Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 67

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

“Ah! Dorian!”

“Ahhh…f**k, Allie,” Dorian was pounding into me relentlessly, and I was a minute from blacking out, which would not be good because the sun was coming up, and we had the In-Villa breakfast again at eight.

“Please, f**k, please,” I was begging for him to finish, but I knew that my plea would only make him go more. I couldn’t even remember what round we were on, but Dorian was wired and fully energized. This was Miami all over again. I wasn’t even in heat, and yet Dorian could just keep going.

“Argh, I love you so f*****g much,” he growled in my ear. I was face down on the bed, my h**s angled up, and Dorian was mounted on top of me. I know for a fact that he let Bandit take over at least three, possibly four times throughout the night. At one point when he did, I gave Mercury the reins because I needed rest, but damn this husband of mine. It was like the longer I played tag with Mercury, the longer he and Bandit did the same thing.

“Dorian, I can’t anymore,” I m****d softly with no energy. I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to walk for least a day. My poor sweet spot had taken a severe beating over the last six hours, and it was almost too tender now.

“I’m not done, not even close,” he growled again. f**k me, is all I could I think at that point. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it still felt amazing, and I loved having never-ending s*x with Dorian, but this was starting to become a little too much. Normally he would let me sleep in between a couple of rounds, but not this time.

“Ahhhh…” I m****d as I felt another o****m hit me. I wasn’t even squirting by this point. My body was drained, and I was basically letting Dorian do whatever he wanted. I even stopped projecting my l**t hours ago because he didn’t even need it. When I finished cumming, he pulled out and flipped me back over. He spread my legs into a near full split and entered me again. I seriously just laid there at that point and let him do whatever he wanted.

“Come here,” he grunted and lifted me onto his lap. This position normally meant he was going to finish and let me be. Thank god.

“Please, Dorian, I’m so tired,”

“Almost, baby,” I was starting to cry from the exhaustion. “Allie, look at me,” I opened my eyes, and looked at his emerald green ones. They were filled with so much love and passion. My heart started to race. God, no matter how tired I was, one look from his loving eyes gave me energy. I mustered up all the energy I had left, and I started to grind and rotate against him, squeezing and milking his d**k as hard I could. “Ah, f**k, baby, you’re going to make me blow,”

“I love you, Dorian,”

“Argh! I love you! f**k!” he g*****d. I saw his face starting to scrunch, perfect, I thought to myself. I pushed his head to the side and bit his mark, forcing him to c*m. He roared so loud it shook the entire estate, and I was pretty sure, woke everyone. Dorian was making straight-up alien sounds from his heightened o****m, and it was something I have never heard before. He kept thrusting even though he just came, and it actually gave me one more o****m myself.

Even with that, Dorian was still going. I was in total shock, how the hell was he still going after having a massive o****m the way he just did. I don’t know how he did, but after another few minutes of bouncing me up and down, he came again, and this time, he finally fell over from exhaustion. I landed on top of his chest, and I adjust myself to allow him to slide out of me, so he didn’t get stuck. As I was catching my breath, I looked up at Dorian, and his eyes were closed. He was breathing heavily from all the work he had put, but he was out.

“Dorian?” I shook him lightly and got no response. I propped myself and shook him lightly again. “Babe?” still nothing. “Oh…Oh, my god,” I sat up completely and tapped his face gently. “Dorian?” he was alive because I could hear his heart beating and his chest was rising and falling from his breathing. This was a first. Dorian made himself blackout. I was in total shock, and this was the funniest thing I had ever seen. I started to laugh in bewilderment at the sight before me. “Oh my gosh, babe, you’re too much,” I say him and caresses his cheek. I looked at the clock and saw it was a quarter to seven.

I figured that I would let him sleep it off, and I would go shower. When I got out of the bed, sure enough, the inside of my thighs was hurting, and my sweet spot was as tender as ever. I had to do the penguin walk. I went into the bathroom and filled the tub with hot water. As I waited for it fill up, I brushed out the knots in my hair that Dorian has caused. When the tub was ready, I gently lowered myself into the water, and the hot water just soothed my aching muscles and tender s*x. I gently massaged it to get any residual c*m out of me and allow the hot water to penetrate my muscles.

After about fifteen minutes in the bath, I drained the tub and went into the shower to wash my hair really quickly. When I was done with that, I wrapped my hair and body in towels and went to go wake, Dorian. When I went into the room, he was still sprawled out on the bed the way I left him. Just then, Brandon and Leah came in,

“Good morning, Gizmo,” he said. He looked over at Dorian was sprawled out on the bed and just shook his head.

“Uh, what happened to him?” Leah asked. Seeing Dorian naked didn’t even bother her, nor did it make me jealous.

“You’re not going to believe me,” I tell them while trying to contain my laughter.

“What?” they both asked.

“Dorian made himself blackout,”

“What?!” they both started laughing.

“I’m sure you heard his roar,” I tell them, and they both nod. “Well, I had bit his mark, because I wanted him to finish, but instead of finishing, he kept going,”

“Oh s**t,” Brandon said. “That takes a lot of energy and will power,”

“Dorian and I haven’t slept yet,” I tell them.


“Yeah, I have officially been awake for 24 hours because of this a*****e,” I said pointing to a blacked-out Dorian. “Somehow, he managed to have back to back o*****s, and this last one, he just… toppled over and blacked out,”

“Damn,” Leah replies and just looks back at Dorian. “How are you doing? Your v****a must hurt,”

“Hurt doesn’t even describe the pain and stinging sensation taking over down there right now, Leah,”

“Alright, well we’re going to shower,” Brandon said.

“Can you guys use the one in the courtyard, I’m going to wake this fool up,”

“Sure thing, Giz,” they went into the bathroom. I figured that Dorian would need a hot bath first, so before I woke him up, I refilled the tub with hot water, then went to wake him.

“Dorian,” I shook him gently. “Baby,” I shook him again. This fool was out like a light. I knew what would wake him. I put my hand on his pelvis, just above his p***s, and projected some l**t. He immediately stood at attention, and I flicked the tip with my finger, he immediately hissed and opened his eyes.

“What the f**k?” he grunted.

“Good morning,” I said to him. He looked at me all confused. “Are you alive?”

“Why are you wearing a towel?” he asked and looked around. “What happened? Last I checked you were on my lap and I was f*****g your brains out,”

“Dorian, you f****d your own brains out,”


“Baby, you went so hard, that you blacked out from your last o****m,” I tell him, and he furrows his brows.

“I did not,”

“Brandon and Leah are my witnesses,”

“What? They’re here?”

“Dorian, you’ve been out for almost 30 minutes,” he looked at me in shock and disbelief. “Babe, I had a bath, washed my hair, had a full-on conversation with them, and even refilled the tub for you,”

“I really blacked out?” he still didn’t believe me.

“Yes, babe, now get up, and go to the bathtub,” I said and grabbed his arm pulling him up. Once he stood, I pushed him to the bathroom and made him get in the tub before the water got cold. As he sat there enjoying the now warm water, I massaged his shoulders and neck.

“I think our roles are reversed here,” he said. I giggled because he was right. It was normally me who blacked out from hours of s*x, and then he would draw me a bath and massage my aching muscles. I took off the towels and got in with him. I straddled him and kissed him all over. I reached down into the water between our bodies and grabbed ahold of his firm member.

“Hmmm, I think someone wants to play some more,” I tell him and start to tug on it.

“Ah, Allie, don’t” he grunted.

“Awww, are you a little sensitive, baby?” I teased and kept tugging on it.

“Ah, f**k, Allie,” he g*****d from pleasure, and I kept doing it. I tugged harder and my grasp around it became firmer. He was so close, just a little more. I started to rub his head against my clit, making myself m**n in the process. Our mixed sounds of euphoria echoed in the bathroom, “Argh…Ah!” he g*****d and cummed again. I smiled at my victory.

“Hmmm, now you know it feels to be pleased in the tub when you’re too sensitive to fight it,” I tell him. He glares at me and I just k**s him. I get out of the tub and dry myself off again. I massage his shoulders a little more and k**s his neck like he always does to me. After about ten minutes, I made him go to take an actual shower. While he was showering, Brandon and Leah came out as I was draining the tub.

“Did you guys go for another round?” Leah asked while she was wrapped in a towel.

“Not a full-on round, but I did make him c*m again,” I reply

“Gizmo, do you know sensitive a man’s d**k is after having multiple o*****s?” Brandon asked giving me a shameful look.

“And? Your point? You guys do it to us girls all the time, so don’t even start with me,” I snap at him. He immediately puts his hands up in defeat. They go back into the room to change, and I wait for Dorian to come out of the shower. When he does, he looks bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. “Do you feel awake now?”

“Yes,” he says while coming over to me with nothing but a towel around his waist.


“What?” he asked.

“Have I ever told you how sexy you are?”

“Allie, keep talking like that, I’m going take you in this bathroom,” I look up at him in shock. “And before you ask if I have enough energy, trust me, I do,” I bite my tongue and walk away because knowing me and my big mouth, I’m going to say something that lands me face-first into the bathroom counter or my back against the bathroom wall.

After we all got dressed and ready for our last day in the Maldives, the chefs came by and make our breakfast again. Everyone definitely seemed to enjoy this, which was a good thing, because I also booked it for lunch. I had nothing big planned for the day, so we all decided to just hang out and chill at the estate. We hadn’t really utilized the pool or our private beach, so we decided to do that today.

Once breakfast was over, we all got changed into our bathing suits, but the girls wanted to tan, so I joined them for a little bit while the guys hung out inside of the pool. Now that Lacie and Aries had joined in our group orgy, she had no issues with tanning fully nude in front of the rest of the guys, even though Aries was still apprehensive.

“Ah, last day ladies, so bittersweet,” I say them.

“Too bad this trip couldn’t be longer,” Leah replied.

“Yeah, this has to be our shortest trip,” Sin said.

“That’s because it took the longest to get here,” I tell them.

“What’s in the books for next year, Allie?” Dani asked.

“I don’t know yet, Dorian and I haven’t discussed it,”

“Awwww…” the mumbled.

“I do know that we are going to go see Deacon and the others the first week of June,”

“You are?” Lacie asked.

“Yes, and before you ask, yes you are coming with us,”


“BUT!” I said and sat up tilting my sunglasses to face her. “That is only if the plan with the bounty works out. If you’re dead, we have no problem traveling with you, because our hope is that whoever is after you won’t bother to look for you after confirming your death,” I say with finger quotes. “But, if it doesn’t then your a*s stays in the packhouse until we figure out this nonsense,”

“Okay, I understand,”

“Any news on Heather?” Sam asks.

“We haven’t put the bounty out yet,” I tell them.

“WHAT!?” They all sat up and looked at me.

“When we went to Yellow Moon for triplets’ birthday and Evelyn’s gender reveal, Max’s husband helped us scry for Heather, and we found out that she is, or at least was at the time, in the UAE,”

“Wait, isn’t that one of the countries that don’t have an extradition treaty with the U.S.?” Dani asked.


“Damn, so you’re saying that even if one of our guys went and found her, they couldn’t bring her back?” Sin asked, and I shook my head.

“What about Maya?” Leah asked.

“Aries and Lacie are waiting on that one too. Her parents and best friend are dead, so honestly, she’s already been severely punished, and she’s been banished,” I say and shrug my shoulders.

“Wouldn’t be insane if it was Maya was the one who put out the bounty?” Dani said and casually laying back down.

“Yeah, we thought about that when the bounty first came out, but that b***h doesn’t have ten million dollars,” I tell them.

“How about we stop talking about this s**t,” Lacie said. “I want to enjoy the rest of my vacation before having to fake my own death in a couple of days,” we all nodded. After a few more minutes of tanning, I put my suit back on and jumped into the pool with the guys. I stood under the waterfall that came from the second story lounge pool and let the water massage my shoulders.

“Hey, how about a round of chicken!?” Brandon said.

“Tournament style or group?” Sin asked.


“You’re on!” we all shouted. The girls put their suits back and we got all on top of the guys’ shoulders. Lacie and Sam had a huge advantage because they were taller than Dani, Leah, Sin, and me.

“Everyone ready!?” Brandon asked.

“Ready!” we all shouted.

“GO!” everyone went for each other, but Dorian stayed back. Everyone got so into it, they didn’t realize we’re not playing. Sam was definitely was the better chicken fighter, in no time at all, she was able to knock off Dani and Leah. She was going for Sin, who was too busy fighting with Lacie, I signaled for Dorian to go behind them. Sam and Lucas were too engulfed in trying to get to Sin, that they didn’t sense us behind them. I grabbed onto Sam’s shoulders and yanked her off of Lucas.

“Pleh! Hey! Cheater!” she shouts as the coughs up water. Next, we go for Sin, I grab onto to her bikini top, and it comes undone. Normally, this would force Mikey to drop down into the water to keep her concealed, but since we were in a private area with just us, it didn’t phase them at all. Eventually, Sin, Laci, and I were all topless and still trying to knock each other off. The guys were good at keeping us part.

Unlucky, for Mikey, Dorian was able to up behind him and kicked his legs from under the water forcing him to lose his balance and dropping into the water, taking Sin with him. It was just Lacie and me,

“No hiding, Allie!”

“Who’s hiding?” I replied. We full-on went for it and started to wrestle. We grabbed each other’s arms and we were using strength alone to knock the other off. We’re both screaming and laughing and all out having a good time.

“Hey, $1,000 bucks said Gizmo wins,” Brandon says.

“No way, Lacie has the height advantage,” Sam says.

“Instead of $1,000, let’s wager a month’s worth of packhouse groceries,” Lucas said.

“YOU’RE ON!” they all shouted.

“Come on, Giz!” Mikey shouted.

“Lacie, do not fail us now,” Andre shouted. Lacie and I could honestly careless, who won at this point. This was just fun. After what felt like an eternity of fighting with Lacie, I felt myself getting tired, especially due to the lack of sleep. Lacie shoved me off of Dorian’s shoulder and I landed in the water.

“HEY!!!” Lucas, Sam, Andre, and Dani shouted as I came up from the water. I saw them high fiving each other. Brandon and Mikey were bellowing in disappointment.

“Sorry, I’m just tired. I haven’t slept,” I tell them.

“It’s okay, Giz, you put a valiant fight,” Brandon says as he pets my head. I slap his hand away.

“Is it time for lunch yet? That made me hungry,” Leah said.

“Yeah, same,” Sin replied. I looked at everyone who nodded. I looked at the clock inside the house,

“No, we still have an hour, but I know that there are snacks in the fridge and cabinets that I pre-ordered,”

“Sweet, let’s get our munch on,” Mikey said. We all got out of the pool and dried off. As were snacking on the stuff in the pantry, Mikey got another phone call and went outside to take it.

“Allie, what is for lunch today?” Leah asked.

“The In-villa dining at 12:30,”

“Then dinner at Fuego Grill!” Lacie exclaimed.

“You went there last night half-pint, how was it?” Brandon asked.

“Other than the shitty waitress, the food was good,”

“Yeah, the ribeye was the bomb, and the appetizers were good portions,” Aries replied.

“And thanks to Lacie, we get fifty percent on our table, so we might as well order to our heart’s content,” I say to them. After we sit around chit-chatting for a few minutes, Mike comes back.

“Hey, so that call was strange,” he says as he sits down.

“Why?” Sin asks,

“When I was talking to the errand boy, I could have sworn I heard a girls voice in the background,”

“A girl?!” we all ask.


“Wait, are you saying a girl is the benefactor?” Dorian asked.

“No, I heard three distinct voices on this call, and one was definitely a female,”

“Did she sound familiar?” Lucas asked.

“You guys tell me. I record all my calls just in case, so I have the recording,” Mikey says and pulls out his phone. He pulls up the latest phone call he just had and turned up the volume as loud as he could. We all listened closely. Thank the moon goddess for the werewolf hearing. Mikey was right, there were three distinct voices. There was the main voice who was actually talking to Mikey, then another male voice that sounded familiar to me, but I couldn’t place it. Then the female voice.

“Wait, play that back,” Aries said. Mikey played it back a few seconds, and we heard the female voice again. She was saying something and then giggling. I could care less about her voice, it was the other male voice that grabbed my attention. “One more time, and just focus on the female voice,” Aries requested. Mikey played it back once more. After listening to it for the third time, Aries snapped his fingers. “I knew it! I know that laugh anywhere,”

“Who is it?” Mikey asked.

“That’s f*****g Maya!”


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