Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 35

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

“HOLY f*****g HELL!! WHY MUST I DO EVERYTHING MYSELF!?” I scream at the top of my lungs. It’s Christmas Eve, and the Christmas party and big pack dinner are in three hours, and for some unimaginable reason, none of the tables and chairs have been put up. Pack members were already starting to arrive with the turkeys, hams, and pot roasts they were all commissioned to make in their own homes.

After Lacie was released from the hospital, she and Aries moved into the packhouse. As Mikey said, they ended up losing all of their personal belongings. It’s not like Lacie had much since she moved in with him with a single suitcase, but Aries had built a home for himself, and that home became Lacie’s home. Lacie is doing fairly well given everything that has happened. She came back to work the day after she was released, and is trying her best to keep me from blowing a gasket,

“DORIAN!!!!” I screamed as loud as I could. Within a few seconds, I heard footsteps coming from upstairs. I honestly could have mind linked him, but then he wouldn’t know how frustrated I was,

“What is it!? What’s wrong!?” he asked running over to me.

“That is what’s wrong!” I pointed outside to the backyard, a very empty backyard.

“Ah f**k!” Dorian exclaimed and ran outside. About ten seconds later, I heard more footsteps coming from upstairs, and it was like a stampede of men. Brandon, Mikey, Andre, Lucas, Simba, Nick, Paxton, and Aries came down from upstairs, and Joel, Leroy, and Sly came running from around the corner of their rooms on the first floor, all ran as fast as they could to get outback.

“Luna,” Lacie said coming next to me.

“Ugh! Those tables and chairs should have been up at least two hours ago, f*****g nimrods!” I shouted, and she started to giggle.

“I love how you don’t have to say much for the Alpha to know what you’re thinking,” she said.

“We’ve been together for two and a half years, our second wedding anniversary is in eight days, and this is our third Christmas together, he had better know what I’m thinking without me having to say anything,” I reply, and she just giggles again. “How are things coming along in the kitchen?” I asked.

“Perfect, we received all of the turkeys, hams, and pot roasts. Gamma Sin and the other omegas are steaming all of the tamales right now, and I would say 80% of the side dishes are warming on the Bunsen burners,”

“Good, the food is right on schedule. Now if only these assholes can put up 60 tables and 500 chairs, then we’re golden,”

“60 tables?”

“Ten are needed for food placements, drinks, utensils, and plates,” I explain.

“Ah, got it,”

“Allie!!!” I heard screaming from the kitchen.

“UGH!! Now, what!?” I yell. Lacie and I run over to the kitchen, and two omegas are arguing. It doesn’t take me long to realize what the hell they are fighting over.

“Wow, can you say twins?” Lacie said. Both of the omegas are wearing the exact same dress.

“THAT IS ENOUGH!” I roar in my Luna tone. Both Omegas stop fighting and look at me in fear. “Are you f*****g kidding me right now!? It is Christmas Eve and you two are fighting over the fact that you’re wearing the same dress!?”

“I was here first, Luna! She should go change!” one of them shouts.

“What are you? 10 years old?!” I insult her for her outburst. “It’s a f*****g dress! No one f*****g cares that you’re wearing the same damn thing! You’re not the only two dressed alike! If neither one of you is willing to go home and change, then just suck it up and deal with it!”

“I told you if I had to get the Luna involved you wouldn’t be happy,” Sin said.

“And you!” I point at Sin. “You’re the f*****g Gamma female! You have a rank in this household! Use it!”

“Yes, Luna,” Sin replies.

“Does everyone hear me!? Sin is a ranked member, and everyone will give her the respect that she deserves! GOT IT!?”

“Yes, Luna!” everyone replied in unison. The two omegas that were fighting went their separate ways.

After the fiasco in the kitchen was resolved, Lacie and I went out back to see how the boys were doing with the tables and the chairs, thankfully, they were using their wolf speed and were about halfway done. I saw that they had already put up the ten tables where food would be laid out,

“Lacie, will you please go back into the kitchen and let Mrs. Johnson know that the food can start being brought out and placed onto the tables,”

“Yes, Luna,” she replied and walked back inside. I took one more look around and was finally satisfied that everything was coming together. I figured that it was time for me to get the twins and myself ready.

I went upstairs to the nursery where the Raquel and Sylvia were playing with the twins. I let them do their own thing and into their closest to out their adorable matching Christmas outfits. They were both going to wear these adorable black and white Christmas sweaters that had a white wolf silhouette with a Santa hat. Demarco was going to wear black pants and baby combat boots, while Daisy was going to wear a black lace tutu skirt, black baby leggings, and black baby Ugg boots. I was going to wear this super cute black and white Christmas sweater dress, and black furry knee wedged boots. Dorian was going to wear his signature black button-down, jeans, and black dress shoes.

Every year, we all pick a different color to wear as a family. First-year was lavender, because it was just after she died, and we wanted to honor her for our first Christmas together as a couple. Last year, it was red, and this year it’s black. Brandon Leah did green their first year, blue last year, and this year they’re going to do white. Mikey and Sin did white their first year, silver or grey last year, and are doing blue this year. Sam and Lucas didn’t do colors until last year, and they did black, so this year they will be doing pink. Andre and Dani don’t the color thing, so they just wear whatever they want.

Lacie didn’t have time to go Christmas shopping, and neither did Aries with everything that had happened so suddenly. Thankfully, Lucas and Sam were able to go shopping for them and got them something nice to wear. Sam picked out this really pretty maroon-colored fully sequenced mid-sleeve short dress for Lacie. Lucas picked up some black slacks, black dress shoes, and a matching maroon button down for Aries.

“Raquel, will you please dress Daisy and Sylvia, will you please dress Demarco,” I said handing them their respective outfits.

“Yes, Luna,”

“Once you’re done, please bring them to my room, and I can watch them as I get changed. That way you two can go get ready as well,”

“Yes, Luna,” I smiled and then went to get ready. Since my hair and makeup were pretty much already done, I just needed to change, put on some stockings, and my boots. I went into the closet, pulled out Dorian’s clothes for him, and set them on the bed. Then I went to my side of the closet and pulled out my clothes and started to change. I put on matching bra and cheeky underwear and put on my stockings. I put on the dress and came out of the closet with my boots in my hand. As soon as I did, the nannies came in and brought the twins.

“Oh, don’t my babies look so adorable!?” I was going gaga over their matching Christmas outfits. Christmas and their birthday were the only time I made them match. The nannies put them in the playpen we had in our room and left. I sat down at my vanity where I had a clear view of the twins and put on my boots. Just as I zipped them up, Dorian came in.

“Why are the twins in here?” he asked

“I made the nannies drop them off so they could get ready,”

“Oh, I thought something happened,”

“No,” he came over and gave me a k**s. He was sweating even though it was less than 40 degrees outside. “Did you boys get all of the tables, chairs, and tablecloths set up?”

“Yes, ma’am,”

“Thank you,” I said and tapped his booty. “I put your clothes out the bed baby, you just need to shower and get dressed,”

“Thanks,” Dorian took off his clothes and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower. I made some last-minute touch-ups to my hair and makeup, and then went play with the twins until Dorian was ready to head down.

{Lacie’s P.O.V.}

After everything downstairs was settled, I went upstairs to change into my new Christmas dress that Sam was nice enough to get for me. Luckily, it had a side zipper and not a back one. Once I put it on, I looked in the body mirror in the corner of our room and was pleasantly surprised at how pretty yet casual it looked. Sam had good taste, that’s for sure. I decided to snap a photo and send it to Cianna. We both finally got new phones and new numbers.

When I texted my mom with my new number, she video called me right away, but it was short-lived because Heather took the phone from her and started to rip me a new one for abandoning her. She was pissed that I found my mate and was happy, well, more like jealous. She demanded to know what pack I’m at, and I told her that it’s none of her concern where I’m at now. She keeps saying I stabbed her in the back. I gave her a harsh reality check that had she not kicked me out of the hotel room during Thanksgiving, then I never would have met my mate. So, in a way, her bitchiness led me to my true love, so I thanked her for it.

She ended up hanging up on me, after that. She tries to call and text, but her messages are constantly degrading and toxic. I don’t want to block her number because she is still my sister, but I ignore all of her attempts to contact me.

After I sent the photo of my new dress to Cianna, I sat down at the small vanity the Luna had put in the room with some new makeup and got ready. I straightened out my hair and let it part naturally before adding volume to the crown of my head. I was about to go to the closet to get Aries’ outfit for him when I got a video call from Cianna,


“b***h! That dress looks killer on you!”

“Hahaha! Thanks,”

“Where did you get it!?”

“Uhhh…I didn’t. Sam got it for me,”

“Why would Sam buy you a dress?”


“What is it? What happened?”

“Aries’ ex-lover burnt down our house and we lost all of our stuff, so Lucas and Sam bought us new clothes until we have time to go shopping ourselves and now we live in the packhouse,” I tell her really quickly.

“WHAT!?!?” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

“Cici! What’s wrong!?” I heard Lucian in the background, then he came into view. “Oh, hey Lace!”

“Hi, Lucian,”

“Cici, why did you scream?” he asked her

“Aries’ ex-lover burned down their house!” she tells him. Of course, she would tell him.

“Oh f**k! Are you guys okay?” he asks me.

“Yes, we’re fine. We weren’t home at the time; we were in the hospit…” I stopped myself but I already knew she heard it.

“HOSPITAL!?” they both shouted.

“Lacie why were you in the hospital?!” Cianna shrieked. I bit my l*p because I didn’t want to tell her. “LACIE!!” she screamed at the phone.

“Because his ex-lover and I got into a fight and she injured me pretty badly. I’m okay now, I healed in a couple of days, and I got in a few punches myself,”

“WHAT THE f**k!?!” I could see that Cianna was pissed off, and Lucian was just as angry. “What did Aries do?”

“He picked her up by the throat and literally threw her out of the house,” I tell them.

“Oh, I guess that’s good then,”

“Look, Cianna, I didn’t want to tell you when it happened because I knew you would come down here and try to kill her,”


“Uh, no one knows. She’s on the run. Alpha has a warrant out of her arrest, and her family is on lockdown until she is found. Apparently Desert Moon has a law against pack members harming another member’s mate. Add on the fact she burned down our house and damaged two other houses, the Alpha and Luna are calling it attempted murder, and are pushing for the death penalty,”

“I’m not surprised, Dorian has no tolerance for s**t like that,” Lucian replied.

“Yeah, but since it happened right before our big pack Christmas party, the Luna won’t allow anyone to go look for her until the day after Christmas. If she isn’t found by New Year’s, then the Alpha will put a bounty out on her,”

“Damn, let us know when he does. I’m sure Deacon would love to get paid by Dorian again,” Lucian said while laughing.

“What are you talking about?” I asked

“Oh, you see, the big man had a traitor in their pack last year, he helped killed Shorty’s unborn pup. Dorian put a ten million dollar bounty on him, and since Deacon is the one the killed him during the war…”

“Oh my gosh! My Alpha paid your brother ten million dollars?!”

“Sure did!” Lucian laughed again. Cianna and I couldn’t help but laugh too. I was going to say something when Aries came into the room.

“Who are you talking to, Precious?”

“Cianna and Lucian,” Aries peaked into view and waved at them.


“Sorry, but the Alpha has forbidden me from going after her,”

“Let us know when Dorian puts a bounty on her. Deacon will gladly go hunting if it means getting paid again,”

“Yeah, keep rubbing it in Lucian,” Aries said and went to sit on the bed.

“I have to go you guys, we have our big Christmas dinner and party to get to,”

“Okay, Lacie. Take care! Love you! Merry Christmas! See you in a few days!”

“Love you guys too, Merry Christmas!” We both wave, and I hang up. I look at Aries who is looking me up and down. “Uh, why are you looking at me like that?” I asked him.

“Please do not tell that is the dress you’re going to wear tonight,”

“It is, why?”

“Precious, if you bend over your a*s is going to be visible to everyone. No! Change into something else!” he demanded.

“Sorry, babe, this is all I have. This is what Sam bought for me,”

“Ugh!” he grunted in displeasure and laid on the bed. I realized that he was only wearing sweats, and I could clearly see the outline of his d**k. I went over to the bed and straddled him, letting the dress ride up on its own. His eyes shot open and he looked up at me. “Precious, what are you doing?” I ignored his answer and started to move my h**s and grind against him. He m****d and grabbed my h**s.

“Oh, don’t my babies look so adorable!?” I was going gaga over their matching Christmas outfits. Christmas and their birthday were the only time I made them match. The nannies put them in the playpen we had in our room and left. I sat down at my vanity where I had a clear view of the twins and put on my boots. Just as I zipped them up, Dorian came in.

“Ah, Precious, we have to go downstairs soon,” he said while licking his lips and moaning some more. I could feel his d**k hardening and rub against me perfectly. I bent down, took his lips into mine, and kissed him as deep as I could. “Mmm…” he m****d through our k**s. I pulled away and licked his earlobe.

“I’m not wearing any panties,” I whispered. He grabbed my h**s and flipped me over. He pushed up my dress above my h**s, dropped his sweats, and his boxers, and quickly entered me. “Ah!” he moved his h**s in and out of me with hard, short, and deep thrusts while kissing me the entire time. I pulled away so I could breathe through the erotica taking place. “Please, please, please, make me c*m,” I begged him.

“My Precious, you’re being so naughty,” he said to me and kept pushing deeper and deeper inside of me.

“You make me naughty. The things you to do me are out of this world,” I tell him and hold onto his shoulders. “I’m going to c*m, f**k, I’m going to c*m,” he started to go faster and harder, and soon, I felt myself cumming. “Yes! Yes! Oh Yes!” I screamed.

“f**k, you’re going to make me c*m,” Aries grunted. He picked me up off the bed and carried me while he f****d me. It didn’t take long for me to c*m again right before he finished. He grunted a few times while he released his seed. I kissed him for a few seconds, and then he put me down. I felt his c*m starting to leak out, so I went straight to the bathroom to clean myself up.

“Damn, you came a lot,” I tell him from the bathroom.

“Precious, that quickie was uncalled for,” he said with a smile across his face as he came into the bathroom.

“But was it really?” I asked. He shook his head and kissed me again before he jumped in the shower. I went back into the room and put on a black lace thong and fixed my hair and finished my makeup. Once Aries was done getting ready, we went downstairs to enjoy the party.

The pack Christmas party was out of this world. Brandon hired a DJ that normally plays at this club called Trifecta, which I believe is the club that we will be going to celebrate New Year’s. The DJ was actually a bear that has an alliance with the pack, so he had no problem coming to the party to play music for us.

All of the food was so delicious, and there was more than enough for everyone to have seconds. It was nice seeing the entire pack just having a good time. I knew the packhouse was big, but the fact that it was able to cater to almost 500 wolves was crazy. I loved watching everyone mingle together and dance. This was definitely way different than how we celebrated back down in Florida. The packhouse we decorated inside and out, and all of Christmas lights, patio lights, and patio warmers gave more than enough lighting for people to just enough the spirit of Christmas.

I was sitting at a table with Aries and some other omegas, but I was only the female. Aries introduced them as some of the other bounty hunters that the Alpha granted membership to,

“So, Lacie, we heard that you’re an Alpha’s daughter, is that true?” Fury asked me.

“Yes, it’s true. I’m the youngest out of two,” I replied.

“Damn, how the f**k did Aries get so lucky to snag a mate like you?” Carter commented.

“You got a sister?” Warlord asks me.

“Yeah, I do. She’s my older sister,”

“Does she have a mate?”

“Well, that’s kind of complicated,”

“What’s complicated about it? Either she has a mate, or she doesn’t,” Poseidon replied.

“Uh, you see. She did have a mate, but he rejected her. But she refuses to accept the rejection, so her status is kind of in limbo right now,”

“What? Is she not as hot as you? Why the f**k would she get rejected?” Fury asked. The comment about me being hot made Aries growl at him.

“Chill, I’m not hitting on her. I’m giving her a compliment,” I put my hand on his leg and he calmed down.

“My sister was rejected because her mate wasn’t ready to accept her at the time, due to some personal issues, but my sister didn’t respect that. So, she forcefully marked him, thinking it would make him give in to her, but he ended up rejecting her instead,” I explained.

“Whoa, are you saying she marked him without consent?” Carter asked, and I nodded. “That’s f****d up! I may not have a mate yet, but even I know that’s not right,”

“I was always told you should mark your mate when you’re having s*x, it makes it your bond so much stronger,” Fury said.

“It’s true, I marked Lacie when we had s*x for the first time. I never cummed so hard in my life. After that, it was game over, Lacie became my entire universe,” Aries replied, and I just smiled at him lovingly. “I really hope you guys get to find your mates too, it’s worth it. And honestly, if you haven’t stopped yet, quit f*****g random she-wolves. You’re going to end up with an ex like Maya who burns down your house,”

“Dude, I’ve already stopped,” Carter replied

“Same!” all the other said in unison. I couldn’t help but laugh. I guess Maya was a great example of what can happen when you sleep with the wrong she-wolf and she becomes a scorned vixen. Aries was about to say something when the music suddenly stopped.

“Sorry folks, there appears to some technical difficulties,” the DJ says. “Give me a few minutes to ut figure what’s going on,” he puts the microphone down and starts to look over his equipment. Everyone who was out dancing goes back to their seat. While the DJ is trying to fix, the music, the Beta comes out and starts a scene.

“Seriously! What the hell man?” the Beta shouted from the middle of the backyard.

“Sorry, Mr. Kane, I’m not sure what happened,” the DJ replies.

“Do you want to keep your job at the club!?”

“Brandon, stop it,” the Beta female comes to calm him down.

“Fix the f*****g music! Why the hell did you come with faulty equipment!?” the Beta is out of control. I didn’t understand why he was making such a big deal out of it.

“I’m trying Mr. Kane! My equipment is new!” the DJ shouts back.

“Brandon, please, it’s not a big deal,” the Beta female pleads. I look over at the other ranked members and they’re calm, like super calm. “Dorian, help me!” the Beta female shouts at the Alpha.

“He’s fine, he’s not going to do anything Leah,” the Alpha replies.

“What the hell is going on?” Aries whispers.

“I don’t know, but I don’t think the music going out was an accident,” I reply.

“What do you mean precious?”

“I think this was planned,” Aries looks at me funny and we look on at the Betas.

“Brandon, you’re making a scene,”

“Leah, he’s f*****g up our Christmas party,”

“And you’re not!?!” she shouts back at the Beta. Something fishy was going on. The Beta ignored her. She was about to turn around and go back to her seat when suddenly the Beta got down on one knee.


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