Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 65

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

I lied awake in bed the next morning, and just stared at Dorian. 31 never looked so sexy. I was seriously the luckiest girl in the world. Thinking back on everything that had happened over the last few years made me realize how much Dorian has really changed my life. I always knew this, and I was always grateful and thankful, and I loved him more than anyone, other than our kids. Selene was right, I needed to stop dwelling on my past and start concentrating on my present, and my future.

Dorian was mine, and he forever would be, and I finally believed it. I just smiled at my thoughts and kept staring at him. His light snoring only proved he was still fast asleep. I heard Brandon stir awake and I looked over,

“Hey,” he whispered. “Is he still asleep?” I nodded. Just then, his eyes clouded over, and he was mind linking someone. I just gave him a confused look. “You’ll see…” I c****d my head to the side. “Gizmo, I suggest you get out of the bed,”


“Because if you don’t, you’re going to get smooshed,” he replied. I made an O shape with my mouth, realizing what was about to happen. I gently crept out of the bed, and about ten seconds later, all of the guys crept into our room.

I stood back and just waited for the show to unfold. Dorian was going to be so pissed off, but my guess was, the guys had this planned from day one. Leah was also awake, and we both stood by the folding doors and watched in excitement. Brandon counted down with his fingers in silence. Three…two…one.

“AHHHH!!!” All the guys shouted, and dog piled Dorian.

“WHAT THE f**k!?” Dorian roared.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHER!!!” all of them shouted.

“GET THE f**k OFF OF ME!!”

“HAHAHA!” Leah and I were rolling in laughter. The shouting must have woken up everyone else because all of the girls came over to our room and saw the massive dogpile unfolding.

“Wow, they’re going to break the bed!” Sam shouted.

“Eh, we will just pay for it, it will be worth it,” I tell her. Even though Dorian was pissed off at how he was woken up, there a huge smile across his face.

“Noogie!!!” Brandon shouted and gave Dorian a noogie on the head.

“AH f**k BRANDON!” Dorian yelled, and we girls laughed.

“Alright, Dorian, you know the drill. Birthday spanking time!” Mikey yelled. What did he say? Aries and Lucas flipped him over, and one by one all of the guys started to spank Dorian, and hard.

“Oh my god! You guys!” I shouted.

“OW! f**k! AH!!” Dorian screamed. These guys were showing no mercy.

“Oh!” all the girls exclaimed.

“Damn, my a*s is starting to hurt,” Sin said, and all of the other girls just nodded their heads. Poor Dorian, his a*s was going to be so red. The guys kept going and were counting together,

*SLAP* “28!”

*SMACK* “29!”

*WACK* “30!”

“Last one!” Mikey yelled, and all of them hit him at the same time.


“YOU FUCKERS ARE RUNNING TWENTY MILES WHEN WE GET HOME!” Dorian roared and held his a*s cheeks.

“Oh my god, you guys are…ugh!” I grunted and ran over to Dorian. “Baby, are you okay?” I asked him concerned. His poor hiney took a massive beating.

“No, I’m not okay!” Dorian whined.

“You guys! That is so f****d up!” I shouted at them.

“Gizmo, we do it every year, it just gets worse every year,” Brandon said and gave Mikey a high five.

“Yeah, Giz, we’ve been doing this to each other since we were kids,” Mikey replied.

“But I’ve never seen you guys do this,” I tell them.

“Because we never do it in front of you,” Andre answered. I scoffed and looked down at Dorian who was seriously in a lot of pain. I crawled in the bed next to Dorian and pulled his boxers down a little bit, and his a*s cheeks were so red, it made my own a*s hurt. They looked like they had been painted. I tried to touch them to massage them, but Dorian flinched and told me not to. After laughing their heads, all of the guys and girls, except for Brandon and Leah left to get ready for breakfast.

I helped Dorian get out of the bed and had him stand in the shower under some cold water to help the redness go down. Once it stopped stinging, I gave him a small a*s massage to make it feel better. I could not believe those guys. They were acting like teenagers. I honestly didn’t know what hurt him more, me kneeing him in the balls twenty-four hours ago and being spanked 31 times by four werewolves and a vampire hybrid in one centralized location.

“Baby, are you okay now?” I asked him while rubbing his a*s cheeks for him.

“I’m fine, it’s healing,” I turned him around and hugged his waist.

“Happy birthday,” I said and smiled. He lifted me up and held me tight. “I was going to give you morning birthday s*x, but thanks to those idiots and their cruel birthday gift to you, we don’t have time,”

“Fuckers,” he muttered, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“However, we do have time for something else,” he looked at me and raised a brow. I had him put me down, and I immediately dropped to my knees. “Hold on tight, birthday boy, I’m about to rock your world,”


“f**k!!!” Dorian roared as he came in my mouth for the second time. After his first o****m, he thought I was done, but I was far from it. I sucked him off harder the second time around and he came in no time. I swallowed every last drop of his warm seed and continued to suck on him. “f**k! Allie, no more, I can’t take it,” he cried out.

“Aww…Okay,” I pouted and stood up. He was holding onto the shower wall and his legs were weak. I watched as he slid down to the floor and caught his breath. “I’m guessing your a*s feels better since you can sit on it,” I say to him most smart-a*s tone. He looks up and glares at me. “Come on, let’s finish this shower and head out for breakfast,”

When we got to the restaurant, it was actually a breakfast buffet, so everyone was excited, especially Dorian. I made Dorian sit down and I went got his plate for him. He always took care of me on special days, so it was my turn. I filled his plate with waffles, hash browns, bacon, and toast to start, and got him a plate full of fruits that he loved.

“Here you go, baby,” I said putting his plate in front of him and kissed his temple. “Do you want coffee or milk?”

“Both, please,” I went over the drink area and made his coffee just how he liked it, one sugar and two vanilla creamers. I got him his glass of cold milk and took it back to him. Once he was settled, I went back for my own food and drink, and came back.

“May I have everyone’s attention please,” Brandon said clinking his glass. We all looked at him. “Dorian, my brother from another mother, and my best friend since childhood. Today is your special day, and I am honored that I get to be here in this amazing place to celebrate it with you; although, I am pretty sure this was Gizmo’s idea and not yours,” we all started to laugh. It was true though. “You are an amazing leader, friend, and brother to all of us. You are strong-willed, smart, and have done nothing but show love and kindness to everyone at this table. 31 looks good on you brother, here’s to you, happy birthday,”

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” we all shouted and clinked our glasses together in a big cheer for Dorian. The smile that formed across Dorian’s face was a sight for sore eyes. He was happy, and I loved seeing him happy. We all started to eat and enjoy our breakfast.

“Allie, are you sure you want to go scuba diving?” Leah asked.

“Yes, I want to go scuba diving, stop asking me!” These girls wanted me to go to the spa with them, but scuba diving was something Dorian and I wanted to do since we booked this trip. It was the one thing he chose out of all the excursions.

“Boo, you stink,” Lacie said.

“You will know what it’s like to be married and do things for your husband on his special day very soon, Lacie,” I tell her. I looked over at Dorian who was just about finished with this plate. “Do you want anything else?” I asked him.

“Do they have eggs or any healthy proteins?”

“Yeah, they have scrambled eggs in the warmer on the buffet line, or there was an omelet station,”


“You got it,” I gave him a quick k**s on the cheek and went to the omelet station.

“Good morning, what can I get started for you?” the chef asked.

“May I get one omelet made with regular eggs, spinach, sausage, onions, and tomatoes, please?”

“Cheese on the omelet?”

“Yes, please,” I waited a few minutes while the chef made Dorian’s omelet. When it was done, I grabbed some oatmeal with honey and almonds for myself, and then headed back to the table. “Here you go, babe,”

“Yes, just how I like it,”

Breakfast went by super smooth, and everyone ate to their heart’s desire. Thank the moon goddess for buffets. After breakfast, we all went back to the estate to hang out before Dorian and my scuba reservation later in the afternoon.

“Alright guys, have fun, and be safe out in the water!” Lucas shouted to Dorian and me, as we all went our separate ways.

“Okay, birthday boy, let’s go scuba diving,” Dorian puts his arm around my shoulders, and we headed off. When we get to the location, there were a lot of people waiting.

“Baby, you did make reservations right?” Dorian asked me, and I nodded my head. We went up to the reception desk,

“Hi, reservation for Dorian and Allison Shaw,” I tell the clerk.

“Ah yes, welcome. I see here that you’re both certified divers?” we nod and show him our diving certifications. “Mrs. Shaw, it shows that you are short one dive, and your last dive was a year ago,”

“Oh, when I spoke with someone on the phone when I made the reservation, they said it would be fine as long as my husband’s credentials were up to date,” he looked at Dorian’s credentials, and everything was perfectly in order.

“Okay, Mr. Shaw, since your PADI credentials are in order, and you have more than 40 dives, we can allow your wife to bypass our restrictions,”

“Whew, that would have sucked if you got to have fun and I didn’t,” I say out loud and the clerk just laughed. Once we got all of the intake forms taken care of, we were taken out to the dock where the boat that would take us diving was waiting. When we got on the boat, the instructor greeted us,

“Welcome aboard, my name is Dan, but you can call me Dan,” Dorian and I just smiled. “I’m going to be your dive instructor for today, are you two ready to get started?” we both nodded. “Great! Get settled in, and we will head out to the diving spot,” Dorian and I took our seats and just waited. This was going to be so much fun.

{Lucas’s P.O.V.}

“Alright, let’s get some fishing done. I’m sure if we catch something nice, the Luna will cook for us,” I tell the guys.

“Hell yeah, I love when Gizmo cooks,” Brandon says. We paid for the fishing boat, and all got on board.

“I hope the girls are enjoying their spa day,” Aries said.

“Trust me, they can care less that we’re off fishing for the next few hours,” I tell him.

“Alright gentlemen,” the boat driver got out attention. “We’re going to be heading out to some deep waters, and it is possible you may get seasick, so take these patches and put them behind your ear,” he said handing us seasick patches. Although as werewolves we didn’t get seasick, we humored him anyway. As the boat took off, us guys enjoyed the view around us.

“Damn, I think this is better than the Bahamas,” Mikey said.

“For sure, the Bahamas was nice, but this is definitely better,” I agreed.

“When did you guys go to the Bahamas?” Aries asked.

“Oh, we went for Allie’s birthday when she and Dorian first got together,” I tell him.

“For their wedding anniversary, we went to Cozumel,” Andre replied.

“Yeah, that was nice too, only, we had to cut it short because Gizmo and Sam got arrested for bar fighting,” Brandon said.

“Brandon! We agreed to never bring that up again!” I shouted. The guys started to laugh.

“Wait, Allie and Sam were arrested for bar fighting?” Aries asked making sure he heard right.

“Yes, and it was not pretty. Because we’re you know, werewolves, both the Luna and my wife put five people in the hospital,” I tell him and shake my head.

“I have to know what happened,” he asked.



“Come on, Sam! Let’s dance!” Allie shouted while pulling Sam to the dance floor. Everyone else was just enjoying the private VIP booth we got but Allie was always for dancing and so was Sam. She dragged her out onto the dance floor, and they got to it. The rest of us were enjoying the authentic tequila Mexico had to offer, and it was better than wereliquor.

“Damn, this s**t is smooth,” Mikey said throwing back another shot.

“How many bottles have we ordered?” Sin asked.

“No, clue, but at least we can’t get all that drunk from this,” Brandon replied throwing back his own shot.

“Should we order one more?” Sin asked.

“Yeah,” we all replied.

“Perdóneme!” (Excuse me!) Sin got the attention of a waitress.

“Sí señorita,” (Yes, miss,)

“¿Podemos obtener una botella más de este tequila?” (May we please get one more bottle of this tequila?)

“Sí, por supuesto. Un momento por favor,” (Yes, of course. One moment please,)

“f**k, hearing you speak in Spanish is the sexist thing ever, honey,” Mikey said and gave Sin a huge k**s. We were all enjoying our time, but then we heard screaming and shouting through the music.

“What the f**k?” Dorian stood up and ran over to where Allie and Sam were. We all followed, and sure enough, the girls were in a fistfight with five other women. Sam was using her martial skills to punch, kick, and knock these women down, while Allie was on top of one punching the s**t out of her. A second one pulled Allie off and slapped her, which did absolutely nothing but piss her off. Allie threw a hard right hook, knocking this woman out, and we were pretty sure her jaw was broken.

“Allie!” Dorian shouted and picked her up from behind and threw her over his shoulder.

“PUT ME DOWN! I’M NOT DONE!” Allie screamed.

“Samantha!” I shouted and got Sam out of there before she actually killed someone. I threw her over my shoulder as well and we carried them out of the bar. By the time we got outside, the police had arrived,

“¡Policía! ¡No te muevas!”

“Uh, no habla español,” I tell him.

“Police, do not move!” the officer shouted in English. “We have reports of a fight,”

“Uhhh…” Dorian and I just stood there. We were going to try and fake our way out of this until three of the five women who were still standing came out,

“¡Policía! ¡No te muevas!” the officer repeated. The women froze.

“Señor, estas dos chicas nos golpearon!” one yelled pointing at Sam and Allie. Both of whom were still on our shoulders.

“These women are saying your women beat them up, it this true?” he asked us.


“YEAH! They picked a fight with us first, all because their boyfriends were trying to dance with us! We didn’t do s**t!” Sam shouted.

“Our men would never dance with dirty sluts like you!” One of the girls spat in English but with a strong accent.


“Allie enough!” Dorian shouted.

“I’m sorry, but all of you are under arrest,” the officer said. He signaled for four other officers to come to arrest all the women, including Sam and Allie.

“Dammit, Allie!” Dorian growled. “Officer, we’re just tourists here for our wedding anniversary,”

“I’m sorry, but fighting is strictly prohibited. You can come bail out your wives tomorrow morning,”

“Why are we being arrested!?” one of the girls questioned.

“Because you were part of the fight,” the officer answered.

“They shouldn’t be given bail! Two of our other friends are unconscious!” she shouted.

“And you’re just leaving them behind?” the officer questioned.

“Hey, what’s going on!?” Sin asked coming out with everyone else. “Señor, ¿por qué arrestas a mis amigas?” (Sir, why are you arresting my friends?)

“Tu hablas español?” (You speak Spanish?) Sin nodded her head.

“Sus amigos están siendo arrestados por pelear y as altar,” (Your friends are being arrested for fighting and assault,”

“Tienes que estar bromeando! ¡Fue en defensa propia!” (You have to be kidding! It was self-defense!)

“Lo siento, pero es la ley aquí en Cozumel,” (I am sorry, but it is the law here in Cozumel)

“¿Cuándo podemos sacarlos bajo fianza?” (When can we get them out on bail?)

“Mañana por la mañana, y tendrá que ser en efectivo,” (Tomorrow morning, and it will have to be in cash). Sin threw her hands up in defeat.

The following morning, we went to the city jail and bailed out the girls. Luckily, the police had already investigated the fight since the bar had cameras, and it was proven that the girls were only defending themselves. In exchange for pressing any additional charges, we had to leave Cozumel two days early.

—End flashback—

“Yeah, so that’s what happened, in a nutshell,” I tell Aries.

“Damn, I know that Allie and Sam are badasses, but that’s just hilarious,” Aries said while trying not to laugh.

“f*****g Andre and Dani didn’t even bother leaving the bar that night. They stayed and finished the last bottle of tequila,” Brandon said.

“Why let a good bottle of tequila go to waste?” Andre replied while shrugging his shoulder.

“Alright gentlemen, here we are,” the boat captain said to us. “Here are your rods and your baits,”

“Alright men, let’s get started, I want some of Gizmo’s cooking,” Brandon said, and we all go to it.

{Sam’s P.O.V.}

“Damn, this is heaven,” I said out loud while we ladies were in the sauna.

“This was a good idea, Sam, Allie is missing out,” Leah said while rolling her neck side to side.

“Allie has never really been into stuff like this. She always likes to do active stuff,” Sin replied.

“I mean, I like to be active too, but I don’t mind a spa day here and there,” I tell her.

“Same”, Lacie agrees.

“I wonder if the boys have caught anything yet?” Dani says while stretching.

“All I know is that Lucas is determined because he wants Allie to cook,” I tell them and close my eyes enjoying the steam detoxing my body.

“Allie is not going to cook for us while we are here, she already made that clear,” Sin replied.

“Psh, we all know if Dorian asks her to, she will,” Leah said. We all laughed.

“Seriously, I don’t know who is more whipped, Dorian or Allie,” Dani said. We all looked at her, and then at each other.

“Dorian,” we all replied and laughed some more.

“Seriously though, does anyone else feel a little inferior when it comes to their mate? You know, seeing how Allie and Dorian are,” Lacie asked.

“We did at one point, but we just accepted the fact that they’re the perfect couple,” I tell her.


“Lacie, we had this conversation with Cianna while you and Allie were still in a coma,” she lifted her head and looked at me. “Kiddo, when it comes to Allie and Dorian, there’s no other perfect couple. I mean, we love our men, don’t get me wrong, and they love us, but when it comes to the Alpha and Luna, there’s no greater couple,”

“Yeah, we always tease them when it comes to their PDA, but honestly, I get jealous sometimes,” Leah said. “Brandon and I love each other, but we don’t like to show PDA. The most we do is our group fun, and the blowjob I gave him the other day while Dorian and Allie had a quickie,”

“They had a quickie in front of you?” I asked.

“Yeah, Allie kneed him in the balls, and Dorian used that as an excuse to have s*x to make sure she didn’t break it,”

“Hahaha!!!” we all laughed.

“Anyway, what we’re trying to tell you, Lacie is that don’t ever compare your relationship with Aries to Allie’s relationship with Dorian. That’s just how much they love each other,” I tell her. “It was crazy when Allie’s heart stopped for that short time frame, Dorian was so angry and overcome with grief that he shifted in the middle of the hospital and injured three people. Had Dr. Boyd not sedated him, he probably could have killed someone,”

“What? I had no idea that happened?” Lacie replied.

“Well, yeah, you were in a coma when it happened,” I tell her.

“Oh yeah, that’s right,” I roll my eyes and smile at her.

“Kid, your relationship with your fiancée is your relationship. It works the way it’s supposed to because that’s what the moon goddess gave you. We’re destined mates with our men, that’s the closest thing to perfect, not to say there won’t be issues because every couple has theirs, but Dorian and Allie are literally soul mates, and it’s just something we all came to accept. Our men can never compare to Dorian, and we can’t compare to Allie. We are just lucky enough to be the ones that are close to them, because, if you can’t tell, they take care of us,”

“And not just financially, they take care of us emotionally. Allie being the Luna is a great blessing because she shows so much love and kindness while still being a badass. Plus, with her abilities, Allie brings joy and happiness to those around her,” Sin added on.

“I have to agree on that, Allie is the reason why I found Andre when I did. I just had gotten out a horrible engagement with another warlock who cheated on with like four other women. Andre is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I owe Allie for that. We may not be engaged like you and Leah, but we’re happy. Very happy. We have Monique, and she’s the future Beta female, my life is damn near perfect,”

“Allie helped fix my marriage with Lucas. Lucas and I were on the verge of getting divorced, but Allie came alone and just helped reignite that spark, and now, our marriage is better than it ever was, and we have Keegan who is mated to Daisy. Lucas and I are basically already in-laws to the Alpha and Luna,”

“Allie was the one who figured out I belonged to Brandon. I will never forget that day, Allie helped bring the most important person to my life, and now I’m engaged to that man, and have two beautiful pups, one of whom is now going to be the future Luna of our pack,”

“You know, now that I think about it, Allie kind of brought Aries to me,” Lacie says. We all just look at her. “I mean, had Allie not allowed me and Cianna to come to the packhouse that Friday after Thanksgiving, Cianna never would have met Lucian, and I never would have met Aries,”

“Nothing is ever coincidence when it comes to Allie or Dorian,” I tell everyone. “Even with all s**t we have going on right now, Allie has found time to make all of us happy. Yes, Mikey is off doing this bounty hunter s**t, but he is here with us right now, for the time being, Lacie and Aries were able to have a private date, which I’m sure was very nice, and romantic,” Lacie just shrugged and smiled. “And tonight, we all get to have free time with our men,”

“Sam is right, tonight we really should concentrate on our personal relationship with our mates, it’s been a long time coming for all of us,” Sin replied.

“So, when the guys come back from fishing, let’s all split off and do our own things, and let’s see who can make another pup while we are here,” I tell them and raise my brows.

“SAM!!!” they shrieked, and we all laughed.

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