our room anyway?” Andre asked holding onto his back.

“I came to wake you up because I knew none of you would get up for breakfast,”

“You could have just called us,” Dani scowled

“Both of your phones are going straight to voicemail,” Dani looked at me funny and went over to the nightstand.

“Oh, s**t, both of them are dead. We must have been too tired and forgot to charge them,” she replied. I just rolled my eyes.

“If you guys sleep upside down, why do you need a bed?”

“s*x,” they both respond.

“And we don’t always hang from the ceiling, it’s only when we want to be in a deep sleep to refuel our energy,” Dani says.

“I…Mmm…Uh…This too much. Just get ready and come down for breakfast,” I tell them and walk out. If wasn’t awake before, I sure as hell was awake now. I knocked on everyone’s doors, as I made my way through the hallway of the second floor to make sure they were all awake, and sure enough, I was mind linked by all of them, that they were.

I made my way down the stairs and could hear Dorian coming down from our floor. I waited for him at the bottom of the stairs, and we went to the dining room together. I was surprised to see the parents, and our pups at the table already.

“Hi!!!” I squeal when I see the twins. I k**s both of the chubby cheeks all over. “Oh, my babies, mwah, mommy missed you so much!”

“Good morning, dad, mom,” Dorian.

“Sweetheart, you look like death,” Eleanor said.

“We had a rough flight back,” he tells her and sits in his chair.

“I heard, son,” Ben said taking a sip of coffee. “Something about being delayed for a few hours,”

“Not a few, try almost ten,” Dorian said.

“Oh, my goodness, that must have been awful,” Eleanor exclaimed.

“It was, it was the worst experience ever,” I replied while holding Daisy in my lap, and nuzzling my face at Demarco so he could grab cheeks and I alternate my k****s between them.

“Dada,” Daisy said and reached for Dorian. I passed her over and took Demarco out of his highchair.

“Oh, my goddess, why is he so heavy?” I asked as he started to bounce in my lap.

“He’s a growing Alpha, Allison, it’s just going to get progressively worse,” Ben replied.

“Ahhh! My babies!!” Leah shouted as the ran to the table. She swooped up Danica from Bridget and kissed Sawyer all over like I did with the twins.

“Good morning, Leah,” Joe said.

“Good morning! I’m sorry, I just missed them so much,” Leah replied. She bent down and gave Joe and Bridget morning hugs.

“Hey mom, hey dad,” Brandon said coming in behind her. “Come here buddy,” he said while picking up Sawyer.

“I heard Leah scream babies, does that mean…” Sin said coming into the dining room, “Allen!” she ran over and snatched him from Helena. “Oh, my big boy! I miss you more than anything! I love you! Mwah! I love you so much!”

“Sin, did you have a chance to spend time with Michael,” Ethan asked.

“Yes, I did. It was like nothing ever changed,” she replied.

“Where is he?” Helena asked.

“He had to take a different flight from Qatar, and get back to work,” Sin took her seat and just smothered Allen with k****s.

“OW!” Dorian shouted. I look over and Daisy was biting him.

“Oh my gosh, she’s still doing it,” Eleanor said.

“I don’t get it, why does she only do it to Dorian and Lucas?” Ben asked. Before anyone could say anything, Lucas, Sam, Andre, and Dani also came in.

“Hey, where are our pups?” Sam asked with a sad face.

“Your nannies took them on morning walks around the territory, they should be back any minute now,” Ben replied.

“Dad, how was everything while we were gone?” Dorian asked.

“Good, nothing out of the ordinary happened. Your sister called and wanted me to let you know that construction on the Miami condos is going smoothly, is on course with the timeline. She even said that people have already lined up to buy units, so Deacon had to get involved sooner than he expected,”

“Awesome. Sully’s team will have to put those units as a priority,”

“Deltas, Sam, and Lucas, welcome home,” Shelley and Taylor said coming in with Keegan and Monique.

“Oh! Oh! Oh!” Sam went all giddy seeing Keegan.

“Ma petite princesse,” (My little princess) Andre said taking Monique. “Comment vas-tu, mon petit? Papa vous a-t-il manqué?” (How are you, my little one? Did you miss daddy?)

“Hey, stop hogging our daughter,” Dani snapped. Andre gave Monique a k**s on the cheek and then handed over to Dani. “Hello gorgeous, mommy missed you,”

“Alpha, Luna, everyone, welcome home,” Mrs. Johnson said coming into the dining room.

“Hi, Mrs. Johnson!” we said in unison.

“Luna, I saw your message, and I made sure to make loads of food for you all. Sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit sandwiches, hash browns, oatmeal with all the fixing, waffles, and plenty of fresh fruit,”

“YES!!!!” we all shouted making the parents and her laugh. We put all of the pups into their highchairs, and the Omegas brought out our food. We sincerely thanked them and Mrs. Johnson and started eating. Thankfully, all of the pups were finally old enough to eat in silence without too much fussing, other than Danica. Bridget fed her a bottle so that Leah and Brandon could eat in peace.

“Hey, aren’t we missing somebody?” Sam said. I looked around the table.

“Where are Aries and Lacie?!”

“Here!” Lacie said running into the dining room with Aries right behind her. “Sorry, I don’t know what happened, but one minute we were up and getting dressed, the next minute we were both passed out again,” she continued as she and Aries sat in their seats. An Omega brought them their plates, and they started to eat.

“So, Dorian, I saw that you issued the bounty for the fugitive, Maya,” Ethan said.

“I did,”

“May I ask why now?”

“We will talk about this later Uncle Ethan,” Ethan just nodded and we back to his breakfast.

“Oh my god, why is this food so good!?” Sin exclaimed.

“Because it was made with love by Mrs. Johnson, and the Omegas,” I say loud enough for them to hear.

“Luna, we love you all too!” Mrs. Johnson shouted from the kitchen and we all laughed.

“You guys, today is laundry day, so make you unpack as soon as you’re done eating,” Sin told the table and we nodded.

“Guys, fix your sleeping schedules tonight because we’re all back at morning training starting tomorrow,” Dorian said, and we all started to g***n. Even I thought that was cruel. I gave him a death stare, and all he did was smile.

“I hate you, Dorian,”

“I love you too, baby,”


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