Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 50

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

“WHERE IS SHE!?” I heard Amber’s voice ringing through the house as we were sitting down at the dining room table.

“Is that Amber?” I asked Dorian. “When did she get here?” Dorian and I stood up from the table, but before I could take one step. A crying Amber rushed into the dining room and gave me a bear hug.

“Allie! Oh my god!” she was full-on bawling.

“Amber, I’m okay,” I tell her. Even for another woman, Amber towered over me.

“Sis, you’re going smother her to death,” Dorian said, and Amber let me go. When she backed away, Ronnie came over and hugged me as well.

“Oh, Allie, I’m so glad you’re alive,” he said with a broken voice.

“Not you too,” I said to him, and he chuckled.

“Where is Lacie?” Amber asked.

“Behind you,” Lacie answered. Amber turned around, and when she saw Lacie, it was like déjà vu. Amber gave her a bear hug and started to cry again.

“Okay, enough of the emotions Amber, sit down and let’s all eat dinner,” Dorian said.

“Dorian, before you sit down,” Brandon stated, and Dorian stopped his butt mid-air. “Deacon just went through the gate,” Dorian stood right back up, and we went out front to greet them. I was still a little slow with walking, so Dorian carried me outside. Once he put me down, Deacon and the others pulled up. The car hadn’t even stopped before Deacon jumped out of the backseat and picked me up in a huge hug.

“Shorty, I’m so happy you’re okay,”

“Hi, D,” I said and hugged his neck. I saw Evelyn get out of the car and pushed him away, but he wouldn’t let go. “D, Evelyn…”

“It’s okay, Shorty. She knows everything and is perfectly fine with our friendship,” he replied.

“That’s not it, you need to formally introduce her to me, she’s a Luna now too,”

“Oh, that’s right,” he said and put me down. I just giggled. “Allie, Evelyn Collier, the Luna of the Yellow Moon pack,”

“Luna Collier, it is a pleasure to formally meet you,”

“The pleasure is mine, Luna Shaw,” she responded and we both bowed our heads.

“Okay, now we can hug,” I tell her, and she comes and hugs me. Everyone hugs me one by one, and as soon as Cianna had her turn, she ran into the house to go see Lacie.

“Deacon, do you guys plan on staying the weekend?” Dorian asked him while shaking his hand.

“Sure do, we actually plan to leave Monday morning if that is okay with you,” he responded.

“Of course, my home is your home,”

We all went inside to have dinner. Brandon and Mikey extended the dining room table to accommodate everyone. Since the twins were with Ben and Eleanor, I sat on Dorian’s lap. Having everyone I loved surrounding me was the best feeling in the world, and to think it was almost taken away.

“Hey, so I have to ask since Gizmo is awake,” Brandon said. We all looked up at him. “Are we still going on that trip for your birthday?” he directed at Dorian.

“I don’t see why not? Allie and Lacie should be fully healed by then,” Dorian said. I had totally forgotten about our trip to the Maldives for his birthday.

“You guys are going on a trip?” Cianna asked.

“Sure are, all of the ranked members take one once a year. The first year was for Allie’s birthday, the second was for their wedding anniversary, and this year we’re going for Dorian’s birthday,” Mikey replied.

“Wait, all of you are going?” Amber asked, and we all nod. “Who is going to watch the house then?”

“Dad is, along with Uncle Joe and Uncle Ethan,” Dorian replied.

“Dad must love that. He always said he hated that he gave you the title at 18,” Dorian just laughed.

“So, where are you guys going?” Eileen asked.

“The Maldives!” Leah exclaimed.

“AWWW!!” everyone who wasn’t going exclaimed in envy.

“That has to be an expensive trip,” Cianna said

“Not when Dorian and Allie pay for all us,” Dani answered, and they all looked at us. Dorian and I just smiled.

“Seriously?” Amber asked. “Why weren’t we invited?”

“Because we are planning to go the weekend right after I got out of school, and your kids don’t finish school until three weeks after me,” I answered

“Oh yeah, good point,” Amber pouted, and we all laughed.

“Awww, that sounds like fun, I want to go?” Evelyn said.

“We will plan one of our own family trips, baby girl,” Deacon replied.

“Hey, you stole my pet name,” I said to Evelyn jokingly.

“Mine now,” she said with pride and I scoffed. She winked at me and I just smiled. The moment made full eye contact with me, something hit me.


“Hmm?” she looked at me again. I c****d my head and lifted my brow. I knew what I was sensing but this was even bigger.

“Ahh!! The brow lift!” Dani exclaimed. Everyone turned their heads to face Deacon and Evelyn.

“Why is everyone looking at us?” Deacon asked.

“D, you might want to reconsider that family trip,” I tell him, and he looks at me funny and I just smile. “Congrats D, you’re going to be father,” I tell him, and his eyes pop out of his head. Evelyn immediately puts her hand to her tummy. “Also, if I’m sensing it correctly, Evelyn is carrying triplets,”

“DEACON BROWN!!” Evelyn screams and smacks him. He looks at her shock. “YOU PUT TRIPLETS IN ME!?”

“It’s not like I did it on purpose, baby girl!” he defended, and the table roared in laugher.

“Since it’s still early in the evening, I’m sure Dr. Quinn will be happy to do your first ultrasound and confirm everything,” I tell them. “Come on, we can go together,” I say and get up. Dorian helps me walk with them to the hospital, and I mind linked Dr. Quinn on the way there. When we get there, Dr. Quinn is already waiting for them in the ultrasound room.

“You know, I don’t mind checking, but when are we going to see more pups from our pack,” Dr. Quinn says handing Evelyn a drape. Dorian and I just shrug. “Luna Collier, please take off your pants and underwear and cover yourself with this,” Dorian and I turned our backs as she got undressed and laid on the bed. Once she was fully draped, we turned around and made sure to stay out of view of her private parts.

“Whoa! What is what?!” Deacon exclaimed seeing the wand for the first time.

“Hahaha! Don’t freak out D, the first ultrasound is vaginal, so she has to stick that inside to get a clear view of the pups,” I tell him, and he cringes.

“Okay, so, the Luna says that you may be carrying triplets. She has never been wrong about this yet, but it may be too soon to tell depending on how far along you are,” Dr. Quinn said as she inserted the wand. Evelyn and Deacon just nodded. We kept our eyes on the monitor. Dr. Quinn maneuvered the wand around a few seconds when she paused. “Well, there you are,” she said.

“Well?” Deacon asked.

“Let me see…One pup…” she moved the wand again, “…Two pups…” she moved wand a little more, “and…yup, three pups,” she smiled and took screenshots showing all three heads and heartbeats.

“How far along is she?” I asked.

“Based on the measurements of the pups, and the development I see here, Luna Collier is about five to six weeks along,”

“Wait, that would mean this happened when we first mated,” Evelyn said.

“Damn, I’m good,” Deacon said with pride and we all laughed at him.

“Also, based on what I am seeing, these pups will be identical, just like you and your brothers Alpha Brown,” Dr. Quinn said.

“How can you tell that already?” he asked.

“Because, all of the pups are in one amniotic sac,” she replied.

“Wait, if you’re that far along, why aren’t you suffering from morning sickness? And how the hell could you not tell that you have a visible baby bump?”

“Not everyone suffers from morning sickness, Luna,” Dr. Quinn said.

“I also just thought I was gaining weight. Cianna is constantly baking so Eileen and I have been eating a lot of carbs,” Evelyn replied. I had to laugh at that. “Dr. Quinn?”

“Yes, Luna Collier,”

“Am still able to have s*x while pregnant?” all of us just laughed, but Deacon became flustered and embarrassed,

“Hahaha, yes, Luna, you and the Alpha may have intercourse; however, it needs to remain light. As a doctor, I recommend it during your last few weeks because it will help with labor,”

“Oh, okay,” Evelyn sighed in relief.

“However, because you carrying multiples, and werewolf pregnancies are already short as it is, you may go into labor a full month to month and a half early. You are petite and have a small frame, and you are carrying Alpha triplets. Boys or girls, these pups will be large, and you may require a C-section like our Luna,”

“s**t,” Deacon mumbled. “I don’t think our pack doctor is able to handle such a task,”

“Don’t worry Alpha Brown, our other doctor, Dr. Boyd specializes in shifter C-sections as well as myself. One of us will gladly go to your packhouse when the time comes. I highly recommend bi-weekly check-ups, and have your doctor send us the records so that we can also monitor her from here,”

“Thank you, Dr. Quinn, I really appreciate that,” Deacon said.

“Dr. Quinn,”

“Yes, Luna,”

“Is Evelyn able to carry the triplets safely?” I ask.

“I don’t see why not. She is part wolf,” I nodded. “And as I said, we will help monitor the pregnancy on our end, so there is no need to worry,”

“That’s nice,” Evelyn replied and relaxed. Dr. Quinn printed out some pictures and gave them to Deacon. I kicked out Dorian so I could help Evelyn change while Deacon got lost in the pictures.

When we got back to the dining room, and Deacon announced the pregnancy, his brothers were in full-on uncle mode and roared with happiness. Cianna, Eileen, and Evelyn jumped for joy and squealed. Deacon also wasted no time in calling Harvey and Tommy and telling them the good news. I don’t think I had ever seen Deacon so happy. This was definitely a whole new Deacon and a good kind of different at that.

After dinner, I decided I wanted to call it night, so Dorian helped me get upstairs. I decided to try and climb up myself, which I did, but when I got to our room, I almost collapsed,

“Easy, baby,” Dorian said while catching me. He took me to the bathroom, so I could brush my teeth and wash my face for bed, and he did the same. After we were nice and fresh, he carried me to the bed and helped me get undressed for bed.

Once I was fully naked, I scooted over and Dorian got under the covers with me. He pulled me close to him and kissed me. I thought it was just going to be a good night k**s, but it wasn’t. Dorian got on top me gently and just held me as close as he could and kissed me with so much need and want. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his h**s.

He moved his k****s to my jaw and then to my neck. He gently grazed my mark with his teeth sending jolts of pleasure down my body and to my core. I could feel the pool of gratification between my legs and his own poking my s*x. Dorian kissed me all over, and rubbed himself along my slit, spreading my juices up and down. I don’t think I had ever wanted Dorian so badly. Okay, that’s a blatant exaggeration.


“Ugh, Allie,” he m****d as he kept rubbing himself. Dorian rarely ever humped be this way, but after six weeks of no s*x, this felt amazing.

“Give it to me,”

“I don’t want to hurt you, baby, you were just released this afternoon,”

“Please,” I begged. “I need you inside of me,” I said and pulled him into a k**s. Dorian slowly entered me, and I just gasped. It felt like a whole different d**k was inside of me. It felt bigger than before. Was that even possible? Dorian moved slowly and rested gently stop of me, using only his h**s to thrust back and forth.

It didn’t take much for me to c*m, because Dorian just knew where to aim for. I was feeling exhilarated with Dorian working his magic.

“Ah, Dorian,” I m****d when he pushed all the way in and stayed there for a second and then pulled out. He pushed back in, rotated his h**s for a while, and started to trust again. Every time he pushed in, I squeezed my kegel muscles making him g***n in approval,

“f**k, I’ve missed you so much, Allie,” he m****d as he picked up speed and strength in his thrusts. The change in pace gave me an o****m, and it started a whirlwind of long-lasting and mind-blowing s*x for both of us.

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

I woke up the next morning but found that Allie wasn’t with me. I sat up and saw that she was out on the balcony with nothing but a small fleece blanket covering her. I grabbed the larger blanket from the couch in our room and met her on the balcony,

“What are you doing, gorgeous?” I asked while wrapping the larger blanket around us both.

“Good morning,” she said and leaned back into my chest. “Enjoying the scenery,” she replied.

“It’s nothing new, baby,”

“I know, but I don’t think I’ve ever just taken the time to take in how beautiful our home is. I think I’ve taken it for granted, these last few years, so now, I’m going to appreciate everything more,” I just smiled at her reply. “Dorian, once Lacie is 100% better, I’m going to start really utilizing her. I realized that I only hired her to give her something to do, but she is really is capable of helping,”

“Okay,” I knew there was something more to this.

“Dorian, there’s something I need to do in order to fully let go of my past and finally concentrate on my future with you and our pups, and I need your help,”

“Anything for you, baby,” she turned around looked up at me, tears in her eyes.

“I need you to help me find my grandparents in Korea,”

“Allie, are they even alive?”

“I don’t know, but I need to find out. If they’re alive, I need to confront them. I need to know why they didn’t want me,” she replies as stray tears fall from her eyes. I k**s her tears away and look back at her. The longing in her eyes was something I had never seen before. Allie really wanted this.

“I’ll do what I can baby, but I can’t guarantee anything,”

“I know, but it’s worth a shot,” Allie got on her tippy toes and kissed me. She pushed me to sit and lay down on the lawn chair. She projected her l**t, making me hard instantaneously. She moved the blankets around to keep us covered from the cold morning air and started to ride me.

During this entire round, I let Allie take full control and I remained passive. While Allie did her thing, I started to think of ways of how I could locate her family in Korea. It was one of the few countries I didn’t have contacts in. Allie’s parents died in New Hampshire, so I would have to start there. Allie would be 25 this year, which meant she was born in 1994. Her parents died when she was two, so that meant sometime after April of 1996.

I knew for a fact that Allie didn’t know the name of her parents, but I was hoping the photo she had of them, and the year of the accident would help me find a starting point. I would do anything to help Allie find the closures she so desperately needed.

It’s been a week since Allie asked me to look into finding her family in Korea. I had contacted the local police in Conway, New Hampshire because Allie remembers going to high school there. Unfortunately, because Allie grew up in foster care, a lot of her records were sealed, and it was difficult to get information on her family before she was put in the system.

I ended up hiring a private detective and offered him $50,000 to find out anything that tied to Allie’s past. If he got the information tying back to Allie’s parents and their full identities, there would be another $100k in it for him. That got him motivated and now we just had to wait.

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