Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 59

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

*ring ring ring* ring ring ring*

“Allie,” Dorian grunted


“Your phone is ringing, baby,” I reached over him to the nightstand and grabbed my phone.


“Good morning,”



“Max, it’s 6:30 in the morning, why are you calling me this early?”

“Viviana woke up early, and I saw your text for me to call you,”

“It’s 6:30 in the morning, Max! And it’s Sunday!”

“Well, too bad,”

“Ugh…” I sat up and woke myself up.

“What’s up, wolfie girl?”

“Hey, so remember you said you would help any way you could, to get back at Maya and Heather for almost killing me?”


“I need to know if you can help fake Lacie’s death?”

“Fake her death? Why?”

“Long story…”


“Oh, s**t, that is insane!”

“Yeah, so that’s why I’m asking for your help, Max,”

“I mean, there is a way we can do it, but it’s not a spell,”

“Then what would it be?”

“A potion, but the ingredients that go into it are really expensive,”

“Don’t worry about the money, Dorian and I will pay for it, or Aries will, either way, money is not an issue,”

“Okay, the other problem is time. I need time to find these ingredients because a lot of them will need to be imported from third world countries,”

“How much time?”

“Three weeks minimum,”

“That works fine, Mikey will need at least that much time to build a fake dossier around Lacie,”

“I can’t believe that Mikey is the bounty hunter, Razor, I mean, his reputation is on another level,”

“Maxine, you cannot tell anyone about this. Mikey’s two identities have to stay separate, otherwise, Sin and Allen could become targets,”

“I get that, I do. I promise, I will keep it a secret; however, I will need Claudia’s help with this,”

“That’s fine, you’re both good at keeping secrets, so we trust you. Just let me know how much everything will cost,”

“I will. Take care doll,”

“You too, Max,” I hung up and tossed the phone back onto the nightstand. I flopped back on the bed and stretched my arms. Dorian flipped over and rested his head on my chest and draped his massive arm around my stomach. I started to comb my fingers through his hair.

“What did she say?” Dorian asked in a groggy voice.

“She said that she and Claudia can help and that instead of a spell, it’s going to be a potion, and an expensive one,”

“I’m guessing we’re paying for the ingredients then?”

“Either us or Aries, or we can split the cost,” he just nodded his head. “She said it will take at least three weeks to get the ingredients and to make it,”

“Our trip is in three weeks,”

“Yeah, and we already anticipated that our plan to fake Lacie’s death would overlap into our trip, and Mikey already has a plan for that,” I tell him.

“Why can’t we ever have a normal trip?” he asked.

“We had a normal trip last year, babe,”

“Allie, I don’t think you and Sam getting arrested in a foreign country for bar fighting counts as normal,”

“Hahaha! Dorian! You promised to never bring that up again!” we both laid awake laughing for a few minutes.

“Come on, let’s shower, grab the twins, and head down for breakfast,”

After we showered, we went into the nursery and found that Raquel and Sylvia were already changing the twins for us. We changed their clothes and relieved the nannies for the morning. We headed down to the dining room and found that everyone was already awake and ready to eat, except for Lacie and Aries.

“Hey, has anyone seen Aries and Lacie?” I asked while putting Daisy into her highchair.

“I mind linked Aries for breakfast, and he said that they’re on their way down,” Mikey said.

“Hilary, can you be sure to put an extra half slice of toast for Demarco please,” I asked the kitchen Omega.

“Yes, Luna,” A few minutes later, everyone got their plates, and we dug in.

“Ah, ah, ah Demarco, you eat your breakfast before bothering Danica,” I tell him and pull his highchair away from Leah. I put a piece of sausage in his hand, and he ate quietly.

“Good morning,” Lacie said coming into the dining room.

“Good morning!” we all said. I looked at her and she was happier than normal. Then I saw it,

“LACIE WHAT IS THAT!?” I shouted and ran up to her before she could sit down. I grabbed her left hand. “Girl is this what I think it is!?”

“Yes,” she giggled and turned red.

“AHHHH!!!” All of the girls squealed. We all shoved Aries out of the way and smothered her in a huge group hug.

“Show me that ring!” Sin said and grabbed Lacie’s hand. “Ay dos Mio! This is so pretty! Good job, Aries!”

“Wow, now I really am the only one left,” Dani said.

“Aries, way to make me look like a horrible boyfriend,” Andre said.

“Not my fault you’re taking so long, Andre,” Aries replied and took Lacie away from us.

“Girl, you need to spill the details!” Leah said to Lacie.

“Yeah! Did he do the whole get down one knee thing, or did he just put it on your finger and call it a day?” Sam asked.


“That’s it!?” we all exclaimed in disappointment.

“Aries! Have the men at this table taught you nothing!?” I shouted at him.

“I’m not the super lovey-dovey speech giving type, Allie,” he defended. “I can’t do the shi…ah…” I glared at him as he was about to curse in front of all the pups, “Stuff…Stuff that Brandon did, and I’m not going to just get hitched the way Mikey did either. Besides, you have no room to talk,”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Allie, rumor has it you proposed to Dorian in the shower,”

“HEY! Who told you that!?” I look at Dorian who avoided eye contact and stuffed a piece of bacon into his mouth. I just rolled my eyes.

“Allie, I’m okay with how he did it. Being surprised is all that mattered,” Lacie replied.

“So Lacie, you had no idea that Aries was going to propose?” Sam asked her.

“None, whatsoever,”

“I didn’t think I was going to either, but after Lacie told me how in love she is with me, I just had to. It felt like the right time,” Aries said.

“I guess,” I muttered. I looked down at Demarco, “Hey, mister, when you’re ready to propose to Danica, you better do it right,” I tell him, and he just giggles. “And the same goes for you, Keegan,”

“Ahhh!” Keegan responded.

“I’m going to take that as a yes,” everyone just laughed.

“Allie, did you call Max this morning?” Sin asked changing the subject.

“Actually, she called me, but yes, we did speak,”


“We will discuss that in private after breakfast,”

After breakfast, we all met in the conference room and I explained to everyone what Maxine said. Once everyone understood, Mikey replied to the email asking for at least 24 hours to think it over. Luckily, the benefactor had no problems with that. The rest of the morning and afternoon, everyone just did their own thing and spent time with their families. Dorian and I brought the twins into our room. Daisy’s hair was turning into a huge matted mess. Even though she had Dorian’s black hair, we found that she actually natural waves like me, and it was thick like mine as well, so her hair was starting tangle the longer it got.

Demarco’s hair was exactly like Dorian’s, but it was my light brown. It was thin and pin-straight, but it was also starting to get a little long. Dorian called Paula and Greg to come over so we could all get a cut. We decided that Demarco was old enough to sport a baby man bun like Dorian, so Paula worked on that, and Greg trimmed Daisy’s hair and got rid of the knots in it. We left Daisy’s hair long and added some texture.

Once the twins were done, Dorian got the sides of his head shaved since his tattoos were starting to get covered up. While he was doing that, I played with the twins on our bed.

“Luna, did you need a cut as well?” Greg asked. “Maybe a touchup on the highlights?”

“Yes, that sounds great, but I need to wait for Dorian to finish first so he can watch the twins,”

“They are so adorable, and getting so big,” Greg said sitting on the bed with us. “Have you and the Alpha decided if you’re going to have more?”

“It’s not a working plan, but Dorian wants more pups, and he never pulls out, so, who knows,”

“Well, when the moon goddess thinks you are ready, she will put another bun in the oven,” I just shrugged a shoulder at Greg and smiled. When Dorian came back out, I took a quick look. I was so anal about the sides of his head.

“Hmm…Very handsome,” I say and give him a small k**s. “Babe, will you watch them while I get my highlights touched up and a small cut,”

“Sure,” I went back into the bathroom, and Paula and Greg tackled my hair. About an hour and a half later, I was done.

“Oh, wow, you made the highlights more golden this time around,” I said and played with my hair. “Dorian, come look at this!” Dorian came in with Daisy in his arms, and Demarco walking behind him.

“Wow, that’s actually really pretty,” he said.

“We normally like to keep it a copper shade because you always get it done in the fall or winter, but since it’s going to be summer, and you’re going on vacation soon, we figured a little lighter gold will look better,” Paula said ruffling the beach curls she put in.

“Paula, how much do I owe you?” Dorian asked.

“Let’s see, the twins are $50, Alpha yours will be $30, and the Luna’s will be $120, so a total of $200,”

“Here’s $400. Tips for you and Greg,”

“Thank you, Alpha,”

“Yes, thank you, Alpha,” Greg said taking his share. “Bye-bye sweet pups! Until next time,” Greg said waving at the pups as they left our room.

“Wow, this is so light,” I kept saying as I played with my hair. Demarco walked over to me, I put him on my lap, and he slapped his hands on the countertop of the bathroom. “This is going to look blonde when we go to the Maldives,”

“I think it looks good, baby,”

“I mean, I do too, it’s just a little out of my element, that’s all,”

“OW!” Dorian shouts. I look over and Daisy is biting him. “s**t, Daisy!” he growled and made her stop.

“Dorian! Don’t cuss at her!” I scowled at him. “Oh my god, she actually broke the skin,” I tell him as I see a small amount of b***d trickling down his arm. I put Demarco back on the floor and took Daisy from Dorian. “Daisy Shaw, look what you did,” I tell her sternly while pointing at Dorian’s arm. “You gave daddy an owie,”

“Mmmm…” Daisy whimpered and pouted.

“Tell daddy sorry, right now!” Daisy started to cry and reached for Dorian. As soon as he took her, she rested her head on his shoulder. “We need to stop her from biting, it’s not funny anymore now that she can draw b***d if she bites hard enough,” I tell him and wipe off the b***d. “At least she can’t leave a bite mark,” I said seeing that the wound already healed completely.

“Man, that actually hurt this time, and now I know why,”

“Come on, let’s put them down for a nap, it’s already past their nap time,” I take Demarco’s hand and walk him out of our room and back to their nursery. We change their diapers first, and then we put them in their respective cribs, and I prepare their bottles. Once we give it to them, it didn’t take long for them to knock out. Dorian grabbed the baby monitor and led us back to our room to take a nap ourselves.

After our nap, I went to go check on the twins, because they were unusually quiet. When I opened the door and flipped on the lights, the twins weren’t in their cribs,

“What the…” I said out loud. I quickly mind linked Eleanor,


Yes, sweetheart.

Do you have the twins?

No, we don’t.

Oh okay, let me check with the nannies.

I quickly cut off the link I had to Eleanor, and opened one to the twins’ nannies,

Raquel? Sylvia?

Yes, Luna?

Did you two take the twins?

No, Luna, I’m not even home right now. Sylvia answered.

I don’t have them either Luna. Raquel replied. Did you check with Ben and Eleanor?

I did, they don’t have them either.

I didn’t even bother to wait for them to respond to that. I cut off the link I had to them and sent a massive link to everyone,


No one responded, instead, there was a massive stampede coming up the stairs, and Dorian came running from our room,

“Baby! What’s wrong!?”

“Dorian, the twins, they’re not here!!” I was starting to freak out.

“Calm down, my parents probably have them,”

“No, they don’t. I already asked, and the nannies don’t have them either!”

“Allie!” Sam shouted.

“Gizmo!” Brandon called out.

“What’s happening!?” Leah asked.

“Have any of you seen the twins?!” Dorian asks and everyone shakes their heads.

“Oh my god! Where are my pups!?!” I shout and start to cry and take off down the stairs. “DAISY!!! DEMARCO!!!” I run around asking every Omega I see if they’ve seen the twins, and none of them know where they are. “Daisy! Demarco! Where are you!?!”

“Allie, what’s wrong?” Simba asks.

“Simba, have you seen my twins!? They weren’t in their cribs when I went to check on them, and no one knows where they are!” I was full-on freaking out.

“Simba!” I heard Dorian shouted.



“SIR!” Simba took off and grabbed everyone he could find.


“You got it! Aries come with me!” I saw them take off.

“Dorian! Where are they!?” I was starting to panic.

“Son!” I heard Ben call out.


“Dorian, what’s going on?” Eleanor asked.

“Daisy and Demarco are missing,”

“Oh my gosh,” Eleanor gasped.

“I have to find them! Leah! Sin! Come with me!” I shouted. The three of us ran out the front door, and I immediately shifted into Mercury. Leah and Sin also shifted.

Concentrate! Sin, tap into everyone’s mind links and try to hear any voices talking about the twins. Leah, keep your mind clear and tell me if you get any visions.

The three of us just stood next to each other, and I could feel our powers amplifying the harder we all concentrated. I was doing my best to sense either one of the twins’ souls,

Allie! I got something!

What is it, Sin!?

Someone is talking about having taken the twins, and how it easy it was.

In what direction!?

Eastside houses!


Dorian came running out of the house and shifted into Bandit. Jupiter led the way and we stopped at the entry of Eastside houses. The closer we got; the more accurate Sin could track the voices. After a minute or so, we were joined by Talia, Quentin, Eddie, and Andre.

We have to hurry! Leah shouted. I just saw the twins being put into an unmarked van!


This way! Jupiter went to the right, and down two streets, and then to the left.

“Dorian, this is the street that Maya’s parents live on,” Andre said as he was running between Bandit and Mercury. “It is the last house on the left!” As we got closer, I started to pick up both of the twins’ scents. They recently came down this street. Mercury ran at full power picking up on their scents, and sure enough, it led us straight to the house that belonged to Maya’s parents. We didn’t even bother shifting back. Mercury rammed the door and forced it off its hinges.

After she burst through the door, we saw four people, two of whom were Maya’s parents, Esther, and some man I had never see before. He wasn’t a wolf, but he was supernatural. Mercury was pissed the f**k off, and I had never seen her snarl and growl the way she was. I could feel her hackles standing straight up. She was in full-on momma wolf mode, and if we didn’t share one body, I’d be afraid of her as well.

Just then, there was crying from within a laundry basket on the dining room table, and Mercury lost it, she lunged at the stranger pinning him to the ground. I could hear screaming from the others and I saw them try to run, but Andre, Lucas, and Brandon stopped them. Sin and Leah came inside in human form and took the twins,


“Okay, Allie, don’t worry,” Sin said.

“Allie, I got him,” Sam said as she came to get the guy I pinned. She had already shifted back. Mercury didn’t want to move through. “Allie, I said I got him,” Sam tried to push her off, but Mercury snarled at her.

“Mercury!” Dorian shouted and put his hand on Mercury’s shoulder. He pulled her off of the stranger, and Sam restrained him. “Shift back,” Dorian said. Even though Dorian couldn’t command us, Mercury still listened and gave me full control. We shifted back, but my eyes were still black with anger. I could care less that I was naked, that went for everyone else as well. I looked at everyone in the room, and I could see the fear in everyone’s eyes. As much as I wanted to tear into Esther and Maya’s parents, my attention was fixated on the stranger.

“You,” I said to the stranger, “Who are you?” He was about to open his mouth, but I could tell that he was about to lie, “If you even think of lying to me, I will slit your throat,”

“My name is Yuri,”

“What are you doing here?”

“Simon contacted me,”

“Why?!” he didn’t answer. “I’m not going to ask again,” I gritted my teeth growl. “You can either tell me the truth with your own words, or I will get my Gamma back here and she will get the answers!” he still didn’t answer. “Sam,” Sam dug her claws deep into this guy’s shoulder and he screamed out in pain, but even then, he refused to answer.

“Dorian, please contact your parents, and have them watch the twins. I want Sin back here now,” I say to him. Dorian’s eyes clouded over, and we waited. Sin came back within a few minutes, but she came with Mikey.

“Allie, you requested my presence?”

“I did,” I turn to her. “The stranger, who and what is he?”

“He’s not a wolf, I can tell you that, so I can’t read his thoughts, but I can read theirs,” Sin says and looks at Maya’s parents and Esther. I watched as her eyes turned blue. “Wow, you three really have a death wish don’t you?” Sin said to them,

“Report,” Dorian commanded.

“Alpha, Luna, this man is a warlock, and he is a trafficker,” Sin replied.

“Of what!?” Dorian asked.

“Werewolf pups,” Dorian and I both roared in outrage. These mother fuckers were going to traffic my pups. Since this guy was not a pack member and was an outsider, we didn’t need permission to kill him.

“Dorian, may I?” I asked. Dorian nodded once giving me the go-head. “Sam!”


“Kill him,” without hesitation, Sam snapped this guy’s neck, and he fell lifeless to the floor. Simon’s face was filled with fear, and his mate and Esther screamed in terror.

“I’m only going to ask this one, and you all better tell me the truth,” Dorian said to them. “Whose idea was this?” none of them answered.


“Hmmm…you know, trying to hide your thoughts from me is futile,” Sin said to them. “It was Maya’s mom’s idea, Simon called the trafficker, and Esther took the pups from the nursery,”

“I did not! She’s lying!” Esther shouted.

“SILENCE!” Dorian roared.

“Esther, you’re even stupider than you are ugly,” Mikey said to her. “There are hidden cameras all around the nursery,” her face when he said that. “I could see you clear as day disabling the baby monitor and putting the twins into the laundry basket. The front door cameras then show you about three minutes later leaving the packhouse with the said laundry basket,”

“YOU STUPID b***h! YOU SAID THAT NO ONE WOULD KNOW!” Maya’s mother shrieked.

“All of you are stupid!” Mikey said to them. “The entire territory is covered in cameras, especially your house,” Simon and his mate looked at Mikey. “After what Maya did, we installed cameras everywhere facing your home just in case you decided to sneak Maya back into the territory,” they had nothing to say to that. They really were stupid.

“Lucas,” Dorian addressed him. He and Mikey switched placed.

“Simon, you and your mate as well as Esther are all under arrest for conspiracy, treason, accessory to trafficking, and the endangerment of the Alpha twins!” Lucas stated.

“I, Dorian Shaw, Alpha of the Desert Moon pack, along with my Luna, Allison Shaw, hereby sentence all three of you to execution!”

“ALPHA! WAIT! PLEASE NO!” Simon pleaded.

“Alpha! Please! Please! I only did what Simon told me to do!” Esther said throwing Maya’s dad under the bus.

“Luna! Please, forgive us! We were just to upset over Maya’s banishment!” her mother said.

“Well, don’t worry about that, because you will see Maya, very, very soon,” I say straight to her face. “Soon, Maya will be joining you in hell,”


“That’s rich, coming from someone who just attempted to sell the Luna’s pups,” Sam said.

“It’s also not a threat,” Mikey said to them. “Remember, when the Luna was in a coma due to being poisoned, along with Lacie?” they all nodded. “Well, that was Maya’s doing. We have her caught on camera,” the look on their faces was sheer horror. “Maya and another associate are wanted for the attempted murder of nine ranked members. You were just never told, because well, we couldn’t have you reaching out to her and warning her. But now, since you’re all going to die anyway, it doesn’t matter,”

“Brandon, summon the Elder, and have the death warrants expedited,” Dorian said.

“Yes, Alpha,”


“YES, ALPHA!” All of them went kicking and screaming, but because they were lower-level, they were no match for ranked members.

Once they were gone, I shifted back into Mercury and Dorian into Bandit and we went straight to the packhouse. I didn’t even care that I was naked, I shifted back as we made it to the front door, and I ran upstairs to the nursery.

“Where are they!?” I shouted as I came into the nursery.

“Shhhh…” Eleanor said and gave me a blanket. “They’re sleeping,”

“Are they okay?” I asked on the brink of tears.

“They’re fine, Allison, not one hair is out of place,” Ben said. Dorian came in with a pair of shorts on and gave me one of his t-shirts. I quickly put it on and picked up Daisy and Dorian picks up Demarco. I immediately breakdown and drop to my knees. All of the adrenaline finally releasing from my body. Dorian bends down so I can be close to Demarco too.

“Allie, sweetheart, you’re going to smother Daisy,” Eleanor says trying to calm me down. “They’re safe now, okay,” I nodded. After a few minutes, we put them back in their cribs, but I was too afraid to leave.

“Baby, Joel, and Leroy are coming to stand guard,” Dorian said to me. “We need to go talk to the Elder,” he said and pulled me out of the nursery.

“You two go, your mother and I will stay too,” Ben said. I nodded and left with Dorian.

“I need to call Max and see if she could put a forcefield around the nursery. Make it so that whoever isn’t allowed can’t enter,” I say to Dorian as we go to our room so we can put on actual clothes.

“Baby,” Dorian grabs my shoulders. “I’m going to put a security system in the nurseries here in the packhouse, and at all of our parents’ houses. No one will ever take our pups again, or anyone else’s pups,”

“I think we should cancel the trip,”

“No, Allie, we are not going to do that,”

“Dorian! Someone just tried to traffic our pups!”

“Tried is the keyword, Allie. We stopped them because you, Leah, and Sin used your abilities to locate them. You saved them, you did,”

“I shouldn’t have to save them! They should be 100% safe in this house!”

“And they are now, I promise,” he picked me up and held me close. “When we go on vacation, I will have all of the parents and nannies stay in the packhouse with the pups. They will be guarded 24/7, I promise, baby,” I nodded my head. “I will also make sure that the security systems are installed within the next week,”

“Okay,” I whimpered.

After I finally calmed down enough, we went down to the conference room and met with Elder Maxwell. After explaining what happened, he had no problems signing the death warrants, and since the trafficker was not a pack member, Sam was cleared. Because Dorian had the warrants expedited, the executions were carried out that same night. Lucas gathered his entire team and they used a firing squad in the middle of the desert where no one could see or hear.

Maya was going to be in for a rude awakening when she finds out that her parents and best friend are now dead. No one f***s with my pups and lives.

{Unknown P.O.V.}

I was lying in bed watching the news, and something caught my attention. I grabbed the remote and turned up the volume,

“…Desert Moon has reported the execution of three of their pack members. Although their identities are unknown at this time, sources are saying that all three members were responsible for the kidnapping and attempted trafficking of the Alpha twins. Though the motive behind this heinous act is unknown, we are hearing that it was due to a personal vendetta…”

This was interesting, to say the least. Whoever it was I gave them props for trying at least. Though, I was curious to know who they were,

“Babe, what are you doing?” I turned around to see my lover fresh out of the shower.

“Just watching the news, three members of Desert Moon were just executed,”

“Did it say who they were?” he asked me while getting in bed and caressing my shoulder.

“No, but apparently whoever they were had kidnapped the Alpha twins and tried to traffic them,”

“Too bad they didn’t succeed,” he says to me and starts kissing my neck.

“Baby, you’re going to turn me on,”’

“That’s the point,” he said, and start groped my breasts while still kissing my neck.

“Mmmm…” I m****d and reached behind me grabbing his hard member. “Have you heard back from the bounty hunter?” I asked.

“I did,” he kissed me again. “He’s accepted the contract, but he asked for ten million,”

“Why so much? Lacie is just a lower-level Omega,”

“I understand that doll face, but he said that because she is protected by several high profile individuals, including her mate,”

“What about her mate?”

“Apparently he’s some world-renown bounty hunter himself, even Razor is cautious about him,” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Aries was a world-renown bounty hunter. He never told me that. “Maya? Is everything okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine. I just didn’t think it would be this hard to get rid of one Omega,”

“Bounties are difficult, but we have to give them time. Plus, this guy has been out of work for a while, but I believe he can do it,” I just nodded. “Now, relax, let me pleasure you,” I smiled and leaned back. I let my lover have his way. He was a little young, but he knew how to please me. As soon as Lacie was out of the way, I was going to rightfully take back what was mine. Aries belonged to me, and only me.

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